Chapter 4
Welcome to the 21st century
Aaron's POV
"Wow. That's... a lot." Is all Aaron can muster.
"Yeah. And I've been trying to make more time for my family to, and just utterly failing."
{Aphmau} added.
"Well, I understand how that feels. I don't know about in your world, but in this world, my family has trouble getting away from work." I just shook his head.
"Actually, I don't really know much about my version of your past. It was always a bit of a sad topic for you, so I avoided it." {Aph} trailed off.
"Wait... was? Did something happen to me?" Aaron was almost afraid to ask. He was even more worried when he remembered that his girlfriend's counterpart had told him that he had died. The girl nodded.
"You sacrificed yourself to end Zane and free Garroth from the Irene dimension." {Aph} told me. Wow.
"I still can't believe that Zane would do that. In this world, he's an antisocial dork who loves a little kid's tv show." I smiled, thinking of the nerd's antics to seem the image of maturity.
"Tv show?" {Aphmau} asked me.
"Right. The whole Medieval-World thing." I made a tsk sound with my throat. "Tv is a large box, and people create moving images, or videos, called shows, and you can watch them on the Tv." I explained. Aph nodded.
"That makes sense. So Zane in this world is obsessed with one of the 'shows' that is designed for kids?"
"Yeah. It's about magical horses who in the span of 30 minutes, go on a tiny adventure, and learn something about friendship on the way."
"Why not just go on a real adventure instead? It's more interesting than watching someone else go on one." Aph shocked me with her suggestion. After taking a moment to compose myself, I answered.
"In this world, most of the world has been adventured. Also, all the adults have a job they need to go to in order to make money, so that they can do things they want to do. In this time, the sense of community you talked about is gone, and people don't help one another out unless they are some of their few 'friends'." As I explained this to {Aph}, I realized how true it was.
"Katelyn~Sama! You're awake!
Yaaaay! Actually posting on schedule for once! -3-
Annnyways.... Aaron calls this Aphmau {Aph}, because he knows that she is from another world. However, Kawaii~Chan calls Katelyn that instead of {Katelyn}, because she doesn't know that it is 't the Katelyn she knows.
Word Count - 437 words
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