3. Bucky makes another Tolkien reference
"Okay, is it just me or am I still confused? Who is this?" Bruce asks.
"I'm Y/n, I somehow got transported through the multiverse and ended up here," You clarify, sitting back up on the couch.
"The multiverse? You're from an alternate reality?"
"Yep," you tell Bruce. "You all exist just... differently? I was telling Ol' Man of Iron and America's favorite sweetheart that you're all characters in a movie franchise and comic books."
"Movies?" Bucky asks, "Like we don't exist in your world? Like how... Bilbo Baggins doesn't exist here?"
"Yeah, pretty much," you nod.
"So!" Pietro says, running to sit next to you. "Which one of us is your favorite? I hope it's me." He grabs your hand and gently kisses your knuckles.
"It's definitely me," Tony retorts.
"I'm going to have to say Loki, sorry Pietro, sorry Tony," you reply.
Loki glares at you, "Why?"
"Well, Loki, you're my favorite because—I'm not sure. There's a lot of reasons," you say, trying to answer Loki's question. "I like your character arc, and your comic is really good."
"Wait, Loki is your favorite? Reindeer Games? Trickster God of Lies? Him?!" Tony exclaims.
"Yes, I don't see the problem? He's cool."
"Agreed! My brother is 'cool'!" Thor proudly announces, causing Loki to roll his eyes in embarrassment.
"Shut up Thor," Loki grumbles.
Pietro sighs, and slumps back in his seat, "...Disappointing. But, at least I tried; A for effort."
"So, not to change the subject or anything, but what am I supposed to do? I'm kind of stuck here," you ask.
You had no money, and you didn't know anyone. If the team didn't let you stay here you didn't know what you would do.
Everyone looks at each other, trying to see if they're all in agreement, before looking back at you.
"Well... there are plenty of spare rooms you can stay in, until we figure something out," Tony offers.
"Thank you, and I'm sorry for intruding like this," you say, feeling nothing but relief.
"Don't be!" Bruce assures. "This is a providing a great opportunity to study the multiverse. Probably the best one we'll ever get."
"I'll be happy to answer any of your questions," you smile.
Nat stands up, and drinks the last bit of her coffee, "Let me show you to your new room."
You get up and follow her. She walks down a hallway and takes a few turns before stopping in front of a door.
"Here's your new room, the one to your right is mine, and across the hall is Steve. Let me know if you need anything." She opens the door and gestures for you to go inside, you walk in and she stays in the doorway.
"Thank you, again. I really don't want to intrude," you apologize.
"It's no problem, it's nice to have someone new around here," she smiles. "I just realized you'll need clothes. Tony has some Stark Industries merchandise you can wear until we go shopping."
You nod, "Thank you."
Nat chuckles, "You don't need to thank me every five seconds."
"Right- Sorry."
"I'll leave you to get settled, most of us will be in the living room. And, dinner is at 7!" She says turning and heading back the way you both came.
You close the door and look around the room. It was big, and empty. Just a bed, and a side table with a lamp. The walls were bare, not a single artwork hanging.
You flop onto the bed, and sigh. It's been a long day. You close your eyes, and sleep soon takes over.
a/n: i hate this chapter. it took me the longest to write-
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