West Virginia
Hellllllllooooooooo everybody who reads this~♡ I hope that you are well and that you are having a beautifully blessed day~♡ Please know that I love you all and I will always be eternally grateful to you for continuing to support this story~♡ Sorry this one is a couple hours later than planned, but I was helping a friend through a rough day.:3 So if you could please forgive me, I would much appreciate that~♡ This chapter is a continuation of the last and has minor mention of a previous suicide attempt and major feelings of anxiety throughout the text. If you are not comfortable with these, please do not read~♡ Without further ado, please enjoy the next chapter~♡♡♡
Jungkook groaned as he opened his eyes to a blinding light that surrounded him. The blinding light slowly faded into a gorgeous oasis with palm trees surrounding the sandy beach and crystal clear ocean waters. He stepped closer towards it in awe, noticing one person that stood out among all the others as he rushed towards him. Before he could stop himself, he hit a barrier that kept him away from the one person he wanted to be with more than life itself.
Taehyung opened his eyes barely so that he wouldn't fall asleep, catching the silhouette of someone that wasn't there before. Someone very familiar. His eyes shot open as he jolted from his seat in the chemotherapy ward. He thought he'd seen a fleeting resemblance to Jungkook, but that couldn't be possible. He glanced around him frantically, a hollow impression settling in his chest as he yanked the needle out of his arm. Holding Jungkook's letter tightly to his chest, he bolted from the hospital with the feelings of apprehension and anguish suddenly choking him. Once outside the hospital, he yanked his phone out of his pocket and frantically dialed Jungkook's number. When he received no answer, his anxiety only heightened as he dialed Jungkook's number again.
He called Jungkook's phone number fifteen times with no answer, feeling his heart sink. He took a hesitant step back, roughly running a hand through his hair. "Jungkook... What have you done?" Taehyung asked, rushing forward as he headed back towards his hotel. His body felt exhausted and weak, but he had to ensure Jungkook was okay. He called him several more times on the way back to his hotel. All resulting in no answer.
Taehyung could feel tears building up behind his eyes as he pushed himself to run faster. His body was already starting to feel even more beyond its limits as he tripped over his own feet, sliding along the cement. All eyes were on him as he tried his best to get back to his feet. He couldn't stop here. Not now that he was so close to his hotel. He felt his head reel as he pushed himself to his hands and knees, some good Samaritans trying to help him to his feet.
Although Taehyung's vision blurred drastically and before the people helping him knew it, he'd passed out in their grips with the nurse running up behind them. She panted heavily as she rested her hands on her knees. Taehyung had been so frantic to ensure Jungkook was safe, he hadn't even realized the nurse had chased him all the way from the hospital. After finally catching her breath she turned towards the people that turned Taehyung onto his back. "Hey, are you okay?" One of them asked as the nurse stepped forward. She lightly smacked his cheeks a couple of times, earning a soft groan from him.
"You pushed yourself too hard after having all those chemicals pumped into your body," she explained, shaking Taehyung slightly to try and rouse him more. He groaned once again and she finally noticed the tears in his eyes as he covered his face with his hands. "Just leave me here to die," Taehyung whispered, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs of despair. The nurse sighed softly as she pulled him into a sitting position, waving off all the other people around Taehyung.
"You know I can't do that. I need you to stand up," she noted, helping Taehyung to his wary feet. "You didn't even finish your therapy before running off. Do you want to return or go back to your hotel?" She asked softly, staring up at Taehyung. He looked so defeated from a simple fall that she couldn't even comprehend what must be bothering him. "You do know if you don't finish it, you run the risk of the cancerous cells spreading, right?" She asked, trying to get him to finish his therapy. It would have been such a waste of his life to suddenly give up now.
Taehyung sniffled softly, still trying to compose himself as she watched him wipe his eyes and inhale deeply. "I want to go back to my hotel. I have something I have to make sure of first. If everything is fine, I'll return," Taehyung expressed, trying to remain emotionally strong in front of the nurse. "If I don't return, then I've gone back home to check on something," he claimed as she nodded up at him. With a firm nod of her head, she turned to leave, waving over her shoulder before slowly fading into the throng of people on the sidewalk.
Jimin felt tears sting his eyes as the paramedics bustled about Jungkook's lifeless body to bring him back. Jimin couldn't watch any longer as they stabbed a long and thick needle straight into the center of Jungkook's chest, Jimin turning his face into Hyunjin's shoulder. He was panicked then and he was still panicked now as they all finally heard a loud gasp and a feeble cry from Jungkook's lips.
Jimin quickly turned back towards Jungkook as he furiously wiped at tears to see the younger male move his hand. The paramedics kept Jungkook conscious by lightly smacking his cheeks as they wheeled him towards the ambulance. They were told they'd get a call once Jungkook was stabilized and that he'd be able to have visitors then too. Jimin nodded slightly as they all watched the ambulance disappear into the distance.
Yoongi turned toward Jimin, a look of relief on his face as he wiped the built up tears from his eyes. "So does anyone know why he did this? What pushed him over the edge?" Yoongi asked as Jimin realized he may know. He shook his head as he walked towards his room. "I'm going to get dressed in something a little more appropriate, but I don't think it's fair for me to say what may have pushed Jungkook. We're just going to have to ask him ourselves and keep a better eye on him from now on," Jimin declared before disappearing into the hallway.
They all stood silently in the kitchen waiting on Jimin to finish getting ready. When he walked back out of the room, he noticed Jungkook's phone light up on the counter once again. Annoyed that Jungkook's phone had gone off at least three or four dozen times while Jungkook was being revived. He picked up the phone with an annoyed expression before he noticed who it was calling Jungkook. "Oh... Oh no," Jimin whispered, quickly answering the phone before it could go to voicemail again. He thought he heard a sigh of relief on the other side. "Jungkook- ah," he heard Taehyung's irritated yet relieved voice call out. "How long were you going to make me wait for you to answer?" Taehyung asked again before he heard the person on the other line clear their throat.
Taehyung froze waiting for the other to speak because that wasn't Jungkook on the receiving end of this conversation. "I'm sorry. Right now, Jungkook is in the hospital. He's fine," Jimin lied, not wanting to panic Taehyung any further. "He just couldn't bring his phone back with him and none of us like answering his phone. We're sorry about that," Jimin apologized, figuring that Jungkook would eventually tell Taehyung what had happened.
Jimin heard a soft sigh on the other end before Taehyung cleared his throat. "Thank you for letting me know. I thought something bad had happened to him," Taehyung explained, laughing deprecatingly at himself. "Something had felt off and I thought I saw Jungkook at the hospital and thought that couldn't be possible. So... My mind immediately jumped to the conclusion that Jungkook had killed himself or something awful had happened to him," Taehyung added, not realizing how right he was as Jimin feigned innocence. "Oh, no, of course not! But I do have to go, we are in the lobby waiting on him," Jimin claimed, trying to get off the phone as soon as possible.
He didn't wait for the other to say anything else before he hung up on Taehyung, wiping the tears out of his eyes. He felt terrible lying to Jungkook's love interest like that, but he couldn't very well worry Taehyung even more. Jimin motioned for everyone to step outside so that they could go visit Jungkook, Jimin still holding onto Jungkook's phone for him.
Jungkook laid in the bed assigned to him, watching the television they had turned on. He felt tired, but anytime he tried to sleep, a nurse or doctor would enter the room and talk with him. They told him that even though they'd pumped his stomach, he wasn't quite allowed to sleep until they were confident he'd wake back up on his own. This was why Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Seokjin, and Namjoon were allowed to visit him at such a late hour.
Jimin stared at Jungkook with a stern expression, tossing Jungkook his phone. "Why'd you do it?" Jimin asked, the hurt and anger apparent in his voice. "Why wouldn't you just talk to me?" Jimin asked another question as Jungkook played with his fingers. He met Jimin's stern gaze timidly, tears in his eyes as he opened his mouth. "I- I think something is wrong with me," Jungkook answered softly as Jimin sighed and sat down on the edge of Jungkook's bed.
"What makes you say that?" Jimin asked softly this time, the edge in his voice completely gone as he tried to comfort Jungkook. Jungkook stared at his hands in his lap, biting his lower lip as Jimin rested a comforting hand over Jungkook's own. "Talk to us. Don't keep shutting us out. Obviously, we can see where that gets us," Jimin encouraged as Jungkook whimpered softly.
"I can't seem to be happy... Even though Tae agreed to be my boyfriend, I'm still lonely. I go through life like every day is a drag... I-" Jungkook cut himself off when he heard his voice crack with emotion, shaking his head. He didn't want to continue and end up crying in front of them. That would only humiliate him further. Jimin sighed softly and rubbed the back of Jungkook's head, pulling his head into his chest. "Take your time. Tell us when your ready, but do tell us soon. I want to help you and that's all anyone else wants for you too," Jimin reasoned, allowing Jungkook to remain silent for now. Jungkook fiddled with his phone now, staring at the screen in disbelief. How many times had Taehyung called him while he was unable to answer?
"M- Minnie?" Jungkook questioned, amazed at the amount of missed calls he'd received from Taehyung in a matter of minutes before noticing that one of them had been answered. "Wh- What did you tell Taehyung about me not answering my phone?" Jungkook asked as Jimin scratched the back of his neck. "I told him that you were in the hospital... But I told him it was nothing serious so that he wouldn't panic anymore," Jimin disclosed, hoping that Jungkook wouldn't be too upset.
Jungkook nodded, offering Jimin a small smile. "Good, I don't think I want to tell him about what transpired tonight any time too soon," Jungkook whispered, rubbing his arm with humiliation. "It was stupid..." Jungkook added, trailing off as Jimin rubbed the back of Jungkook's head some more. "I would tell him in due time though, okay, Kookie?" Jimin inquired, still rubbing the back of Jungkook's head. "You don't need to leave him in the dark. A serious conversation with everyone will be needed about this," Jimin added as Jungkook nodded softly.
"Thank you for eliminating Tae's anxiety though," Jungkook expressed softly, smiling at Jimin like nothing was wrong. Jimin now realized how well Jungkook was at hiding his inner turmoil as Jungkook smiled at him. "Yeah, no problem. He was practically hysterical when I answered. He said that something had felt off and he thought he saw you when he was at the hospital. He said he'd immediately thought of the worst," Jimin chuckled softly as Jungkook stared at Jimin in utter shock. "Wait, wait, Taehyung was at a hospital? He told me he was writing up my next letter... What was he doing there?" Jungkook asked softly as Jimin shrugged. He didn't know why Taehyung would be there. "No clue. He didn't say what he was doing there. Just that he was there," Jimin declared, completely confused as Jungkook tapped his chin in thought. "I guess that's just another serious conversation you two will have to have," Jimin added, patting Jungkook's head lovingly.
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