"How... How do you feel about a trip to Yoongi's apartment?"
"Would he want me there? I don't want to intrude-" The brunette started.
"No way, you wouldn't be intruding. I'm sure Yoongi would love to have you over," Namjoon reassured.
"Sh-shouldn't he be resting? I mean, he does have a concussion."
"He's bored out of his mind and couldn't be more awake. Talking to you would give him something to do."
The brown haired boy sighed a sigh that sounded of defeat, "Alright."
"Yeah, when do we leave?"
"Does now sound good?"
"Don't you have to work?"
"I'm not here today."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I work from home, I didn't call in. Seokjin doesn't know I'm here, so therefore I'm not here," Namjoon said, "You're just full of questions aren't you?"
The brunette shrugged.
"And you don't talk much either."
"Neither did you."
"Touche," Namjoon pulled out his car keys and started for the door, "Are you coming or not?"
The brunette nodded and followed behind the older.
The boy stopped before he opened the car door and looked at Namjoon before saying, "Are you sure you want me in your car? I can just walk if that'd be easier."
"No way you're walking the ten miles to Yoongi's place. It's fine. Just hop in," Namjoon seated himself followed by a very uncomfortable looking window boy in the passenger side.
The ride was quite silent, despite Namjoon's attempts to break it. Window boy seemed reserved and weirdly quiet. He understood what Yoongi meant now. It felt like something was holding him back from letting loose all he had to say. Like a songbird whose mouth was glued shut. There was so much in there yet it couldn't belt those beautiful notes out. Namjoon was sure that the boy had more to say, something, or someone, he was sure, had glued his mouth closed so none of those surely beautiful thoughts could be sung.
If anyone could relate, it had to be the older male in the driver seat of the Hyundai. He had been held in the grip of someone he cared for dearly for so long and had yet to admit that it was wrong. Hell, he doubted he ever would. It was just the effect that love had left on him. An effect that was still having its way with him. The same with window boy, he was sure. He cared so much for Baekhyun, only to have him leave and never turn back, like Namjoon never even mattered. Maybe he didn't. Maybe that's why nobody ever really stays. Maybe Baekhyun was right. Maybe everything he had ever said was right. That no matter how hard he tried, he never would be able to fulfill his and others wants and needs. There was no 'enough' in his world, and he had grown to accept that.
"Are you okay?" Window boy asked, his eyes filled with concern as he looked at the older.
Namjoon's knuckles were turning white as he clenched the steering wheel tightly subconsciously, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Sorry," His grip loosened.
"I get deep in thought too, sometimes," He mumbled, before going back to playing with his jacket sleeves.
Namjoon opened his mouth slightly, "We're nearly there if you're wondering."
He hummed.
"Is this weird to you at all?" Namjoon asked, turning his head towards Window Boy for a second, "I mean, you've just met us and you're already coming with me to Yoongi's house. I just, I don't want you to feel pressured by us or anything like that."
"It's fine," Window Boy mumbled.
"Are you sure? I just-"
"Don't worry about me, hyung, I'm fine."
"If you say so," Namjoon's focus returned to the road in front of him.
The road had always been one of Namjoon's favorite places. He was one of the first out of all of his friends to start driving and had taken huge advantage of that. He drove whenever he could. It was relaxing and it was always something he could turn to when things got too tough.
When he met Baekhyun, the road moved down a place in his life. It was like, Baekhyun was his new road, a new path with endless turns and possibilities, with so many pit stops and little roadside stores. As it turned out, all Baekhyun was was a one shot road with no turns, no stores, not even a small difference in the pavement. He had already stopped driving in his free time when he discovered that. He had tried so hard, so hard. He had built new paths only to have their relationship pass by them before they could turn.
So, Namjoon started sneaking out. He would leave their apartment late at night, long after a drunken Baekhyun returned home, and drive. He'd drive as far as he could, just to see where he would turn up, what outcomes would come of it. He'd drive hoping that every turn he made would be a turn in the right direction for his and Baekhyun's relationship. He'd drive hoping that every road that continued on and even made new roads would be like their relationship. He'd drive hoping that every change in the pavement would be a change for them. Then the road would end in nothingness. It would just stop. The roads always ended and so did their relationship.
"We're here," Namjoon unbuckled his seatbelt and exited the car, followed by a wary Window Boy.
Soft rain fell against their heads as they started towards the apartment building. It was raining lighter than it had been earlier in the morning. He couldn't imagine what Window Boy had walked through. He'd never actually seen him in any form of vehicle. He always walked to and from the café, as tiring as that seemed.
Yoongi owned an apartment in a nice looking neighborhood. Several tall apartment buildings lined the streets with single family homes surrounding them. The mint haired boy's building was built with darkened red bricks that, as of now, were coated in a large amount of rain, further darkening their color. There were shutters attached to each of the windows that were colored in a chipping blue. Several of the windows were covered with curtains, a few even had black out ones. The roof was tiled in a dark burgundy color. The entire area was surrounded by trees which were covered in bright red and orange leaves, courtesy of the season.
The path up to the buildings door was made out of a slightly cracked concrete that had children's chalk drawings smeared up and down it due to the rain. The glass doors that were rimmed with metal opened up into a small room with a door leading to a set of stairs and an elevator, with a pin code, to the right of that door on the far wall. One of those little letter boards that you usually see in office buildings was attached to the wall on the left with all the room numbers and their occupants listed along with contact information for the building manager.
Window Boy seemed to scan the list for a moment before turning back to the older who had pushed the button on the small, old looking intercom above the elevator's pass code box. The device crackled a bit before a youngish sounding man's voice said, "Yes?"
"We're here to see Min Yoongi."
The speaker crackled again as silence ensued before the man answered, "Go on up."
"Thank you," Namjoon tried to say but was cut off.
The two stepped into the elevator and pressed the fifth floor button. The small elevator was coated in a green carpet with wood paneling lining the walls. The usual cliché elevator music played as it slowly made its way up to the requested floor. Window Boy seemed to be tapping his foot to distract himself from the way the elevator shook every few seconds, almost as if he had never ridden one before.
"Are you okay?" Namjoon asked, his voice full of concern.
"Yeah, my apartment building only has stairs, that's all," He rubbed his forearm lightly.
The elevator lurched to a halt as the dial above the button panel read '5'. The doors opened and the brunette rushed out, not wanting to spend longer than he had to in the metal box. Namjoon followed and scanned the area they had stepped into. He had been here once before, when he brought the mint haired home from the hospital. Apartment 509 was to the right. He nodded in agreement with himself before leading the regular down the right side of the hallway.
"Hyung, 507 was right there," The brunette pointed behind the two.
"What do you mean?" Namjoon stopped.
"Yoongi Hyung's apartment is 507."
"No, it's 509."
"The board in the lobby said 507."
"Are you sure? I swore it was 509."
The boy nodded.
"This is why I shouldn't be left to navigate," Namjoon said under his breath.
Namjoon knocked on the red door with bronze numbers spelling '507' nailed to it. Movement was heard in the apartment before a messy haired Yoongi answered the door.
"I told you this was the right apartment," The boy whispered to Namjoon.
"What are you doing here?" Yoongi asked, squinting slightly.
"We wanted to give you some company. You've been alone all week."
"Well, I guess I should thank you. Oh," Yoongi's eyes widened as he saw the brunette next to the pink haired, "and you brought Window Boy!"
"Mhm. I got him to come with me after much persuasion."
"Wow, I never thought he'd talk to you."
"Hey!" Namjoon huffed.
"Ignore him, he's overly dramatic," Yoongi smiled, "Come on in. I doubt you all want to stay out in the hallway for much longer."
"That'd be nice," Namjoon said as he and Window Boy stepped into the apartment.
Yoongi's apartment was quaint and overly organized. Everything was labeled and had its place. Nothing ever seemed to be out of it. Every room had its own color scheme with every item matching it. The living room was the first room you walked into. Light mocha browns swam around the room. A dark brown sofa with a matching armchair were placed in the center of the room. A coffee table with several books, neatly piled, and TV remotes sat in front of the sofa. A TV was mounted to the mocha colored wall on the left side of the room. Several bookshelves lined the surrounding walls.
Yoongi took a seat on the sofa and ran a hand through his hair, "Make yourselves at home."
Namjoon took a seat in the armchair and Window Boy sat on the sofa, though as far away from Yoongi as he could get.
"Again thank you both for coming. You really didn't have to."
"We didn't want you to be alone," Window Boy said quietly.
"It's really nice having someone here. It's been too quiet."
Namjoon hummed.
"I'd like to take you both out to lunch."
"No way. You have a concussion. You're not going out anywhere."
"Namjoon, it's been a week. I can't stay here forever and I've been feeling okay. Really."
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely. I've got medication if I get a headache. I'll be okay. I just want to take you all somewhere other than my messy apartment."
"If you say so," Namjoon sighed, giving in.
"Now, Mr. Window Boy," Yoongi's attention turned to the brunette next to him, "I still don't know you're name and if I'm treating you to lunch, I at least want to know that."
Word Count: 1940
I honestly love Namjoon's perspective of driving in this chapter. It's one of my favorite things that I've written. Went back to school Monday, I already want to leave. Ooo, Red Velvet's having a comeback Tuesday!! I pre-ordered the album :)
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you all next week!
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