4. Dinner
"Y/n, Captain Ice Ice Baby says that dinner is ready and you're welcome to join the team in the kitchen to eat," FRIDAY says, jolting you awake from a nap.
"Thanks Fri," you respond. You leave your room and slowly meander your way through the halls trying to find your way back to the main room.
"Are you lost?" Loki asks, startling you. His footsteps were so silent you didn't hear them walk up behind you. Probably a perk of being the God of Mischief.
"You scared me," you tell Loki, turning around to face him. "And, yeah I'm lost," you answer sheepishly.
He nods, "Follow me."
"Alright..." you say, walking after Loki. He leads you down a few turns before you both get to the living room. "Thanks," you tell him.
Loki doesn't respond and just turns around to leave.
"You aren't eating dinner with everyone?" you ask, tilting your head.
He stops and shakes his head, "No, I usually eat leftovers after they're done."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive," he says before leaving you behind in the living room.
You shake the confusion away as you walk into the kitchen, you'll worry about it later. You go to the dinning table and take a seat next to Clint.
It seems that they brought out an extra chair for you—it's a fold out chair that's about half as tall as everyone else's chair.
"You're so short," Clint laughs, looking down at you. "You look like a little kid sitting at a dinner table."
"Oh shut up, it's not that bad," you say.
"The edge of the table goes up to your chin; it's bad," Bucky chuckles.
Steve walks to the table with an apron on that says: "I've been cooking since 1932, trust me, I know what I'm doing," and sets down the dishes of food.
"Spaghetti with a homemade marinara sauce and a spring salad with an Italian dressing. Enjoy," he says, taking off his apron and throwing it over the back of his chair before sitting down.
Everyone serves themselves, putting spoonfuls of food on their plates. There's a ridiculous amount of food but with two super soldiers it makes sense.
"Hey Pietro?" Wanda asks looking across the table at him.
"Hmm? Yeah?" he responds with his mouth half full of spaghetti.
"Look, 'Dis-a-fork," she says, pointing at her fork. "'Dis-a-table," she points at the table. "'Dis-a-pointment," she says, pointing at Pietro before laughing.
Tony immediately drops his fork and almost falls out his chair from laughing so hard. Soon everyone, including Pietro, is laughing.
"That was- That was good," Rhodey says, when everyone starts to calm down.
"So is the spaghetti," Clint responds, still chuckling a little. "Much better than spaghetti-os."
"That's a high honor Rogers, spaghetti-os are hard to beat," Tony deadpans, nodding.
Steve ignores the spaghetti-os sentiment, "Thank you, it's my mom's recipe."
"Oh? Sarah?" Bucky says, looking up from his plate and over at Steve. "That must be why it's so good. She always made amazing spaghetti."
"Yeah, she did," Steve says smiling.
After dinner, everyone helps do the dishes. Cheesy music playing, and most of the team singing along. They seem so much less serious than in the movies.
Before you cover the leftovers you set out a plate of the still semi-warm spaghetti. After putting the rest of the spaghetti in the fridge, you grab the plate and a fork and walk down the hall towards the rooms.
"Hey Fri? Where's Loki's room?" you ask, looking at the ceiling.
"His room is the door one to the left of Capsicle," the robotic voice answers.
"Thank you!" you say, finding your room and walking across the hall. You knock on Loki's door. "It's Y/n! I brought you some dinner!"
The door quickly opens. "Why?"
"It was still warm when I was putting it up, and I didn't want you to have to eat cold spaghetti," you smile, stretching out the plate towards him
He slowly grabs the plate, looking it over before completely accepting it. "...Thank you, Y/n."
"No problem, now I'm going to bed. Goodnight."
"Goodnight," Loki says hesitantly before closing his door.
You walk back to your room and immediately collapse on the bed. Despite your nap, you're ready to just pass out. You don't remember the last time you've ever felt so tired. Cuddling up in the covers you fall asleep almost instantly.
a/n: steve is a good cook headcannon? yes 100%
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