The Talk
As the night fell, a blanket of clouds blocking all view of the stars, sleep came unwillingly to me. I'd tossed and turned, no matter how I held myself I was in pain. I'd thankfully managed to sneak down to the kitchen, not quite as confident in my glamour as I should be, and stolen some pain killers which apparently, did nothing. Or at least it felt that way.
I couldn't even smoke, even though I'd tried, because my lips and mouth stung too much to form the necessary gesture to get a good pull. So I laid there, staring out my window at the waves of clouds that drifted gently by, hoping that the tranquil scenery and consciously slowing my breathing would help send me to sleep.
Strangely, or perhaps not so, I found my thoughts falling upon Aramis. I'd probably never see him again if he finds out how his sister died. I couldn't quite decide how a felt about that, other than how much of a shame it would be. But nothing stronger, at least I don't think so. Despite the few interactions we'd had, his over-confident swagger and cheesy grin was inviting and warm, and even just thinking about it now brought a smile to my face. Or it did before it was replaced with a hiss and a scowl. Smiling hurt.
Sad. I think I felt sad about the possibility of not seeing him again.
Sleep did come in the end. Gently, and calmly, wrapping me in its embrace; like it had been there the entire time and was just waiting for me to notice and come to it.
It was hard to put my finger on it, but the house felt... 'Tense.'
Like there was all this built up energy of uneasiness. The nerve wrecking silence before the storm. I didn't like it, and found myself taking longer to get ready than probably expected. I sat on my bed for a good few minutes, simply staring at the door, as if I somehow expected it to open and be fine. Or take me away to somewhere happy, and free. But right now all I could feel was dread. Dread for the day. Dread for tomorrow, and all that was holding it back was that door. It felt like it was an unbreakable bulwark against whatever hulking monster lay beyond it. An air tight seal that would be ruined the moment I clutched the handle. Which I would do at some point, it was unavoidable no matter how much I willed it away.
I opened the door, stepping through in the hallway, each floor board creaked and moaned beneath my weight, each one giving me a slight dash of panic as my already trembling hand placed itself on the bannister.
I'm not sure why I felt so tense, so uneasy. It was so quiet. It could do with me almost dying and watching someone die last night.
I could hear the odd mumbled word come from the lounging room down below, and I tip toed in response. Turning the opposite way in an attempt to sneak into the kitchen and avoid whatever was undoubtedly awaiting me in there.
"Avery." My name was called, and my heart stopped. Somehow I felt like freezing in place would let me go unnoticed. But when he called a second time, I had no choice but to relinquish my otherwise perfect camouflage and enter the room.
It was quite the gathering. My eyes passed over the numerous faces that were all huddled towards the back of the room, behind the fine leather chair that held my father.
He sat with one leg resting on the other, wearing a suit and tie, his hands were clasped on his lap in front of him. His hair was short, and kept smart, being brushed neatly to his right. It would be darker than mine had it not been for the peppering of grey that dotted throughout its strands. His posture and state was calm and composed, even as the tempered brown of molten coal that was his eyes, followed my every, uneasy, step.
I looked guilty before I'd even set foot in the room, like me somehow surviving the ordeal was an unspeakable crime. It only worsened when I looked upon the guests that sat on the couch not three feet from my father.
Limbani, and Aramis.
She was poised, and composed. An ever, exemplary, beacon of gracefulness. Her back was straight and her chin up. She somehow looked more angular than the first time we'd met. The softness, and roundness from her features was gone. Replaced with the cold countenance of a leader with business on the brain. She didn't look at me when I entered, merely kept her focus on simultaneously nothing, and my father at the same time.
Aramis was very much the same, although somehow less so. Like he was trying to imitate his mother in every way. But his eyes betrayed him, they looked sad. Worried, and disappointed. They glittered for a brief second as I entered, but he briefly shuffled himself to regain his composure.
"Y-Yes, father?" I croaked as if I didn't know. I hated being so formal, but knew better when the company was so tense.
He held out an open hand, gesturing for me to sit down on the chair opposite him. Which I did without a word, and absent mindedly began fiddling with my hands as a distraction.
"Him? He is the one?" Limbani said accusingly, "The one I invited into my own home?" Aramis nodded. My father tensed, ever so slightly, especially when her questioning gaze fell upon my father again.
He cleared his throat before speaking
"We will hear his version, as is the air of fairness." He said, his voice was commanding and deep as he shifted the position in his chair. My eyes darted to the small crowd again. Finding Victoria at the front of them all, she looked at me reassuringly, and I was somewhat relieved. "Avery, we want to hear exactly what happened last night. Every last detail, please."
I took a deep breath, my eyes began searching once again. Scanning the faces of the room, with a feeble wish to be bolstered with some form of strength. They fell on Aramis, just as eager as his mother to hear what I had to say. But while hers remained cold; his was earnest. Hopeful.
I recounted the events as best I could. Uncomfortably wriggling in the calculating silence that followed.
"My daughter was mortally wounded, yet you bare no marks of this attack. I do not doubt the healing capabilities of your people, but I find it... Convenient." Limbani spoke, looking to me then to my father expectantly.
"Wait, she's--?" I began to ask, a wave of both shock and relief fell over my shoulders, causing me to relax somewhat into the chair beneath me.
"Alive. Yes." She interjected, a comment that sounded both defiant and accusatory. It was only natural she thought me the attacker, and I could tell she was conflicted with her duties as a leader of the supernatural and a mother.
I looked to my father who had remained silent.
"Why is that, Avery?" He asked, I responded with a questioning look. "If the events went down as you say, you would still have marks, yes? With all due respect, you are not that accomplished of a healer..." I could tell he hadn't meant it as bluntly as he put it. But he too was like Limbani. Conflicted with his duties as a leader and a father. It somewhat lessened the blow of him questioning his faith in me.
I reached up and pulled the glamour off my face to the sound of hushed gasps. I could hear the slight trebled complaint of my Aunt Janet, and I could feel the absolute wrath of Victoria as my eyes met hers for a brief moment. Fists and jaw clenched, she knew better to over step her boundaries in such delicate matters, but damn if she wasn't close to ignoring that all together.
"I was going to wait until the full moon to.. You know... Or--- I don't know" I whimpered ever so slightly. Internally cursing myself for beginning to break up in front of company or my father. I looked down to hide my face, using the sleeve of my shirt to dab at the corners of my eyes.
Before another word could be said there came a loud thumping at the front door, causing me to snap up in surprise as everyone had a confused look about them. My father gestured to Janet who left, making saddened and worried eye contact with me as she shuffled her tiny frame to the front door.
We were all silent, as we strained our ears trying to hear what could be said. The odd piece of chatter came through, my Auntie's sweet and cheerful voice chirping happily, before she returned to the room.
"Just cookies" She said smiling, before her expression returned to a more solemn one.
Then there came a second round of knocking, to which Janet rolled her eyes making a tutting sound and shuffled back towards the door.
This time the voices were louder, more agitated, and eventually pushing into the room, even at the protest of my aunt; was a fully grown man. His hair was fair in colour, and scruffy, even if it was short. Poking out in awkward angles. He wore a dirt-green jacket, over a tank top that stretched against his chest and muscular frame. He had wild, piercing, blue eyes, and a thick beard that was kept short and tidy. Which was strange considering the rest of his appearance was scruffy.
"Well I'll be fucked" He said giving a pass around the room, staring at me briefly before settling on Limbani and Aramis. Aramis looked confused, Limabni looked unfazed.
"Get out." My father commanded to which the man held his hands up with a chuckle.
"I cannot believe you've let those leeches in here. Two hundred years without vampires in these woods or town." He snapped staring at the pair intently, who remained unmoving, although Aramis' true feelings were beginning to show, and he looked ready to pounce.
"Flint. I will not ask you again. Get. Out" My father ordered, his countenance darkened. He looked bigger than he did before, like his presence stretched and grew to fill the room. That made the young man think twice as he took a cursory step backwards.
"Fine. Alright. Have your meetings. My father will know about this."
"Yes. He will." Was all my father had to say before the young man stepped hurriedly from the room, and slamming the door behind him in a very immature and teenage like fashion. I was puzzled, as were a number of us in the room who all now looked to my father for answers.
"There are Werewolves here too?" Aramis asked, tensing from the slightest of movements from his mother. His eyes were suddenly glittering again. Aflush with curiosity. Like a child entering the splendour of a toy shop, and oggling all the shiny gadgets like he had entered a whole new world of wonder.
My father pinched the bridge of his nose briefly before looking to the pair
"Yes, and I am sorry about that. He is not a reflection of the rest of the pack I assure you. His father, the alpha, is one of the most kind hearted people I know. We're getting off topic. What do we do about the current situation..." He said gesturing to both me and Limbani.
There came that dreadful silence once again as the two mulled it over within their own minds before finally Limbani spoke, her voice a little softer than the harsh, commanding tone of before:
"Peace, justice, and fairness must come first. My child suffered mortal wounds at the hand of yours- -"
"I didn't I--" I went to cut in to defend myself, but was silenced with a gesture from my father.
"As did your child with mine" She continued "I suggest the recovery is punishment enough. If that is not satisfactory to you, then I would suggest we discipline our children in whatever way we, as parents, deem appropriate." It was so strange hearing everyone talk so formally. Taking actual time to articulate their words in a proper manner, doing all they can not to be misheard or worse, misunderstood.
My father nodded in agreement.
"Agreed. It is my hope that this... Altercation, not come between us or our families" He said as they all stood and he smiled kindly. "Now that judgement has passed, might I invite the both of you to dinner? It's the least I can offer as recompense for this whole situation."
To my surprise, Limbani smiled warmly in response.
"No, thank you. But we must be going. We must tend to Bethany" Her gaze lingered upon me for but a moment, and I felt like I was under the spot light again. Alone, and unsafe; even as she left for the door.
"Bye, Avery" Aramis' voice quietly said as he made to follow after his mother, and I suddenly felt embarrassed and ashamed that he saw me like this. I gave a soft wave, turning my face away as much as possible, as Janet and my father saw them to the front door.
A/N: Boy that was a longer one. I hope you're enjoying reading as much as I am writing! Please consider voting or leaving a comment, it'd be super appreciated
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