New Hampshire
Helloooo, everyone that reads this or this story~♡ I hope that you are well and I hope that you know you are loved~♡ So in case you all haven't noticed yet, Tae's handwriting has changed, but Kookie's hasn't really changed. It's to distinguish between who is writing what letter besides just their names.🤣😂 There is minor mention of sexual content, so please be advised when reading~♡ But without much delay or further ado, please enjoy this next chapter~♡♡♡
After Jungkook was finished getting ready, he glanced at all the pictures of Taehyung on his wall before picking his favorite and pulling it off the wall. He always wanted to have Taehyung with him in some shape or form and if that meant carrying his photo everywhere, then so be it. He slid his favorite picture of Taehyung into his wallet and smiled before heading towards the door to meet up with his friends.
When he arrived at the address that was texted to him, Yoongi was the one that greeted him at the door with a scowl and a flick of a recently lit cigarette. Jungkook tilted his head as Yoongi flicked the cigarette, a habit Jungkook didn't realize Yoongi obtained somewhere in the past. "You smoke?" Jungkook asked as Yoongi glanced around anxiously. "Yeah, what of it?" Yoongi asked, an annoyed look on his face. "You best not tell Hoseok. He'd kick me out in a heartbeat," Yoongi commented, grabbing Jungkook by his arm. "And if I get kicked out, you can bet your ass I'll be beating your door in and fucking your way of living up by moving in with you. Do not doubt me," Yoongi added as Jungkook's eyes widened. Jungkook stumbled over his own feet while he followed behind Yoongi as Yoongi dragged him towards their table.
As they approached closer to the table, Jimin and Hoseok stood to their feet to greet them. Although Hoseok hugged Jungkook, he made a face as soon as he was in such close proximity to Yoongi. "Why do the two of you smell like cigarette smoke?" Hoseok asked as he coughed purposefully to make a point of the smell lingering on their clothes. Jungkook shrugged as if he didn't know anything while Yoongi apologized softly. "Sorry, I was standing near someone who was smoking," Yoongi lied, hoping that excuse would suffice.
Hoseok wrinkled his nose cutely as Jimin laughed and shoved Hoseok aside to hug Jungkook as well. "You'll live, Hobi. It's not actually that bad this time," Jimin responded as Hoseok crossed his arms over his chest and grumbled under his breath. Jimin playfully pushed Hoseok once more, bouncing in place excitedly. "So when are Jin and Joon showing up? Then we can really start the celebration," Jimin stated, taking his seat in the circular booth once more. Jungkook nervously scooted next to Jimin, hoping that Yoongi or Hoseok would sit next to him and box him in. He didn't know these people that Jimin had mentioned and he wasn't that sociable with people he didn't know. This was why he hated going out in large gatherings, even with his friends because he was never certain who all was going to be invited.
Jungkook smiled nervously as he picked at a loose thread on the table cloth, trying to preoccupy his mind with something menial as the other's chatted excitedly amongst each other. Yoongi slid in beside Jungkook, tilting his head as he noticed Jungkook's quiet and anxious demeanor. Yoongi could even feel the anxiety seeping off Jungkook as he patting Jungkook's hand reassuringly. "What's wrong?" Yoongi asked, everybody else's conversation halting as all attention diverted towards Jungkook. Jungkook flushed anxiously under their intense gazes, laughing softly as he shook his head. "Nothing really, just hungry," Jungkook lied, trying to distract them once again. It worked as Hoseok and Jimin worked on flagging down their server for their drink orders, at the very least.
Shortly after Hoseok flagged someone down to find their server, Jungkook looked up to see two unfamiliar men approaching their table instead of just Hoseok. He quickly glanced back down, picking at the thread more as they took their seats next to Yoongi and Hoseok. The handsome blond man with dimples in his smile gestured towards Jungkook as Jimin's eyes widened. "Oh, right! Jungkook, this is Namjoon," Jimin stated as he addressed the handsome blond. "And that one is Seokjin," Jimin added, pointing towards the other handsome man with black hair. "We call them Jin and Joon though. Or Joonie," Jimin added once again as Jungkook bit his lip and waved at them nervously. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Jungkook stated, trying his best to smile.
Once their server arrived to take their order, Jungkook ordered a mixed drink to try and calm his nerves. When the server requested to see his id, Jungkook quickly pulled his wallet out to show him, forgetting that the picture of Taehyung was still tucked away in there. Before Jungkook could notice or stop him, Jimin pulled the picture from his wallet with a devious smirk.
"Oooo~ Who is this handsome young man?" Jimin asked teasingly as Hoseok's eyes widened at the sight of his office crush in another person's wallet. Hoseok absentmindedly snatched the picture from Jimin's hands, staring at it with pure shock. "Wh- where did you get this picture of Tae?" Hoseok asked softly, hurt apparent in his voice as his hands shook slightly. His grip was tight on the photo as Jungkook stared at Hoseok momentarily, anxious that Hoseok would be angry with him. "I- I received it in a letter from him," Jungkook explained softly as Hoseok nodded in understanding.
Jimin bit his lip because he knew how much Hoseok had talked about having a crush on a coworker for the longest time. Everyone was solemn as Hoseok handed the photo back to Jungkook, a sorrowful expression present as Jimin wrapped his arms around Hobi's shoulders. "I just don't understand why he hasn't written me yet...?" Hoseok asked, trailing off as Jungkook realized who the letters were originally supposed to be addressed to now.
Jungkook swallowed hard as he stared at Hoseok's forlorn expression before clearing his throat. "I'm sorry," Jungkook apologized, feeling awkward as Hoseok shook his head and forced a smile. "Don't worry about it," Hoseok stated, trying his best to act as if he didn't see the picture. "It's not your fault anyway," Hoseok added, turning his attention back towards the server. Without a moment's hesitation, Hoseok ordered a strong drink in hopes that he'll forget tonight.
All throughout the night, Hoseok drank shot after shot until he was unable to stand on his own, Yoongi noticing the silent tears slipping down his cheeks at random occasions. Hoseok was trying his best, but Yoongi was certain that broke his heart while everyone else was drinking and eating. Nobody noticed just how forced all of Hoseok's smiles were as they played drinking games, Yoongi moving closer to Hoseok without much notice. With Hoseok looking the way he did, Yoongi placed a reassuring arm over Hoseok's shoulder, trying to be a supportive friend and roommate. He gave Hoseok's shoulder a gentle squeeze as Hoseok leaned his head onto Yoongi's shoulder.
Yoongi could feel Hoseok's shoulders shake every now and then as the elder tried to control his tears and feelings. Although, Yoongi understood how Hoseok must have felt and tenderly rubbed his hand along Hoseok's shoulder soothingly. With the other's far too enraptured with their drinking games, they completely missed Hoseok leaning closer to Yoongi and pressing their lips together. At first, Yoongi was caught off guard, his eyes wide before he closed them and kissed Hoseok back in hopes that this would improve his night. Even if just a little.
Hoseok's hand shifted to cup Yoongi's face and Yoongi kissed Hoseok back with more fervor finally earning Jungkook's attention. Even though he wasn't sober, he was still comprehensive enough to understand not pointing out their little tryst. He smiled softly to himself as they pulled away from each other. Jungkook didn't realize that Yoongi could feel his eyes on them and that they'd grown uncomfortable. Jungkook quickly averted his eyes and they all continued to drink well into the night.
When it was time to leave, Hoseok couldn't even stand on his own two feet. With everybody else inebriated as well, both Yoongi and Jimin helped to support Hoseok as well as each other. They slowly walked their way towards the front door, the cab that they'd called already waiting out front for them. Jungkook only tagged along for the cab ride because they lived just a couple of doors down from him.
Jungkook stumbled into his apartment, shutting his door a little too hard as he stumbled towards his table for a pencil and paper. Without hesitation or rethinking what he was going to write, Jungkook began writing another letter to Taehyung, even though he hadn't even received another letter from Taehyung yet. He bit his lip in concentration as he scrawled out his next message to Taehyung:
Jungkookie wants you in his bed tonight~ Why can't you come stay with Jungkookie? He'll treat you right, promise~ You're the only person Jungkookie wants to be with~ Jungkookie wishes you would just come to him... He knows you want to travel, but he also wants you here with him~♡ Don't you want Jungkookie too? Jungkookie wants to feel your hands on him so please don't take too long~♡ Jungkookie loves you so much and you're all he can think about anymore~♡ So please hurry~ Here's Jungkookie's number, so please call and maybe we can do naughty things on the phone~ +82 xx xxxx yyyy~ Call as soon as you get this! Also, Hobi misses you! You should write him too!~♡
Without a second thought, Jungkook quickly took a picture and sealed both the picture and letter within a clean envelope. He sloppily wrote the address on the envelope, hoping that the mailperson would be able to read it and stumbled back over towards his door. Not comprehending just how inebriated he was currently, Jungkook stumbled his route all the way towards the mailbox at the post office. He dropped the letter into the large blue mailbox, steadying himself against it as he giggled. "Mm, why do you have to be so far away?" Jungkook asked, whining as he hugged the mailbox now.
He laid his head against it, rubbing his hands up and down the side of it. He pushed himself away from the mailbox and stumbled back towards his apartment, feeling the desire to be touched in any way. He just wanted Taehyung's arms around him as he wandered safely back over towards his apartment complex. He stared at the different buildings blankly, suddenly unaware of which one was his own. He stood in front of the buildings for several moments, staring between the complexes as he tilted his head in confusion. He picked a random building and stumbled towards it, thinking it was his own building.
To his surprise, he opened the door to Jimin's apartment, stopping to stare at Jimin's bare back before stumbling inside. "Minnie," Jungkook exclaimed, throwing himself onto Jimin in an attempt to hug him, only to hurl his entire body weight onto the smaller male. Jimin struggled under Jungkook's weight, completely caught off guard as he tried to regain his composure. "Kookie?! The fuck are you doing here?" Jimin asked frantically, a little too loud as he tried to pull his shirt back on.
Jungkook giggled as he nuzzled his face against Jimin's neck and back, being more cuddly than Jimin was used to him being recently. Although, Jimin wasn't complaining. It'd been so long since Jimin had seen Jungkook smile. Really smile. The kind of smile that reached his eyes. This was one of those kinds of smiles as he rubbed his head against Jimin's back with affection. "Minnie, I got lost. I can't find my way home," Jungkook whimpered softly, his bunny smile contagious as Jimin smiled softly back at him.
Jimin tenderly brushed his hands through Jungkook's hair as he turned to hug the affectionate male back. "Why don't you stay the night here and we can cuddle until you fall asleep. Sound good?" Jimin asked as Jungkook's head shot up with stars in his eyes. "Really?! I can stay the night with you and cuddle?! I just want to be touched," Jungkook admitted as Jimin chuckled softly at his way of wording. "No, Kookie, baby. You want to be held, not touched. There is a subtle difference but one could land you into trouble with the wrong person," Jimin explained softly, rubbing Jungkook's back gently.
Jungkook shook his head into Jimin's chest and smiled shyly. "Nooo~ I want Taetae to touch me," Jungkook whispered boldly, biting his lip at the thought. Jimin shook his head furiously, trying to glare at an adorable Jungkook. "No, no, no! You stop that train of thought right there! First off, he is still a stranger to you, and second, you're getting hard, stop it!"
Jungkook giggled once again as Jimin tried to pry Jungkook off of him, only to be knocked over by all of Jungkook's weight. Jungkook groaned softly and snuggled against Jimin before offering his bunny smile that crinkled his eyes cutely. "I know the difference between you and Tae, Minnie! I want Tae like that," Jungkook stated boldly and Jimin couldn't help but think that this poor soul had their work cut out for them.
He managed to lift himself up off the ground, lifting Jungkook's weight as well until he was cradling Jungkook. He managed to get them into his bedroom and onto his bed before Jungkook latched on to him once again and snuggled into Jimin. "Good night, Minnie~ I love you," Jungkook whispered the last part as Jimin sighed with relief and offered a soft smile. "Good night, Kookie. I love you too."
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