Yoongi tapped his pencil against his notebook along to the beat playing through his earbuds. He hadn't been focusing on school much this week, or the week prior if he was being honest, meaning that he had a lot of work from classes that he hadn't finished and it all kept piling up. He was trying to tackle as much of it as he could while he had a free day from work, but his mind kept drifting off.
How was Jungkook doing? He had just gotten out of the hospital three days ago and was already back behind the counter of that old ice cream shop under the highway. He was bound to still be in some form of pain. His rib was broken and his nose was still in a support. Yoongi really shouldn't have let him work today, no less leave the house. He should still be in bed resting, but the mint haired couldn't resist the younger's doe eyed pout as he begged to go. Knowing Jungkook, even if his injuries were causing him any pain, he would suffer through them without telling anyone how he was feeling. He wouldn't want to cause anyone any trouble, meaning even if he'd stayed, he'd still keep on going right through all the pain. The kid was stubborn, maybe too stubborn for his own good. Yoongi assumed that Jungkook still wasn't used to people giving a crap about him, meaning getting him to talk about himself would be quite the challenge. He was told that he was a burden for a good portion of his life and all of that was bound to have left an impact on his now adult life. He cared more for others than himself, in fact, he completely disregarded his own needs, wants, and feelings, so long as he wasn't throwing himself on someone else's shoulders. However, it worried Yoongi and, he was sure, Namjoon so much more when Jungkook didn't say anything about himself. They knew nothing about how he felt, what he went through, what he wanted, needed. He just got out of the hospital and hadn't even complained about the pain of his injuries or if the bandages rubbed him wrong. In fact, he hadn't even voiced so much as one complaint. Not one. Yoongi wanted to agree with Namjoon and leave everything alone regarding the younger, he also wanted to say that Jungkook would come to them with time, but at this point, as much as Yoongi hated to admit, there was little to no time. The brunette had thrown himself in danger and there was no telling what he would do to himself next. He had to step in and say something, do something. He had to be there for the younger.
He had to be there for Namjoon too. The male had been seemingly avoiding the other since that day they carpooled to pick up Jungkook. It worried Yoongi. The salmon haired had never been this quiet since their friendship had sparked. He always texted if he wasn't available for a day or said something while at work, but nothing. Nothing for three days. The mint haired had even gone to work and hadn't been spoken to. It wasn't like Namjoon and it was concerning to Yoongi. Namjoon had never gotten this detached before ever since he had found that "We're hiring!" ad for the cafe in the newspaper. He was always tough and acted as such and never missed a beat when it came to that. This, whatever this was, was not normal and very concerning to the mint haired. It made him think, sometimes the toughest people were going through the most. That had to be true of Namjoon too. There always seemed to be something going on in that mind of his when he was completely blank for a moment or two. He didn't want the younger to be bothered anymore. He hated that whatever was going on was taking such a strong hold on him. He didn't deserve to suffer with it anymore. He wanted his Namjoon back. He missed seeing the younger's smile amidst their conversation, he missed the younger's voice, he missed Namjoon overall. He didn't know what was going on with the salmon haired, but he wanted to help. He wanted to get his Namjoon back. Something was happening, and not just limited to them.
It was odd how quiet life had become without either of his friends being up to par. He wanted Namjoon to be obnoxiously funny and for Jungkook to sneak in a comment that made them all crack up. He wanted to meet at the window table and eat his lunch while participating in whatever weird conversation the trio had somehow sparked. He wanted to confront everything that was currently going on while also resuming their previous activities. Everything had changed in such a short amount of time. It freaked Yoongi out, he wanted nothing to be different when it came to the boys he cherished so much. He didn't want Namjoon to be so distant. He didn't want Jungkook to feel like going it alone was the only option.
Namjoon's dimples. Jungkook's doe eyes. He wanted to see them again. God those features. Those features that made his heart pump just a bit faster. Namjoon's bright dimples that light up Yoongi's whole world with one appearance. Jungkook's doe eyes that glance around with childlike wonder. How generous Namjoon was to his friends, especially his two new ones. Jungkook's excitement and joy towards having people who were close to him. How Namjoon hated how tall he was, but Yoongi loved how Namjoon's chin could rest perfectly on his head during a hug. How clingy Jungkook was to the older two. How every second that past didn't seem all that short. He loved how time stopped moving when they were all together. How one touch, one look, could make it seem like the world stopped moving. Everything would just freeze as his heart pumped out of his chest at Namjoon smiling at him or Jungkook clinging on to his arm like a koala.
He could feel the heat rising in his cheeks as he thought of the two by his side. He didn't know why they had this strange effect on him, whatever explanation there was had fled his mind other than one. Could it be? It couldn't, right? He couldn't, not with his two friends. He couldn't... Or could he?
Yoongi rolled his shoulders and hunched a bit farther down in his seat. Why was college homework so tough? It had never been like this in high school. He finished in less than half an hour on most nights and now it took him hours. Maybe it was because the work was no longer just worksheets, it had shifted into something else. He was going to college to get his music degree, meaning he had to write a lot more lyrics. His works always seemed a bit more forced when it was for homework and that led to Yoongi erasing parts or sometimes even scrapping the whole thing.
Songs were meant to express feelings, to represent a portion of yourself that couldn't be shown otherwise. It was supposed to speak and connect with the listener on different levels than just one. Yoongi didn't just want to write a song with an overused meaning, no, he wanted it to be fresh to him and to the listener. He wanted to convey his feelings in an all new way with words that no one had used to convey them before. He wanted his hands to translate the difficult words of his mind on to his paper for hundreds of thousands of people to hear. That was his goal in life. For his words to reach and connect with people. To write with emphasis on the feelings swarming in his head, or in this case, his stomach. Before him sat a whole song made up of those tingly little butterflies that fluttered throughout his stomach, and for once, he didn't want to scrap it.
The sound of keys rattling in the door took Yoongi's attention away from his homework and towards the tired looking brunette still in an ice cream parlor work uniform.
"Hey, how was work? You feeling okay?" Yoongi asked.
"It was alright. I'm feeling good. Better than three days ago, that's for sure." Jungkook said as he closed the door and headed to the kitchen.
"That's good." Yoongi bit his lip, "Promise me you'll tell me if you start feeling bad or if something's bothering you. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
"I promise, hyung." The brunette responded with his head stuck in the refrigerator, "Hey, what are you feeling for dinner?"
"I'm not sure, is there something you want?"
"Well, based on the state of the fridge, we might have to eat out."
Yoongi hummed, "Right, haven't had the chance to go grocery shopping in awhile."
"Does that place that Namjoon took us to a while back sound good to you? What was it- Infires?"
"That sounds great. I've been craving their shrimp scampi for ages."
"How about we leave in half an hour? I need to get changed and freshened up."
"A half hour's good. I need to finish up with this assignment anyway."
Jungkook leaned against the back of Yoongi's desk chair, "What's the assignment about?"
"Song writing, to put it simply."
"What's your song about, Hyung?"
"As cliché as it is, love."
"Ooh, love, the topic artists like Taylor Swift can't stop writing about. Complex but simple."
Yoongi hummed, "Hers are about break ups for the most part, mine's about love blossoming with hopes of a real relationship in the future. None of that craving for butt stuff."
Jungkook laughed, "Of course, hyung."
Yoongi felt the pressure on the back of the chair disappear as Jungkook moved away from it and towards the guest room, "Well, I'm going to go get ready. Good luck on your homework."
"Thanks." Yoongi looked towards the now partially closed bedroom door, "Hey, has Namjoon called or texted you recently?"
"No, is something wrong?"
"I think he may be avoiding me, maybe us, I'm not sure. He won't respond to my messages or talk to me at work."
"That's not like Namjoon. Do you think something's going on?"
"Maybe. I don't know. I hope nothing's wrong."
"Me neither."
A second of silence before Yoongi spoke up, "After you get off work tomorrow, do you want to go visit his apartment with me and check up on him?"
"Sure. I'd love to."
"Great. You work at the bookstore tomorrow, right?"
"Yep. Pirate street."
"Pirate. Alright." Yoongi wrote another line on the song before asking, "How much longer till you're ready? I'm nearly finished."
"Give me a second or two more. Nearly done."
As Yoongi put the last line on the sheet, Jungkook stepped out of the room casually dressed compared to before and his hair less messily done.
"You ready?"
"Yeah, let me put this up." Yoongi said as he slid the paper into a folder.
"Did you finish?"
"Is it good?"
"I'd like to think so."
"I'd like to read it then."
"Maybe when we get home." Yoongi smiled.
"Alright." Jungkook smiled back, "C'mon, I can smell Infires from here."
"Coming." Yoongi turned out the lights and locked the apartment up.
At this time tomorrow, they'd be at Namjoon's. At this time tomorrow, everything would change.
Word Count: 1921
Six more! Wow, we're really moving along here.
I've got a new fic, it's all ready and everything. Would you guys like for me to start posting that soon? Would you read it? It's a mutant AU!
Thank you all for reading and I'll see you next week!
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