30. Lemon Drizzle Cake
An annoying low beeping sound cut through Louis' beautiful dream, making him scrunch up his face and bury it deeper into his fluffy pillow in a poor attempt to drown the sound out. Now half awake, Louis felt the bed dip right next to him, causing the sheets to rustle lightly. Instinctively, he turned his head towards the source of the commotion and immediately felt soft lips press a gentle kiss to his forehead and tender fingers comb through his hair. A second later, the fleeting touches were gone and sleep was trying to take him under again but he fought against it, if only for a quick moment. He wanted to stay as awake as possible until Harry was out of the door for work. He wanted to say good morning.
It felt like only a few short moments before Louis could sense his boyfriend crouching down next to the bed right at his side. Still very sleepy, Louis turned around and blinked one eye open to squint at him. Taking in the black darkness of his bedroom, Louis was directly met with Harry smiling at him, all dressed up.
"Morning" Louis yawned out groggily.
"Morning, Sunshine" Harry stroked some hair out of Louis' face lazily. "I'm off, yeah? But I'm back earlier today".
"Okay," Louis nuzzled into Harry's hand when it stopped on his cheek for a second. "Have a good day. I love you".
"I love you, too" Harry leaned over to peck his lips quickly, setting his whole body on fire like every morning. "Bye, Baby".
"Bye, Love" Louis watched him leave the room and immediately snuggled back into his warm pillow when the front door fell shut downstairs, falling back asleep in an instant.
A few hours later, Louis woke from his deep sleep again at an appropriate time of day and not at the crack of dawn like his man. Standing up, he leisurely got ready for the day. Dressed in comfy clothes, Louis left the bathroom and made their bed, his eyes falling onto the new little bookshelf next to Harry's side of the bed. It was filled with all of Louis' books and that filled Louis' heart with so much warmth and love. Reading over the spines, Louis was met with all of his titles: Tied To My Destiny, Renting A Place in Your Heart, The Fake-Dating Thing, his first and so far only short story compilation with three stories, Only Just A Sugar Daddy, One Year To My Freedom, House Of Love and Shelter For My Heart.
His latest and still unpublished story Heartbreaker Dance was lying on Harry's bedside table together with his newest but still unfinished story about them. Whereby, unfinished wasn't the right word because it technically had been completed for a few weeks but still felt like it was missing something. An epilogue of some sort. Something still needed to happen to really round things up. Maybe he felt this way because obviously his and Harry's story wasn't over in real life and it was odd to write an ending for them.
Dismissing that thought, Louis went downstairs with Alexa to let her out into the garden for now. Being greeted by Coco when he entered his kitchen, he started on a quick breakfast for himself. While eating his cereal, Louis got a short text from Luke, who was asking for advice on Niall and their date plans for tonight. With one hand, Louis typed out an answer that would hopefully calm Luke down. Pocketing his phone again and finishing his cereal, he thought about Luke and Niall. Their friends have been dating for a couple of weeks now but somehow weren't able to actually make them official and Luke wanted to change that tonight. For two people who were that smitten with each other they could be really stupid but Louis had no right to judge. He and Harry had been way worse and he knew that. It's a miracle they actually worked things out and were as happy as they were now.
Petting Coco affectionately, Louis found himself thinking about his boyfriend again. Even with them living together for three weeks now, Louis still couldn't believe sometimes how lucky he was. Harry was everything he had ever wanted and at times it felt too good to be true to actually have him but then Harry tended to randomly tell him how much he loved him and how lucky he was and that just made him accept that they both really felt the same way in every aspect. They were both so damn lucky and used every chance they got to point it out.
For some reason, Louis had thought with them living together things would change between them. He had thought their dynamic would change but it didn't. Not in a bad way, at least. Everything had just fallen into place on its own and now it felt as if they had been living together for ages and that although today was only the very day Harry would have had to officially move out of his old flat, technically. But after offering his place to him, Harry had packed his things immediately as fast as possible and had moved in, filling this house with life and love and happiness.
Cleaning his dishes away, Louis took out some margarine, flour, sugar, eggs, some untreated lemons and powdered sugar along with vanilla sugar and baking powder. Knowing this could end in a huge disaster, he chose to still do it anyway. It couldn't go more than totally wrong because even after living together for weeks and making their baking sessions still a thing between them on some days, Louis was not an inch better at baking than last year before he had met Harry. He still sucked at it but he had picked up some tricks and was not scared to try them out.
So, he grated the zest from the three lemons clumsily first before squeezing two of the lemons with a lot of effort, already messing up his kitchen. Whisking the eggs and the sugar until it was fluffy was actually something he was capable of doing but sifting the flour turned out harder than expected. When he had somehow managed to succeed, he mixed all of the ingredients together until it looked okay in his eyes. Spreading the dough onto a baking tray lined with baking paper had sounded like fun but ended up looking really messy when he was done. Ignoring how it looked, Louis pushed the tray into the preheated oven and hoped for the best.
Quickly, he mixed the lemon juice and powdered sugar into a glaze like Harry had shown him before taking out his phone again to check his work-related emails from Caprice and Sabrina while the cake was in the oven. Sending out replies to them, he also texted his mum to make sure she didn't need any more help for their family dinner tomorrow. Bringing up the dinner brought his nerves back, so he checked on the cake to busy his mind but it wasn't helping. Knowing that tomorrow both their families would officially meet for the first time was making him anxious in so many unexpected ways. Everything could go wrong and that just couldn't happen. He wouldn't know what to do with himself if their families wouldn't get along. Would that break them?
The beeping of his phone startled him a little but he ignored his racing pulse and checked the next text. It was from his mum and calmed him down immediately. She had only texted to let him know that everything was prepared and that she was looking forward to officially meeting Harry's family and bringing them all together. She also added that she couldn't wait to taste his cake, definitely taking the piss with that comment. Pouting at no one expecting his cake to taste good, Louis glanced at the time and realised that he could take the said cake out of the oven.
Carefully, he took the tray out and placed it on the counter. Pricking the entire top of the cake with a fork, Louis spread the glaze over the cake while it was still warm. The smell made his mouth water and only a second after he had thought about how delicious the cake smelled, he could hear Alexa trotting into the kitchen, sniffing the air loudly. Shaking his head at his predictable dog, Louis finished up the cake before covering it up and cleaning the kitchen quickly. Hopefully, their families would appreciate his efforts. Hopefully, the cake wasn't a total disaster.
Picking Coco up into his arms, Louis left the kitchen with Alex hot on his heels and sat down on the couch, where his notebook has been waiting for him. Flicking through the pages, Louis scanned his notes and ideas from years ago and faltered all over again. He noticed something that he has noticed before but has waved it off as a coincidence. Looking at his notes about the character of Hayden, he felt his heartbeat picking up. Hayden literally looked exactly like Harry and they shared a lot of core personality traits when Louis didn't turn Hayden into an asshole. Of course, this wasn't the first time he actually noticed that but it was blowing him away right now. Of course, his character Lucas kinda resembled himself in many ways but Hayden has never had a direct and clear person as inspiration. He has been entirely made up but apparently, Louis had just predicted his own future in some creepy way. Was it possible that he had somehow subconsciously known that Harry would be his future? Was this still considered a random coincidence or was this fate again? Was he overthinking this now? Maybe he just had a type. A very specific type.
Deciding to give his thoughts a rest, Louis texted Aria to see if she was free to meet up for a dog walk in a bit. When he wanted to stand up to do something, Coco wailed and dug her claws into his jumper, clinging onto him as if he would leave for war. This cat really never wanted him to leave her side. She was clingy.
"Aw, Baby" Louis cooed over her, petting her lovingly, which made her release her claws the tiniest bit. "I'm not going anywhere yet. I only wanted to be productive but if you want me to stay, I'm gonna stay. Only until Alexa needs her walk though".
Looking straight into his face, Coco actually meowed at that and started purring, rubbing her face into his chest to get more pets and scratches. Chuckling at her antics, Louis obeyed and let her have her way, not capable of saying no to her, like ever.
Meowing displeased when his phone beeped, Louis petted her head apologetically before taking it out and reading Aria's reply. She was actually free to join him on his walk, which made him immensely happy. They haven't been able to meet up for a couple of weeks because they've both been pretty busy but now he was missing his best friend and needed to see her, if only shortly.
"Sorry, Baby. But you have to let me go now" Louis apologised to Coco when he had to literally pry her off of him, earning a sad meow in return. "You don't want to go outside, Princess. You'd hate it and you know it, so you have to stay but Haz is gonna be back soon. He's coming home earlier today, remember?".
At that, her whining stopped and she peaked up at him with curious eyes, letting him put her down on the couch. Petting her head one last time, Louis pressed a kiss between her ears and called out for Alexa, who ran up to him with an excitedly wagging tail and a bounce in her steps. Throwing over a jacket, Louis put Alexa on her leash, slipped into his shoes, grabbed his keys and left the house with a last shout-out to Coco, assuring her that he'd be back soon. Walking through his gate, Louis shook his head at the absurd situation. Never would he have thought that he'd ever be someone to say goodbye to a cat on the daily because said cat was the clingiest creature ever, worse than his own dog. But he also knew that this behaviour wasn't normal for Coco. He knew that she was only acting this way with him and that made him feel special every time, no matter how normal this had become for the two of them. It felt special because for Coco, he was special and Harry seemed to love that every time Coco showed her love for him and made it clear that she had chosen Louis as well.
In the blink of an eye, Louis and Alexa reached the park, where Aria was already waiting for them by the doggy meadow. "Hey, you two. Fancy seeing you here".
"Yeah, what a coincidence" Louis snorted amused, pulling her into his arms for a quick hug. "How have you been?".
"Good, good. I've been kinda swarmed with weddings but it's the same as every year. People are obsessed with getting married in spring and it's good for me" Aria told him animatedly while they headed for a bench. "And I'm lucky enough that my girlfriend works from home, so I still see her all the time".
"Glad to hear that" Louis let Alexa off of her leash, happy that his friend wasn't faced with the same old issues anymore.
"I've been worried about that, not gonna lie" Aria sat down on the bench, Louis following suit. "After Tamara, I thought I just wasn't made for a working relationship with my job and my personality but Àmbar has shown me again and again that it's possible. She makes loving me look so easy. It feels easy".
"Because you're easy to love, Ari" Louis nudged her side gently. "But I also get what you mean. It's overwhelming when one single person can change your outlook on life and make everything feel easy, especially when the simplest things felt difficult before them and now ... now ...".
"Now everything feels right" Aria finished his sentence quietly.
"It does, yeah" Louis nodded in confirmation, the words still scaring him at times because pure happiness felt surreal and normally never lasted long but he tried not to think about that too much. "Isn't that scary though?".
"It is" Aria glanced at him briefly before looking into the distance. "It's damn scary but love always is. If you're not even the tiniest bit scared, then maybe you're too sure. Or maybe I'm just telling myself that because I will always be scared to lose her but ...".
"It's not an always present feeling" Louis understood what she meant. "It's not clogging your brain or making you anxious. It just makes you cherish every tiny little moment with your person".
"The way it should be, yeah" Aria smiled at him warmly. "I'm very happy you found that person. I know you thought you'd never".
"It looked like I'd never find love to me but then Harry came into my life and now I'm so happy that I'm missing the words to describe it most of the time. Everything between us feels simply natural and easy and familiar, even if it's something new" Louis shared his feelings with her. "I know it hasn't been that long but I just know he's it for me. I can feel it. Am I ... Am I crazy?".
"Not when that's how you feel, Lew" Aria took his worries away with a few simple words. "And to ease your mind, I'm gonna tell you that from the outside it looks like you're it for each other".
"Really?" he could feel his heartbeat picking up instantly.
"I would never lie to you and you know that" Aria nudged his knee lightly. "I know you already had your ups and downs but since you've actually given it a fair chance, you have never looked so happy and Harry is glowing just as much when he's with you and if that's not true love, then I don't what it is".
The words true love made his heart stop for a beat, making it hard for him to comprehend anything. True love sounded like something out of a fairytale. Something he had never dared to even write in his books because it felt too foreign but now she had just used these words so casually that they melted his brain. Did something like true love really exist?
"And it shouldn't matter if you've been together for a year or a month or a decade" Aria continued unchanged. "If you feel like Harry is it for you, then that's a valid thing to feel and it doesn't matter how long it's been. No one knows what you really feel, so no one can judge you for what you feel or do, okay?".
With bated breath, Louis nodded numbly, trying to find his voice. Sometimes, Arias sounded so much older with her wise words but then other times, she needed someone else to tell her exactly the same things she told others because she could be insecure as well and Louis always wanted to make her feel appreciated.
"Okay," Louis replied a bit belated, his voice sounding a little hoarse. "But you know the same goes for you, right?".
"I know" Aria looked up at the grey sky with a smile. "Most of the time, I know that. I know that I'm so endlessly lucky to have found her. After that cheating mess with Tamara, I really thought no one could ever be okay with me not needing sex every day but then Àmbar fell into my life and ... I'm really blessed".
"You deserve all the love you're receiving" Louis grabbed her hand to squeeze it. "Not everything is about sex and I'm really happy that you found someone who shows you that every day".
"Me too" Aria squeezed back but then looked at him with a grin. "But it's funny that you're telling me this when I know that you two probably never stop".
"Ey" Louis pinched her side laughingly, making her crack up. "We do not have sex all the time, thank you very much".
"Please" Aria rolled her eyes showily, not believing him one bit.
"We might have a decent amount of sex but not all the time, I swear" Louis made big eyes at her, which only made her laugh harder. "Stop laughing at me. We do not fuck all the time".
"Language" Aria cackled exhilaratedly.
"Oh, fuck off" Louis pushed her to the side but she wouldn't stop laughing. "We don't have as much sex as you think, twat. Our schedules don't match for that".
"But you literally work from home and choose your own working times" Aria stated matter-of-factly.
"Yes, but Harry doesn't, not like this. With the bakery, he's always up so early and has to go to bed way earlier than me because he only has early shifts" Louis pointed out the main issue at hand. "Well, for now".
"I never thought about that, to be honest. A baker's job is really tough. Standing up so early every day must suck" Aria looked thoughtful for a moment. "Wait, why only for now?".
"Two of his employees are out on maternity leave but they're coming back to work soon with a few weeks in between them. So, until then the shifts stay as they are but when they're back, things go back to how they were before" Louis let her know informatively.
"How were things before?" Aria hooked curiously.
"Well, according to Haz, they all only worked part-time and had two days off in a row. You know, Sunday obviously but half of the staff had Saturday off like Niall and the others Monday" Louis started to explain to her as detailed as he could but he couldn't remember everything Harry had told him about this. "And their shifts weren't always the same. They all had early and late shifts".
"So, when these two ladies are back, he's gonna have more time again to spend with you" Aria concluded cheekily and Louis just knew what she would say next. "Which means more sex and I was right, after all".
"I really hate you sometimes" Louis was entirely unimpressed by her antics. "We're not gonna have more sex when he ...".
"Keep telling yourself that but I know you will" Aria talked over him totally unfazed. "You two are crazy for each other. It's almost palpable sometimes. Do you even do anything other than fuck?".
"Yes," Louis huffed poutily, crossing his arms over his chest like a stubborn child. "We do lots of things outside of the bedroom".
"I really didn't need to know that you fuck everywhere in your house. I should never come over to yours again. Not sure there is a place where I could sit that's still sanitary enough ...".
"Ever heard about cleaning?" Louis cut her off with a dirty smirk on his face. "I have a magic boyfriend, after all. Comes in very handy sometimes".
"Please, no details" Aria grimaced comically.
"You started this sex talk" Louis reminded her childishly.
"Because you two are worse than animals" Aria claimed loudly. "If you could, you'd fuck all day long. Don't deny it".
"No, we wouldn't" Louis slapped her shoulder huffily. "We cuddle more than we fuck, for your information".
"Not helping your case" Aria grinned maliciously.
"Piss off" Louis pinched her side again but couldn't help the laugh that was bubbling out of him. "We're just very physical".
"And nothing's wrong with that" Aria patted his cheek showily until he swatted her off. "It doesn't matter if people have sex once a week or thrice a day as long as they're happy with it. I just love to tease you because I still remember that you thought you'd die a virgin and now look at you".
"Yeah, funny how that turned out" Louis remembered that version of himself, which felt like it had been ages ago. "Now all these sexual Never Have I Ever questions wouldn't leave me as sober anymore. That's for sure".
"Yeah, definitely not, you sex-crazed maniac" Aria pinched his cheek because she was evil. "You'd be drunk in an instant".
"We're not that bad" Louis huffed exaggeratedly.
"You're shagging like two possessed ...".
"We do not!".
Laughing as hard as they did, Louis got a stitch and could hardly breathe, wheezing at some point but Aria wasn't doing any better. And what could he say, she wasn't entirely wrong. They liked to have a lot of sex and it had definitely gotten worse since they were living together but it wasn't as bad as she was making it out to be. They weren't shagging thrice a day. Sometimes there was no sex for a couple of days. Other times there was sex more than once a day but it always depended on their mood and the time they had. They weren't sex-crazed animals. Not entirely.
When they had calmed down a little, they decided to get up and walk further through the park with Alexa on her leash, talking about Aria's upcoming weddings, Louis' new idea for his next book and Luke and Niall, who really no one had seen coming. Like this, the time passed by without him noticing it and when he left the park again, it was way later than he had planned to go home. So when he came home, he directly spotted Harry's boots by the door and his coat on the coat hanger, which put a smile on his face immediately. His man was back home.
"Haz?" Louis called out while getting out of his shoes and jacket, putting Alexa's leash down with a clinking sound.
"Kitchen!" Harry's voice was heard from the distance, which made Alexa immediately sprint into the kitchen.
Following his dog, Louis headed for the kitchen and was met with the sight of Harry bending down to put something in the oven in his cute apron. In nothing but his cute apron and sexy lace panties and that was definitely a sight. "Well, hello, Gorgeous".
Looking up at the sound of his voice, Harry closed the oven and glanced at the clock before facing him with a shit-eatingly sexy grin. "Hey, Baby. Had a good walk?".
Somehow seeing Harry like this right now after his teasing conversation with Aria made his brain short-circuit and his brain-to-mouth filter chose to stop working. "Shit, maybe Aria was right".
"Pardon me?" Harry blinked at him dumbfounded. "You find me almost naked in the kitchen and think of Aria?".
"So, you planned this, huh?" Louis let his eyes wander over his boyfriend's sexy form. "What's your goal?".
"If I say you, will you slap me?" Harry grinned cheekily.
"It's not even afternoon" Louis had to point out because he felt like he had a point to prove but his mind was already imagining many different scenarios involving Harry and their kitchen.
"So?" Harry leaned against the counter by the oven, jutting his hip out to reveal more of his lacy panties to drive him crazy.
Scolding himself for wanting to bend Harry over the counter and ravish him, Louis pinched his own thigh to keep himself from doing that just yet. "What are you even making? Didn't we s ...?".
"I made the cheesecake while I was waiting for you. I saw that you made the lemon drizzle cake all on your own and it looks delicious" Harry let him know why he was being all sinful in the kitchen and not somewhere else. "But all the baking made me sweat, so I took my clothes off. Is that an issue?".
"It's your kitchen. You're free to wear as many clothes as you like or in your case, as few as you want" Louis rolled his lips in to bite down on his bottom lip in an attempt to stay calm. Eyeing the dirty bowls and cutlery, Louis walked over to the middle counter aisle. "Is this becoming a new habit of yours? Leaving your dirty dishes behind? Irresponsible, Babe. And look, there's still dough in the bowl. Did you taste it? Tastes delicious, Baby".
Teasingly, Louis put his finger in the bowl to collect the remains of the dough and sucked the covered finger into his mouth, all while holding eye contact with his squirming boyfriend. Hollowing his cheeks, Louis licked the dough off of his finger and could hear Harry whimper quietly under his breath, making Louis smirk to himself in satisfaction. With an innocent smile on his face, Louis released his finger, making an obscene popping sound.
"You good, Baby?" Louis put on his huskiest voice.
"Stop licking your finger and come over here, please" Harry brought out in a whiny voice, making grabby hands at him. "I'd prefer these fingers somewhere else".
"You sound like some cheap porn, Darling" Louis chuckled at his choice of words but closed the distance between them anyway. "Better? Close enough?".
"No" Harry took a hold of his waist and pulled Louis flush against his chest, wrapping his arms around his waist securely to keep him in place. "Please, kiss me, Lou".
"Because you asked so nicely" Louis rolled his eyes playfully and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck, connecting their lips in a passionate kiss. His stomach fluttered immediately.
In mere seconds, their kiss got deeper and turned dirtier and needier, their hands squeezing ass cheeks and tugging on curls. Pressed so close together, Louis could feel Harry's boner rub against him, so he rocked right into it to make him moan. Untying the apron, Louis tucked it off and threw it to the ground, now letting his hands roam over Harry's naked chest. Teasingly, Louis broke away from the kiss and attached his lips to Harry's nipples, sucking and licking them just like Harry liked it.
"God, Louis" Harry moaned out breathlessly, digging his nails deeper into Louis' bum to rut their groins together. "Please".
"What do you want, Baby?" Louis murmured against his lips in a low voice, nibbling on his bottom lip teasingly.
"Anything" Harry whimpered out but Louis only raised an eyebrow at him in question. "You, your fingers, your dick. All of it".
"Here?" Louis sucked on Harry's jawline to make it harder for him to speak. Louis just loved riling him up as much as possible.
"There" Harry stuttered out affectedly, shakily pointing at the middle isle behind them. "Please".
"As you wish" Louis kissed him again aroused. "Go on then".
Letting go of his bum, Harry wobbled over to the middle isle and sat up on it, his cute little bum wiggling with each step. Not strong enough to resist any longer, Louis got rid of his jumper and his jeans while approaching the middle isle, placing both of his hands on both sides of Harry's thighs. Sitting on the counter like this, Harry was a lot taller than him and Louis was starting to wonder how Harry had planned to do this here.
Before Louis could even ask his question, Harry lay down on the isle with his back, bending and spreading his legs. Now Louis was face-level with these sinful blue panties, Harry's bum and his hard dick covered by the panties. Taking a step back, Louis opened the drawer by the sink blindly and fished out the lube they had stored there because apparently, they had a knack for kitchen sex, as was being proven right this second. With the lube in hand, Louis stepped up to the counter and stopped right at Harry's panties, toying with them a little right by his dick before pressing wet kisses onto Harry's inner thighs, making them tremble.
"Lou" Harry begged brokenly. "Please".
Hearing his wishes, Louis leaned over Harry's covered dick and mouthed at the tip that was peaking out. Tasting the salty pre-cum, Louis tapped Harry's hip to make him lift his bum, so he could take the panties off and get his mouth on his dick for real. Only sucking on the tip lightly, Louis slicked up three of his fingers and teased Harry's rim with the first. Taking him fully down for only a moment, Louis pushed his finger inside of Harry, making him moan obscenely loud. Kissing down Harry's shaft and sucking on his balls, Louis pushed his finger in and out of him teasingly slow, loving to see how affected he already was.
"More, Lou" Harry panted out lowly.
Adding a second finger, Louis picked up his pace but avoided Harry's prostate at all costs, not wanting him to come too soon. When he added his third finger, Harry's legs gave in and fell to the side and off the counter, making it hard for Louis to keep penetrating him like this. So, he picked up Harry's legs and threw them over his own shoulders, which brought Harry's hole even closer to him and gave him the perfect angle to pound his three fingers into him mercilessly, coaxing erotic moans out of him with each push in. It made Louis so unbelievably hard.
"So close. Want your dick now" Harry warned him weakly, his hands reaching out but not getting a hold of him. "Please".
"Then get down, Love" Louis pulled his fingers out, wiping them clean-ish on his boxers before taking them off.
At the sight of a completely naked Louis with a rock-hard dick, Harry let out a sinfully loud moan and got into position. Eagerly, he bent over and placed his hands on the isle, presenting his puckering hole to Louis like an invitation. Squeezing his own dick to take the edge off, Louis grabbed the lube again and quickly slicked up his dick. Massively turned on, Louis reached out and massaged Harry's perky bum, spreading his cheeks and rubbing with his finger over Harry'srim.
"Fuck me, Louis" Harry pushed his bum further towards him shamelessly, leaning entirely on the counter. "Wreck me".
With his brain shutting off completely, Louis grabbed Harry by the hips and pushed his dick inside of him without a warning, earning a scenic moan as a reward. Taking in a few steadying breaths, Louis started to pound into his boyfriend at a rapid speed, fucking him against the counter as hard as he could. The sound of their slapping skin mixed with their breathy moans was the only thing heard in the kitchen, driving Louis absolutely wild.
Spreading his legs impossibly more, Harry took him in even deeper, making Louis ram right into his prostate with every hard thrust of his hips. "Lou, I ... I'm gonna ...".
"Wanna come against the counter, Love?" Louis wondered if that would be very pleasurable with Harry's dick literally squeezed against the counter, so the shake of Harry's head didn't really surprise him. "I have an idea".
Stopping his thrusts and pulling out of him, Louis turned his boyfriend around to him and crashed their lips back together. Tapping his hips, Harry got the hint and jumped up to wrap his legs around Louis' waist, their dicks colliding immediately and making them moan and almost come as close as they were.
With his tongue down Harry's throat, Louis walked them over to the only free wall space in the kitchen, right by the door frame. Pushing Harry up against the wall without breaking their kiss, Louis took a hold of his own dick and guided Harry back down onto it, immediately fucking up into him at a fast pace. With each thrust into his hole, Harry was being pushed up the wall, which led to him breaking away from the kiss and throwing his head back with a loud moan. Steadying him with one hand on his hip, Louis placed his other hand on the wall by Harry's face.
"You look outrageously sinful, Baby" Louis sucked a mark into Harry's neck before shoving his tongue back into his mouth.
Feeling his orgasm building up, Louis tightened his firm grip on Harry's waist and pounded harder into him, aiming at his abused prostate with every push of his dick. With his legs going lax around Louis' waist, Harry came all over their naked chests, moaning and panting into Louis' mouth. Only a moment later, Louis orgasmed as well when he felt Harry's walls clench around him. Light-headedly, Louis fucked them through their highs before stilling his stuttering hips and caging Harry against the wall, their kisses softening. This has been mind-blowing.
Smiling into their barely-there kisses, Harry wrapped his arms tighter around Louis' neck to put their foreheads together. "I love you so much, sunshine".
"I love you just as much, Petal" Louis pecked Harry's nose, letting his arm fall down to Harry's waist. "But I think we need a shower now. We're filthy".
"I like us like this" Harry giggled cutely but hissed when Louis' dick tugged on his sensitive rim at the movement. "But I should probably get down. The cake needs to be taken out".
"Not just the cake" Louis wiggled his eyebrows funnily, not able to hold himself back. The opportunity has been right there.
"Not sure why I let you fuck me when all I get afterwards is this horrible immature teenage humour" Harry wiggled in his arms to get down, Louis' soft dick slipping out. "Horrible, I tell you".
"Naw, don't act like you don't like it, Haz" Louis humoured him, keeping his arms wrapped around Harry's waist. "You begged me to fuck you, remember? You wanted me".
"Can't see why" Harry huffed out poutily, swatting at his chest. "Would you let me go? I don't wanna ruin the cake".
"Help yourself" Louis let go of him and chuckled at Harry slowly wobbling over to the oven, cum dripping down his inner thighs. "You want some help? I think you bent over enough today".
"I seriously can't stand you right now" Harry glared at him and bent down just for Louis to ogle his used bum, wiggling it a little.
Hopelessly endeared, Louis walked over to him and stepped up behind him, grabbing his bum cheeks and almost making Harry drop the hot cake. "The cake looks delicious, Baby".
"The cheesecake or my bum?" Harry peaked at him nastily.
"Both" Louis responded cheekily, a shit-eating grin on his face.
"It's not even been five minutes, Lou. You just had my bum all to yourself" Harry broke out of his grip and covered up the cake. "Oh, by the way, I finished reading our story yesterday".
That caught him completely off guard, which made him gape at Harry dumbly. "What? Really? What did you think?".
"Well," Harry put the cake in the fridge and then crossed the short distance between them, wrapping his arms back around Louis' waist and bringing their naked bodies back together. "I absolutely loved it. I cried at how wonderful this story is. The way you wrote about our first meeting and our baking sessions ... I cried over almost everything that happened. Good and bad".
"I didn't mean to make you cry" Louis didn't like the thought of Harry sitting alone somewhere and crying over something Louis has written.
"It's not possible to read any of your stories and not cry, Louis. But this one was obviously different because it's our story. You need to publish it. People will love it" Harry let his hands wander down to his bum, letting them hover over it.
"Are you sure? I never wrote it to be read by anyone except you" Louis bit the inside of his cheek doubtfully.
"If you change our names to Hayden and Lucas, it can be the next instalment in your multiverse. It does sound like something that would've happened to them, don't you think?" Harry tilted his head aside cutely.
"It does because they're us, in some way, right?" Louis shared that scary thought with him. "Hayden does look like you".
"Looks like you dreamed me up for years" Harry rubbed their noses together while simultaneously squeezing his bum. "When I was in secondary school, I had an art class and we were told to draw whatever came to our mind. Wanna know what I drew?".
"What did you draw?" Louis hooked with bated breath.
"The face of a boy with striking blue eyes, messy brown hair and sharp cheekbones" Harry revealed to him with red cheeks.
"You just made that up" Louis brought out breathlessly.
"I would never" Harry looked deep into his eyes, making his knees wobble at the intensity. "I found it when I helped my mum clean out her attic. The painting looks exactly like you. Just younger. So, you're not the only creepy one here".
Caressing Harry's neck affectionately, Louis felt something settle inside of him at knowing that he wasn't the only one who had apparently foretold their future. "Let's call it fate instead, mh?".
"Fate sounds alright to me" Harry smiled at him before kissing him softly. "Wanna join me in my shower? You're just as filthy".
"I have an even better idea" Louis trailed with his finger over Harry's jawline, pulling his face closer and smirking up at him. "Wanna fuck me in the shower?".
Harry's breath hitched at that suggestion and his hands instinctively squeezed Louis' naked bum, one finger falling right between his cheeks and tracing over his rim. "I'd love that".
"Knew you would" Louis grinned seductively, nibbling lightly on Harry's earlobe and immediately feeling the tip of his finger breaching his rim. "Let's go upstairs".
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