24. A Garden Full Of Feelings
If Louis had been fascinated by officially 'travelling' with a portal, then he looked tremendously blown away by the village in itself. Harry was so used to this part of his life, that it was actually nice to experience seeing it for the first time through Louis' eyes with him. It felt like another privilege he was allowed to have.
"This looks so cute" Louis marvelled at the sight of the village and its inhabitants and little shops. "Not what I expected".
That piqued his curiosity. "What did you expect then?".
"I'm not sure, to be honest. But definitely not this" Louis let his eyes wander over the different buildings in awe. "It all looks so bloody adorable and the magic seems so seamless here".
"It is. We just let it flow however we please. That's technically the entire purpose of these villages" Harry took in the sign of a tiny shop on his right side. It was a bookshop and the figures drawn on the sign were moving. That was normal for him but definitely not normal for Louis. Nonetheless, he took it all pretty well.
"I didn't expect to see bookshops or any of the sort" Louis came up beside him to look at the moving sign. "Magic books?".
"Of sorts but also children's books but different from yours and with a lot of moving images" Harry let him know informatively.
"That sounds sick" Louis peaked through the window at the books. "Maybe with books like this, I would've read more".
"Oh, so you're not a bookworm?" Harry glanced down at him to see Louis shaking his head without looking away from the many magic books. "But you're an author".
That did make Louis look up at him with an expression Harry couldn't read and it made him realise that they haven't talked about this at all. Not since he had thanked him for his unexpected gift, which had sounded like a lame excuse to get sex back then but it hasn't been. Until this day, he hadn't been able to clarify that. Maybe today was the day for that.
"I still didn't read much for as long as I can remember. That's why I was literally shocked by myself when I enjoyed writing so much" Louis opened up to him right in front of this bookshop like it was nothing but it was everything to Harry. "And even now, I write way more than I read. Writing actually stops me from reading, so I wouldn't call myself anything close to a bookworm, no".
"I've never thought about authors having no time to read, to be honest. But it makes a lot of sense" Harry mused out loud, knowing they could stop this topic right here but he needed to get this off his chest, for both of their sakes. "While we're at it, I just need to tell you how much your gift meant to me. I know I said it before but the circumstances were all weird and wrong and I need you to know that I actually meant it. I didn't just say that to get something from you. I really loved it. It meant everything".
Definitely taken aback by that confession, Louis reached out to caress Harry's cheek, making Harry wanna nuzzle into the touch and bloody purr. Coco was definitely rubbing off on him. "It meant everything to me, too. Thank you".
"No, thank you" Harry placed his own hand over Louis' hand. "You didn't have to tell me but you still did. And the way you told me was ... I'm sorry I never asked. I should have".
"Let's just put that behind us as well and do better, yeah?" Louis tilted his head aside with a warm smile on his face. "We're kinda starting over here, Haz. If not completely but partly, at least".
"I know" Harry sighed out, leaning further into Louis' touch. "I just still feel so bad and want you to know how serious I am about this right now. About you. Us. For real this time".
"You make it sound like you're the only one who did things wrong but you're not" Louis' face scrunched up adorably. "We both did".
"But we also both know that I fucked up way more. You might've exploded on me on two occasions without me knowing why but it all made sense after we talked it out. I, on the other hand, acted like an asshole and treated you ...".
"But I forgave you, Haz" Louis talked over him to shut him up. "You apologised so many times and I can see that you mean it. You have a tell, you know. I can see when you actually mean things wholeheartedly. To me, you're not hard to read".
"Does that mean you always knew when I ...?" Harry didn't trust himself to finish his sentence, not sure how to word this without making it sound so bloody bad.
"Most of the time, yeah" Louis admitted with an almost abashed look in his eyes. "You made your choices and I made mine".
"But why did you make yours? You could've told me off instead" Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist now to pull him in closer, just needing to feel him there with him.
Pursing his lips, Louis rested both of his hands on his neck now, close enough to his jawline to trail over it with his thumbs. "I just thought it was probably my only chance to ever have this, so I chose to let you have your way and tried to focus on the positive side of it, which makes it all sound way sadder than it was".
"I'm gonna make up for this, I swear" Harry felt so bad again for coming at Louis like he had done, only because he hadn't wanted to miss out before choosing the safe option. His past self deserved a slap to the face to make him wake up sooner.
"You don't have to, Haz" Louis looked so sincere that it only made the entire thing worse. How was he so forgiving?
"But ...".
"No buts, Harry" Louis cut him off, pulling a funny face when he realised how his words sounded, which made it hard for him to not start laughing at the unplanned innuendo. It wasn't the right moment. "Whatever. I was gonna say that you don't have to feel bad about it. We both made that mistake together but at the end of the day, I don't regret it. Especially not right now. Things turned out good for us in the end, didn't they?".
"They did because you are amazing and way too good for me. I don't know how I deserve you" Harry knew he sounded like a broken record by now but he just still couldn't believe his luck
"Oh, hush" Louis swatted his chest with bright red cheeks. "Now, if I remember correctly, you wanted to show me your favourite restaurant in the whole wide world".
"I did" Harry grinned so bloody broadly against his will but he couldn't help it. Louis had that effect on him.
"Then lead me there, Petal" Louis flicked his nose before pointing a finger into his face, the unexpected new petname making him wanna melt into a puddle on this very ground. "And no more distractions, you hear me?".
"No more distractions" Harry couldn't stop fonding over him.
"Stop looking at me like this then" Louis huffed charmingly.
"Like what?" Harry was curious to know what Louis saw.
"Like ... that!" Louis circled his face with his hands, dropping them to his sides in defeat. "All goo-goo-eyed and with that bloody face of yours".
"You don't like my face?" Harry hooked evilly but he was full-on blushing. He could feel how hot his face was.
"Not what I said at all" Louis looked highly unamused. "But if you have to know, your face is very distracting. There you go".
"Want me to cover up?" Harry felt so warm on the inside. He wasn't used to someone being so taken by him and admitting to it, on top of everything. Louis gave him whiplash with his honesty.
"Never" Louis cupped his face again tenderly, way too tender to still be standing in front of a bookstore. "We might just never get anything done but well".
"Definitely not when you're looking at me with those eyes of yours" Harry admitted bashfully but he felt safe enough to say these things out loud now. "I can never focus when you do".
"I'm afraid I can't change my eyes" Louis humoured him but he was visibly affected by his weird compliments.
"I wouldn't want you to" Harry got lost in those fascinating blue eyes. Today, they looked closer to ocean blue than sky blue.
"Harry? That you?" a familiar and unfriendly voice tore him out of his Louis-trance, making them break away from each other on instinct and Harry didn't like that instinct. "Haven't seen you around here in ages".
Turning to face him, Harry was met with the annoying face of none other than Aidan Davis, someone he always tried to avoid running into when he was here. "Pay better attention then. I'm here at least once a week".
"Oh, yeah. Your little delivery runs. Completely slipped my mind. Sorry. How is that going?" Aidan didn't even have to try to sound condescending. It came naturally to him. "Bakery still a thing?".
"Yes and it's going great, thanks" Harry snarled at him, too used to his snobbish way of talking to people. "Was that all?".
"In a rush?" Aidan cocked an eyebrow at him provokingly, his eyes settling on Louis now and no. Definitely not. "Who's that? Don't you wanna introduce us?".
"Not really" Harry had no reason to act civil with him.
"Such a shame that you've lost your manners in that Nogicis world" Aidan spit that word out as if it were poison, only proving why Harry didn't wanna let him talk to Louis. "Showing your little boyfriend around, I presume? That new, huh?".
"Are you quite done? I don't think I asked for your input, did I?" Harry countered snarkily, his blood boiling with anger.
"If you're this open with it, you choose to ...".
"I choose to end this conversation. How about that?" Harry was fed up with him and he just knew that Louis had to be very confused, if not angry. Hopefully, this didn't ruin their date.
"It says a lot that I trigger you so much" Aidan chuckled evilly. "I hope this isn't anything serious or you've sunken even lower than I thought you already did. Gay is one thing but being with a human when you've had a real wizard is just sad and disgusting. Do your loyal customers know that you're banging a human or are you keeping it a secret to save face? I'd love to know".
Balling his hands into fists by his side, Harry tried to stay calm as hard as he could. Aidan wasn't worth a public fight. Gritting his teeth, Harry took a hold of Louis' hand and just walked off. "Be a stranger, Aidan. Mind your own business".
Not waiting for another response, Harry led Louis over to their planned destination. His favourite little restaurant in town. Seeing the familiar waitress, Harry waved at her with a forced smile, guiding Louis over to a table in the back. Studying him for a long moment, Louis looked thoughtful and a bit crestfallen. It made him wanna kill Aidan for ruining the mood and maybe even them.
"Styles, you're back" the waitress came over to their table before either of them could say anything. Her name was Kelly and he really liked her. "Love us so much?".
"You know it" Harry tried to relax because being tense wasn't helping him in this situation. "But today is more special than usual, Kelly".
"I see" Kelly eyed Louis up and down slowly but not in the same condescending way Aidan had done earlier. No, she was only curious because normally Harry came with friends or family. He has never had a date here. "Still your usual?".
Glancing at Louis, who was completely lost and visibly tense, he decided to just order them something already, so they could talk. "Yes but twice, yeah? And for the love of God, no soy".
"Didn't even cross my mind. Abby isn't here" Kelly chuckled at the wild look on his face. "I got you covered".
"Thanks" Harry smiled at her as she left. When she was out of earshot, Harry reached across the table to take Louis' hand, which made him look up. "Please, say something".
"Who was that guy?" Louis wasn't touching him back and that made his heart sink, retreating his hand awkwardly.
"Aidan was in school with me. He and his twin, actually. Ethan" Harry started to tell him, knowing there was no way around it.
"Your friend Ethan?" Louis checked to be sure.
"That very Ethan. He's nice and kind and open-minded whereas his brother is the exact opposite but he hasn't always been this bad. Not openly, at least" Harry went down memory lane tensely. "We were all friends once. I know that is hard to believe but we were. When we met in school, they were both lovely and we just clicked but time changed him. He made some other weird friends and his own mother isn't the nicest witch around, so it rubbed off eventually. I'm just happy Ethan isn't like that".
"He did not sound happy that I'm with you; here" Louis noted in a glum voice, not entirely meeting his eyes.
"I'm not sure he even knows what happy feels like" Harry tried to lighten the mood but Louis didn't react. "When I came out, he unfortunately revealed himself to be homophobic and a bully. His brother abandoned him for that and stayed with me. I think he hates me most for that but I didn't do anything. It's his own fault".
"I'm sorry" Louis offered him his sympathy.
"I'm not. Not anymore. I don't want someone like him in my life. That he drove out his brother is on him for being homophobic ...".
"Ethan is gay too?" Louis caught on to what he was saying, so he just nodded. "But didn't you he has a girlfriend?".
"He does. He's pan and his ignorant brother isn't even able to comprehend what that means" Harry let him know, still tense. "I guess Aidan thought Ethan is only into men because he thought we were a thing and that made his hatred only w ...".
"Were you?" Louis hooked in an odd voice, probably assuming that Harry had lied to him yet another time.
"We were never boyfriends or anything but we were involved for some time" Harry told him honestly even though he was afraid to lose Louis because of the truth. "Friends with benefits sounds wrong to me but it's what we were, technically speaking. We just wanted to try things out before leaving school, so we did".
"And you managed to stay friends" Louis pointed out the obvious.
"Thankfully, yeah. A part of me has been scared we would ruin our friendship with our arrangement but we didn't" Harry had a lump in his dry throat. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner ...".
"You don't owe me an apology or explanation ...".
"I think I do" Harry didn't let him wave this off like he tended to do. "I talked about him but kept that to myself because I didn't ...".
"I don't have to know everything. It's okay" Louis talked over him again, sounding almost a bit desperate to end this topic.
"I think you do" Harry grabbed his hand again, definitely taking him by surprise. "I want you to know everything about me, Lou".
"That's not what I meant" Louis actually smiled at that. Maybe everything wasn't lost yet. "I just meant that I don't need all the details and you don't need to feel bad for not mentioning it before, okay? When you did what with whom is really none of my ...".
"But he's still my friend and as my ... you should know about the nature of our past. It's only fair to you" Harry stopped himself from looking like a fool by calling him his boyfriend when they hadn't put a label or name on what they had. "If you meet him ...".
"I'm gonna think about this now, thanks" Louis dead-panned.
"Louis" Harry wailed like a baby.
"I hear what you're saying but it's really not a big deal. I don't feel lied to, okay? Were you worried about that?" Louis could really read him like an open book. It was terrifying but fascinating.
"Maybe" Harry mumbled caught. "I lied before and I don't want you to think that I'm still doing it because I'm not".
"I know, remember? I can tell" Louis squeezed his hand now.
"You said most of the time, not always" Harry corrected him childishly, wanting to pout just because he could.
"You're overthinking this way more than I ever could. You don't need to prove yourself to me" Louis knew what had been going through his mind as if it were written on his face. "I trust you".
"I could kiss you right now" Harry was ready to explode with so much happiness. Trust hasn't been the thing he had expected to gain back this fast. "I really want to".
"What's holding you back?" Louis puckered his lips invitingly.
"The fact that I know there was something else bothering you" Harry was definitely getting better at reading Louis. He knew Aidan's words had brought up questions. One in particular.
"It's what Aidan said about being with a human" Louis retreated his hand, biting down on his bottom lip. "I know Phil was a wizard and now you're with me and I'm not. It's literally a downgrade and I was wondering if you ... I don't know ... if you maybe feel like you're settling ... for something less".
His heart clenched painfully in his chest at his self-deprecating words. Hooking his foot over Louis' ankle, Harry made them lock eyes. "I'm not settling for less because you're not less than Phil just because you're human and he's a wizard, okay? And he would tell you the same. Wizards and witches are not superior".
"Aidan begs to differ" Louis sounded still so low-spirited.
"Aidan is part of a small group of wizards who think they're better than anyone else because they're pure-blooded. He got that from his mother and the homophobia from his father. Quite sad actually when you think about it" Harry told him a bit more about Aidan's idiotic impulsions. "His whole family consists of wizards only and they never really mingled with humans. Well, apart from going to human school because his father wanted him to".
"Would there be another option? You said Hogwarts doesn't exist and nothing of the same sort" Louis' seriousness almost made him laugh but he swallowed it because it really wasn't that funny.
"In England, there is one new private school for people like him but it's already dying out because the majority of people disagree with their beliefs" Harry let him in on another secret. "More and more wizards are only half magic, if that".
"If that?" Louis hooked puzzled.
"Well, if someone like me, for example, who is half magic, has a kid with a non-magic person, this kid has some sort of magic but is technically not even half, only a quarter" Harry hoped his explanation made any sense to Louis. "And it goes on like that".
"Isn't the magic dying out like this?" Louis worried unexpectedly.
"Not really, no. Logically, I get the concern but somehow it just doesn't. I told you, magic doesn't always make sense" Harry took his sweet worries away, touched by Louis being so great.
"It really doesn't" Louis started smiling again, glancing around the room. "Maybe that sounds dumb to you because you're used to it but I can feel the magic in the room and it's ... something".
"You can feel it?" Harry stared at him in wonder.
"Yes? Like, I can sense the presence of magic in here. Is that not normal?" Louis was frowning now and that couldn't do.
"It is for us but non-magic people normally don't feel anything" Harry told him why he was so shocked. "I guess you could be magic-sensitive. It would make sense".
"What in the bloody hell is that?" Louis blinked lost.
"It means that you're sensitive to the magic around you. That you can feel it and sense it, that you see and notice things that other people overlook because their minds can't explain it" Harry expounded a bit more detailed. "I had that suspicion before when you noticed my mark all on your own like all the other things".
"People don't see it? It's quite literally on your wrist, Haz" Louis motioned towards his bare wrist. "It's pretty obvious".
"To you, yes. To others, not really. My mark disappears at times completely randomly and no one noticed that before. You did and it made me realise how special you truly are. You pay attention to things other people overlook" Harry didn't mean to swoon but he couldn't help it. Louis was outstanding and he needed to know.
"Here's your food. Sorry that it took so long" Kelly carried their plates over to their table, placing them down in front of them. "We had a bit of a situation back there and you seemed to be deep in conversation anyway. Anyway, enjoy your food, lovebirds".
Breathing in the smell of chicken and gravy, Harry's mouth watered immediately. "To round this up, Àmbar is magic-sensitive and I noticed that a bit too late. She's always been big on magic and a huge fantasy fan, so I should've seen it coming. I didn't".
"Is it always obvious?" Louis asked interested while he eyed his food. "Is this normal chicken?".
"Yes, it is" Harry referred to the chicken. "And no, not always but we should be able to pick up on people noticing things. I just suck at it. You're the perfect example for that".
"Am I now?" Louis smirked nastily at him.
"Oh, shut up and eat your chicken" Harry felt his stupid cheeks heating up all over again. "I hope this food is alright. I didn't a ...".
"It's perfect, Haz. Don't worry" Louis didn't give him the chance to worry about this. "But why were you worried there could be any soy in this meal?".
"The bread" Harry pointed at the basket of bread in between their plates. "Kelly made it with soy for my sister a few times. I was only making sure we don't repeat that allergic reaction".
"I see" Louis started eating now as well. "You come here often?".
"I try" Harry chuckled at how much that sounded like some cheesy start of a pick-up line. "I love this place. It's cosy".
"It's really nice. Thank you for bringing me here" Louis smiled at him around a fork full of pasta.
"Any time" Harry's heart was racing. Louis' smile was just so goddamn beautiful. "I've always wanted to do this, actually".
"What exactly?" Louis hooked chewingly. "Eat pasta with me?".
"Yes" Harry was abysmally endeared by this man. "But no. I've always wanted to have a date here. It just seems fitting".
"It does" Louis looked happily overwhelmed. "And how's that date going so far? Is it up to your expectations?".
And he knew Louis was only joking but Harry couldn't answer this jokingly when he felt like Louis deserved to know that he was beyond any expectations. That he had nothing to prove either.
"Better. Way better" Harry shoved another piece of chicken into his mouth, chewing carefully. "I'm here with you".
"Oh, shush" Louis blushed beautifully. "Any typical and cliché date questions you still wanna ask me? I'm all ears".
Originally planning on making Louis eat his own words, Harry actually decided to ask him something he should've asked way sooner. "Now that you're offering, I'd like to know how you became J.F. Anderson. That was quite the shock".
Obviously not expecting that question, Louis needed a moment to swallow his food and answer him. "I had a weird dream once. It was years ago and it wouldn't leave my mind, so I wrote it down. It made me realise how much fun it was and while writing, I just kept thinking about more and more other scenarios for my characters. It got a life of itself somehow, just like most of my stories and I just never stopped writing again. Maria and Paul were the ones who encouraged me to publish them and do something with my ideas".
"Then I guess I have to thank them because I really love your stories. They're my favourites but I guess you know that" Harry thought back to countless nights filled with Louis' stories.
"I do, yeah. Àmbar told me about her friend loving my stories and I just knew it was you. It just made sense that you'd love romance novels" Louis told him how he had found out about his love for his books. "And then I've seen one of my books in your flat".
"And you didn't think about telling me? I could've embarrassed myself by raving about how good they are" Harry ignored that he obviously could've asked ages ago about what Louis was doing now. He needed to leave that in the past.
"You're doing that now anyway" Louis teased him happily.
Glaring at him, Harry threw bread crumbs at him. "Piss off".
After some more playful teasing, they finished their meals rather quickly without any more incidents. The whole time, Harry felt like he was on cloud nine, his cheeks hurting from too much smiling. For being scared earlier to lose Louis over some of the things Aidan had said, this day had still turned out way better than he could have imagined. And it got even better when he paid for both of them and Louis immediately made him promise him that he could pay next time. This almost insignificant little comment made Harry even happier than before and earned Louis a kiss and another date. His cheeks would definitely still hurt in a few days.
Before heading back home, Harry led Louis over to one of his favourite places in the village. On the way there, they passed by a spices shop and Louis directly remembered the falling spices in his flat and brought it up to tease him but Harry was too bloody endeared to care. Louis looked incredibly happy when he found something he could tease him with. He'd always let him.
"Here we are" Harry presented the blooming garden to him.
"Wow" Louis marvelled at the sight of all these flowers. "I see why you love this place. It's beautiful".
"It is" Harry agreed simply, watching Louis walk around the place and realising that he should definitely always be surrounded by flowers. It made him look ethereal. "I love flowers and this place is just out of this world".
"I couldn't tell" Louis was clearly referring to Harry almost always wearing some flower pattern, like on his blouse today. "I don't have enough words to describe this place. Wow".
"They mixed normal flowers with magical flowers to create this garden and it's here all year long. A spell protects it from any bad weather" Harry told him while they walked further through the garden. "And I thought I could bring you here because you ... you might like it and would appreciate it".
"And I do. I really like it" Louis stopped them right by some red tulips. "But what did you really want to say? You don't have to bite your tongue around me, Haz".
Turning crimson, Harry stared at his feet, coughing weirdly. "I was about to say that I brought you here because I think you deserve all the flowers but I didn't want to come on too strong".
With bright red cheeks, Louis lifted his chin up with his finger, a shy smile on his lips. "I already got you, Petal".
His heart stopped for a moment when Louis leaned up to kiss him gently, making him sigh into it. Wrapping his arms around his waist again because he really loved doing that, Harry pecked Louis' lips again before nudging his nose with his own. So much unfiltered happiness was hard to take for his heart.
"But thank you for being amazing and wanting to give me all the flowers" Louis caressed his jaw. "You're enough though".
"I'm still gonna bring you flowers as often as I can. Beware" his heart was racing so incredibly fast right now.
"Gonna be a lot of flowers with the ones I'm getting you. Maybe we need something better" Louis grinned sheepishly. "What's your favourite flower though? In case I'll need that information".
"I really like dahlias and pions" Harry let him know shyly but then he remembered something. "And buttercups".
"I hate you" Louis slapped his shoulder, wiggling out of his arms. "You do not like those. You're just making fun of me now".
"I would never" Harry grinned innocently, following Louis, who was aimlessly wandering around the fields of flowers. "Do you know where you're heading?".
"Yes," Louis claimed stubbornly, stopping by a magic flower that could make or break your day. "I wanted to take a closer look at this particular flower, if you must know".
"Mensia Veritas" Harry informed him helpfully, suppressing a shit-eating grin because nonchalance was riling him up even more and Harry loved to turn the tables sometimes.
"Exactly" Louis nodded as if he had known that all along but then the name seemed to register in his brain, making him turn around to face him. "Is this one of the magic flowers?".
"It is indeed" Harry confirmed his suspicion, stepping closer to him and wrapping one arm back around his waist. "These flowers are actually quite special. They change colours".
"Depending on what?" Louis hooked curiously, turning back around to take another look at them. Like this, he was pressed into his side and one of his arms snaked around his middle.
"Whatever the person who's looking at them is feeling" Harry revealed to him nonchalantly but he was freaking out on the inside because seeing your emotions and feelings reflected in a flower was quite terrifying, especially when you were with someone, who didn't know about the extent of your feelings.
"Oh, that's not terrifying at all or something" Louis seemed to be on the same page and that made him relax. "What if someone passes them who wants to commit murder?".
"I guess they'd be caught instantly" Harry looked down at him in sheer disbelief. "Why is that the first thing that comes to your mind? Should I be worried?".
As an answer, Louis pinched his side, watching the flowers still a bit apprehensively. "It was my second thought, you noob. My first thought was what they would show me. I'm kinda curious".
"If you step closer, you'll get your answer" Harry wasn't sure if he was ready to see what Louis was really feeling.
"No, I won't. I don't know what the colours mean. Is there any way I could read that up?" Louis looked up at him in question.
"I'm sure there is but there's also a sign over there. You could read what's on it" Harry cackled at Louis' highly unamused expression on his face. "Oh, come on. It's funny".
"It really isn't" Louis pinched him again before stepping out of his embrace again. "If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go and read that sign to find out what the flowers are trying to tell me. Feel free to join or stay there and look pretty. I don't care".
"I'm gonna look pretty right next to the sign" Harry couldn't stop laughing although he should be shitting his pants.
"Insufferable" Louis rolled his eyes at him before squinting his eyes at the sign. "Those are a lot of specific colour shades".
"I mean, yeah. Feelings aren't always clear and sometimes it's a mix of two or three 'simpler' emotions or it's somewhere in ...".
"I thought feelings were only black and white" Louis dead-panned just to mess with him.
"Who's insufferable now, mh?" Harry couldn't help but smile.
"Still you" Louis stepped closer to the flowers. "Now let me test these lovely little things".
Holding his breath, Harry watched closely how the petals of the flowers changed colours. The first colour was plain orange, which symbolised nervousness. In less than a second, the petals changed from orange to a bright yellow; happiness. The one that followed was a berry colour, not entirely red. It meant that Louis was also excited. His heart literally stuttered in his chest when the petals turned violet and purple with a hint of fuchsia. Attraction, affection and fondness. He should've known but still. Wow.
"Huh, that was pretty accurate. I'm impressed" Louis took a step back, glancing up at him. "This is scary shit but I like it".
"Just imagine someone finding out something they shouldn't know like this. Awkward" Harry's mind was coming up with various of scenarios that wouldn't end well.
"Is there something I shouldn't know or why are you literally hiding behind the bloody sign?" Louis asked him jokingly, making his heart stop for another moment.
"I'm not hiding" Harry stepped away from the sign and closer to the dangerous flowers. "See?".
"I see that our colours are quite literally the same except that your orange was way brighter than mine" Louis examined the flowers for a moment before pulling Harry into his arms.
"Because I've been bloody anxious all day long and I can't really explain it. I was afraid to fuck things up. They didn't have to show it so clearly" Harry pouted over-dramatically, dropping his head onto Louis' shoulder, feeling them shake with silent laughter.
"Aw, Haz" Louis caressed his back, moving upward until his arms were back around his neck. "You don't have to be anxious around me anymore. You know me already".
"So? You're still you and I like you quite a lot. I don't wanna lose you again because I've done something stupid or said something wrong" Harry admitted bashfully, colouring the petals in a dark green, signalling that he was feeling a little guilty and scared.
"What can I say or do to make you understand that you don't need to be scared of doing something wrong?" Louis sighed out, mainly thinking out loud before cupping Harry's face with a very determined look in his eyes. "Haz, I like you just the way you are. We're both not perfect and I think we know that but I don't care about any of that. We will both say or do stupid things in the future but it won't change how I feel about you. It's normal and makes us human. We're all imperfect. Stop trying to be perfect, please".
"You're quite close to being perfect, Lou" Harry felt his eyes tearing up with so much fondness and affection for this man. "But I promise you to try to stop worrying so much".
"That's more than enough for me, Haz" Louis brought their faces closer together. "You're more than enough".
"So are you, Lou" Harry rested their forehead together, out of the corner of his eye seeing the petals turning electric pink.
"I saw it too but don't worry about what it means, okay?" Louis saw right through him. Somehow, it made him relax this time. "We both felt it at the same time. Isn't that enough?".
"It is more than enough. We're on the same page and that makes me happier than I've ever been, Lou" Harry tightened his arms around Louis' waist to lift him off the ground, his face being even closer to his own like this. His eyes were so unbelievably blue.
"Me too, Baby" Louis closed the gap between them, connecting their lips in a sweet kiss. "Wanna come home with me? Alexa is definitely waiting for me and she might be more tender when you're with me. Otherwise she might kill me".
Grinning into another kiss, Harry spun them around, making Louis protest this time but giggle at the same time. "I'd love to".
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