Bonus Chapter
"Louis" Harry moaned out hoarsely, digging his nails deeper into Louis' thick thighs under the footie shorts.
"You like this, mh?" Louis rotated his hips deliciously on top of him, his rim tugging on Harry's dick. "Like what you see?".
"Yes" Harry croaked out, his head hitting the double lounger he was lying on when he threw it back in pleasure. As beautiful as his boyfriend was, Harry couldn't handle looking at him right now. He looked way too sinful situated on his dick in those sexy old football shorts. "You look sinful, Baby".
"And you feel amazing, Haz" Louis groaned out deeply, fucking himself on Harry's dick ever so slowly. "You're so deep".
"Fuck" Harry thrusted up into him clumsily, not in control of himself as much as he wished. "You feel so good, Baby".
With a dirty smirk on his pretty face, Louis leaned down and propped himself up on one arm before crashing their mouths together in a filthy kiss, his other hand going straight for his hair. With Louis' tongue down his throat, his hand in his curls and his hole clenching around his dick, Harry's head was empty. The only thing he felt was immense pleasure and so much love for his boyfriend. Louis was all-around perfect. Perfect for him.
Breaking away from the kiss on a broken moan when Harry's dick grazed Louis' prostate, Louis sat back up straight and started bouncing on his dick, steadying himself on Harry's wrists because he was still holding onto Louis' waist for dear life. When Louis seemed to get tired but close, Harry propped his legs up and put his feet flat on the double lounger on their patio, causing Louis to fall forward and hover over his face. At a steady pace, Harry fucked up into him, pounding his perfect little bum as hard as possible without coming too soon at the sight of his boy.
"Haz, I ..." Louis brought out through his breathless pants. "Fuck, right there, Baby. Please".
"I got you, Lou" Harry put even more force into his thrusts and pushed them both over the edge, moaning out their names.
Tired and fucked out, Louis collapsed on top of him and nuzzled his face into his neck, breathing him in and sending chills down his spine. In this position, his dick slipped out of Louis, softening and making Louis hiss a little at the sensitive and sore feeling.
"Fuck, this was a bad idea" Louis mumbled into his neck, leaving a kiss there before untucking his face and looking at him, his hair everywhere and his face red from being fucked real good. "I don't have time for a shower and the seats in the stadium are bloody uncomfortable. I won't survive this".
"You could always sit on my lap" Harry grinned cheekily up at him, only earning a swat to the nipple in return. "And did you forget that your boyfriend is magic? I'll get you clean in no time".
"Last time you said that you threw me on the bed and ate out my ass, which only made us late and not very clean" Louis looked highly unimpressed with him, sending his mind right back to that day and making his soft dick twitch lazy at the memory.
"Your ass deserves to be eaten out every day. I don't make the rules, Sunshine" Harry flashed him another shit-eating grin.
"Insufferable" Louis rolled his eyes at him but got comfortable on his chest anyway. "Do you think this is a good idea?".
From the sound of his voice, Harry immediately knew what Louis was talking about, so he wrapped his arms safely around his boy and locked eyes with him. "I think what you're about to do is very brave and I'm honoured to be there with you".
"This wouldn't work without you" Louis trailed with one finger over his jawline and Harry was once again hypnotised by his crystal clear eyes. "I couldn't do it without you, Petal".
"Okay," Harry said simply, knowing better than to argue with Louis when it came to this. He would lose and he knew it. "How about I get us ready now, mh?".
"With your magic or your tongue?" Louis lifted an eyebrow in a silent challenge, also knowing him way too well.
"Whatever you prefer" Harry wiggled his eyebrows at him.
"Idiot" Louis sat up and climbed down from his lap. "Don't tempt me with your tongue when we don't have time for this. It would only lead to more sex and you know it".
"We have the house all to ourselves today. That is temptation in itself, don't you think?" Harry watched Louis get off the double lounger with cum on his belly and his thighs under the shorts.
"We can fuck like maniacs after the game, Sweetheart" Louis threw him a knowing look. "Because I do have plans for you that involve the sofa and the kitchen hatch".
"Oh?" Harry sat up at that, interest definitely peaked.
"You are so predictable" Louis threw his briefs into his face. "I will not tell you any details but my plans do involve your perky bum and now maybe your tongue. Let's see what else".
"You are such a bloody tease" Harry grumbled huffily, getting up to put his briefs back on after using his magic to clean his dick. "Riling me up on purpose. Where's the kindness in that?".
"That's your job" Louis winked at him amusedly, motioning at his body with one hand. "Now would you be so kind?".
"You don't deserve my tongue anyway" Harry flicked his wrist to clean Louis up in the blink of an eye. "Tease".
"You're such a baby. Darcy is definitely more mature than you" Louis laughed at his behaviour, collecting the clothes from the patio floor. "Come on. We need to get dressed for the game or do you wanna show up in nothing but your sexy briefs?".
"I can't stand you" Harry walked past him back into the house with a huff, stomping like a child but he didn't care.
"Your dick begs to differ" Louis humoured him exhilaratedly.
"How are you so cheeky after I fucked you so hard?" Harry propped his hands up on his hips, not helping his case.
"You might have to fuck me harder next time" Louis let his hand trace over his exposed back when he bypassed him to get to the staircase. "I'm sure you can do it".
With his whole face burning bright red, Harry grabbed for Louis' wrist to turn him back around to him, being careful not to touch his fresh tattoo wound. Glancing at the tattoo of a little star right on his wrist in the place where Harry's witch mark was, he just had to kiss Louis again, deep and passionate. This bloody tattoo had led to their very unplanned ride on the outside double lounger in the first place and Harry had to remind himself really hard that they had no bloody time for another round even if Louis deserved as many as he wanted for that tiny tattoo alone. It meant so much to him. It meant everything to him.
Kissing Louis deep and slow, Harry poured his entire love for him into this kiss as much as could. Being able to kiss Louis any time he wanted was a privilege to him. Being able to wake up to Louis next to him or safely tucked into Louis' arms was a privilege to him. Sharing a home with his soulmate and having an adopted witch daughter with him was the biggest privilege to him. Having moments like this on the daily made him feel privileged.
"I love you, Lou" Harry whispered against his swollen lips.
"I love you, Haz" Louis mumbled back just as quietly. "Always will".
"Always" Harry had really hit the jackpot and would definitely never let him go again. He'd always love him. Forever.
Arriving at the football stadium, Louis' heartbeat picked up at the mere sight of it although he was sure that he wanted to do this. With a lump in his throat, he flashed his ticket at the entrance and went inside, holding Harry's hand with his own shaky one the entire time. A security guard helped them find their seats and informed them that they had a special attraction today during the half-time break: A kiss cam, which wasn't a usual thing in the UK but today was an exception. Acting like he didn't already know that, Louis thanked the guard for telling them and headed for his seats, now even more anxious than before.
"Are you alright?" Harry checked when they were seated in their chairs, stroking with his thumb over his knuckles.
"It's just a lot to take in. A lot to handle" Louis squeezed his hand while he let his eyes wander over the big field, feeling too many conflicting emotions coming back up. "It's odd being back in a place that was literally my home for years. It feels... strange".
"I can imagine" Harry kept his eyes fixed on him, offering him support without having to say anything specific to him. "We leave whenever you want us to. It's your call".
"Thank you, Baby" Louis exhaled shakily, focusing back on his boy. "But I want this. I feel like I need to do this. For myself".
"Okay" Harry got comfortable in his hard seat. "I'm here".
"I know".
Trying to get comfortable as well, Louis ignored the slight pain in his sore bum and looked around the stadium. Today wasn't an important game. It was a game where Sean was coaching one of the teams and their friends were scattered around the place to support him on his first time back after his injury. Today was meant for him to show his face to the world again and set the record straight. Or well, not so straight. The kiss cam was there for a reason and Sean had made sure to get certain people to be on it later on before it would be their turn and he was shitting his pants.
With Harry's hand safely in his for the entire first half, Louis was able to kinda enjoy the sport he once loved. It felt weird to watch it from so far away instead of playing it himself but he hasn't really played in years. That was definitely something he needed to change. His backyard was perfect for kicking a ball around with his daughter.
So far, it looked as if Sean's team might bring the win home at the end of the day but Louis wouldn't say it out loud in fear of jinxing it. Instead, he focused on Sam cheering Sean and his team on from the side-lines or Niall and Luke being way too into this on the other side of the stadium while Zayn and Liam were mainly making out instead of watching the game, which was risky but they knew how to handle an altercation if the worst case would happen. Àmbar and Aria were too far away for him to see from here but he could picture them being invested and cute at the same time, just like his very own boyfriend.
And even though he tried to relax, Louis just knew that cameras were on him, professional ones and private ones. He had known that people would recognise him; that was kind of the entire point of today's mission; but being here right now and feeling all these eyes on him, ready to tear his life apart to get new gossip, was harder than he had thought. It felt like being thrown back into his past. Like being thrown into one of his nightmares.
But he pushed through this feeling because he wanted to do this today. For himself and for every queer kid who was interested in any sport. After his run-in with Evan months ago, Louis hasn't been able to stop thinking about the queer community and sports and just felt like he owed his fans one last appearance to set things straight and clear his image. Someone had to be the first.
So when the first half was over and they announced the start of the kiss cam, his hands began to shake again and his heartbeat went crazy, his breathing ragged. The first people were randomly chosen to kiss on camera and Louis watched all of this happening with a racing pulse. All of these couples have been straight so far and that only made it worse to stay calm.
"You got this, Lou" Harry leaned closer to him to whisper into his ear, definitely attracting more cameras with that move. "Look, it's A and A. Aren't they cute?".
Fixated on the big screen, Louis saw their two best friends kiss on camera and heard everyone cheer for them, which helped him inhale a somewhat calmer breath. "I got this".
"You do" Harry breathed out right over his left ear, erupting goosebumps on Louis' skin. "Oh, look. Our turn".
Staring at the terrifying screen, Louis was met with his own unblinking face and Harry hovering right next to him. Feeling everyone's eyes on him, Louis swallowed dryly and faced his amazing boyfriend, blocking out the not-so-quiet whispers and murmurs around him. Locking eyes with Harry, Louis licked his lips before leaning in and connecting their mouths in a sweet kiss in front of the entire stadium, hearing some gasps and cheers. Opening his eyes, Louis automatically smiled at Harry, who was smiling back at him with stars and tears in his eyes.
"Louis Tomlinson and his boyfriend, everyone" an announcer's voice proclaimed loudly, earning more cheers as answers. "Okay, who's our next victim? Ah, you two look awfully cosy".
Not caring who was forced into a kiss next, Louis kept gazing at his marvellous boyfriend. "I love you, Haz".
"And I love you, Lou" Harry kissed him again, a little firmer this time. "I'm so proud of you, sun".
"I'm proud of myself" Louis exhaled a long breath. "And relieved it's done, to be honest. Now let's wait for the headlines".
"Do they really matter?" Harry stroked his cheek gently, no judgement in his voice, only support and understanding.
"No, they don't. Not anymore" Louis lunged forward to seal their lips together again for only a moment but that moment meant more to him than he could ever explain. "You're all that matters but I am kinda curious to see all the bullshit they're gonna spin".
"How about we have a look at it later and laugh over a glass of wine, mh?" Harry suggested supportively.
"Sounds perfect" Louis felt so immensely happy right now that he entirely missed the start of the second half.
With Harry tucked into his side and their hands intertwined in his lap, the second half passed in no time and Sean's team did win in the end. All loved up, they left the stadium and ignored all cameras and eyes on them, heading straight home. Crossing the portal, they walked right into the living room and headed for the bay window, cuddling up without needing words. Outside, Alexa was trying to get Coco to play with her but Coco completely ignored all of her attempts. The sight made Louis smile and he could feel Harry smile as well into his hair. It was perfect.
"I feel so privileged to experience moments like this with you, Haz" Louis turned around in his arms and sat down on Harry's lap, his legs wrapped around his waist leisurely. "I love you".
"And I love you, Louis. So much that I'm missing the words sometimes to express just how much" Harry steadied him with one hand on his back, the other carding through his hair. "You are my world, as cheesy as that sounds. I feel at home when I'm with you and I can never get enough of you. Every day, you amaze me and inspire me and I feel so lucky and privileged to call you mine".
Tearing up at his lovely words, Louis cupped his pretty face and brought their foreheads back together. "And I thank my lucky star every day that I can call you mine, Petal. You are everything to me".
Exhaling a shuddering breath, Harry let his fingers trail down to trace over Louis' cheeks, his other hand coming up between them and resting on Louis' lap. "And you are everything to me. You are my soulmate and I love you more each passing day. I don't wanna spend one single day without you ever again. You mean the world to me and I would be honoured if you officially became mine, Lou".
Blinking dumbly at him, Louis had trouble comprehending what Harry was saying. "What are you saying, Haz?".
"Lou" Harry breathed out shakily, his voice still so very quiet between them. Out of the corner of his eye, Louis saw Harry bringing up his hand and presenting a simple silver ring to him, making him gasp in realisation. "Would you marry me?".
At hearing those four words, Louis' whole world stopped for a moment and his jaw hit the floor. Of course, they had talked about this before and admitted that they would marry each other one day if they felt like it but he still hadn't expected this one bit and maybe that made it all the more special. Harry was asking him in their home in Louis' favourite place instead of using the given opportunity and ask him during the game. He had decided to ask him in private without any eyes on them. And that Harry was the one asking him somehow made it all the more better.
"Yes" Louis croaked out emotionally, letting his happy tears fall now and reaching out to kiss his fiancé. "Of course, I would".
"Yeah?" Harry beamed at him joyfully, tears streaming down his face as well. "You're gonna marry me?".
"Of course, I will, Haz. I love you and wanna spend the rest ...".
"I still wasn't sure, to be honest" Harry admitted openly, his cheeks bright red. "I was pretty nervous".
"I would have been too, Petal" Louis' cheeks were hurting from how big he was smiling. "Just thinking about asking you made me hella nervous. Thank God, I don't have to anymore".
"Glad I could help with that" Harry pressed a kiss to his nose, showcasing the beautiful ring to him. "May I?".
"You may" Louis reached his shaking hand out to him, watching how Harry slid the ring onto his finger. "Wow".
"Yeah," Harry wrapped his arms back around him, smiling blindingly at him with those mesmerizing green eyes of his. "We're getting married, Lou".
"We do, yeah" Louis stared at the ring on his finger, the longing to get Harry one as well taking over him. "I wanna get you a ring as well. You deserve one. You're also engaged now".
Bringing their lips together in some swift touches but not actually kissing, Harry only smiled at him with tears prominent on his face. "Whatever you want, Angel".
Looking into his eyes, Louis saw everything he could ever want right in front of him. He was already lucky enough to have the man he loved right here with him and have a daughter with that very man. There really wasn't more he could ever want. As long as he had Harry, Darcy and their fur babies, he would live a fulfilled and happy life. His life had really turned out to be absolutely amazing with only a touch of magic and the power of love.
"I want you, Petal" Louis cupped his tear-stained face, smiling so endlessly wide because they were in love and always would be. "And I wanna get you a ring, Haz. For my soulmate".
And this is it, guys. I hope you enjoyed this story. I've been struggling with it quite a bit and it took me ages to write but in the end, I'm happy with how it turned out, although it's different from what I normally write in some ways.
I'm not sure when and if I'm gonna post another story on here (depending on if I'm actually gonna release my books this year) but I'm grateful for every single person who ever gave my stories a chance. Love you <3
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