The drive to the hospital was long, longer than Namjoon remembered. He'd only been there a couple times before, times when Baekhyun had gotten himself into deeper trouble than he alone could get out of. He guessed it was because one person he loved had gone into a tear filled panic over the other person he loved not waking up, both of which was causing him to panic. The only contact they had with the younger, unconscious boy was when he groaned as they made a turn too harsh or went over a bump. This would set off a chain reaction of Yoongi crying a bit more and Namjoon stepping on the gas.
It was frustrating how this all slipped past them. He was supposed to be their friend, someone they knew all about. But he had managed to hide this from them. They had simply said it was something else when in all reality, it was far worse. How had they not looked into it more? They had noticed it, yes, but they had labeled it and done nothing more to combat it. It had turned into something they talked about when the boy wasn't around, they never openly said anything about it to the brunette. Maybe if they had, this wouldn't be happening. They could've helped Jungkook through it and taken him away before they ever had the opportunity to find him like they did on that sidewalk. If they had just said something.
Namjoon parked in a spot close to the emergency room entrance and scrambled out of his seat to help Yoongi carry Jungkook into the hospital. The mint haired opened his door and scooted his way towards the opening. Namjoon scooped the younger boy into his arms and held him as comfortably as he could. Yoongi had already run into the emergency room, probably alerting someone about the condition of the brunette outside. Namjoon tried his hardest to hurry, but every sharp movement only hurt the boy in his arms further and he didn't want that. Eventually, two guys in nurses uniforms burst out the door with a stretcher and took Jungkook away from the salmon haired. They didn't even give him any time to say anything or follow, they just rushed off and took the young brunette with them. Namjoon tried to swallow his nerves and entered the hospital. Yoongi was sitting in the waiting room, his foot tapping at a quick pace against the floor.
"Did they tell you anything?" Namjoon asked as he sat down next to the older.
"No, they just rushed him in to one of the rooms over there." Yoongi gestured to the rooms lining the hall a couple meters away.
"They didn't say anything to me either. What did you tell them?"
"I told them that my friend wouldn't wake up and that he was bleeding pretty bad and he was guarding his chest when we found him. I also said that you were trying to bring him in and they ran out with the stretcher. I think they said something might be broken, I'm not sure."
Namjoon ran a hand through his hair, "Do we know how long it'll be till we can see him?"
Yoongi shrugged, "I just want him to be okay, Joon."
"I do too, we've just got to be strong for him, okay?"
Yoongi nodded looking at his lap.
"I'm going to go ask the nurse some questions, you wait here." Namjoon stood up and approached the nurse sitting at the front desk.
Her eyes looked away from her computer, up at Namjoon and then back at the computer, "Yes?"
"My friend was taken into one of the rooms back there. Jeon Jungkook? He's brunette a-and he-"
"Yes, I know who you're talking about." She said, almost as if she was bored.
"Do you know anything about his condition? Or when we'll get to see him?"
"No, sir. It should be over an hour or two. I'll call you when we get word."
"Thank you." Namjoon sighed as he left the desk and went back to his seat.
Yoongi looked at him as the salmon haired got settled.
"We're going to be here for a while." Namjoon said in response to the questioning glances.
Yoongi sniffled.
"It'll be okay, Gi, I promise. They're doing their best to take care of him. We just have to trust that they know what's best."
Yoongi nodded.
"It's been a long night, you need some rest-"
"I'm not leaving him." Yoongi interrupted.
"I didn't think you'd want to. I just want you to lean on me and get some sleep. Would that be okay?"
Yoongi hesitantly nodded, "You'll wake me up if we get an update, right?"
Namjoon smiled, "Of course."
Yoongi leaned his head against the younger's shoulder, "Thank you."
"Sleep well, okay?"
Yoongi nodded softly.
Namjoon sighed and leaned back. It really was going to be a long night. Who knew how long it would take them to find out what had happened to Jungkook and get it sorted out. There was definitely more going on than just the scrapes and bleeding on the surface. Much like the idea of his home. It looked like you could tell everything that went on by the outside, but within, there was nothing but a broken home. It was sad to think he'd had to live with that. For how long did he fear the people who were supposed to protect him? It obviously stopped those short few months ago when he started coming in to the café. That would be about the time he moved in to that disgusting apartment.
Namjoon had wondered, when he first saw it, why a guy like Jungkook, who worked three jobs, would own such a place. Looking back on it now, it was probably way better than remaining where he had been. Namjoon took a deep breath, he didn't want to worry, he wanted to trust the doctors treating Jungkook, but he couldn't help it. His heart hurt over the thought of Jungkook lying on a table bleeding with masked men leaning over him trying to find out what was troubling him. It hurt even more to think that something so major had been troubling him this whole time. Most of his life for that matter.
Namjoon glanced around the waiting room, trying to take his mind off the guilt he was dealing with. There were only a few other people in there with him. A mother with a coughing boy being bounced on her knee. Two teens, one cradling his arm, the other trying to comfort him and keep him from calling his parents. An elderly man was asleep in the corner. The only noises to be heard was the nurse at the desk typing, cars passing by, and the discussion going on between two TV show characters. Namjoon's eyes turned to the older who had managed to fall asleep despite the stress of the situation.
He was worried about Yoongi too. There was only so much stress one person can handle and the older seemed to be doing only that these past few weeks. He cared too much about the mint haired to see him so stressed. He wanted Jungkook to be okay, so in turn, Yoongi can be okay too. He knew that there was more than just Jungkook sitting on the mint haired's conscience, but a majority of it was because of him. The older just wanted everyone to be okay and happy, a wish that Namjoon could relate to. He couldn't live without the two being happy, something that Namjoon could, again, relate to, except something else seemed to be motivating him. Something that Namjoon couldn't figure out. It had to have been strong. Far stronger than whatever Baekhyun had motivated himself with.
Baekhyun and Namjoon had met due to the cliché storyline of the older boy being new and needing someone, an aspiring valedictorian at the top of his class who had skipped two grades, to guide him around the school. The administrators were quick to pull the then ravenette away from his classes and shove him in the direction of the new kid. Namjoon had agreed to do it. He wasn't a social person and had really not wanted to do it, but found himself smiling and leading the boy down the halls anyway.
Baekhyun had been fairly attractive for just being just a year or two older than Namjoon. He had soft, light brown hair that seemed to float about his head in just the way to frame his face beautifully. His eyes were a deep mocha brown that seemed to glisten every time he smiled. His smile, his genuine one, the one Namjoon had been lucky to see on that first tour, showed off his pearly whites and painted a smile onto the younger boy's face as well. His body was slim and slightly muscular, like he worked out enough to maintain a decent shape but not enough to actually build any very visible muscles.
Namjoon had tried to make the tour as least boring as he could, but there was hardly a way to do that. The only thing he could do was make weird little comments where he could and try and start a conversation between stops. Despite the awkwardness that Namjoon was feeling, the result of not talking outside of his friend group, Baekhyun seemed completely unbothered and laughed at some of the comments Namjoon was sure he had said a bit too quietly.
The tour had went by fairly fast, ending with the ravenette standing outside of Baekhyun's first period class. He had thanked Namjoon and asked him if he could meet up with him for lunch. The younger had been slightly confused. He was sure he hadn't made quite the impression that he had wanted and now he was being asked about going to lunch together. He stuttered out an agreement and the two planned where they would meet.
That's how it all began. Meeting up for lunch and eating at the third table in the first row. It was, of course, innocent at first. Nothing really went on between the two. Just a friendship. Then, Baekhyun began expressing interest in him. It went from hugs and the occasional close contact to pecks on the cheek and long embraces. Namjoon's stomach did flips whenever he thought about Baekhyun and what the day would hold for the two. The then ravenette's friend group had been expressing a growing distaste for the new boy, one that he couldn't find any reason to. They didn't like him, and Namjoon should've listened.
He came into school one day, several months after the tour, with everyone looking at him and whispering to each other. The ravenette could only walk down the hall and question the odd looks. Baekhyun didn't seem to be anywhere. He had looked everywhere, other than that one old music room. Namjoon pushed the door open to find Baekhyun with a bouquet of roses and someone on the old, retired piano, Chanyeol. Baekhyun had held the roses out to Namjoon and asked him that simple, cliché five word question. The answer had been relatively simple. A big, bright, yes.
After that, their relationship grew at a steady pace. It had been healthy. Not the drunken mess it turned in to. They had been happy. That's what Namjoon wanted to remember about all of this. That the beginnings had been joyful and full of love. Everything just came along somewhat unplanned. Their first kiss was on the roof after the school's prom became too much for them. They met each other's parents after they mentioned the other's favorite dish was for dinner. Their first fight, something they could never plan, had been over Chanyeol seemingly being around Baekhyun a lot more than before. How ironic. Moving in together had been the final step for the two.
They graduated together and spent two months figuring out their plans. Baekhyun had expressed that he didn't want to be away from Namjoon and that a long distance relationship was simply out of the question. The younger hadn't seen any problem in the whole long distance thing, he thought that if they really cared for each other, they'd be able to do it, but knew that saying that to Baekhyun would have no effect, so he simply agreed.
They both applied for colleges and decided to weigh their options as they came. Namjoon had been accepted to nearly all the schools he had applied for, excluding one or two that he knew were far out of his league. Baekhyun, on the other hand, only got accepted to two of the thirteen schools he had applied to. They both landed in Seoul. Baekhyun had tossed the two acceptance letters down on Namjoon's bed and told him to look for his ones that were in Seoul. Five schools in there about the same area. Baekhyun had told him to find something he knew would be able to support them and would be fun as well. Namjoon's eyes had wandered to the business school. He would've loved to go to the Seoul Academy of the Arts, but he knew how Baekhyun would've felt. Business it was.
His parents had been supportive of the school choice, but didn't know about moving with Baekhyun. He told them he was following his heart and they should trust him just this much. They let him go, but they were obviously still unsure. He had packed, loaded up, and was gone with Baekhyun by his side in a mere six hours. The drive to Seoul had been slightly tedious and was definitely tiring but he knew it was worth it. It would all be worth it. Several months later, Namjoon would regret ever thinking that any of this was worth it. He wished he had done more to convince Baekhyun that he didn't need to drink or go out like that. Maybe if he had just done what he wanted-
"Mr. Kim?" A man's voice said.
Namjoon shook his head slightly, "Y-Yes?"
"Mr. Jeon is unconscious at the moment. Your friend was right about the possibility of something happening with his chest area. He has two broken ribs. There's the possibility of a concussion, but we won't be able to check that until he's awake. There is a broken nose as well and there will be some scarring and bruising." The doctor looked at his clipboard, "Is there any family that we need to alert of his condition?"
"No, no, he's been estranged from his parents for years. We're his only family." Namjoon assured the doctor who nodded and wrote something down.
"Alright, you and your friend are all clear to visit him. He looks pretty rough, but it's better than it appears, so please don't panic when you see him. He's in room 314."
"Thank you."
"It's my pleasure." The doctor smiled before turning and walking back down the hall.
Namjoon sighed and gently shook Yoongi awake.
Word Count: 2519
So, I forgot that it's Friday, whoops. I'm still here though!
Planning on working on the final chapter, making it better essentially. I feel bad that all of you are looking forward to seeing it and I'm giving you something I'm not proud of. I'll do my best! Thank you all very much for the support!!
Thank you for reading and I'll see you next week!
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