??? POV
I looked down from where I stood. I was on the edge of a hill, overlooking a small camp. I was waiting for a signal from my partner, Katlyn. Suddenly, the enemy charged at the camp, and I got a small nod from Katlyn. This signaled me to lead forward down the hill.
This was a small skirmish with our enemy region, Tu'la. The had recently invaded our island home, Ru'an. They were rounding up majicks users, in hope that they knew the location of the relics. The relics are artifacts that hold the power of the divine warriors of legend. I have one such relic. I drew on it's power, and transformed.
I grew pure white, feathered wings. In my hand, I summonsed a white steel, jagged sword. I was in my Irene form. It is named for the relic I have, the relic of Irene the matron. As it's holder, it is my job to continue her work and protect the people of Ru'an.
I landed right in the middle of the potential massacre, on top of a violet tent.
"Stop!" I howled, my voice amplified by my form. The response I got came from the Tu'la commander.
"Ignore the wimps! She has the Irene relic!" He screamed, pointing at me. A soldier pulled out a machine called a relic magnet. It should have pulled the relic out of me, killing me in the process. But it didn't.
"Uh sir? It's.... not working." He was shocked. I lept forward, and smacked it out of his hand, and it smashed on the ground, meanwhile Katlyn, who was waiting to attack, lept on the soldiers like a lion.
From there I lept towards the commander, nocking him off his horse and pinning him on the ground.
"Go and tell your higher ups that I don't just have Irene's relic, I AM IRENE! Now SCRAM!" I yelled, and he fled into the woods in the direction of his home.
I turned back to inhabitants of the camp, giving them the horse to keep.
"M'lady!" The leader faerie stuttered. "Allow us to thank you!"
"None needed! Just doing my job..." I told them.
"Nonsense! Here. Take this!" She said, handing me a small blue charm.
"What is it?" Katlyn asked, walking over.
"It will grant you one wish if you truly desire it." She explained...
Heeeeey guys! It's a thing! Can you guys where this going? <3
Also, this takes place in between diaries season 2 and 3, but after Aleena is born.
It's also after lover's lane.
Also, this story assumes you already know who most of the characters are. Deal with it. -_-
Word count - 450 words
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