The Fortune
I stood in front of his mother, silently infuriated. In some petty, jealous way, I was dumbfounded. How was every family member that I had met so far, just some living example of pure, enigmatic, beauty?
That's not to say that I found Aramis beautiful. He wasn't ugly. I didn't think about it.
Pearly whites on display from a wide, gentle, smile formed of lips a vibrant red. Her skin was a dark brown, and flawless without a single freckle or mole to be seen, save for the odd few that peppered her nose and along her upper cheeks.
Her hair was piled upon her head in a large swirl of thin braids, allowing full display of her long neck that was adorned with a single, silver chain that clutched a small garnet at it's centre.
A black dress, the culmination of the thousand-thousand life works of insects, all for the purpose of of the privilege of being placed upon her shapely body.
"Welcome, my love" She said sweetly. Her accent some amalgamation of African and English. It was comforting, and warm as she presented her cheeks. I suddenly remembered myself, planting a kiss on either one.
"Thank you, and thank you for welcoming me into your home. It's beautiful" I said, all too aware that Aramis was watching attentively. Like he was presenting a project or macaroni painting, and was awaiting approval. Or a gold star.
"Nonsense, all are welcome here, my love. Aramis told me he had made a friend. I am glad to see he's settling nicely" She laughed, nudging her son in a familiar manner. I became aware of where Aramis got his overly sunny disposition from. Every syllable from the rose red of her lips, dripped with a happiness and warmth that made even the most introverted part of me feel welcome.
She smiled sweetly before looking behind me at no doubt more guests arriving. I had barely enough time to splutter out any more formalities of me being polite before she excused herself, gliding off to attend to other attendees.
"I never got to know her name." I commented dryly "Won't she think I'm rude?"
"What? No!" Aramis reassured, "She just fusses over her guests. She won't rest as long as a guest is untended to. She'll feel it tomorrow" He giggled.
"Well, could you tell me her name? So I'm not left feeling rude afterwards?" I asked, as my eyes poured over the other few guests that had arrived, along with the ones that were already mingling. They all seemed the "uppity" type. Fine clothes, and nasally laughs. I didn't recognise a single one, but I suppose that was to be expected.
"Oh, it's Limbani. Limbani Atlee" He answered cheerfully
"So you're Aramis Atlee then?" It was a question that probably had an obvious answer, but considering the almost extreme differences between the family appearances, I had to wonder.
"That's usually how family names work yes" He laughed, clapping a hand on my back as I scowled. "Now. I promised you a drink did I not?"
I was glad to see that the company wasn't all stereotypically upper-class elders. He led me into another room in the house, and a level of calm over took me. I could hear the loud chatter of Victoria somewhere amongst the small gathering of well dressed bodies.
The music was loud, but not overwhelmingly so. It vibrated at my fingertips, and thumped my chest in a rhythm that seemed easy to pick up. The lights didn't twinkle with the cleanness of white that was in the previous room with Aramis' mother. They were darker, and colourful. Painting different textures and colours to the skin that was available. Casting vibrant phantasms of shadow that writhed among the movement of bodies. Like an ethereal serpent, swimming through a river of flesh- -
"Penny for your thoughts?" It was Aramis, his usual smile accompanying him as he handed me a red cup with an unidentifiable liquid inside. I gave a cursory sniff as if there was even a possibility I could pick up a sign of identification with just smell alone, and swigged.
"It's nothing, honest. My brain just gets away from me sometimes, and it's not always for the better" I chuckled nervously, I was never the most comfortable at parties. I never knew what to do. I couldn't dance, aside from the macarena or the cha cha slide. It was often too loud just to strike up a conversation, not that I would with some random stranger. Vicky, however, took to it naturally. She'd just slip in like she had been there all along, and before you knew it; she'd be laughing with a gaggle of girls like they were besties, or alternatively, she'd have whatever she deemed an acceptable target for her affections that night.
I took another swig from my drink, aware that Aramis was watching me. I furrowed my brow in confusion as I met his gaze.
"What?" I questioned, not meaning it to sound as offended as it probably did. I strained to hear his voice, as I watched his lips move. A sudden, and loud cheer erupting from the crowd behind us because of who knows what.
"What?" I repeated, tilting my head in his direction.
"I like you!" He shouted. I paused in response, my mouth only managing a simple 'O' shape.
"You met me yesterday and we've had one conversation since. How could you possibly know you like me?" It was forward, and sudden. I wasn't entirely sure I was comfortable with the idea either. I'd never had companionship in that manner before, and the thought of it caused all forms of doubt and worry to enter my head. It was a point of embarrassment. Who, at twenty-five, had never even spoken of being involved in a romantic relationship? Other than me I mean.
His only response was a shrug, before it settled on a smile. He didn't seem the least worried at the idea of me shooting him down. Like the thought never occurred. He was confident and bold. My breath caught in my throat as he leaned closer to my ear, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Life's too short to wait, ya know? You're cute. You're funny without knowing it. At least I think so anyway. Not to mention we're at a party, which is kind of like a club. Asking people out is what you do, right?" He had earned yet another confused look from me. Which caused him to laugh "See? That's what I mean!" I wasn't sure if I should be offended or not, and didn't have enough time to process any of it before Victoria interjected. Thank the Gods.
"There you are! I was wondering where you'd got to" She said smiling at Aramis, my eyes drifted to the familiar figure behind her. Tall. Muscular. Full lips and dirty blonde hair. The barrister from before. I gave Vicky a suggestive look, raising my eyebrow. "Oh! This is Jace. He was at the cafe earlier"
"I saw and again at our house" I grinned, earning an errant swat from the manicured hands of Vicky.
Thankfully, I became more comfortable as the night drew on. Undoubtedly with the help of a steady supply of alcohol. The four of us had made it to a corner of the room. Sitting around a table with idle chatter abound.
It had quietened some bit. A few had left. The music had dulled down to a sullen background noise. There was the odd raucous cackling from a few of the drunkards pulling each other around, and joking, soaking up the merriment.
The buzz I felt helped me tune out a fair bit, to the point where I had completely lost track of what it was we were originally talking about.
"Avery has a talent!" Victoria proclaimed in her usual confident manner, only made more evident by the drink now coursing through her veins.
Aramis piped up inquisitively as a few of the other spectators, half paying attention, leaned in interestingly.
"Is that so?" He asked
"Yep" Vicky enforced, falling back into the well toned muscle of Jace's left arm that was stretched along the length of the couch they were sat on. "He's real good at reading fortunes!" She slurred. I shot her a questioning glare that she barely registered through slightly dimmed eyelids.
Aramis immediately thrust his hand in front of me, palm up wards as he reached over the length of the table.
"Do me Do me!" He squealed. I had my chance to mess with him, as a mischievous smirk took to my lips as I lightly gripped the underside of his hand.
I gave a prying peer to the lines of his calloused hands, giving a grin, before tracing the flat of my tongue along the entire length of his palm.
I expected him to withdraw in squeamish horror, but he instead looked irrevocably fascinated. Staring in a scholarly manner as he inspected his hand.
Blood. Oh Gods that's a lot of blood, and Teeth. Sharp. Gnawing. Chewing. Drinking. It was a maddening cacophony of squeaks and flapping. Of screams. Final good byes. Fangs and the blossoming explosion of orgasms. The moon. Full and silver. Alone and solitary. It was maddening. A well with the clacking of chains pulled taught against stone, older than me, that would not budge.
"Well?" Aramis questioned, I became the target of every questioning look at our table as I shook myself back to the focus of the conversation.
"I see good things in your future" I croaked, lied, coughing to clear my throat and putting on a weak smile before turning my attention to my drink. That was not the future either.
"Cool!" He yelled, smiling cheerfully. I couldn't help but check a little closer for fangs.
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