33. Reunion
You hit the ground with a thud. You slowly get up, wincing.
"Oh next time can you make the landing a bit rougher? Thanks," you deadpan, pretending to talk to King Loki.
Looking around you realize you're in Loki's room. It looks more empty than you remember, less of Loki's books and clothes. You leave his room and the moment you step into the hallway someone runs into you.
"Ouch-" the person says, stumbling back. They look down at you and their eyes widen. "Y/n?! What- How?"
"Bucky?" you exclaim, hugging him immediately.
"We thought you would never come back," he says.
"Me too," you reply, pulling away from the hug. "Where's everyone? Where's Loki?"
"They're in the living room, Loki is probably in your room. He's usually there," Bucky sighs. "Y/n... How did you even get back?"
"It's a long story," you say, "I'll tell everyone at the same time."
You walk to your room, Bucky staying where he is. You take a deep breath. It's been four months since you've seen Loki. You breath out and knock on the door.
The door opens abruptly, "What do you-" Loki's annoyed voice starts, trailing off. His eyes widen and then soften, the smallest trace of tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "Y/n?"
"Hi," you chuckle, your own eyes filling with tears.
"I thought I lost you," He says bringing you into a tight hug. He squeezes you like he's trying to keep you here—like you're going to fade away again.
"I thought I lost you too," you whisper into his shoulder.
He stops hugging you and kisses you instead. Both of your tears fall to your mouths and mix together, making your kiss taste salty.
After what felt like ages, you pull away and rest your forehead on his. "I should probably tell the others."
"That sounds good," he says, his eyes still closed.
You two separate and head to the living room, Bucky trailing behind.
"Finally! We've been waiting forever for you Barnes, this movie has been on pause for at least 15 minutes," Clint says, turning his head to face the doorway. His eyes widen. "Holy shit... Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?"
Everyone else turns to look where Clint is staring.
"Y/n?" Nat says. "Are you really..."
"Yeah, it's me. I'm back." You shift from foot to foot, it's been so long since you've seen everyone you feel a little nervous. You've missed them.
The first person to get up and hug you was Steve. Everyone soon comes over and joins, crushing you in the middle.
"Okay, I can't breath," you say after a while. Everyone slowly let's go, a couple people wipe away stray tears.
"How did you get back," Bruce asks.
"Loki brought me back, well a Loki," you answer.
"Me?" Loki says, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "How?"
"Yes, an older you from a different future. I come home from work, and he's just sitting there at my table all angry. We talked for a bit—as I made ravioli from a can—and he reveals that he's the one who sent me back," you continue.
"What?!" Wanda gasps. "Loki sent you back?"
"Don't act like I was the one who sent them back," Loki spits. "It was a different me."
"You ate ravioli from a can? Shame on you," Clint says. "Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow!"
You roll your eyes, "Is that all you took away from what I said?"
"Yes. I was shocked," Clint replies.
"As I was saying, turns out I wasn't supposed to come here and apparently I changed the future, which Old Loki didn't want. Yadda, yadda, yadda, he sends me back here because he wants at least one Loki to be happy. He was nice," You say finishing your story.
"That's it?" Tony says.
"Underwhelming," Pietro agrees, nodding.
"Hey, I got stuck for four months without you guys. And, Loki's show came out and I was constantly being bombarded with 'Oh my god look at his hair flips' and 'Look at him being all cute and happy'. It was torture," you complain.
Loki grabs your hand and squeezes, "I'm sorry, love."
"It's okay," you say, smiling at him. "At least I'm here now."
"Shawarma?" Clint asks. "I'm hungry."
You chuckle. "Of course."
a/n: and they lived happily ever after, the end *collapses because i've been working on this book for nearly ten months*
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