A/N: As you probably saw from the last three chapters, there's some repetition. These next three are about the same thing, same event, however, the perspective changes and you know about the thoughts and conversations that go on between the three. If you feel like, and I wouldn't blame you, you can skip the next two since the main part happens here. Thank you.
"Here's your hot chocolate. I hope you enjoy, sir," The mint haired, Yoongi, said as he delivered Jungkook's drink.
"Thank you," He said before taking a careful sip.
His hood was down again today. He'd been wearing it less and less over the past few weeks. Mostly ever since that waiter, Yoongi, had started serving him regularly. Every time he came in, no other waiter or waitress would serve him, only Yoongi. Not to say he wasn't okay with that. Yoongi was the only one who didn't seem to look at him like he was some freak that should be avoided. He looked at him with pure interest and care in his eyes. Well, him and that Namjoon guy, though Namjoon only popped out every once in awhile.
Jungkook took another sip. He'd been spending less and less time at home, if that was even possible. It had previously been six hours of sleep which had now been cut down to three. He honestly didn't know how he was standing. It was good though. The eyes and arms had been getting more and more angry as the weeks had gone by. They were more threatening now. They swung more often and glared like he was nothing more than a mound of dirt. He didn't know why. He had done nothing wrong, though even then they got angry. He sighed. He was away from there for right now. He didn't have to think about that.
Jungkook scanned the cafe, trying to take his mind off his home troubles. Three tables full of customers. A shortage of staff though. Only Yoongi seemed to be serving customers. The rest had to be back in the kitchen. Namjoon stepped out of his office and made his way over to the register where Yoongi was leaning his elbows on the counter. The two seemed to talk for a while and then looked over at him. Upon realizing that he knew they were watching him, they both turned around and faced the wall. The two had been together more ever since Jungkook had helped Yoongi with a certain group of boys a couple weeks ago. The two nodded and separated, Yoongi turning to the register and Namjoon rounded the counter.
Namjoon stepped up to Jungkook's table with a dimple smile painted onto his face. "Hello, my name is Namjoon and I'm one of the co-owners of this cafe."
"Nice to meet you," Jungkook said.
Namjoon cleared his throat, obviously expecting something else, "I just wanted to know if you are satisfied with your experience here."
"I am."
"How are the waiters?"
"They're alright."
"Got a favorite?"
"Is that the kind of question you should be asking?"
"Um, I- Well, we- We do this thing based on who's the customers' favorite," Namjoon smiled an uneasy smile.
Jungkook hummed, "Yoongi's pretty cool, I guess."
Namjoon nodded his head. "Thank you for being a regular. We hope that you'll continue enjoying our service."
"No problem," Jungkook murmured as Namjoon headed back to the counter.
Namjoon gestured to the customer area and Yoongi nodded before the pink haired went back into his office. Yoongi headed towards Jungkook and the latter couldn't help but roll his eyes. How many of these employees were going to stop by his table today?
"Hi," Yoongi sat down.
"Hello," Jungkook responded.
"I'm pretty sure you know my name already, but, I'm Yoongi," He held his hand out.
"I-I'm.." Jungkook's name got caught in his own throat. They didn't want him to have friends. None of them would like him, they said. They'd only use him and wouldn't care. He didn't deserve to have friends. He'd just make them all upset and gross them out. "It's nice to meet you," He whispered.
"It's nice to meet you too," Yoongi cleared his throat, they seemed to be doing that a lot today. "I hope we can be great friends..?" A pause where Jungkook's name was supposed to be inserted.
Jungkook remained silent, despite wanting to tell the mint haired in front of him.
Yoongi smiled, "That's okay, you don't have to answer."
Jungkook fiddled with his fingers awkwardly. Had he expected Yoongi the waiter to be sitting right in front of him asking for his name? No. Had he expected a visit from the co-owner named Namjoon who kept watching him from different places? No. Did he find it all very odd? Yes, yes he did.
Silence engulfed the two as they sat there together. Jungkook swirled his hot chocolate around in the cup while Yoongi picked at the salad he had brought for lunch. Jungkook wished he could apologize. He wished he could apologize for not being the kind of person who would jump up at the opportunity of a new friend. He had been built to be like this over the years and there was nothing, absolutely nothing, that he could do to break away from that mindset. No matter the amount of time that he spent apart from the place that shaped him this way, it never changed. The things said to him in his youth still clung to him like a baby to its Mother and a Mother can never let her baby die.
The bell at the door rang and Yoongi stood up, "I'd love to keep talking but I really have to get back to work," Yoongi started towards the register. "We'll talk later, okay?"
Jungkook gave him a thumbs up and took a sip of his drink.
Yoongi said something to Namjoon, who smiled and then looked over at the new customers. Yoongi's smile drooped and Jungkook looked over at the group. It was the same group who had bothered Yoongi several weeks prior. Jungkook clenched his jaw and looked angrily over at the group who paid no attention to the upset boy.
Yoongi put on a smile and headed towards the cluster who had seated themselves at a booth on the far side of the cafe. He said something to them, got their orders and headed back to the counter. Namjoon talked to him as he returned and Jungkook relaxed knowing that he wasn't alone over there like last time.
He turned back to his drink and took a deep breath. He shouldn't worry, the boys had looked over in his direction and he was sure they had noticed him. They wouldn't say anything with him there, right? Jungkook shook his head. They had done stuff to him no matter who was around. No one ever came to save him, to open the cage and let him fly free. No one ever did. All of their friends never cared that something was going on in his bedroom when they left said friends alone in the living room. They never cared when Jungkook's screams or shouts of pain filled the empty air in the home. Jungkook closed his eyes. Stop thinking about it. He needed to stop. Not here, please not here.
A scream sent Jungkook's eyes bursting open, reality coming in and taking over. The scream had left the mouth of one of the waitresses who was looking over at where the group of boys had been seated. Jungkook quickly spun around to find the corner of the cafe in a state of disarray. The boys had left the confines of the booth to grab Yoongi fiercely and were holding him against the edge of the booth.
Jungkook stood from his seat and angrily made his way to group, "What the hell did I tell you about leaving him alone? Can't take a hint?"
"First he has the nerve to deny me a date and then he rubs it in my face by coming over here," The leader shoves Yoongi harder against the booth.
"He's doing his job. You chose to come here. You were looking for a fight."
"No! I just wanted something to drink and this guy here was giving me a hard time."
"So the only thing to do is hurt him?"
"Just let him go and leave," Jungkook groaned.
"Not until I get my date!"
"He doesn't want to be with you, so just accept it and leave!"
The leader's grip loosened, "Yeah, we'll leave," He grabbed Yoongi and threw him into the tables behind the two.
"Yoongi!" Jungkook rushed over to the unconscious boy, Namjoon joining shortly after, "Take him to the hospital or someplace. Anywhere but here," Namjoon nodded. Jungkook stood and faced the boys.
"The hell is wrong with you! Can't you do anything but hurt people?"
"Yeah, but it's more fun."
"You better leave before I get so damn mad that you won't be able to recognize your own face anymore," Jungkook hissed.
The leaders eyes widened a bit before he flashed a smirk, "Your threats don't scare-"
Jungkook took a swing, landing right on the leaders jaw, interrupting his words and knocking him backwards a few steps with his stinging jaw in hand.
"What the hell? You freak! You're going to pay for this! You will!" The leader said as he gathered the other boys and ran out the door.
Jungkook took a deep breath and relaxed a bit. Namjoon had taken Yoongi away while the whole encounter went down leaving several knocked over chairs and a table laying on the ground. A boy with brown hair rushed out of the kitchen. "Yoongi? Where's Yoongi?"
"Namjoon took him somewhere, I'm hoping the hospital," Jungkook explained as he picked the table up.
"God, those guys. I swear the next time they come in here, ooohhh I'm gonna get them!" The boy hissed, balling up his fists, "This'll be the last time they mess with anyone, guy or girl, in this cafe again!"
"I hope you're right," Jungkook sighed, setting the last chair in it's place.
"Thank you for this," The boy said as he calmed down, "We all look up to you here and we find it really cool how you put yourself in the middle of these kind of things. Thank you for defending Yoongi, especially since I'm not there to help him as much anymore. Just, thank you."
Jungkook nodded, "It's what I do. Make sure he's okay for me, alright?"
The boy nodded and smiled, "I'm sure he will be. He's Min Yoongi after all."
"I'm sure of that too," Jungkook responded before slowly making his way out of the cafe.
Word Count: 1737
Sorry for the awkward fight scene, I can never write those well. It's sad that I think it's this awkward because it's in the next two chapters written about the same. Thank you guys for reading and I'll see you all next week!
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