Hello, everyone~♡♡ I hope you all are well and healthy.:3 Be safe out in this world, all you beautiful flowers~♡♡♡ Remember that someone loves you every second of every day~♡♡♡ I've had fun writing this story for a little while now and I hope that you all will enjoy it.:3 Maybe even find it cute.:3 I'd appreciate that greatly if you did.:3 Even if you don't, I still appreciate the time you took to even glance at it.:3 Thank you, all you lovely beauties~♡♡♡ Without further rambling, here's the next chapter.:) Please enjoy~♡♡♡
Jungkook glanced around the break room momentarily before spotting Yoongi and Jimin across the room. He quickly crossed the distance and plopped down in his seat across from Jimin, leaning forward slightly. "Guys, I received this weird letter from an absolute stranger a couple of weeks ago. I haven't seen you guys recently, so I didn't have a chance to tell you sooner, but I did send it back," Jungkook added, opening up his lunch box.
Yoongi eyed Jungkook before taking a bite of his sandwich and finished chewing before opening his mouth to speak. "Why'd you send it back?" Yoongi asked, taking another bite of his sandwich. Jungkook raised an eyebrow as he mixed his salad with his fork. "Well, it wasn't mine to keep. Whoever sent it was sending it to a lover, not me," Jungkook answered, stuffing a large bite of his salad into his mouth.
Jimin chuckled softly from the corner before patting Jungkook's hand reassuringly. "Are you sure they were a stranger then?" Jimin joked, watching Jungkook's face contort into chaos. Jimin burst out laughing as he peeled his orange pleasantly. "Did you hear that someone in the marketing department quit?" Jimin asked softly as he finished yanking the peel off his orange. "Just up and left. Nobody really knows why..."
Yoongi placed his sandwich down on his plate as he eyed Jimin for starting gossip, pausing to finish chewing his food and swallow. "Yeah, I heard that. Hoseok is still losing his shit over that. He says that he misses him all the time and that he hopes to see him again soon. Don't remember his name though," Yoongi explained quietly, picking his sandwich back up to eat. "Hoseok also mentioned something about the guy traveling and wanting to send him postcards so that they can write back and forth," Yoongi added as Jimin smiled softly.
"Isn't that romantic, Jungkook?" Jimin asked softly as Jungkook nodded in agreement, even though he didn't really know what he'd agreed to. He'd stopped paying attention when Yoongi and Jimin had started to gossip, his food becoming increasingly more important at that moment as he offered a sheepish smile. "Sure is! I can't think of anything more romantic," he declared, offering a broad statement and not really understanding what he thought was romantic at this moment. He'd ask Yoongi later, in private, to reiterate for him what Jimin thought was 'so romantic'.
With their break being essentially over, Jungkook promptly jammed the rest of his food down his throat and bolted for the door. He only had an hour and a half left before the end of his workday and then he could go home and play video games. He was looking forward to that.
Jungkook rushed home from the office, glad it was the weekend now. He was going to have all weekend to play his new game. The one that had just been delivered, according to the website.
He skipped up to his mailbox, opening it excitedly to see another crisp, white envelope and the packaging for his game. He took the game out first and tucked it under his arm as he removed the other envelope. He quickly closed his mailbox and walked towards his apartment. Without a second thought, he tossed the envelope onto the table and placed his game on the couch next to him.
He sighed softly before retrieving the envelope off the table, tearing the envelope open first and studying its contents. Once again, there were a ton of pictures along with 2 postcards. He recognized the one that he had originally sent back and the other was new. He flipped the new one over to that same elegant and beautifully scrawled message on the back:
I am currently visiting Oahu. I plan to visit New York once I'm done with Hawaii~ Once I have my hotel booked I will inform you of the address. Please write back this time, I'm so sorry if I angered you leaving unexpectedly like that. It was for the best or I wouldn't have been able to leave or travel as I desire. Please don't be too upset with me anymore...Wish you were here~♡
Jungkook sighed heavily as he reread the postcard. What did he mean by 'don't be too upset'? Did Taehyung really want him to write back? He sighed once more as he picked up the pictures to study. He recognized some of them from the last envelope that was sent and realized that Taehyung had sent everything back to him in this envelope instead.
He grabbed a sheet of paper, thinking of what he was going to write as he snatched a pencil from his kitchen table. He thought for a few more moments, trying not to dwell on this for too long because this was reducing his video game time. He pressed the pencil to the page and began to write in his own, atrocious handwriting:
Dear Taehyung,
I hope this letter finds you well. I never was upset with you from the beginning, it's just that... I don't know you. I don't know if there was a mistake at the post office or someone gave you the wrong address, but we've never met. I only know what you look like from the pictures with you in them. Thank you for all the photos of Hawaii, I will keep them this time and hang them up. I will also keep the postcards this time as well.
Please. Do not contact me again,
Jungkook glanced over the note that he had just finished writing before creasing it. He elegantly folded it in half and slipped it into a new envelope. He scrawled down the address Taehyung had once provided, hoping that he'd still be there after he sent it off. He walked to the post office once more and delivered the envelope to the outgoing mailbox. He skipped home this time, excited that he'd finally get to enjoy his game. This time, he wouldn't have to worry about Taehyung contacting him again.
He quickly sprinted home, happily rushing into his apartment to plop back down on the couch. He was just about to put his game in the console when he noticed the pictures still strewn about on his couch. He sighed softly and picked them up, neatly organizing them before sifting through them. One particular picture stopped Jungkook dead in his tracks. He could see Taehyung so clearly in this picture and it was actually quite breathtaking. He didn't know why he hadn't spotted this one before and now he was regretting that he told him to never contact him again. He was such an exceptionally attractive man, that Jungkook wondered if he ever liked girls at all.
He bit his lip as he continued to stare at the picture, his heart thumping wildly in his chest. Oh no, he thought to himself, recognizing what he was doing. He was already fixating on this person, who was a complete stranger to him just because he found him attractive. He'd never wanted any of his relationships to be established purely on appearances as he smacked his palm against his forehead. He was doing it again though. Falling for someone he knew nothing about based on their appearance.
In his anger at himself, he crumpled the picture before acknowledging what he'd done. In his haste, he instantly smoothed it back out on the table with an exasperated sigh. He wasn't going to be able to forgive himself for ruining this beautiful picture of Taehyung as he pressed it to his chest. He sighed softly as he cuddled the photo close, peering through the rest of them uninterested now. None of them could compare to the picture of Taehyung.
This particular photo would be hung right above his bed, where he could see it every night before falling asleep. Whether or not, he appreciated the fact that he was attracted to Taehyung exclusively for his looks right now, he didn't want to let this photo of him out of his sight. Jungkook just didn't think he could bear being separated from this photo completely and he hoped Taehyung would never find out. After all, in his first postcard, he did say he was making his way to him. Would he actually get to meet Taehyung in person? What would he do if they did finally meet? Would he welcome him? Or would he protest because they're strangers or because Taehyung already had a lover?
Jungkook himself didn't know as he placed the rest of the photos down on his coffee table. He placed the photo of Taehyung in his lap as he opened the tray to his console. He placed his game into the tray and closed it, plopping Taehyung's photo back into his lap. He felt naughty in a sense as he kept glancing down at the photo in his lap, yet he couldn't understand why. The photo was facing him. He shook his head and pulled his headset out for a co-op session, but couldn't concentrate on the game at all. He ended up failing the team because his mind wasn't in the right place.
Fed up with not being able to concentrate on his game, Jungkook ejected it. He had been looking forward to this game too, his mind wandering over towards the picture on the couch. Even from a distance, Taehyung looked so beautiful and elegant with a refined allure that Jungkook was having a hard time resisting. He'd always thought that girls were beautiful, but this man was on another level of beauty. One that Jungkook was startled to be attracted to because he'd never thought of a man like that. He picked the photo up once more and admired it before picking up all the photos. He walked down the small, narrow hallway towards his room and began to search for the scotch tape. He was going to put them up without using any nails.
He folded the scotch tape into a funnel shape and clasped the sticky side onto the smooth side and pressed it firmly against Taehyung's picture. He then placed the picture of Taehyung beside his bed with a soft smile. Jungkook could now feel like Taehyung was sleeping beside him and he would definitely be the last thing Jungkook saw every night. He nodded firmly to himself before slowly adding the rest of the photos to his walls.
Taehyung shuffled through his mail, noticing an envelope that was from someone named Jungkook. He tilted his head, wondering if he knew anyone by that name as he walked towards the elevator. He'd rented a hotel room on the top floor for the next week, waiting for this letter. Although, he was certain Hoseok should have been the one receiving his postcards, not this Jungkook person.
In his room, he sits down on the bed and opens the envelope to read the letter, frowning slightly at the ending phrase. The words: Please. Do not contact me again, screamed at Taehyung as he folded the note over. So this Jungkook knew who he was now but not the other way around. Taehyung didn't think that was appropriate. He wanted to know who this person was that he was never allowed to contact again. That was if he heeded this person's words.
Although, he didn't see himself trying to contact someone that didn't want to hear from him. He slowly stood to his feet and walked over towards the desk that furnished the room, but hesitated. Would he really just send a letter addressing how rude that previous letter sounded? Or would he send another postcard and ask this person to communicate with him then? So that they'd no longer be strangers to each other?
Taehyung sighed softly as he grabbed a bottle of water and turned these thoughts over in his mind. He grabbed a medication bottle off the counter and popped the lid off before dumping one of the small, white pills into his palm. He filled his mouth with water before shoving the palm of his hand to his mouth and tilting his head back all the way. He promptly swallowed everything in his mouth, hoping that the pill had gone down too. Sometimes it didn't always go down and he'd be left with this perpetually bitter taste in his mouth for the day.
He smiled to himself, finally coming to a conclusion on what he was going to do about Jungkook. He grabbed his camera and quickly headed for the door. This time he was going to visit the Pearl Harbor National Memorial and some other island beaches. He'd take photos and pick up a postcard while he was there because he wasn't going to take Jungkook's advice until he knew what the other looked like as well.
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