Yoongi set down a mug of black coffee on to the polished spruce wood table. He bowed slightly as the customers thanked him and smiled as he headed to the counter. The regular had been here for over twenty minutes maybe. He'd served him his hot chocolate only minutes prior. His elbows made their way onto the surface of the counter, his hands beneath his chin.
That boy was a mystery. A mystery that Yoongi had to solve or these past couple weeks would have been a complete waste. He sighed. Brown hair tinted with gold as if the sun was resting its hand on his head. Soft brown eyes that weren't sure where to look so they drifted across the café, not looking at anything for longer than a second. Dark clothes hiding the rest of that beauty that Yoongi knew was inside. Yoongi knew he was hiding something. That those clothes, mainly that jacket he was always wearing, were like the boy's defenses and if they were removed, all of his secrets would be on display for all the world to see, and there was no way in hell he was letting that happen. He was covering up something and only the mint haired behind the café counter could see him for who he truly was.
He just didn't know that yet. He didn't know that he and Yoongi were one and the same. They both were struggling and both wanted to hide what scared them the most. They both didn't want anyone to know. They both had something that scarred them so bad that they can't do anything the way they did when they were only kids. If they even did things differently than now then. How time changed them so. Yoongi guessed that's what scared him the most about the whole thing. The idea that something so relative as time could change you ever so much scared him. That one day you could love something and the next it's out the door and in comes something entirely different. That one day you could look and behave like you were in your twenties and the next your entire appearance and personality shifts and you're now a tired worn down version of what came before. Time changes you, and Yoongi hated that.
"Hey," Yoongi smiled as Namjoon joined him at the counter.
"Hey. How's it looking?"
"He's here, he ordered a hot chocolate."
Namjoon nodded, letting out a hum, "Have you spoken to him?"
"Just for his order. It's so nerve wracking," Yoongi said the last part quietly, a bit embarrassed about being too shy to speak to the regular.
Namjoon turned to look at the boy before saying, to no one in particular, "What's going on inside that head of his?"
Yoongi adjusted his position to be more comfortable, "That's what the Curious About the Regular partnership is going to answer."
Namjoon opened his mouth but quickly shut it as he spun around and whispered, "Crap!"
Yoongi, taking notice of the regular's line of sight, which was aimed at them, turning around as well, "Did he catch you?"
"He looked directly at me. He knows we were watching him."
Yoongi nervously swallowed, "Well, that's going to leave an impression."
"I told Seokjin I was going to embarrass myself."
"Hey, it's not your fault and I doubt he'll think much of it," Yoongi quickly reassured, "We're just employees scanning the dining area. Don't beat yourself up about it."
"Are you sure?" Namjoon asked, his eyes wide with anxiety.
"Positive," Yoongi gave his best reassuring smile.
"I'll go first."
"I'll go talk to him first."
"Are you sure? I could go-" Yoongi was cut off by Namjoon waving his hands as if to say no.
"You have lunch in a few minutes which would be the perfect time to for you to speak with him."
Yoongi shrugged, "Alright. If you're sure about this."
Namjoon left the counter space, leaving Yoongi to watch his and window boy's interactions. Namjoon had become somewhat of a friend within the weeks that had passed. It had been something he'd been thinking about a lot recently. How this whole observing and learning mission had led to more than just discovering window boy's secrets.
Another thought soon followed the previous thought: what the hell was all of this doing to him? Ever since they started up that partnership, things had been changing and for some unknown reason, Yoongi was accepting it with welcoming arms and that scared him so much more than the actual change did. He had started going home feeling excited for the day ahead. Like the days of storage rooms and accepting every task had grown into meeting with the Cafe's co-owner multiple times and serving a brown haired boy by the window all while observing him relentlessly. It was like the whole café had more of a purpose than just giving him funds now. It was the place where he had a friend who not only cared about him but had a similar interest in discovering more about that dark clothed stranger in the window seat. It was now the place that hosted his happiness and his curiosity. Two words that he never would've imagined being housed in his work place.
The same goes to the two people who danced in his dreams. The pink, going salmon, haired male with broad shoulders and a dimple smile and the boy with brown hair that glowed a golden color and seemingly endless eyes that said more than his mouth. That partnership was not only bringing him two new friends but new dreams of two new boys that brought a bright blush to his cheeks. Yoongi was unsure of how he should feel about said dreams. How should anyone feel if they were dreaming about two very attractive boys at one time in the same dream?
Yoongi quickly shook his head as Namjoon made his way back with a face that screamed of self loathing.
"How was it? What did you learn?" He asked excitedly.
"Well, he doesn't like being social and he likes you."
"Wait- What? He likes me?" Yoongi felt his heart stop mid-beat.
"I suppose. I asked him if he had a favorite waiter and he said you were cool," Namjoon said.
Yoongi grinned slightly, "He thinks I'm cool," Just admitting that the boy he was so curious about thought that way about him made him all the more excited for his lunch break.
"I completely embarrassed myself with that question though. He probably thinks I'm weird now," Namjoon said dejectedly.
"Hey, don't say that. You were just sparking conversation and everyone's different. You don't know for sure if he thinks that, so, like I said before, please don't beat yourself up over it."
"But I-" Yoongi cut him off.
"No buts. You did fine. I watched."
A sigh from the younger, "If you say so."
Yoongi smiled excitedly as his eyes drifted up to that old clock that always gave him grief. This had to be the first time he'd ever smiled at it, for good reason. He grabbed the handle of his cloth lunch bag and turned to Namjoon, "It's my lunch break. I'll see you later, alright?"
The younger nodded.
"Where do you think you'll be? I want to make sure I can catch you after."
"I'll be in the office, but I'll most likely be out here before you're done."
"Gotcha. See you in half an hour."
"See you."
If you were to ask, Yoongi was all sunshine and rainbows on the inside. He was this close to busting out his happy dance right then and there.
Window boy looked up at him with those deep brown doe eyes which were full of confusion and a hint of annoyance. Yoongi took a seat and started unzipping his lunch box.
"Hi," He said smiling comfortingly, as if to say he meant no harm.
"Hello," He responded stiffly, as if he hadn't spoken casually to anyone in ages.
"I'm pretty sure you know my name already, but, I'm Yoongi," He said, holding his hand out, ready to accept the boy's large hand in his own.
"I-I'm-" The boy looked down at the table as if trying to decide what to say and decided on, "It's nice to meet you."
Concern. That's what was sitting in the pit of Yoongi's stomach. Concern that the boy seemed too scared to even tell someone his name. Sure, he was disappointed but hadn't expected more than what he received. "It's nice to meet you, too," He cleared his throat. "I hope we can be great friends...?" A space for his name. That's what he provided.
However, even with the designated space where a name was supposed to be, the boy signed elsewhere by remaining silent.
"That's alright," Yoongi said, not losing hope that he could at some point learn his name, "you don't have to answer."
Yoongi hated the silence that swarmed up and over them, covering them like a thick fog. He usually wasn't a talker, more of a listener, but he couldn't help but want to speak with the bundle of mystery in front of him. A bundle that wouldn't even give itself a name. He couldn't help but wonder just what made window boy like this. Something had to have done this to him. Something had to have made him so scared that he couldn't even say his own name to someone who wanted to know him for him. It had to have been bad. It had locked this poor boy in a shell with only himself and a fear of letting someone else in.
Yoongi's thoughts were interrupted as the bell above the door sounded. He quickly zipped his lunchbox up before standing, "I'd love to keep talking but I really have to get back to work," He started for the register, "We'll talk later, okay?"
The boy gave him a thumbs up and Yoongi took his place next to Namjoon.
"Hey," Yoongi reached for the menus but couldn't get then from around Namjoon, "Can I have the men-"
Namjoon grabbed a couple and started for the group, "No, I'll be handling this one."
"What? No, it's my-" Yoongi spun around and saw the all too familiar faces of the group that had held him against the counter just a couple weeks ago. "Oh."
"Yeah, I'm serving them."
Yoongi shook his head, "No, Namjoon. It's my area. I'm doing it. I'll be fine."
"Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt."
"I won't. Even if something happens, I've got you and window boy."
"So, I'm assuming you didn't get a name either?"
"Nope. That's okay though. We'll figure it out," Yoongi took the menus from Namjoon.
"Yoongi, I'm really okay with taking this one if you don't want to."
"I want to, Namjoon. It'll be okay."
"Alright," Namjoon looked at him with concern.
Yoongi smiled before taking his leave to the far left corner from the counter.
He handed out the menus before putting on his best I'm not scared of you smile, "Hello, I'm Yoongi, I'll be your waiter today. Should I give you a minute or do you know what you'd like to order?"
The one that had tried to force him to go on a date scowled and said, "Americanos all around."
"Will that be all?" Yoongi asked.
"Yes," One of the side boys answered.
"Alright, it'll be right out," Yoongi spun on his heel and was back to the counter before the glares that were burning through his back could get worse.
"How'd it go? Did they say anything or hurt you in any way?" Namjoon said immediately upon his return.
"Nothing happened, Joon, I'm fine," Yoongi surprised himself with that nickname.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive. They just gave me their orders and I left. I got a crap ton of glares though."
"Then don't go back. Just let me do it," He waved his hands around a bit as if that would change his mind. "I don't want them to hurt you and I feel like they are."
"Nothing is going to happen, Namjoon. Just let me do my job. Isn't that what I was hired for?" Yoongi snapped, ignoring the burning feeling in his cheeks.
Namjoon looked surprised, well, Yoongi was surprised too if he was being honest, "Alright, I'm sorry. I'm just worried, that's all. I don't want anything to happen to you."
"That's nice of you, but I don't want to be told not to do my job because of an incident a few weeks ago. Can we move on?"
"Yeah, sorry," Namjoon looked down sheepishly, "How'd it go with the regular?"
"It went okay. I didn't get a name as I told you earlier. He just seemed like something was holding him back from talking to me. Like, he was about to tell me his name but stopped and said something else instead," Yoongi glanced over at the sun lit boy that had taken an extreme interest in the bottom of his hot chocolate cup, "Something's going on in that head of his."
"Like you said, that's what we're going to uncover."
"Right," Yoongi hummed as he noticed that the group's order was ready and placed them onto a darkly colored tray, "I'll be back."
"Alright, please don't get hurt."
"I'll try not to."
Yoongi was quick to unload the drinks. He was really taking what Namjoon said to heart. Namjoon felt like they were going to hurt him and Yoongi believed him.
"Here's your Americanos. Is there anything else I can help you with?"
"Your number?" The leader smirked.
The two word answer took Yoongi aback. He cleared his throat and said, "Alright, 429-backoff," Yoongi placed the tray against his thigh, "Now if you'll excuse me-"
The leader grabbed his arm and held him against the edge of the booth by his collar. The tray flew from his grasp, clattering to the floor followed by a waitress's scream. Yoongi moved around, trying to get out of his grip but was met with his hands tightening their hold.
"Who the hell do you think you are trying to get away with saying something like that to me? Don't you know who I am?" His hot breath smacked Yoongi in the face as he spoke. "No one's going to save you, Princess. See, no one's going to step up and save your ass this time around. Say, I'll let you go if you'll go-"
"What the hell did I tell you about leaving him alone? Can't take a hint?" Window boy shouted.
"Oh, great." He muttered. "First he has the nerve to deny me a date and then he rubs it in my face by coming over here," The leader responded, Yoongi felt the edge of the booths corner digging into his back.
"He's doing his job. You chose to come here. You were looking for a fight."
"No! I just wanted something to drink and this guy here was giving me a hard time," Yoongi wrapped his hands around the leader's hands
"So the only thing to do is hurt him?"
"Just let him go and leave."
"Not until I get my date!"
"He doesn't want to be with you, so just accept it and leave!"
The leader loosened his grip, allowing Yoongi to take a well deserved deep breath, "Yeah, we'll leave," The leader said before Yoongi felt a table collide with his back and head along several chairs falling on to his body as he hit the floor.
The entire room began to spin. A ringing droned endlessly through his ears blocking most of the Cafe's noises. He could faintly hear his name being shouted but was sure he'd just imagined it. Everything was fuzzy. The room was warped slightly but he could tell that there were two people beside him. Than two became one. And then one was lifting him up and carrying him out of the building towards a car. The ringing died down, letting Yoongi hear one's voice as he spoke to him. And that's where Yoongi's memory cuts out.
Word Count: 2692
Gotta be quick, I'm at a gaming convention and I'm in a game. I hope you all are having a great week. How was your day today? Good I hope :)
This chapter was slightly hard to write because of Yoongi's lil accident. I feel like it's kinda cringy.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next week!
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