Hello, my loves~♡ I am back with another update!~♡ I hope that you all have been well within this past week.:3 I have been doing excellent since my sister came to visit me from Japan.:3 Not only that but I'll be getting a little baby hedgehog because I helped save his life by helping to buy the milk replacement he needed.:3 I hate seeing things suffer so I did what I could.:3 So I'm excited for that.:3 It's been a pretty good week for me mood wise too.:3 Like I haven't randomly been lashing out like normal.🤣😂 Even on my mood stabilizers I tend to lash out and be angry for no reason some days.😂🤣 Although, my old therapist didn't seem to think anything was wrong with that.🤣😂 But oh well, what can I do?🤷♀️ Other than find a new therapist.😂🤣 I hope your week has been as good as mine has though~♡ I apologize if this chapter has taken an "unrealistic" turn to some of you guys, but I am very much a spiritual person that believes the soul lives on after your body is gone. That those souls continue to walk amongst us in a parallel world in which we cannot see or hear them. Sometimes, I hear a voice call out to me every now and then but I don't tend to hold a conversation with him because it's always when I'm dead asleep that I hear him. Only once did I hear him while completely awake and I couldn't sleep for hours afterwards.🤣😂 So this chapter has intense moments of depression, self hatred, and creepy haunts so please be advised when reading, my loves~♡ Without further ado, please enjoy this new installment~♡
After the last week spent in a hotel, Jungkook and Taehyung were finally packing their belongings so that they could be on their way to the airport. While Taehyung kept telling Jungkook he felt better and more able to do things on his own, Jungkook refused to allow Taehyung to walk and insisted they call for the hotel shuttle. After several minutes of bickering back and forth, Taehyung finally conceded and allowed Jungkook to call the shuttle bus. When the shuttle arrived and they'd loaded all their luggage, they realized they were the only two on the shuttle after climbing inside. After a few minutes of driving, Jungkook was glad he'd called for the shuttle when he felt Taehyung's head fall against his shoulder. He smiled softly and allowed Taehyung to sleep on his shoulder, playing with Taehyung's ring while he slept. When they arrived at the airport, Jungkook gently shook Taehyung earning a soft whine as one eye peeked open. "We're here already?" Taehyung asked groggily as he deliberately climbed out of the shuttle to help Jungkook grab their luggage.
When they entered the airport, Taehyung slept on Jungkook's shoulder more. Even during their flight, after being woken up a second time, Taehyung fell back to sleep on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook sighed softly to himself and shook his head. "And you wanted to walk," Jungkook mumbled under his breath, allowing Taehyung to sleep the entire flight. When they landed in Wisconsin, Taehyung was awake before Jungkook had the chance to shake him. Jungkook chuckled softly as Taehyung groggily stood to his feet and wobbled over towards the exit. Jungkook followed close behind to ensure Taehyung stayed on stable feet. Once Jungkook could tell that Taehyung was stable enough on his own two feet, he began walking beside Taehyung toward their next shuttle. They were then whisked away to their hotel where they rested that entire day so that Taehyung could be prepared for the next day.
After a full day of relaxation the day before, Taehyung was feeling much better as he excitedly pulled on Jungkook's hand. "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go," Taehyung exclaimed excitedly, bouncing like a small child as he yanked Jungkook along. He was excited to go exploring more of Wisconsin, while Jungkook seemed apprehensive because he was just sleeping all day the day before. "Calm down, Tae. Witch's Gulch will still be there even if we don't leave right away. Plus, you need to save that energy and use it in small bursts of effort so you're not exhausted later and go to bed without dinner again," Jungkook reprimanded softly, grasping Taehyung's hand and calmly walking beside Taehyung now. Taehyung pouted at the reprimand and stayed silent before Jungkook kissed his cheek tenderly. "Don't be upset, my love. I just need you to be as healthy as you can be right now," Jungkook whispered lovingly into Taehyung's ear causing the elder to shudder with delight, his cheeks rosy from the heat that rose into his face. "I- I'm not upset," Taehyung mumbled softly out of embarrassment as his grip tightened around Jungkook's hand. Jungkook simply smiled as they worked their way out of the building and towards the boat docks off in the distance.
Jungkook had asked many times if Taehyung would be able to handle all the walking. Although, Taehyung was a lot livelier than he was days prior and Jungkook figured it couldn't hurt when Taehyung said he'd be fine this time. When they arrived at the dock, a large pontoon boat was waiting to take them on a river tour before they'd arrive at Witch's Gulch. Taehyung was excited to view the rock formations of the state because that was what they were known for best. The gorgeous yet natural way the rocks formed.
Jungkook and Taehyung took their seats near the back rail where the canopy covered them while the sun lingered high above the sky. Jungkook picked that spot because while Taehyung was doing better today, he didn't know how easily the sun would exhaust him if he'd be out in it all day. He didn't need Taehyung collapsing from heat exhaustion while the elder's excited expression made its way into his view. "Jungkook, look, look," Taehyung pointed excitedly to a formation of rocks off into the distance. "Isn't that where we're going?" Taehyung asked excitedly, trying to keep Jungkook from worrying too much. He could tell that Jungkook had been expressing a pensive mood all day and Taehyung knew it had to be something about him that was weighing heavily on Jungkook's mind. When the boat started to move away from the dock, Taehyung grasped Jungkook's hand for reassurance, glancing at the younger male while Jungkook stared down at their hands before glancing back up into Taehyung's eyes.
Taehyung flashed Jungkook his best boxy smile to reassure him and leaned forward to press a tender kiss against his cheek. "Don't worry so much," Taehyung whispered lovingly into Jungkook's ear. "I promise you, I'm fine now," Taehyung added softly, pulling away from Jungkook's ear with a bright smile. Jungkook felt somewhat more at ease as he smiled back at Taehyung and laid his head on Taehyung's shoulder while the boat tour commenced. While they had wanted to listen to the tour because it seemed interesting, they were more wrapped up in each other's eyes and ended up drowning out the tour guide's voice completely.
It was when they reached the entrance to Witch's Gulch, that their attention shifted toward the tour guide once again. Jungkook stared up at the bridge with an excited smile now as he grabbed Taehyung's hand once again. Taehyung's enthusiasm seemed to die down now that they were actually there, his expression unreadable to Jungkook. Taehyung shuddered slightly at the chill that ran down his spine, staring up at rock formations with a blank stare. He was fine until he felt that familiar wind blow through the gulch. That cold and uninviting wind he'd felt many times over. Taehyung suddenly didn't feel like being here as his grip tightened around Jungkook's hand. Jungkook inclined his head towards Taehyung, wondering why he wasn't so excited anymore as they commenced walking up the bridge towards the gulch with their tour group. Jungkook glanced at all the amazing rock formations stacked upon each other. It looked like waves from the moss-covered rocks. The green moss was illuminated beautifully by the sunlight, casting a green hue throughout the entire trench. Although where they were walking along the bridge was far darker, due to the depth of the gulch. Jungkook was staring on in amazement while Taehyung seemed indifferent now from earlier.
Taehyung felt that crippling weight of death on his shoulders as he ducked his head down. Closing his eyes while he leaned against Jungkook to guide him as the tour guide happily continued on about the rocks. The voice Taehyung loathed to hear crept intrusively back into his thoughts, validating his depression and massacring whatever positivity he had about being able to overcome this illness ravaging his body. Before Jungkook could get upset about Taehyung's change in behavior, Taehyung hastily covered his ears hard, squeezed his eyes shut tight, and crouched down on the bridge. Jungkook hastily knelt beside Taehyung, worried about the elder as tears slipped past his tightly closed eyes. "Tae? Tae, what's wrong?" Jungkook asked out of concern, trying to get Taehyung to look at him. Although Taehyung could not hear Jungkook over the bitter voices, hoping Taehyung die ringing loudly in his ears.
"Tae," Jungkook shouted after several minutes of no answer from Taehyung. Taehyung's head finally shot up, his eyes full of surprise and unshed tears as Jungkook stared at him with a deep concern lingering in his gaze. "What's wrong, baby?" Jungkook asked again as Taehyung clasped onto Jungkook's shirt tight and collapsed heavily into Jungkook's chest, sobbing softly but covering his face. "I- I can't take the voices anymore, Kookie... They want me to die..." Taehyung whispered hoarsely, trailing off softly as Jungkook quirked an eyebrow. He'd never heard any voices, other than the tour guide's voice and he definitely wasn't wishing Taehyung's demise. "What do you mean, love? I didn't hear any voices," Jungkook reassured tenderly, lifting Taehyung's face to look at him. Jungkook recognized the immense pain these voices had caused Taehyung as his eyes wavered between his desire to want to live and his desire to die on his own terms. Jungkook knew that look all too well as he shook his head. "Don't even think about it, Tae. Whatever voices you hear, they only want to cause pain. They've suffered an injustice, so they want you to suffer. The fact that you're closer to death than anybody else here is why they're taunting you," Jungkook explained tenderly, wanting that boxy smile back on Taehyung's face. All the voices that had taunted Taehyung in the past and on this day had spiraled Taehyung further into the depression he'd been trying to ignore for Jungkook's sake.
"The voices are right though, K- Kookie. I- I don't know if I'll be able to overcome this..." Taehyung finally spoke his worse fear out loud, worrying Jungkook further as he hastily grasped Taehyung's face in his hands. "Don't you even listen to them," Jungkook reprimanded sternly, placing his hands tightly over Taehyung's ears. "Just look me in the eyes and focus solely on me. Nothing else," Jungkook demanded sternly, hating to see Taehyung this desolate. Jungkook slowly rose to his feet as Taehyung followed, placing his hands over Jungkook's as they walked. Jungkook took slow deliberate steps to keep from falling and Taehyung focused solely on Jungkook, able to block out the voices simply by staring at the pleading look hidden within Jungkook's dark eyes. Taehyung's heart thumped loudly in his chest and ears from Jungkook's action and sacrifice of his own fun.
Since Jungkook couldn't view the scenery around them because he was preoccupied with keeping Taehyung calm, the elder took secretive pictures and videos with his cell phone camera for Jungkook to view later. Once the tour of Witch's Gulch was finished, Jungkook navigated Taehyung out of there immediately since those voices had been bothering him. When they were standing on the docks again, just the two of them, Jungkook finally released Taehyung's face. "Please tell me if you ever hear those taunting words again, Tae. I don't want you to take your own life just so you can go on your own terms. I- I don't know what I'd do then," Jungkook admitted softly, rubbing his foot across the dock while he grabbed his left wrist. Before Jungkook could say anything more, Taehyung clasped Jungkook's face and pressed a sensual kiss against his lips. Jungkook stood stunned for a moment before responding to the kiss. Taehyung parted from Jungkook after a moment with a soft smile on his face. "Thank you, love. I would have kept crying like a baby if you hadn't stepped in for me. I- I don't know why I hear them but it always means something happened in that location that resulted in someone's death or it's just haunted..." Taehyung trailed off quietly, dropping his hands from Jungkook's face as his shoulders slumped.
"I just feel bad that you didn't get to enjoy the tour anymore because of me," Taehyung added softly, regret etched onto his face as he looked down. "You must be upset with me and I'd understand if you were," Taehyung stated softly, agreeing with his previous statement. Although Jungkook shook his head hastily. "Don't apologize for that, my love," Jungkook addressed tenderly, lovingly brushing Taehyung's hair out of his face. "I was glad to be of help to you. Especially since I could see you actually wrestling with the idea of killing yourself. I wouldn't want to witness that and... I could kind of see how they were affecting you. Like you really weren't yourself," Jungkook declared softly, trying not to think of the hidden rage behind his eyes when Jungkook refused to allow Taehyung to die. It almost seemed as if someone else was acting behind him and trying to get him killed.
Taehyung tilted his head slightly as he quirked an eyebrow at Jungkook. "How do you mean?" Taehyung asked softly, wondering what Jungkook could have meant by that. Sure, acting depressed and crying out of nowhere really wasn't like him but he couldn't help how he felt. Although, he wasn't really sure if that was actually how he felt. Jungkook sighed softly as he gazed up at Taehyung, still glimpsing the indication of rage locked in his eyes. "Hey, do you feel okay?" Jungkook asked curiously, wondering if Taehyung were truly angry with him for refusing to let him go. "Yeah, why do you ask?" Taehyung answered with an even tone, shrugging slightly at the conversation. He was lost and didn't have a clue as to why Jungkook was asking this right now. "You still don't seem like yourself. Almost as if someone is with you right now," Jungkook mumbled under his breath, although Taehyung heard him perfectly clear. Taehyung dropped his head slightly and sighed. "Yeah, some of them tend to cling until I completely leave the area. That may still be why I'm struggling with my thoughts and keeping a clear head," Taehyung answered honestly, trying to avoid gazing at the water. He didn't need Jungkook to think that he actually wanted to end his life. That wasn't his own thought and he knew that for sure. "Let's head on back," they heard the tour guide shout excitedly, both releasing a sigh of relief as they boarded the boat once more.
When they got back to the hotel, Taehyung presented Jungkook with the pictures and videos of Witch's Gulch that he took for him. Jungkook smiled unabashed and kissed Taehyung on his cheek. "Thank you, love. I'll be looking through these while you shower," Jungkook whispered sensually, his hair still dripping from his own shower. Taehyung nodded happily and disappeared into the bathroom without another word. It wasn't until Jungkook was watching the video that Jungkook could definitely tell there had been something with Taehyung earlier that day. Although the video was a recording of Witch's Gulch, he could hear the voices whispering their harsh realizations to Taehyung and finally caught a glimpse of an angry female following the two of them. Jungkook's head shot up from Taehyung's phone as he heard the shower still running. How long had Taehyung been in there?
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