24. Waffles Vs. Pancakes: The Debate
Early in the morning, you're awoken by voices coming from the living room. You gently get out of bed and start walking towards the voices.
Eventually the voices become less muffled and you can finally make out what they're saying.
"I can't believe you would say that!" Sam yells.
"Yeah and I cant believe you could be so wrong!" Clint yells back.
"I'm wrong?! You're the one who-"
"What is so important that you have to get into an argument about it at 7:30 a.m.?" you ask, rubbing the last bit of sleep out of your eyes.
"Clint likes pancakes more!"
"Sam likes waffles more!" They both answer at the same time.
"So you're both arguing about the shape the same kind of batter should be cooked into?"
"Yes," Sam replies. "And obviously it's waffles because the waffle pattern can hold more syrup."
"But pancakes can be doused in syrup and soak it up the a sponge creating a delicious sweet flat breakfast food."
"Well- pancakes look like frisbees!"
"Boys! Boys! It's 7:30- 7:36 a.m. no one is awake—except Steve who's out on his morning run—please quiet down," you plead.
"Y/n, I cant have this hooligan believe this madness!" Clint says, pointing his arm towards Sam.
"Fine, but if you two are going to debate this, then you have to do it seriously? You each make a case, and we debate it at 10 a.m. like this is some game show. Got it?"
"Okay now I'm going back to sleep, wake me up when breakfast is ready."
After breakfast, 10 a.m. arrives like a express delivery package, and the debate begins. Everyone sits around on the couch as the two "contestants" walk up to the center.
"Alright, lets get started. Welcome to Waffles Vs. Pancakes: The Debate. I am your host and judge Y/n, and these are the two debaters: Clint and Sam. Clint will be presenting the case for pancakes, and Sam will be presenting the case for waffles," you announce walking around the room holding a TV remote in your hand like it's a microphone. "Let us begin. Sam you go first"
"Let's start with the origin of the waffle," Sam says opening a powerpoint. "Waffles began in the Medieval ages with wafers, and eventually evolved into the waffles we know today thanks to the chef of the prince-bishop of Liège in the 18th century.
"Where the waffle industry is now. There's Waffle House and even Denny's as the two most popular restaurants to get waffles," he takes a breath, clicking onto another slide. "And now lastly, here's: Why I think waffles are the perfect breakfast food. To start: Their shape. The roundness is very nice, and the small square bowls inside are perfect for holding syrup. The squares help for more even syrup distribution," Sam says, clicking onto the next slide. "And that's it! Thank you."
"Amazing! Now, Clint?"
"Oh yeah," he says standing up and pulling out a single crumpled purple sticky note from his pocket. "Sup. Pancakes are superior to waffles in every way because I said so. They're also syrup soakers and can get the best flavor. Pancakes are also more condensed than waffles, despite using the same batter, which makes the actual flavor of the batter stand out more. Now, I drew a picture of me eating pancakes to further my case," Clint smiles. His shows his drawing to the group, it is just a stick man with a smile on his face holding a circle.
Everyone claps.
"And the winner is: Clint!" you announce.
"Come on that's not fair! His case was way worse!!" Sam exclaims.
"Yeah, well, pancakes are better so he was the winner from the beginning," you answer.
"That's bias. I call bias! I want a recount, and a new judge!"
"Sorry Sam, Clint had the better case," Tony says."
"Better my ass. His case was literally three sentences and a silly drawing. I had a whole powerpoint and actual research."
"Yeah but Clint was right," Bucky says.
"I rest my case, you're all biased. I'm going to go to Waffle House and cry."
"Have fun."
"Yeah, go and surround yourself with the trophies of your loss," Clint says, smiling.
a/n: i love how my chapters go from "very serious" to "which breakfast food is better? that is the question"
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