songs to play for each wiccan holiday
I FOUND MY WICCAN NAME!!!!!! Anyway onto the stuff.
First up Samhain....
And the next.....
Next up is Yule
Sorry. This is all I can find for Yule.
Next up is Imbolic
Why is there so many for Samhain but nothing for the rest!? Sorry again.
Next up is Ostrara (did I spell it right?)
Now next up is Beltain. Ok how do you spell it? I found it spelled beltain, beltaine, and beltane.
Why is there so little for everything!??!
Up now is Litha!
Next up........Lammos!
FINALLY!!!!! Yay!!
Last but not least! Mabon!
You don't know how happy I am. Also I hope you enjoyed and have a happy holiday.
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