26. Changing The Demons Of The Past
Usually, Louis has been someone who always paid attention to the movie he was watching, especially in the cinema. But today that turned out to be the most challenging thing he ever had to do. While the movie was playing, Harry was snuggled into his side and the popcorn was resting on his lap, their hands touching more often than not. Those little fleeting touches always set his whole body on fire, which brought him back to his thought about Harry being the fire to his gasoline, just that it wasn't a bad thing this time. No, it made him feel alive and hyper-aware of every cell in his body. But sadly that was also very distracting, so he missed most of the movie and just watched Harry watch it.
Of course that didn't go unnoticed by Harry, who craned his neck up to whisper into his ear, his lips tracing his earlobe and making him shudder. "Didn't you say you always watch the movie because you don't spend money to just waste it? How's that going so far? Do you even know what's happening on the screen?".
And he wanted to lie to save face but Harry's lips were trailing over his neck now, his nose nudging his jaw. "You're very ... very distracting, Baby. Really not my fault I can't look away".
"Oh, so it's me?" Harry gasped quietly, his breath hitting Louis' neck just right and Harry definitely knew that. "I'm sorry".
"No, you're not" Louis managed to put the bowl of popcorn next to him somehow, his free hand cupping Harry's cheek, which made him look up at him. "You little minx are enjoying this".
"Pardon me?" Harry fluttered his eyelashes innocently but he wasn't fooling anyone. His eyes screamed mischief.
"You love being the centre of my attention, Baby" Louis brought their faces even closer together, hovering right over Harry's lips with his own. "You love the effect you have on me".
"As if you're not affecting me just as much, Lou" Harry gulped visibly, wetting his lips slowly. "Kiss me".
"As you wish".
Eagerly, Louis pressed their lips together, feeling Harry's hand going straight for his hoodie and fisting it like a lifeline. Normally, he wasn't someone to even think about making out in the back of the cinema in one of those way too comfy loveseats but Harry's lips were way too tempting to ignore. It made him feel young.
"You make me feel like a bloody teenager, sun" Harry giggled against his lips when they came up for air.
Two months ago, that sentence would've pushed Louis down an awfully long mental spiral, making him worry about not being seen as a serious option for Harry. It would've made him feel like he meant that in a bad way but now he could hear the happiness and giddiness in his voice, which made him relax and just kiss him again because he could. Because he was allowed to.
"You started it" Louis mumbled into their kiss blissfully.
"I've never been like this. It's all you" Harry pressed himself closer to Louis' chest, deepening their kiss a little.
The nagging feeling was back and wouldn't leave him alone. This stupid voice in the back of his mind made him question if Harry really thought it was a good thing, even if it sounded like he did. This annoying voice made him question if Harry was really honest with him in every aspect. This awful voice still made him question if Harry thought they would only ever be some bloody teenage love and nothing more because Louis had obviously never had any of this. If this was only puppy love in his eyes.
"Too bad" Louis pushed the voice away and chose to enjoy this moment with his boy, who seemed to enjoy himself as well.
Letting go of his hoodie, Harry swatted his chest weakly. "You are insufferable. Watch the movie now".
"Don't even know what we're watching" Louis admitted because he was lost in Harry's fascinating emerald green eyes.
"Not cute" Harry huffed poutily because he was that dramatic and Louis was obsessed with it. "Men".
"Ey" Louis poked his cheek in protest. "You're not any better".
"I told you that's on you, not me" Harry had the audacity to turn away and settle back against his shoulder, facing the big screen. "Now hush. We missed them breaking up. I at least want to see them realising they made a mistake. Stop being pretty".
"Or what? You're gonna be too distracted?" Louis pinched his waist because Harry was being impossible. "Such a brat".
"I heard that" Harry twisted his nipple through his hoodie.
"Was my intention" Louis chuckled quietly to himself. "Now, didn't you want to watch the movie? Pay attention or you'll miss it".
"Insufferable" Harry was definitely pouting now, like the big baby that he was. It only made Louis feel even happier.
Deciding to give it a rest, Louis tried to focus on the rest of the movie but it was kinda hard to follow along when you've missed so much due to your boyfriend being way too pretty. In his head, he was laughing at himself. Here he was, thirty-three bloody years old and he was behaving like some doe-eyed teenager with their first crush. Then again, Harry was his first boyfriend. Maybe not his first crush but he was special anyway. Too special to give him some much-needed peace of mind. Too special to just be the first and not also the last. That thought was not scary at all. Nope.
Intertwining their fingers to busy his mind and feel Harry as close as possible, Louis actually managed to pay some attention to the movie for the last twenty minutes of its running time. When it was over, they took some time to get up and leave their comfy bubble. Outside, they were met with an unusually blue sky clear of any clouds, so they decided to walk around for a bit before going home. As much as he didn't like the city centre, it was okay now.
"I'm telling you it wasn't toxic" Harry insisted on the movie couple being completely healthy. "You just didn't watch the movie enough to judge that. You only saw the end".
"Which gives me the high ground here, Haz" Louis reached down to entangle their fingers, something he hadn't done like this in public before but it felt nice. "I didn't get attached to the characters and their love too much to see clearly how toxic they were".
"This is so not what happened. I can see when characters are being toxic" Harry bumped his hip against Louis, making him stagger a bit. "In your latest book, I said pretty early on that Hayden was bloody toxic and that Lucas deserved better. See?".
"It would've been worrisome if you hadn't seen that, to be honest. It's right there, straight in your face" Louis humoured him but felt warm just thinking about Harry reading his book.
"Nothing was straight about that" Harry laughed at his own horrible joke, which made Louis chuckle along anyway.
"You are the worst" Louis tugged on their entwined hands to make them stop, right by some bookstore but he didn't care. "You really think your jokes are funny, don't you?".
"They are very funny. You laughed. I heard it" Harry pouted showily, tapping his chest with his free hand.
"Because you're bloody precious when you think you're funny. I can't help myself" Louis caught his hand and pulled him closer.
"Was that supposed to be a compliment or an insult? I couldn't tell" Harry jutted his bottom lip out now, making him look oh-so irresistible. "If it was an insult, you might have to apologise".
"Any specific wishes for that?" Louis' cheeks were hurting from how wide he was grinning. He was in way too deep.
"A kiss might be a good start" Harry puckered his lips to really underline his intentions. "Then you can admit how funny I am".
Before their lips could meet though, an oddly shrill male voice cut through their moment. "Oh my god. Louis Tomlinson, is that really you? I can't believe it. Hi".
Recognising the awfully hidden hysteria in that guy's voice, Louis knew immediately that it was a fan, making him swallow dryly. It wasn't something he had expected to ever encounter in his own hometown. But then again, people still knew who he was. It wasn't completely unlikely to happen. Right now proved that pretty well.
Giving Harry an apologetic and probably very pained look, Louis turned around to face the guy. It was some average dude, who was full-on beaming at running into him. That did put a smile on his face. Meeting fans has always been nice, for the most part.
"Hi, nice to meet you. What's your name, mate?" Louis wanted this to be a pleasant encounter for the guy, no matter what was going on inside of him. He could untangle that later.
"I'm Evan and I'm a big fan, always have been" Evan brought out jumpily, looking about ready to burst. "At first, I wasn't sure it was you but it is. I'm sorry if I interrupted something".
"It's okay" Louis waved his worries off, hoping Harry wasn't mad for being interrupted by this fan. "It's always nice to meet a fan. Don't shy away from saying hi".
"Okay, I won't but only if it looks like I can say something. If I can see you're busy, I won't bother you" Evan surprised him with his very mature way of approaching this. It wasn't normal for some fans. "You don't play anymore and took a step back. I respect that, even if I was really sad when you didn't come back".
"My time was over but I'm glad to hear I was missed" Louis felt weird thinking about the way he retired. To him, it was a totally different world and a version of him that didn't exist anymore. But for Evan, it was the only version of him that he knew. It was odd.
"Massively missed" Evan let him know eagerly. "You have always been one of your team's best players. You left a huge gap".
"I take your word for that" Louis didn't think that was true but if Evan wanted to believe that, it was fine.
"Now don't let me bother you any longer. I let you get back to your ..." Evan stopped himself mid-sentence, glancing at Harry, who was still standing behind him. For a moment, Evan hesitated but then his face morphed into something soft and open. "I've always had your back and just knew ... Your last post before you disappeared meant the world to me and many others. I think you should know that".
Flabbergasted, Louis opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. He hadn't seen that coming. "Err ...".
"I get it" Evan smiled warmly at him, starting to head off. "Thank you and I only wish you the best".
With that, Evan was gone and left behind a completely and utterly dumbfounded Louis, who didn't know what to feel right now because Evan's words had brought him back in time. To a time he wanted to forget. But Evan didn't mean any harm, more the exact opposite really. It was obvious that he had tried to let him know that he's had an impact on the community in his own way and that was something he hadn't known before. It made him think about all the other things he probably wasn't aware of since he had turned his back on that world. It was kinda unsettling.
"He seemed nice" Harry spoke up casually but Louis' mind was already taking him on a bad trip down memory lane, making him spiral a bit. "Louis?".
"Can we go home?" Louis kept staring into the distance, where Evan had disappeared from his view. "I think I need a moment".
"Of course, Angel" Harry reached out to touch him but oddly hesitated and Louis couldn't have that. So, he intertwined their fingers again and squeezed Harry's hand to signal him that it was fine to act like he normally would. "I can portalise us home? It would be faster. Would you like that?".
"Thanks" Louis didn't even really answer him but his emotions were taking over. Not too much to not be touched by how caring his boyfriend was and how quickly he reacted, thinking about the fastest way to get him home because he probably knew that he needed to get somewhere more private right now. Somewhere safe to spiral and let him in on his thoughts.
"I got you" Harry guided him away from people, out of sight.
Lost in his mind, Louis barely noticed how they walked through the portal straight into his front yard in mere seconds. Normally, he'd marvel over it because it was still fascinating to him but right now, he couldn't find it in him to care at all, his mind too occupied with thoughts and memories and voices. Way too many voices.
While Harry headed for the kitchen, Louis made his way up the stairs with Alexa hot on his heels, dragging himself into his bedroom. Flopping down on his bed, Alexa cuddled up to him immediately, probably sensing his inner turmoil. She was the best but couldn't stop him from feeling like he was overreacting big time when nothing bad had happened to him today. Just a fan.
A fan he hadn't expected to ever run into in his own town. A fan that had triggered some memories he had tried to forget but which were resurfacing now. A fan that had been excited to see him and that might have been the oddest part of the encounter. The sheer happiness at seeing him had thrown Louis off the most.
Kicking the door closed behind him and making Louis jump a little at the sudden sound, Harry joined him on his bed with two hot chocolates, freshly made. This simple gesture made his heart swell and his eyes tear up. Somewhere along the line, this hot chocolate has become his comfort drink and somehow Harry knew that and had immediately made it to comfort Louis right now. It spoke volumes and was too much to handle at the moment.
"Thanks" Louis accepted his cup gratefully, sitting up a little to not spill any of the precious drink. Alexa just readjusted herself.
With a lovely smile on his face, Harry surveyed him closely, his eyes showing so much worry. "You wanna talk about it?".
"I'm sorry I'm being such a drama queen right now. Nothing even happened and I just went and ruined our date with this ...".
"Hey, none of that, okay?" Harry rested his hand on his knee, his eyebrows knitted together. "Something clearly happened and you're not being dramatic, Louis. I could see that the encounter was bothering you, even if I don't know why. You were off and I think Evan noticed that too, so he left".
"You think?" Louis panicked in an instant, afraid of what that could mean for him. Would Evan post it everywhere on social media and bring him new attention, that he didn't want?
"I mean, you tried to cover up that you were tense but I think he saw it anyway" Harry grimaced crookedly, not helping at all.
"Shit" Louis cursed under his breath, taking a sip from his cup.
"I wouldn't worry about that. It seemed like he only wanted to say hi and tell you ...".
"I hope you're right, Haz. I really do" Louis could feel his hands starting to shake at the thought of Harry being wrong.
"Can I do anything to ease your mind, sun? You still look tense and you have that far-away look in your eyes, as if you're here but not really" Harry squeezed his knee affectionately. "And my offer still stands. If you wanna talk, I'm right here".
"Meeting Evan like this was so bloody unexpected that it caught me completely off guard and kinda sent me spiralling" Louis chose to let Harry in on what was going on in his mind. It wasn't fair to shut him out. "It triggered me".
"But why? Isn't meeting fans something good?" the little wrinkle right over his nose when Harry pinched his eyebrows in pure confusion was way too adorable. It made him smile for a moment. "I mean, I know you're retired but isn't it nice to hear that people still admire you? Or do you just not like meeting fans in general?".
"Well, now you're making me sound like some grouch, Haz. I'm offended" Louis grinned into his cup, seeing how Harry wanted to protest immediately, so he just continued talking. "Well, for the most part, meeting fans has always been nice and I loved it for a very long time but through all the headlines and rumours floating around, the fanbase was divided. Both sides weren't happy with each other and the stories they'd heard about me and they let me feel it. They were pretty vocal about it, so meeting fans became a bit of a minefield. The chances of getting insulted or praised for being someone I'm not got higher with each new headline and it turned something nice into a very dreading experience, especially when they chose to actively let their anger out on me. To put me down for something I had no control over. Shit-talking my skills to make me quit. It was horrible towards the end. So with Evan, the fear came first. Then the confusion".
"Because he didn't insult you but was happy to run into you. I'm sorry you've experienced so much hatred that it was strange to you to receive a kind treatment" Harry's frown seemed to be permanently stitched onto his face. It made Louis want to reach out and smooth out every wrinkle himself, kiss it better when he was done. "Did ... did your team make the headlines this shitty on purpose to make you quit? I don't get why else they would ...".
"Ironically enough, no" Louis actually chuckled at that, surprising not only himself but obviously Harry as well. "They knew about the angry fans. The ones that were fed up with all the headlines about my love life because 'no one bloody cares'. It didn't make them stop because they were selling an image, no matter the cost or outcome. Bad press was still publicity and it got the desired attention from the rest of the fans. The ones that cared too much".
"But why do people make up such horrible fake personas instead of nice ones? I always thought people wanted celebrities to be accessible and nice and grounded, not arrogant assholes with horrible personalities. It makes no sense" Harry frowned even deeper.
"It really doesn't, Petal. I never understood that either but those assholes get more attention and it distracts from what people are not supposed to see" Louis thought back to the first meeting with his manager and PR team that has gone south. It had made no sense to him to be presented as a sleaze-bag but it had done the job and proven to be effective. "It covers up the truth a lot easier".
"I knew the show business could be brutal but I didn't know it was this bad for athletes as well. I always thought people didn't care much about their private lives" Harry's eyes showed a mix of many emotions, his mind definitely rattling. "Then again, I also didn't think people cared about a model's private life enough to force them into the closet and stunt with women but they do that a lot. It shocked me a lot when Zayn told me about it. I've been too naïve ...".
"Don't put this on you. Many people get blindsided by the media and the picture-perfect image of that world" Louis put his empty cup down on his bedside table to be able to pull Harry closer. "The people behind the scenes paint the perfect picture of a dream come true when it's mostly more of a nightmare, unless you're fine with selling your soul and only being a product for the rest of your life. They make it seem like the people are free to do what they want when in reality they are silent puppets on a string. Anything but free. Everything is controlled. Signing a contract is the start of the end if you're not careful what you're signing".
"This really sounds like one should avoid that fake world at any cost" Harry put his cup down as well, crawling right between his legs and leaning against his chest. "I'm just happy you and Zayn got out and are able to live your life as you wish. This entire thing sounds so fucked up and horrible and not worth sacrificing y ...".
"Well, yeah, no shit. I didn't get injured for nothing" Louis snorted sarcastically before he could stop himself, not meaning to sound so patronizing when Harry was being nothing but supportive. "Shit, I'm sorry, Haz. I didn't mean ...".
"Wait a damn minute" Harry turned around to face him with a bewildered expression on his face, kneeling between his legs now and making Louis' heart stop. "Are you saying you got injured on purpose? You said it was an accident that forced you to end ...".
"I never said that. The media did" Louis corrected him anxiously. "I only ever said I got injured and retired".
"You never said purposely" Harry pointed out matter-of-factly.
"Fair enough" Louis couldn't argue with that, not sure where to go from here. He has never talked about this in detail.
"Why? Why did you risk ...?".
"It was the only way" Louis cut him off rushed, knowing Harry would ask why he'd willingly hurt his body badly enough that it was still giving him trouble to this day. He knew Harry had for sure noticed that. "It was my only way out because I knew they'd drop me when I wouldn't be back after a few weeks. I was already close to the age of retirement for a normal player but I knew they wanted me for as long as they could exploit me, which would've meant they could've used my contract to make money off of me for years after, if I wouldn't find a way to be useless to them. So I needed a bad enough injury to kill my career and set me free".
"Oh, Louis" Harry sighed devastated, crashing into him to wrap his arms tightly around his middle. "I'm sorry you had to do that to have a normal life and to be yourself and to ...".
"To save Bethany" Louis added with a lump in his throat. "It was the thing that really pushed me to do this. Without her being dragged into this mess, I wouldn't have done it. I would've stayed and suffered because I've never actively thought about how to get out of my contract, knowing legally there was no way. She saved me and I saved her from getting exploited. I couldn't just sit back and let them use a child to hide my sexuality and make money off of it. That's just sick. But I know I was lucky I found a way out".
"You paid a big price for it" Harry craned his neck up to look at him with big eyes. "The injury could've been even worse".
"I wouldn't have cared much. I didn't expect to actually be able to build a life where I could freely be myself. I thought ...".
"What is it, Lou?" Harry asked softly when Louis fell silent.
"At first, my team believed that it was an accident but they got suspicious when I wanted a different physiotherapist instead of our team's personal one. I just couldn't risk getting forced into my recovery, so I took a leap of faith with Luke, who took his time with getting me back on my feet. A lot of time. Enough time for my team to replace me with an actual straight footie-player, who wouldn't cause as many problems as I did" Louis played with the hem of Harry's sweater to busy his hands. "That's what they told me when they ended my contract. That I've been a huge bother and that my sexuality only caused them problems. That I would've had a longer and more successful career if I were straight".
"I'm gonna kill them" Harry grumbled angrily, setting his body on fire with that deep growl. "They had no right to gaslight you into thinking that you've been the problem all along. You weren't the problem, okay? They were, this industry was. There is nothing wrong with you. Your sexuality isn't an issue. They only made it one because they're horrible people. They're gonna rot in hell".
"According to them and half of the fandom, I will rot in hell" Louis remembered the mean comments under his last Instagram post.
"Screw all of them" Harry cupped his face to make them lock eyes, a fire blazing in his eyes. "Those homophobic assholes will get what they deserve. Don't listen to them. Listen to fans like Evan. He loves you the way you are".
"You also caught his last comment, mh?" Louis recalled Evan's words about his post and how they had made him feel. It has been a shock but a nice one. "Did he mean ...?".
"I think he did, sunshine" Harry confirmed his guess. "I think he was one of the ones that just knew. He's the kind of fan that matters. All those other pricks aren't real fans. They don't matter and their opinions are meaningless, just like your team's".
"I know you're right and I hear what you're saying but it's hard to forget sometimes, even after all these years. They've made me feel bad about myself for desiring something they didn't deem to be normal. It was messing with my head, making me question if it was wrong to want and like what I did. Getting that out of my head wasn't easy. It still comes back up sometimes. It hit me when we met. I was afraid of what I was feeling. The instant attraction. That pull towards you. Their voices came back to tell me it was wrong. It was difficult to silence them, if I'm being honest. Almost imp ...".
"Lou" Harry said simply but determined, making him shut up and just look into his eyes. "There is nothing wrong with being gay. There is nothing wrong with loving men. There is nothing wrong with desiring gay sex. There is nothing wrong with you".
"I know" Louis murmured emotionally, getting what Harry was doing. He was trying to replace the bad voices with good ones.
"Do you really though?" Harry stroked with his thumbs over his jawline, making him shudder at the touch. "Do you really know that you are free to be yourself? That you can be whoever you want to be? With me?".
"Since I've met you, I actually do. The voices did come back out to scare me away from you but I ignored them. I couldn't stay away" Louis climbed onto Harry's lap, fisting his sweater. "You make the voices go quiet. You turn them into a faint memory".
"And I'll try to make them go silent for good because you are good the way you are. Nothing needs to be changed or fixed. You are gay and that's good" Harry let his hands wander slowly all the way down to his waist. "It means I can have you".
"It means I can have you, Baby" Louis crashed their lips together, the tension between them growing too heavy to ignore.
With a hand safe on Louis' back, Harry adjusted their position to lay down on the bed, deepening their kiss even more. After this heavy conversation and the last turn it had taken, Louis needed him badly, his entire locked-up desire from years in the closet pooling out of him now and Harry's hand slipping underneath his hoodie weren't helping to cool it down. It only ignited his fire.
"Haz" Louis whined into his mouth, buckling his hips up.
"I got you, Baby" Harry sucked on his tongue sinfully before starting to undress him teasingly slow. "I got you".
His skin was on fire by the time they were both naked, making grabby hands at Harry to get back to him but he only stayed back and looked at him, letting his eyes wander over his naked body. The intensity in his eyes made Louis squirm but he also weirdly loved the attention on him. Because it was Harry.
"You're so beautiful" Harry finally leaned down to hover over him but didn't kiss him again. Instead, he started trailing dozens of tiny kisses all over his chest and stomach.
"Look who's talking" Louis countered weakly, way too affected by Harry's butterfly kisses on his body. "You're stunning, Haz".
"Right now isn't about me, Darling. It's about you" Harry told him strongly but lovingly, sucking on his happy trail. "This is all about you, Baby. Only you. Let yourself want this, Lou".
"I've wanted this before" Louis frowned slightly but ended up moaning quietly when Harry pinched his nipple while kissing his inner thighs simultaneously. "Fuck, this feels nice".
"I know you've wanted this before but let yourself want this right now, Lou. Let it out and don't hold yourself back" Harry insisted sweetly and it made his heart expand in his chest, finally getting what Harry really meant. It was about setting him free. "Turn around for me, sun. Your bum deserves more attention".
"Odd thing to say but okay" Louis turned around to lay down on his stomach, anticipation cursing through his veins. "Go ahead and ogle my lovely bum. I know it's great but you haven't been really appreciative of it so far, which is a shame".
"Joke all you want but you really have an amazing bum, Baby. I'm gonna appreciate it all you want from now on. Just you wait" Harry humoured him, pressing a kiss right onto his bum cheek.
"Empty promises" Louis bit down on a moan when Harry put both of his hands on his bum, massaging it lightly.
Wordlessly, Harry trailed more kisses down his spine and left some more on his bum, setting the pure desire free in Louis. With both hands, Harry spread his cheeks and licked over his hole, eliciting a surprised moan out of him. Before Louis could register what was happening, Harry pushed his tongue past the rim.
"Fuck" Louis pressed his face into his pillow, feeling only sheer pleasure when Harry started to actually eat him out.
Sinfully, Harry's tongue was sliding in and out of him, coaxing out more and more moans that were muffled by the pillow. The sounds Harry was making went straight to his trapped dick, making him wanna rut against his sheets but he refrained from doing so with all his willpower. He didn't want to come just yet.
"Haz" Louis moaned out when Harry replaced his tongue with two of his lubed-up fingers, going back to leaving kisses all over his spine and sucking lovebites into it everywhere. "I ...".
"What do you want, Lou?" Harry asked him sexily, his mouth right by his ear and his finger still pounding into him.
"Your cock" Louis croaked out breathlessly, feeling like he could cry with how turned on he was. "Want your cock. Please".
"As you wish, Baby" Harry retreated his fingers, causing him to whine at the loss against his will but he felt powerless and so desperate. The only thing he wanted right now was Harry's dick in his ass to finally come, so he got up on all fours to speed up the process. "You want it, Babe?".
"Yes, please" Louis wasn't beyond begging when Harry's dick nudged his puckering hole. "I need it. Fuck me, Haz".
"Your wish is my command" Harry finally pushed inside of him, making Louis cry out at the feeling of being full and being taken from behind. "How do you want it, Baby?".
"Hard" Louis answered him without a problem, pushing his bum further back to take him in deeper. "I'm so close already. I just need you to fuck me, Haz. Please".
"I will".
And he did. Almost immediately, Harry started to slam into him at a brutal pace, causing Louis to drop onto his elbows, which gave Harry an even better angle to pound into him and make him see stars. Moaning uncontrollably at being fucked like a dog, Louis has never been happier that Alexa had retreated to the bathroom as soon as they had started to make out, too used to their antics by now. With Harry hitting his prostate dead-on with every thrust, it didn't take long for him to climax and come all over his sheets with a cry of Harry's name falling from his lips.
"Fuck" Harry's hips stuttered as he came inside of him with another broken moan, sighing out Louis' name sinfully.
Spent, Louis dropped onto his dirty sheets and felt Harry leave a panting kiss between his shoulder blades before he pulled out of him. Wincing at the feeling, Louis rolled over to get out of his own cum right in time for Harry to hover over him again, cleaning them up enough to not need a shower just yet. After throwing the dirty cloth away, Harry climbed onto the bed next to him and pulled him into his chest, wrapping an arm around him. With his head on Harry's chest, Louis willed his heart rate to come down but his breathing was still a bit irregular after being taken apart like this. Fucked out, his brain felt empty and melted but satisfied.
"And was it bad to ask for what you want?" Harry asked him tentatively, caressing his destroyed bum gently.
"No. It felt good" Louis told him without a problem, the last of his walls gone. "Asking for what I want and getting it felt good".
"Good" Harry pressed a kiss into his hair with a happy sigh.
"The begging though ..." Louis grinned against Harry's chest. "Not really my thing, I think. A little was okay but you had me desperate enough without it. So bloody desperate".
"Very but it's okay to want to dick that desperately. I hope you know that now" Harry moved his hand up to caress his waist.
"I do. I didn't think at all about how desperate I must sound or look. I just wanted you" Louis intertwined their fingers right over Harry's belly. "Truly and unashamedly. No voices".
"I'm glad to hear that, Lou" Harry squeezed his waist in pure affection and pride. "And you don't need to beg to get anything from me. Just tell me what you want and you'll get it".
"Okay, but the same goes for you. Just say the word" Louis had to clarify that this was about both of them. "Anything".
"But unlike you, I like begging" Harry smirked dirtily at him.
"Oh?" Louis' interest was piqued in a totally new way now. "Good to know. I'll make sure to remember that".
"I'm not beyond reminding you, making it pretty obvious in case you forget" Harry was hovering right in front of his face now.
"Do that" Louis kissed him passionately, making Harry gasp into the kiss. "But I definitely won't forget it".
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