Chapter 18: Hiding Out
I jumped back from Phineas and found myself staring at Django.
"Django, I-"
Django ran up to Phineas and punched him.
"Phineas!" I shrieked and rushed over to them.
I pulled Django back and threw him to the ground.
"What the heck, Django?!" I shouted.
"I knew you liked each other but I hoped you, as my girlfriend, and Phineas, as my friend, wouldn't betray me like that!" Django yelled, his eyes burning.
"Did you have to punch him?!" I exclaimed.
He stood up and walked over to me. I backed up a bit but he grabbed my shoulders and kissed me. I tried to shake him off but he was holding tight. Finally, I mentally apologized and then kicked him where the sun didnt shine.
"Fu-Fudge brownies!" He yelled.
"Sorry, Django." I whispered.
He looked up at me, still holding his pants. "Did...did you not feel anything just then? I love you, Isabella."
I bit my lip. "I...I love you, too, but...I love Phineas more. You know I always have."
He nodded and looked down. "I...sorry...I'll just go..."
He left and then I walked over to Phineas. "Phin, are you ok?"
He groaned and covered his eye. "I'm fine, Izzy, but...did you really think I loved you?"
I stopped. "What..."
"Did you really think I loved you? Sorry, Iz, but you're not my type." He turned away.
Suddenly, he started laughing and I frowned. "Phineas Flynn!"
"Sorry, Izzy, just thought-"
I slapped him. "There. Now shut your mouth. I'm taking you home."
I helped him up and we walked out to my car. As I drove, I felt him looking at me but whenever I glanced over, he was staring out the window.
"Phin, is something-"
"Love you." He mumbled.
I blinked. "What?"
"Nothing." He muttered.
I smiled. "Ok, love you, too."
When we got to his house, I spotted a very familiar black Mercedes parked in his driveway.
"Oh, please no..." I paled.
"Izzy, what? What's wrong?"
He frowned when he saw Adyson, Johnny, and Django get out.
"Wait, what? Since when has Django and Adyson been friends?" He asked and got out of the car.
I didn't follow him.
"Isabella, are you ok?" He asked.
"I...I..." I sighed.
"Just suck it up, Garcia-Shapiro" I whispered.
I turned off the engine, snatched my keys, and got out of the car.
"Ferb! It's Adyson! Open the door!" Adyson yelled.
Ferb opened the door. He looked bored.
"I leave her alone for one day because she's dating the art freak but now I find out she's dumped him and made out with my boyfriend! Where is she?!" She shouted.
"Hey!" Django exclaimed.
"Oh, shut up, fake-casso! I'm defending your honor or whatever!" Adyson huffed.
Ferb spotted us in the driveway but quickly averted his eyes. He shrugged.
Adyson rolled her eyes and then pushed past him. "Isabella!"
Django and Johnny followed her inside. Ferb looked at us, smirked, and then closed the door.
"Come on, Isabella. Ferb's going to distract them. We can go through the back door."
Phineas and I crept through his yard until we reached the door. He slid it open carefully and we slipped in.
I saw Ferb offering them food while Adyson was beating mad.
"I don't want your crummy food! I want to know where Isabella is! I know she's coming back here with Phineas!" Adyson exclaimed.
Suddenly, she lit up. "Wait, her car! Duh!"
She ran to the front window and I gulped.
"Come on! We gotta hide!" Phineas took my hand and we ran as fast and as silently as we could.
Phineas looked around. I knew his house as well as he knew mine. There was only his and Ferb's room, Candace's room, his parents room, and a bathroom.
"There's nowhere to hide!" I hissed.
He smirked. "Come on."
He pulled me into his room and started rummaging for something in his desk drawers.
I heard stomping and started to panic. "Phineas!"
"Almost got it..." Phineas mumbled, and started looking faster.
"Isabella! I know you're here!" Adyson called out from the stairs.
Phineas' room was the first one in the hallway so we had about...30 seconds if we wanted to hide from her.
"Got it!" Phineas said and then I felt fuzzy.
Adyson threw open the door in triumph and I tried not to yell.
"Where are you?!" Adyson yelled.
I was confused. I was right in front of her. Could she not see me?
Phineas pulled me back before Adyson could walk into me.
"InvisiRay. Vanessa's Dad gave it to Ferb a while back when he found out Ferb was handy with tools and sometimes I borrow it." Phineas explained quietly.
"Ugh! She's not here! Django! Johnny! Go check the other rooms!" Adyson growled.
"You know, I'm already physically and emotionally hurt so I'd rather not see her and just go home. I thought you said you were going to take me home, not to Phineas' house. Which is the last place I want to be right now..." Django said.
"And I thought you were listening to me when we talked about this, Addy. Also, I have a job now and I'd rather not get fired just because I was helping my bratty little cousin hurt her friend." Johnny said.
"Shut up! Shut up both of you! We'll talk about this later but right now, find them!" Adyson stomped.
Ferb finally spoke up. "You won't find them."
Adyson rolled her eyes. "Oh? And why is that? Did you hide them? Well, I'm onto you, Fletcher."
Ferb picked up the InvisiRay that was still on Phineas' desk. "Because her car was just a hologram."
He shot out the window and my car disappeared.
"What?!" Adyson shouted. "She's not here?!"
"Holograms? That's pretty clever...." Johnny muttered.
"Shut up! Ugh! Let's go!" Adyson huffed and stomped out of the room.
We peeked out the window and watched as Johnny drove out of the driveway, barely missing my car.
Ferb pointed the gun at us and I felt fuzzy again. He shot at my car and it reappeared.
"Thanks, Ferb." Phineas smiled.
Ferb clicked his tongue and left.
"So, um, Phineas?" I blushed, turning to him.
"Yes?" He asked.
"I was you..." I hesitated.
"Whoa. Whoa, no, Izzy. You've waited too long. It should be me." Phineas stopped me.
He pulled out something from his drawer. "Close your eyes."
"What? Why?" I asked.
"Just do it." His eyes twinkled and I smiled.
I closed my eyes and waited.
He moved my hair out of the way and I felt something cold around my neck.
"Ok! Open your eyes!"
I opened them and found a hand held mirror in front of my face. I was confused but then I saw a beautiful purple and pink necklace lined with what looked like diamonds hanging around my neck.
"Oh my god, Phineas!" My hands flew to my mouth.
"You like it? I made it." Phineas smiled.
My heart literally could not take how adorable his blush and smile was and I melted.
"I love it!" I hugged him.
"Sweet. So, uh, you wanna go out with me?" He asked.
"Of course!" I giggled.
"So, wanna go on a date tomorrow? Our first official one? My treat, of course!" He tried winking but it was an ultimate fail. I still laughed.
"Yes." I answered.
My phone rang and I saw Django texted me.
D: Hey Isabella I was wondering if we could talk. Maybe tomorrow? Don't worry I won't try any moves on you I know that you and space man probably got together and I'm happy for you. I know you've liked since forever so I'm really happy that you're happy. I was just wondering if we could talk. Just about...about life idk...just as friends nothing more if you want. If you want to talk, then I'll wait by the field at 12. If not, it's ok. Bye.
Phineas was reading over my shoulder and he frowned. "You're going to meet him, aren't you."
"He just wants to talk. I'll tell him we can be friends and then I'll head over to your house." I said.
Phineas pulled me onto his bed and hugged from behind. "Can't I come with you?"
"No. Don't worry, I said I'll head over here right after. It shouldn't take more than 30 minutes." I said.
"But it'll save time if I go with you." He protested.
"Don't worry. I'll be fine." I smiled.
"I just-"
Mrs. Linda knocked on the open door and smirked at us. "Phineas, dinner is ready. Isabella, would you like to stay for dinner? Oh, doesn't matter. I already invited Viv over and I'm sure she'll be happy to know that you guys are together. Oh, it seemed like just yesterday that I would go to the store and Candace would call and make up some crazy story about you guys."
She had her own little heart wrenching episode and we watched in amusement.
"Oh, Mrs. Linda? My mamá is coming back today? I thought they were coming back tomorrow?" I asked after she was done.
"Only she is coming back. Anyways, come down in five." She said.
"She's only coming back because Mom owes her $20." Candace appeared in the doorway.
"Candace!" Phineas smiled.
"Hey, little bro. Jeremy and I just came to ask Mom to babysit Amanda tomorrow but she invited us for dinner." Candace smiled.
"Wait, why does she owe my mom $20?" I asked.
"When you were kids, they betted on whether you guys would ever date. As Mom was oblivious, she betted no. As Mrs. Garcia-Shapiro was observant, she betted yes. And by the way you guys are sitting, I'm betting Mom lost." Candace smirked.
We blushed. Candace laughed and then left.
"Be careful tomorrow, ok?" Phineas said.
"Phin, we've friends with Django since forever. Don't worry." I smiled and kissed his cheek.
Yayayay Phinbella I should probably start a Ferbella story since all my stories are Phinbella and Ferbnessa lol anyways also thanks for checking out my new story if you did^•^
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