Song: Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish
Chapter Thirty-nine: Celestial sister-in-law
"What?!" I yelled.
I mean that would be your response too if your kidnapper's brother told you your kidnapper was in the same building as you. On Halloween. In costume. So if his face was covered, you won't know. For all I know, it could be Mr. Hopps.
The bunny?
According to me, everyone is a suspect. Especially when the stupid brother doesn't know his costume.
"He doesn't let me into the basement of his house, but when he left today I snuck up and saw some plans to go to this party, and the address."
"Then why did you take so long to get here?"
"I had to delete all the security footage. He has cameras everywhere."
"Just call him and hear what he has to say."
"Don't you think I've tried?"
Before I could answer, there was a knock on the door. Jayden and I shared a look.
He whispered to me. "Do not answer that."
"But the door is already open, whoever is there can probably just enter." I whispered back.
And as if listening to me, the door was swung open, and in all her celestial glory walked in Serena. She looked between Jayden and me, and then smiled.
"I never saw you to be as pretty as me, but I think your charisma takes it all for you to have three boys at your fingertips at the same time."
"Please leave. We're talking about something important." Jayden warned her.
She glanced at him. "He's not even half as hot as Zane and he is very hot."
Jayden raised his brows and then turned to me.
"Is she one of those girls?"
I instantly understood what he was saying. "Yeah, but she has the upper hand. She's Serena." He nodded in understanding. Probably because he has heard of her from his brother.
He turned to her. "You know, I saw a magazine with you on the cover. You were modelling for this dress by this French fashion designer."
She cut him off. "If you want an autograph, you have to get in line."
He smiled as he shook his head. "I just wanted to say that red is more of Char's color."
This is the part you'd be able to tell her difference from Skyler. Her poise and perfection doesn't falter. She won't shriek or yell in annoyance. She just frowned slightly and then returned to her angelic smile. "I don't think you want to be saying bad things about me."
I nodded. "Definitely."
"I was looking for you to tell you congratulations on your new boyfriend." I could tell her smile was forced, but I took it.
It's not particularly new because we've been dating for about a month now, and he finally just decided to tell you, but at least he did.
"Thank you."
"Do you have any idea why I'm just finding out when I'm the closest to him?"
"Because you were in Spain." I deadpanned even though I knew that was nowhere near the truth.
Her smile widened. "Just go with that."
She turned to leave then stopped at the door. "Ele me ama e você está no caminho. Eu o terei de volta, não importa o quê."
She knew I didn't understand Portuguese and that's why she said what she said in it. Stupid Serena.
Let's just hope she doesn't understand Spanish.
"Eres solo una bruja malvada en el cuerpo de un ángel."
On second thought, I hope she does.
She just closed the door and left.
I turned to Jayden. "Do you understand Portuguese?"
He shook his head.
"How was the party?"
Jayden ended up leaving after that since there was nothing he could do for me and he really didn't want his brother to see him. I wasn't sure if I could trust him, but I thanked him for the heads up anyways.
I spent most of my time with Zane and my friends, having fun, drinking blood, chewing eyeballs and dancing to Macarena and other songs. Zane had to take Wren home before the party ended because he had completely passed out and I couldn't have 'the talk' with him that way.
I was kinda unnerved about the whole Jaxon being at the party thing, but I at least got a heads up. So I only spent time with my friends, and all their costumes showed their faces except Wren when he wore his helmet, but then he wasn't here so that didn't matter.
I was in Reveka's room with her and Aaron. She went for a different Halloween party someone else in her grade threw. Her, Sam, Chloe and Ella went as Ghostbusters. Aaron just came to brag about how much candy he got because the neighbors called him a cutie.
"It was okay."
"Then why don't you seem as excited as I am? I tried this really great pumpkin pie that Ella's mom baked and I think that's my new favorite thing."
"Firstly, why didn't you leave me some?" I swatted her shoulder.
"Too good to share."
"Brat." I rolled my eyes. "And secondly, you change your favorite food every day."
"That is not true."
"It's true." Aaron butted in. "You've only been here for a few weeks, and Grace has gone shopping more than a gazillion times because you always change your cravings."
Rev crossed her arms. "Gazillion? Really? It isn't even a word." She scowled.
"Is to."
"Is not."
"Is to."
"Guys." I had to cut them off. "Gazillion is a word. It's not necessarily a number, but it's a very large quantity."
"You just flushed the saying 'blood first' down the drain."
I bit my lip. "Sorry, but Aaron's kind of my blood too."
"I'm your step brother, not half-brother." He corrected.
"Be quiet and let me support you." We laughed a little at that, before I continued talking. "But Aaron is right. Poor Grace."
"I would apologize that your mom keeps making her go for me, but I barely ever see her around."
True. Apart from the first day when she took our boxes in without a word, we had only seen her a few times; cleaning or scrubbing or cooking.
I turned to Aaron expecting an answer. "Yeah, why?"
"Mommy says and I quote: 'I don't want the help scuring around like flithy rats'."
Rev snorted. "I think you mean scurrying and filthy."
That's not even what I caught from it. That wasn't very nice to say. Mrs. Brooks has not been particularly mean to us, and I think it was just because of dad.
She's barely ever home because whatever her job is needs her to be more present, but dad works from home sometimes.
"And dad doesn't say anything about it?"
Aaron shrugged. "I don't think he likes to fight with her."
"I guess I'm going to have a little chat wi-" I was cut off by a knock on the door.
"Come in." Rev yelled to the person behind the door.
The door was opened and in walked my celestial sister-in-law.
Just kidding. It was Serena, but I was kidding about the sister-in-law part. I mean, of course I was. It's not like Zane and I were going to-
Shut up.
Before I could say anything about why she was here, especially this late, she smiled and said. "Your dad let me in and led me up here. I need to discuss something with you."
I shot Rev a weirded out look before I walked through the connecting doors to my room, expecting her to follow, and she did.
I creased my brows as I shut my door behind me. She scrutinized my room before going to sit at the edge of my bed. "Why do you sound like you're about to make a business deal?"
"Because I am."
"If you want to pay me money to do your laundry, no thank you."
Her lips curled inwards. "No. I'm not. I'm here to make a proposition."
She reached into her bag and brought out her phone. She did something on it then handed it to me. It was a video. It was just showing a dark door. I looked up at her in question. "Play it."
And I did. The door was all I could see, then I started hearing voices. Familiar voices.
"What about Wren?"
"Well, right now he's mad drunk and he never drinks."
"Well, maybe someone spiked his drink."
"No. No one spiked his drink. I think he drank willingly."
"Because of you."
"Me? What did I do?"
"More like Avery. He kept rambling on and on about the loss of the love of his life. Cherry, you have to put an end to this. You have to tell him the truth."
"I can't."
"What do you mean you can't, Cherry? You're playing with his feelings. He's in love with a girl that doesn't exist!"
"Why are you so angry?"
"Because I am watching my best friend wallow in sadness over a girl I'm dating and I am not doing anything to stop it. I can't tell him you're Avery because I love you and I respect your decisions, Cherry, but you have to tell him."
"He'll hate me. He's going to hate me for playing with his feelings when I didn't even mean to."
I paused it and looked up at her. "What is this?"
I don't understand why I watched it for that long, but I did and now I want answers.
Her eyebrows creased. "Why, it's you and Zane's conversation of course." She tapped her chin. "Well, I do not know who this Avery girl is, but I'm not stupid. So I know that she is you and Wren is in love with her, so Wren is in love with you and he does not know."
I gripped the phone tighter in anger. "Why did you take this?"
She touched her chest. "Because Wren is my friend and I can't just imagine the pain he's feeling, I mean look at how he was. I can't leave him like that. I must tell him and I have the proof to do it."
I gritted my teeth. "Stay out of it. I'm going to tell him myself."
She stood up and walked closer to me. "You are, are you? So what's taking you so long?"
"It is none of your business." I raised up the phone and deleted the video quickly.
She laughed. "Do you really think that's the only phone I have? I am becoming famous, I can-"
I rolled my eyes. "Would you just zip it for once? I don't remember asking for your autobiography."
Her smile faltered a little. Only a little.
"I just want you to stay out of this. What would you gain from this?" I groaned.
That's when her smile became more settled. "Simple. I make the videos go away, and you break up with Zane. You don't break up with Zane, then this video is sent directly to Wren's phone."
I scoffed. "I am not going to break up with Zane."
"Oh well, unless you want this video to be sent directly to Wren's phone once I step out of your house, I suggest you call Zane now and do it."
I crossed my arms. "He's not going to believe it."
"Then find a way to make him."
"Are you psychotic? You come into my house with an excuse of making a proposition-"
She cut me off. "It is a proposition."
I gritted my teeth. "Proposition my ass. You are freaking blackmailing me and I'm going to tell Zane. Let's see how well your plan works."
Her eyes widened. "If you tell Zane, the video goes straight to Wren."
She grabbed my phone on the table and pushed it into my hands. I played with it for a while.
Am I really going to do this?
Just do it now. Then explain it to him tomorrow after you've told Wren. Easy, everybody wins.
She gestured for me to hurry up. I unlocked my phone and clicked the phone app, went to favorites and tapped on Zane's name. He didn't answer.
"Try again." She hissed at me. "I want you to make the break up hurt. Tell him you don't love him so he comes running to me."
I glared at her, before trying his number again. He still didn't pick it up.
I was about to try again before Serena got the chance to hiss at me, but then she said something that really pissed me off. "Don't be surprised if he's already sleeping with the next pretty thing, he seems to have a knack for that."
I gnashed my teeth. "I would freaking slap you if you don't shut up."
She smiled wider. "I highly doubt that."
I was really going to slap her pretty face and make it ugly when my phone rang. I picked it before I could do anything drastic. Her lawyers and managers would have probably sued me for damaging their goods.
"Hello Cherry. Miss me already?"
I didn't reply immediately because I wasn't sure what to say yet.
"What's going on? Why do you sound so down?"
"Nothing is going on Zane. Just be quiet and listen to me."
The faster, the better.
He kept mute. "I want to tell you something and I want you to understand. I don't love you and I can't ke-"
Okay, this is just ridiculous.
He cut me off. "What is going on Cherry?" His tone made my heart crack. I can't believe I'm actually doing this.
"I can't date you anymore Zane. I don't love you. I could never love someone like you. I want you to stay away from me."
"This is bullshit Cherry." I could hear ruffling of sheets in the background. "I'm coming over to your house right now."
"No Zane. I don't want to see you. I want you to stay away from me. What don't you get?"
"What I don't get Cherry is what the hell is going on. You can't seriously be breaking up with me. And over the phone? Is this because of Wren? I'm sorry for pushing, it's your business. I shouldn't ha-"
I cut him off. "No it's not because of him."
The other side was quiet for a while until he spoke. "It's because of Serena, isn't it?"
He didn't seem to hear me. "I already told you I feel nothing for her."
I smiled sweetly. I wish I had put it on speaker so she could hear that. "I know Zane."
His voice cracked. "Then what's the problem? Whatever it is, I promise I'll fix it."
If he kept talking, I'd honestly break. "Look, I have to go. Don't come to my house this night."
"Cherry plea-" Before he could fully finish that sentence, I cut the call.
Serena was smiling widely. "Now delete his number."
How am I supposed to call him when you're gone and tell him it was all a lie? She's such a snake.
"Do it or else the video..." She let the threat trail as she reached into her purse, probably to get another device. I would tell her to shove her threat up her ass, but I can't have Wren finding out this way, he'd hate me more than he's going to.
Just get his number again in school tomorrow.
"Fine." I muttered, before deleting his number in her face.
"Are you happy now?"
"What if he tries to talk to me tomorrow what then?"
I needed to know if she had some sort of plan.
I continued. "You can't hold that video against me forever."
"I can't, but I'm sure I'm resourceful enough to know what to do next."
"Why are you so obsessed with Zane?"
"I'm not obsessed with him."
"Why are you so in love with him?" I paraphrased only to get an answer.
"Because he was there when nobody else wasn't."
"He sees you as his sister."
Her eye twitched. "His feelings are misplaced and I need to get rid of everything that is setting him on the wrong path."
"But I make him happy, don't you want him to be happy?" Yes, I used that line. I needed to appeal to her humanity, if she had any.
She looked down. "He'll find happiness with me too."
"Find happiness with someone who's head over heels for you not just someone who'll settle for you because there's no one else."
She shook her head. "I want Zane."
Sweetie no.
I didn't say anything else as she walked out of the room. She seemed to have her mind set.
I went to bed with Zane on my mind. If I deleted his number but he still had mine, his call will get through. Won't he call me?
Well you did tell him to stay away from you.
You're right. I'll just go to sleep. Everything will be better tomorrow.
I hope.
Zane and Wren weren't in school the next day. I searched the entire school. Literally. Then lunch came and I hoped I'll see them. Still no sign of them. I decided to call him on Xander's phone.
"Can I call Zane on your phone?"
"Why do you need to call him on my phone? Where is he anyway?"
"I'll explain later."
He was handing it to me when a hand snatched it from the back. I turned around and it was Skyler. Don't people notice the 'I'm not in the mood so don't get all up in my business' face. 'Cause I'm pretty sure I had it on.
I ran a hand down my face to cool myself. "Skyler, give me back."
"You can't say I should give you back because you never had it in the first place."
My face scrunched up in confusion. "I don't remember asking for an English lesson. In case you've forgotten, this is lunch."
"And you're not a teacher." Zahra supported.
"Zip it Zucchini." Skyler hissed.
Zahra's mouth dropped. "Did she just call me a courgette?"
"I think she did." Leyla nodded.
"Listen up Skyscraper. I don't recall being on the same level with you so when I speak you're the one who needs to zip it. I get it, you're always walking around high and mighty thinking being a hoe is-"
She was cut off by Kai putting a hand over her mouth which was good because Zahra had no filter.
Skyler's face was puffing red. "Please don't scream." I begged. I honestly couldn't stand it. I just wanted to call Zane and tell him the truth. In peace!
What if he's with Serena?
He would never. Right? I mean, this relationship is built on the solid foundation that is trust.
If you say so.
"Can I have my phone back?" Xander asked as he cautiously pulled it out of her grip.
Good thinking, it was like dealing with a piranha.
Skyler seemed to catch herself back because her mouth started moving again. "Having Zane problems?"
"No." I replied harshly.
She looked around the table. "Where is he then?"
"Him being absent from school has nothing to do with me." I snapped.
"Then why are you calling him from someone else's phone?"
"I do not have to reply you because none of this is your business. Why the hell are you people so nosy?"
She didn't seem to get the point because she continued. "It's okay if he broke up with you. It's a habit for him to move on from girls pretty quickly."
Why do people keep saying that?
"It's not anymore."
She shrugged as she started walking off to her table. "You know what they say, 'old habits die hard'."
That shouldn't hurt, but it did. I kept on thinking about Serena's words from last night.
"Tell him you don't love him, so he comes running to me."
He'd never actually go running to her, would he?
Trust. You gotta have trust.
I repeated that over in my head until school was over. I think I rather talk to Zane face to face. Wren would have to wait. I needed to see Zane now.
I want to translate it in case you didn't exactly get the translation I meant if you checked it on google translate.
Serena (Portuguese to English): He loves me and you're in the way. I will have him back no matter what.
Charvi (Spanish to English): You're just an evil witch in an angel's body.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Again, please don't forget to vote, comment and share, if you did, and even if you didn't.
Thanks and Toodles ;)
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