28. They're one of us!
Loki slowly stands up, wiping tears away from his eyes. He looks around. There's nothing. You're gone, and the only thing left behind are the tracks your feet created in the gravel as you were pulled away from Loki.
He looks around one last time, before quickly running to the team who's slowly making their way to the parking lot. They're laughing and talking about something.
At the sound of his running, everyone turns and faces a frantic and obviously distressed Loki.
"They're gone, they just disappeared. I tried- I couldn't-" Loki rambles, out of breath.
"Breathe Loki, deep breaths," Nat says stepping towards him. "Who? Who's gone?"
"Y/n! They came to tell me that we're leaving and then they started fading away. They're gone! I don't know what to do," Loki sniffles, his eyes pooling with more tears. "Someone please tell me what to do!"
"What do you mean 'faded away'," Steve asks urgently.
"They just disappeared! Like they were erased from existence. Some sort of magic, I think," Loki says, his voice obviously strained from trying to hold back tears.
"I can call Stephen, he might know what to do," Tony says, pulling out his phone. "We will figure this out Loki, don't worry. We'll get them back."
As Tony talks to Stephen on the phone, everyone tries calming down Loki. He was just with you. Sitting with you at the table, laughing.
Not even 40 minutes ago, he was dancing with you. You couldn't be gone just like that.
An orange portal shows up a few feet away and Dr. Strange walks through.
"Tony," He nods. "Where's Loki?"
"I'm- I'm here," Loki says, drying his face and standing up.
"I'm going to need you to tell me exactly what happened, can you do that?"
"Yeah, um, Y/n came outside to tell me that everyone was leaving, and then I look at them and see that their hand is fading. There was a... green light? Surrounding their hand. I stepped closer to see what was happening but something pulled them away from me. The whole time I chased after Y/n, they were just barely out of my reach," Loki takes a deep breath, "Then they just disappeared. Gone. There was nothing."
"Sounds like a reversal spell, which means some kind of magic brought Y/n here in the first place. Did they tell any of you anything that they thought might have caused them to show up here?"
"Y/n didn't tell me, but when I looked through their memories I saw that they made a wish the night before to come here," Wanda answers.
"What kind of wish? Shooting star?"
Wanda shakes her head. "No, at 11:11. Is that bad?"
"No, but it's not good. Those wishes usually leave less magical aura when they're granted, mostly because they're less rare. I'll still do a test to see if I can find anything. When I do, we'll go from there."
Strange reached out a week later, and he didn't have good news.
"Do you think we should tell him?" Nat whispered.
"I'm not sure, he hasn't been doing that good-"
"Tell who what?" Loki asks. This last week he had shut himself in your room. and barely even coming out to eat. "It's no use lying, out with it."
"Strange, he, uh, couldn't find anything. He was hoping that he could find who granted their wish, but there was nothing. We don't even know what timeline they're from. He tried everything, even tracking Y/n through the aura the reversal spell left behind. It didn't work," Steve answers. "He says There's nothing we can do, that Y/n gone forever."
"I cant believe it. You guys are just going to give up like that?" He scoffs, "You try one sorcerer and then you're done?! This is Y/n we're talking about. They're one of us! They're our friend. My partner-"
"Loki we don't know what else to do!" Wanda cries. "We miss them and we've tried all that we can. We can't keep going like this—YOU can't keep going like this. Getting stuck on it isn't going to help anyone." She wipes falling tears of her face.
"Maybe for you. I can't let this go, I'm not giving up on them. And you shouldn't either."
"I'm going to Asgard to talk with Heimdall, don't try and come after me," Loki says turning around to pack his bag.
a/n: i really love the variation in chapter length i have going on /s
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