A Backbone
It was a strange occurrence to see the divide in the threshold so final, so solid, so decisive. One of the rare moments where the sun peeked out from the pillowing clouds, washed over me with the yellow of dandelions, scoring a large cut at an angle over the front door frame of The Vampire Manor. It was a veritable block of shadow, a line that sliced outwards like a blade, from the edge of the wooden door, and upwards along the wall. Only allowing the wood of a greeting table, to edge the soft brown of its surface into the grace of the sun.
I stood there for what felt like a lifetime. Straining my ears for any sound, but all they could hear where the false echoes of Casper's cheerful footsteps as they once charged through and leaving me behind at the door. I'd half hoped he would return with someone, or let someone know that they had a guest waiting. I would see him returning, dragging someone I didn't know, behind him with that goofy grin of his plastered on his face, like convincing me to come home with him was an achievement all in itself.
I then hoped that me knocking loudly would grant me some company. But that too left me alone, the muffled cries of my knuckles being swallowed by the dark expanse of the entry way that lay before me. It was nerve wrecking. The determination and confidence I had before seemed to have packed their things in haste, and left me in the barren apartment of my own mind; where even the sound of my own breathing was a harsh, deafening, critique of my own self worth.
Soon the sun began to tuck itself snugly behind it's blanket of greyed white, and my eyes were able to focus a little better on the interior of the entry way. It was familiar to me of course, I'd been here before. Yet I still didn't find the courage to just enter of my own volition. At the very least it wouldn't be polite.
It was but a moment longer before a figure appeared before me. Heels, yet they made but the softest whisper of clacks against the hard wood floors. If all of modern pop culture was to serve as my guide in this very moment, then what stood before me, was the very image of a Vampire.
Alabaster skin that pinked in faded clouds around her cheeks, slipping into lips of a red so deep, it conjured up phantoms of the taste of blood in my mouth. Her eyes were painted the colour of the blackest of nights, starless, and haunting. Ringlets of hair, tucked neatly behind her, where it spilled until just below exposed shoulders, she wore a black dress that flowed down a deceptively strong frame, and stopped just below the knee, where it gave way to moon-kissed legs that ended in shiny, black heels.
She kept her gloved hands in front of her lap, holding on to one another, as she held the very epitome of indifference in her posture and expression. She inspired my body into war with my mind, as it tore itself to pieces over whether to be in awe or fear, and I understood how such creatures found their prey almost willingly in their jaws.
"I am delighted to meet you, Avery. I am Elizabeth, you can stop staring if it would please you. I would assume you're here to see Aramis?" Her voice was soft with a commanding nasally undertone, that while it was able to hold a welcoming, and cheerful tone well enough, also threatened violence to anyone that would test its owner.
I blushed a little, ripping myself from looking at anything but her, but then I realised that would be rude to not look at least in her direction, and in my frustration with what to do with myself I must've taken too long as I heard Elizabeth giggle. It was a small thing, like silver bells.
"Uh, Yes. Sorry. I am here to see Aramis. I need to know he's okay." I said, eventually coming to my senses and looking upon her like a normal person would. She was smiling gently, and welcomingly, before nodding and turning on her heels.
"Well you best come in then. There are some things you ought to know. Fret not. Aramis is quite alright, or he will be in around ten hours or so. I understand the slight hypocrisy in that statement, but I assure you, he is fine." She spoke, to which I was completely dumbfounded with how to feel, let alone respond. I was heavy, and confused. Was Aramis alright or wasn't he? Does he need help?
Instead of stumbling over whatever response I could muster, I elected to keep quiet, and follow silently. The walls did a surprising amount of swallowing the sound of our footsteps, and even though I was invited in; I couldn't help but feel like I was trespassing some how. The walls themselves seem to stretch and keel over around me. Like decorated waves, threatening to crash on to the would be intruder.
"THE WHEAT FIELDS!" I heard a voice shout, immediately causing me to clutch my chest and brace against the nearest wall like I had been shot in some dramatic manner.
I looked to the wooden door at my side, it was slightly ajar, and my eyes were wide with panic as I stared and waited for something to attack or lurch from the door. It was only until Elizabeth appeared at my side, a gentle hand pulling the door closed with a soft click, that I was relinquished from my fight or flight response.
"So sorry about that." She said, turning to look at me, and for a moment I saw pity in her eyes upon me. It was just a glimmer, but it was enough to immediately straighten myself out in some defiance of the shame that pricked at the underside of my cheeks. "That's Cuthbert... He used to own a plantation in the 17th century. Unfortunately a sickness took his mind nearly a decade ago, and he has since been convinced that he is still in that century. It is quite sad."
"Vampires can get sick?" I asked sheepishly, unsure of what boundaries that I may be crossing. But Elizabeth just nodded silently, before resuming her place of leading me... somewhere.
"Indeed we can. But all shall be explained in time, you have my word." She answered over her shoulder, as her delicate steps led us passed another door that was swung wide open.
There was no questioning who was in this room, which seemed to be a lounge of some kind. With generously stuffed, leather couches, a large television hung on the wall in between a smattering of bookshelves.
Sticking out like a lone, twinkling, star amidst the blanket of an empty night sky; was Bethany. My breath hitched in my throat upon the sight of her. The paleness of her skin, clothes, and hair, contrasted coldly and greatly with the warming browns of the room. Like the gleam of a knife jutting from the fertile soil.
Her hair hung from one side as she looked up from her book, her jaw dropping somewhat as her eyes connected with mine.
My first mistake was blinking. The moment I did, she was before me when my eyes shuttered open. I could feel the panic beginning to swell within my chest, but this time it had company. Something retaliatory. Something strong.
"And what exactly is he doing here?" She barked, turning to Elizabeth who didn't seem in the slightest bit worried. It was then that I took note of a strange coincidence that stood before me. It was clear that Elizabeth and Bethany had the same poise, the similar manners and behaviours. But they looked like total opposites to one another. One dressed in dark, and was waiting as the dark is want to do. The other dressed in light, and was acting, moving like the light is born to do.
"He is here to see Aramis, but I wished to speak with him first" Elizabeth said coolly. Causing Bethany to furrow her eyebrows in frustration.
"Nope. No way. Did you see what happened to Aramis the last time he hung out with this worm? What happened to me the last time I saw him? How could you allow this?"
"Actually, you attacked me, and I wasn't the one who hurt you, it was the protector. Which he wouldn't have done if he didn't feel the need to, ya know, protect me from a vampiress crushing my face?" I interrupted, watching as Bethany snapped her gaze towards me. A silvery light pooling in her pupils, as she bared her fangs.
"Was I talking to you, Witch? No. I wasn't. Now get out of here. Go cry over your dead gods and leave us alone."
"Now you listen here, bitch. I've been crushed by some cow in some cheap dress better suited for an old lady's porcelain doll collection, stabbed, thrown against a tree, chased by a fucking werewolf, AND nearly had the life completely drained out of me because some overly pushy guy I happen to be in love with, would've died if I hadn't. So please, whatever your issue is with me; build a bridge and get the fuck over it, because I have just about had enough of being bullied." I felt angry. Furious even. But speaking all of that into existence felt good. Like a weight lifted itself from my shoulders, focused to the tip of my pointing finger, and blasted fourth into the universe. Expelling itself from burdening my body and mind any longer, allowing me to relish in the momentary, uneven, territory of freedom that I am currently flying in.
We were silent for what felt like an eternity. Our noses no more than ten inches from each other as our eyes locked, willing the other to back down. I didn't want to. I wasn't going to. Despite how fully aware I was that she could snap my neck with a miniscule gesture of her wrist, the fact that she hadn't yet, gave me strength. It gave me power. Something had changed in my core. Somewhere along the line, flight had turned into fight, and a silent, subconscious vow was made that if I were to go down, I am to go down fighting.
Our stare down most likely wouldn't have ended if it wasn't for the sudden coughing sound Elizabeth made as she cleared her throat with an
"Ahem. Yes, well, that's very good. Bethany, could you please leave us to it? There'll be no funny business, you have my word."
I took some smug satisfaction as Bethany was the first one to break, rolling her eyes as they dulled back into their normal colour, her fangs slinking back into her upper jaw, and she stomped back to her book and chair with a huff.
"Whatever" She barked, like a disgruntled teenager, and the moment her form sat down I found myself relaxing.
Elizabeth took my arm in a warm and friendly manner, before leading me onwards.
"If I had to hazard a guess, and if that was some form of test; I would say you passed" She said, a cheerful lull to her tone that belied a smirk even though I couldn't see her face from my position.
"That was the single most terrifying thing I have done in my life and I think I may pass out" I blurt out when I am sure we are sufficient enough away from Bethany's ear shot, earning a chortle from Elizabeth as she threw her head back a little to laugh heartily.
"Love will do that to you"
"I said that didn't I? That I was in love with Aramis... I didn't even think abou--"
"That's the point, dear... That's the point." She stopped, giving my arm that she had linked her own arm with a reassuring squeeze, before dropping it and opening the double, dark-wood, doors before us.
A/N: MY MAN. Phew, it felt good to finally have Avery stand up for himself in someway. He also somewhat admitted that he's in lurrrrrve.
What did you think of Elizabeth? I know there isn't much more than an inkling into her character,but give me you thoughts. I'd like to know.
Thanks for reading ^,..,^
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