Chapter 1.
Bridget Satterlee as Mia.
[Mia's Pov]
As I walked through the corridor on the upper flat of the Ontario State Medical Centre, I couldn't help but enjoy the peace and quiet. I rubbed my pale palms across the cream railing, glancing at the black watch displayed on my not-so-chubby wrist.
Five more minutes. I told my inner self.
I snapped out of my thoughts when my name was called upon from the speakers above my head.
"Dr. DeLena you're needed in the ER asap," stated the receptionist once again. I gathered myself, took a deep breath and hurriedly walked towards the front of the hospital. I reached into the pocket of my blue scrubs and fished out a black hair tie, pulling my brown hair into a ponytail as I rounded the corner.
I was greeted by a large black desk, papers loitering around and a very happy Jessica holding out a chart to me.
"Five more minutes Jess, that's all I needed and I was out of here," I mumbled, grabbing the chart from her, blocking out the noise from the room.
Jessica chuckled, "Sorry doc, but you've got an emergency and all the other doctors are booked, good luck!" She shouted, sauntering away.
"Alright, let's just get this over with so I can go home and enjoy a nice bath and get some sleep," I whispered to nobody, in particular, making my way towards the ER.
Upon reaching the emergency room I squeezed a bit of hand sanitizer from the white bottle outside the large blue door. Pushing the door open, the smell of bleach invaded my nose causing a slight burning sensation to occur. I blinked away a few stray tears from my brown eyes and grabbed a pair of white gloves from a box on a table next to the door. I checked the chart looking for what number my patient was. Quietly sighing, I made my way over to bed number five, where a male was surrounded by a few people.
Laying on a white covered bed was an elderly man, no older than fifty. At least that's what his chart says. His blue eyes were shooting daggers at a young man next to him, he had a few wrinkles under his eyes and a neatly cut beard with a full head of white hair. His arms were filled with tattoos and he had a good set of muscles which made me think that he worked out a lot during his young days.
"Hello! My name is Mia and I'll be taking a look at you today." I interrupted with a genuine smile. All eyes snapped up at me, I was starting to get a bit nervous but then I remembered I've been doing this for over three years now.
Everyone moved aside so I took that as my chance to start talking again.
"Alright, Mr. Romano, it seems as though you have two gunshot wounds and supposedly a fractured rib. Now, what I'm going to do is give you some medication for the pain which I'm sure you're starting to have." I said calmly, as I moved to the cabinet to take out some Motrin.
"The pain I can handle sweet cheeks, I just need to get the fuck out of here. I have a business to take care of." He said through clenched teeth.
A young lady spoke up, "you have to excuse my dad, he's had a long day." She laughed nervously. I turned towards her with a smile, noticing she had sparkling blue eyes and black hair, a few freckles scattered along her face.
"It's okay, I understand...You'll be out of here in no time sir don't worry too much." I said softly. Attaching a bag of IV and Motrin to Mr. Romano's Hand, I began talking once again.
"As you're getting some fluid into your system along with the pain medication, I will be prepping you for minor surgery to get these bullets out. I want them out as soon as possible because they can travel to other parts of your body. When the bullets are safely removed, you will be sent downstairs to have an X-ray done so I can find out what is happening in your chest area," I stated professionally.
"Alright, let's just get this over with." Mr. Romano sighed.
I made my way over to the nurse that was sitting across from bed number five, picking up two consent forms and a pen I made my way over to my patient, where his family, I assumed, were still by his side.
"Alright, the-" I was cut off by a voice I could never forget.
"I'm sorry I'm late, I was in a meeting and I couldn't leave." He said, running out of breath.
I stopped a few inches away from where he stood. I was consumed by old memories; memories that I've kept hidden deep inside my soul. I came out of my thoughts by the ringing of a cell phone. I pushed everything aside and walked up to the bed.
"Alright then, I need two people to sign these consent forms so I can get started with the surgery. Most people don't want us to operate on their family members without their permission first." I said as I held out the forms and pen in front of me. I could feel his eyes boring holes in my head.
The young man from earlier took the form from my hand and spoke up, "I'll sign them sweet cheeks." He said with a wink. I gave him a small smile. Hearing the clear of a throat I looked up into the same blue eyes that haunted me every day for one year.
How could I not notice?! I mentally slapped myself. He is the print of Mr. Romano. Same blue eyes, solid jaw and a full set of delicious muscles. Snap out of it Mia!
"I'll sign the other set of forms. Hand them over Cal. I have a pen right here." He said in his sultry voice, glancing at me.
I collected both forms ignoring Lorenzo's stare.
"A nurse and my assistant doctor will be here to get you prepared for the surgery, Sir," I said.
"Thank you doll." Mr. Romano said, as I hurriedly made my way out of the ER.
Stepping out into the hallway, I sat down on one of the maroon chairs situated in a corner. Taking a deep breath, I touched the silver teardrop necklace; closing my eyes.
I giggled as Lorenzo led me along a path. My eyes were blindfolded by some kind of cloth. It was my birthday and I had no idea what he had planned.
"Babe, where are we going? Why couldn't we just stay home and watch a movie or something?" I asked as I walked, trying not to fall flat on my face.
Lorenzo stopped walking and I bumped into him with an oof.
"Baby, it's your birthday, we just can't let the day pass by without celebrating." He whispered, pecking my lips. He removed the blindfold as my eyes adjusted to the light, my hands reached my lips covering them...I was speechless. We were in a garden, decorated with lots of beautiful flowers. A picnic basket and blanket situated in the middle.
"Happy birthday, my love." He whispered inches away from me.
I smoothed my light yellow and white sundress, wrapping my arms around his shoulders I thanked him with a kiss. Lorenzo pulled away, giving me a small red box, decorated with a pretty yellow bow. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes, opening the box I gasped. A gorgeous diamond teardrop necklace was placed neatly in some bubble wrap.
"Babe, this is beautiful..Y-you shouldn't have." I stammered.
Lorenzo took the necklace from the box and placed it around my neck. My updo made it easy for him to hook the precious jewelry.
"A beautiful gem for my beautiful girl." He said, pulling me into a hug.
I was so caught up in past memories I didn't even notice somebody was sitting next to me. Lorenzo Romano's musky scent took over my nostrils. I snapped open my tear infected eyes and hurriedly tried to get up; only to be pulled back down by him. I turned to face him but he was already looking at me. I pulled my hand away from him as a frown was displayed across his face, I angrily spoke up, "Leave me alone! I have surgery and I have to get to it. I will do my job and be out of you and your family's face! Let me be!"
Lorenzo's eyes widened. With a sigh, he slightly spoke up.
"I didn't know you were working here, this was the closest hospital to our house. I didn't mean to cause any trouble." He said, sounding defeated. Lorenzo raised his hand and wiped away a stray tear from my cheek.
"Don't touch me! You have done enough." I slapped his hand away as I got up and made my way to the surgery room, hearing a faint sigh.
The first chapter is Up! Woohoo!! The word count is 1534. Don't forget to vote and let me know what you guys think in the comments :D
Love you guys! ❤️❤️❣️
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