It was around two in the afternoon. Jungkook had left work a little over an hour ago and now found himself at a surprisingly comfortable perch against the outside of Got Jams?. Steam poured up and over the lip of his drink and into the cool fall air. The rain from the past few days had fled and been replaced by bright blue skies that were dotted with small, wispy clouds. Apparently the warm temperatures, that had been good friends with Seoul, had kindled some form of relationship with the rain and left with it, bringing in the cold to replace it. In other words, the brunette was shivering under his usually very warm jacket.
Jungkook took a sip of his latte, hoping to warm himself up. The chill in the air had been something that Jungkook gave massive props to over the years. It had been there for him through thick and thin. It may hurt him, but never emotionally. Not like them. He gave the cool air all the respect his teenage body could give, because after all, the cold came with a fist that didn't have a face he cared for attached to it.
Jungkook glanced inside the glass door beside him. He had been inside Got Jams? just a few minutes prior to order the very cup he was coddling. Yoongi had been at the register and greeted him with a big smile. Namjoon soon joined and the three spoke until Yoongi suggested that since the café was closing early, Seokjin had gone on vacation and Namjoon had no motivation to work, they should go out. Namjoon had thought that it was a great idea and Jungkook agreed, after much persuasion. So here he was, leaning against the outside of the café, waiting for the two older males to get off work and inform him as to where they were going.
Cars passed the little café, looking at it, but not actually considering going inside. A sharp wind blew through the soon to be barren trees, rustling their gold and red leaves around. People strolled by, taking in the afternoon and enjoying it for what it was instead of what it could be. Some had dogs, who were walking quite perkily. Some had younger children, whom he had assumed were just getting out of school. A customer exited the café, a to go cup in hand, letting a blast of warm air shoot out the opening in the building. The warm feeling didn't last long as the cold quickly replaced it, leaving Jungkook to shiver in his jacket all over again.
The brunette turned his head towards the door as two people stepped out, the two being Namjoon and Yoongi. Jungkook pushed himself away from his perch to join his hyungs.
"Hey, it's my favorite dongsaeng," Namjoon smiled, dimples shining brightly, as Jungkook caught up.
"Hey, Jungkookie," Yoongi said, lightly smiling as well.
"Hi, hyungs," Jungkook said, "Where are we headed?"
"Well," Namjoon started, "I was thinking maybe we could just walk around. Find things to do while we're exploring."
"I like the sound of that. What about you?" Yoongi looked at Jungkook.
"Sounds fun."
"Alright, well, I know that a lot of shops are off in this direction if you'd like to head that way," Namjoon gestured towards the right side of the sidewalk.
"Lead the way, IQ 148."
Namjoon sighed as he started walking in the direction he had pointed to.
Jungkook had thought that walking around would warm him up somewhat, however, he was slowly discovering that it was no help at all. The cold was still piercing his skin, attacking him with decreasing numbers on the thermometer that was nailed to a nearby house. Grazing his flesh with thin, icy fingers, sending a chill up his spine and then spiraling up and down his limbs. In other words, he was cold.
"You okay, Kook?" Namjoon asked.
"Y-Yeah, just fine," Jungkook murmured, trying to keep his teeth from chattering.
"Are you sure?"
The brunette nodded.
"If you say so," Namjoon sighed before interlacing his and Jungkook's fingers.
Namjoon swung their hands back and forth a bit and gave the younger a reassuring smile to wipe the slightly surprised look off his face with.
The trio had gotten somewhat touchy with each other ever since Jungkook had spilled the tea on his name. It wasn't anything too extreme, more like hugs, hand holding, arms around shoulders, and so forth. Just little innocent things that friends did.
Jungkook had always been against people touching him. It was something that reminded him too much of a certain expanse of time in his life. He always thought that the people in movies who couldn't ever see or feel something like they used to were kind of weird, however, now that he was experiencing it first hand, it didn't seem all that odd. It had become his everyday. Fearing for that one moment that someone would come in for some form of skin to skin contact. Ready to react in a way that frightened most people who had ever managed to catch him off guard. They could be the kindest person on Earth, wouldn't hurt a fly, and his reaction would remain the same. It was like the place they touched suddenly lit on fire and wouldn't go out no matter how many times his nails scraped his skin or how raw his flesh got from his excessive rubbing. It took ages and a ton of isolation before the fire burnt itself out and was then nothing more than a bright red patch of overly scratched skin.
When it came to the two boys he was walking with, however, he could never get enough skinship. He loved the way his fingers easily meshed together with theirs and how his palms easily cradled their slightly smaller ones. He loved the way their arms felt around his body and how they held him like they truly cared. He loved the way their arms easily slid onto his shoulder without a second thought and made him feel safe. It was a kind of safe that Jungkook hadn't felt in years. A safe that only a certain boy had been able to provide for him all his life, as short as that had turned out to be. He was receiving what he had only dreamed of for so long all from his two friends. After all, this is what friends do, right?
"Okay, so the shops start here. Is there anything specific that we want to look around for?" Namjoon asked, still swinging his and Jungkook's hands the way the brunette liked.
"I'm getting kind of hungry," Yoongi said.
"I believe there's a bakery somewhere in here."
"That sounds nice," Jungkook commented.
"A bakery it is," Namjoon grinned.
"You know, it'll be nice to get out of this cold and into some place warm," Yoongi said, sticking his hands deeper into his pockets.
Jungkook hummed in agreement.
Jungkook shivered again, letting out a little sound of discomfort. He looked up at Namjoon who was giving him a concerned look. The older untangled their fingers, much to Jungkook's dismay, and slid his hoodie off. He held the bright red bundle of warmth towards the brunette.
"You looked cold."
"A-Are you sure? I don't want you getting cold either."
"Don't worry about me, I don't get cold easily. You need this way more than I do."
"I really don't think I should-"
"Just take it, Kook. I want you to have it."
Jungkook sighed and took the sweatshirt. There was no point in fighting the stubborn giant. He slid the hoodie on and was immediately enveloped in strawberry scented warmth. The hoodie smelled of Namjoon's usual scent - freshly ripened strawberries with a hint of vanilla on occasion - and was slightly oversized on his small figure. The sleeves poured over his petite fingers, forming little paws. A design for what appeared to be either a sports team or a store of some sort, something with the name Umpah Umpah, was printed across the front. Jungkook subconsciously hugged the sweatshirt closer to his stomach as an unknown feeling swelled up in his chest, replacing the usual cold fear. It was a sense of belonging, of finally being accepted. Wanted. Loved. It was of finally having having someone that cared whether he froze or not and wanted him to be warm. It was a feeling that Jungkook wanted to feel more often. He just wasn't sure what to name that fuzzy feeling in his chest.
"Is it too big?" Namjoon asked.
"No, no, not at all. I like it this way," Jungkook stumbled out.
"As long as you're warm."
"How are you? Are you too cold?"
"I'm perfectly fine. Don't worry about it, Kook."
Jungkook looked down at the sidewalk, guilt built up in his stomach. He may have liked the feeling that the sweatshirt gave him, but it came with a sack of guilt. Guilt that he was being selfish and taking the only thing Namjoon had to keep warm. Guilt that the older constantly had to look after him like a child. Guilt that he wasn't doing something in return for the kindness.
It was almost as if Namjoon could tell what he was thinking as he said, "Kook, I mean it. I really care about you and you looked far colder than I was. We're about to go into the bakery which is bound to be warm and we'll be going into other shops as well. I won't even have a second to be cold," Namjoon grinned slightly, "Hey, if it helps, I'm wearing thermal underwear, too."
Jungkook laughed, "Ew, hyung."
"I second that ew. Was that really necessary?" Yoongi piped in.
"Whatever works," Namjoon shrugged.
"How's it going over there, Suga hyung?" Jungkook asked, looking at Yoongi who was on the other side of Namjoon. Suga was a nickname that Jungkook had discovered Yoongi had not even two days ago. A group of chain wearing rapper guys came into the café and referred to Yoongi only as "Suga". And henceforth, the group had been calling the mint haired, Suga.
"I can already smell pastries," Yoongi mumbled, "and don't call me that."
"Hold your stomach, we're nearly there," Namjoon responded.
"I haven't eaten all day. I'm allowed to complain."
"Yeah, sure."
"Don't make me go all Hangry on you. You don't want to see me Hangry."
"Oh no. I'm so scared," Namjoon said in a monotone type voice.
"Fight me, God of Destruction."
"Anytime, anyplace."
"Break it up, break it up," Jungkook said, raising his hands between the two, "The bakery's right up here."
"Food!" Yoongi cheered as he ran towards the entrance.
"This has got to be the first time I've seen that man run," Namjoon commented.
"If either of you beats me, I'll buy your food. As in all of it," Yoongi shouted over his shoulder.
"That's free food, JK, run!" Namjoon shouted as he sped off.
Jungkook laughed before following along. As he ran slightly behind the two boys he had grown to adore, he suddenly realized what the name of that fluffy feeling was: Home.
Word Count: 1867
This chapter is one of my favorites, despite the plot hole that I've got to fix with that one paragraph.
I've got another idea for a poly ship book and I wanted to see what you all thought of this ship. Is Namgikook good, or should I use a different one?
I love you guys! Thank you for reading and I'll see you all next week!
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