Minnesota II
Hello, my loves~♡ I hope that you all have been well~♡ I am finally completely better now.:3 I was actually vibing at work fairly hard because I was feeling a whole lot better.😂🤣 Pretty sure I got some weird stares if not people laughing at me.🤣😂 I dyed my hair blue again though.:3 I don't know, I kind of really like the blue color for me.😂🤣 I may eventually go back to red but not until after I try the neon purple, neon blue, and turquoise combination first.🤣😂 I really want to see how that turns out before I go back to a more natural color.😂🤣 I just have to wait until I get paid next week to stock up on my hair dye again too.🤣😂 Enough about that though.:3 This chapter doesn't contain anything too triggering this time but please remain advised when reading though~♡ There is minor mention of sexual content but other than that, it's more of a filler chapter.😂🤣 Hopefully, it isn't too boring for you guys but please let me know what you think~♡ Without further ado, please enjoy the new installment~♡♡♡
Once they arrived in Minnesota, Taehyung and Jungkook hastily made their way to baggage claim and the shuttle to their next hotel. Jungkook was surprised that Taehyung happened to find all the hotels that offered shuttle services to the airport and the hotel and vice versa. It impressed Jungkook as he followed quickly after Taehyung, grasping his hand and intertwining their fingers. Jungkook rested his head against Taehyung's shoulder as they walked hand in hand, wheeling their luggage behind them.
Once they arrived at their hotel, Taehyung allowed Jungkook to check them in while he ran to the bathroom. It was something Jungkook hadn't gotten a chance to do yet since it was Taehyung's trip and he was actually excited to be able to do so. Jungkook had gotten their room key and was waiting patiently by the couches in the lobby for Taehyung to come out of the bathroom. When he noticed Taehyung, his expression seemed off as Jungkook tilted his head at him. Taehyung smiled his boxy smile at Jungkook and shook his head. "It's nothing, love," Taehyung lied softly, averting his gaze before Jungkook noticed he wasn't telling the truth. "Are you sure it's nothing?" Jungkook asked skeptically, noticing Taehyung had averted his gaze elsewhere when he told him it was nothing. Taehyung laughed softly at Jungkook's insistence as he grasped the key in Jungkook's hand. "I'm sure, love," Taehyung whispered against Jungkook's lips, kissing Jungkook softly before sliding the key out of Jungkook's hand.
When they got into the room, Jungkook had tried to initiate things with Taehyung once more from earlier that day. Although Taehyung's expression seemed pained when he was pushed onto the bed, halting Jungkook in his actions. "Tae, baby, what's wrong?" Jungkook asked softly, climbing onto the bed and over Taehyung. Taehyung rolled over onto his right side, holding the back of his left side tightly yet tenderly. "It's really nothing. Just a little bit of pain," Taehyung gasped out softly, gritting his teeth. Jungkook felt that looked like more than a little bit of pain but didn't press the issue too much if Taehyung said it was fine. "Then do you not want to do things today?" Jungkook asked softly as Taehyung wrapped his left arm around Jungkook's neck and pulled him down tenderly. "While I would love to have you take care of me, not right at this moment. Can we just cuddle and watch a movie tonight?" Taehyung asked softly, trying to breathe through his pain. Jungkook seemed a little surprised by that request but didn't argue as he helped Taehyung to his feet. Taehyung smiled gratefully and that night, cuddled up to Jungkook as they watched romance movies instead. Jungkook noticed that even while cuddling up and watching a movie, Taehyung seemed to favor his left side. Trying to stay off of it as much as possible, which confused Jungkook if it wasn't as painful as Taehyung had said. After the movie had ended, Jungkook turned off the television, noticing Taehyung had already passed out in Jungkook's arms.
When they woke that morning, Taehyung seemed better as he ate the breakfast Jungkook had made. When Jungkook didn't notice anything else wrong with Taehyung and noticed he was searching for things for them to do, he permitted himself to relax. He had been so worried about Taehyung last night that he didn't really sleep well that night. He had kept waking up at random intervals to check on Taehyung and see how he was doing. Although, Taehyung had slept soundly through the night without so much as a wince of pain. Maybe it really was just a little bit of pain as Taehyung had said previously?
Taehyung was looking at things to do when Jungkook glanced at the screen, pointing out the Minnehaha falls. "Let's go there! We haven't been to a waterfall yet! I bet it's gorgeous there and we could maybe have a date there if you want to, that is," Jungkook suggested softly, embarrassed by his own words as he pressed his two index fingers together. Taehyung glanced up at Jungkook and smiled at the idea. "I was just thinking we could go to the falls and have a hiking date there. It sounds like it'd be lovely. Do you want to pack a lunch then? Or do we eat before going?" Taehyung asked curiously, watching as Jungkook pondered the thought. "Let's eat before we go. We can hike some of that food off and relax by the waterfall," Jungkook recommended reasonably as Taehyung nodded at the idea. "Let's get ready then," Taehyung announced giddily, jumping up from his seat and closing his laptop.
Once the two of them were dressed in warm yet casual clothes, they headed off for their adventure. Before heading towards the falls, they ate a late lunch at the pizzeria across the street from their hotel. Jungkook grasped Taehyung's hand as they hailed a cab and headed toward the falls. By the time they'd arrived at their destination, the sky was dusted with pink, orange, and lilac hues as the sun set behind the trees. Jungkook stared at their surroundings in awe, feeling his head reel slightly. He kicked himself for not telling Taehyung he didn't sleep well and asking for another day of rest. He felt sick now, dizzy with a stomach ache and he didn't want to tell Taehyung now that they were already here. Taehyung grasped Jungkook's hand and navigated them up the trail toward the waterfall. Jungkook was feeling rather sluggish now as well as he lagged behind Taehyung. Although he kept trudging along, trying to keep up with Taehyung's stride. He'd noticed that Taehyung had slowed down for him significantly though, turning to glance back at Jungkook. "Are you okay, love?" Taehyung asked softly, wondering why Jungkook suddenly looked drained of all color. "Yeah, I'm fine," Jungkook blatantly lied, hastening his steps to try and prove that he wasn't lying.
Although, Jungkook realized Taehyung could see through his facade when Taehyung slowed his steps to a complete stop. "If you're not feeling well, we can go back to the hotel, love. You look dreadfully pale right now," Taehyung stated out of concern, brushing his fingertips along Jungkook's cheek. Jungkook had to admit that he felt awful from the lack of sleep, a headache now adding to the adverse effects already in place but he still wanted to see this waterfall. "I'll be fine, Tae. I want to spend a peaceful afternoon with you by this waterfall," Jungkook insisted as Taehyung nodded softly. "If you say so. Just make sure to tell me if you do feel like you want to go back to the hotel. Minnehaha can wait, my love. Your health matters more to me," Taehyung declared firmly, leading the way once again as Jungkook dragged along behind Taehyung. Although, Jungkook realized Taehyung wasn't going as fast as when they'd first started and Jungkook was grateful for that. When they reached the height of the trail, it cut into two pathways. One where you could walk up towards the peak of the waterfall and the other leading behind the waterfall. Before Taehyung could ask which path Jungkook wanted to take, Jungkook began leading them down the path behind the waterfall.
The water below was glistening a silvery pink and purple, reflecting the sky up at them as they walked along the trail. Jungkook felt himself reel once more as Taehyung hastily grasped Jungkook to steady his feet. Jungkook glanced back at Taehyung, wrapped in the elder's arms where he felt safe. Before Jungkook could thank Taehyung, the elder kissed him softly. "Are you sure you want to keep pressing forward?" Taehyung whispered against Jungkook's lips, earning a soft scowl at the question. "I said yes, earlier. How many times do I have to say it?" Jungkook asked irritably, the lack of sleep now affecting his mood too. Taehyung put his hands up as if to surrender before Jungkook grasped Taehyung's hand once more and directed them safely down the winding path.
When they arrived behind the waterfall, Taehyung's mouth fell open in awe at the beauty of this waterfall. The water shimmered those same beautiful colors as before when they were walking up the trails, the silvery pink and purple reflecting off the rocks. It created a beautiful light show behind the waterfall as Jungkook stared on in awe as well. He knew there was a reason why he didn't want to turn back. He didn't want to miss something like this. When he gazed back at Taehyung, watching the eloquent expression on his face, he knew he couldn't be happier than right here. "See? Don't you think it would have been silly to turn back and miss out on this?" Jungkook asked softly, taking a seat on a rock to steady himself. He patted the spot beside him as Taehyung walked over and sat down beside him, clasping Jungkook's hand in his. Jungkook was the one to intertwine their fingers as he leaned his head against Taehyung's shoulder. "I'm glad this was the first place we picked. It's rather romantic, don't you think?" Jungkook asked softly, his voice fading slightly as his eyes grew heavy. He refused to fall asleep on Taehyung during their first date as husbands but it was growing increasingly harder for Jungkook to keep his eyes open.
When Jungkook felt himself slipping into unconsciousness, he jumped up to his feet and reeled backward dangerously. He fell back onto the rock with his behind, grumbling about the rock hurting him. Taehyung chuckled softly under his breath as Jungkook glanced over at him. Jungkook could see the loving look in his eyes as the pink and purple played beautiful colors across his sun-kissed skin. Jungkook was mesmerized by his beauty once again, leaning forward slightly and pressing a soft, sensual kiss to Taehyung's lips. Taehyung melted into the kiss, grasping Jungkook's waist and pulling him slightly closer. Jungkook rubbed his hand up Taehyung's thigh before settling his hand on his lower abdomen. The kiss heated intensely the moment Jungkook's hand slithered up Taehyung's leg and relaxed on his stomach. Although it remained slow and sensual, Jungkook then moved his hand from Taehyung's abdomen to the back of his neck. He held Taehyung steady there, kissing him until Taehyung had to stop for air. Jungkook breathed softly against Taehyung's neck, earning a soft whimper from Taehyung. "K- Kookie, sh- shouldn't we enjoy the waterfall and do this later?" Taehyung asked softly, balling his hands up into fists on his thighs. It was becoming increasingly harder to keep from doing anything to Jungkook as the younger continued to place kisses along Taehyung's neck. Taehyung grasped Jungkook's shoulders after some time, panting softly as he pulled Jungkook away from his neck. Jungkook could tell Taehyung's face was flush and his pants sported a swelling protrusion. Although Jungkook knew if he didn't help Taehyung now, he wouldn't be helping him later on tonight. He was already delirious now and he wouldn't be able to stay awake for too long. "Why don't you just let me take care of you?" Jungkook asked softly, slurring his words slightly as his eyes drooped. When Jungkook felt like he'd fall asleep at any moment from this distance away from Taehyung, Jungkook bolted to his feet. Taehyung watched as Jungkook reeled drastically, grabbed his head, and plunged forward. Before Jungkook could hit the rocky and unforgiving ground, Taehyung was on his feet, catching Jungkook firmly in his arms with his back hitting the rocky ground. Anything to keep Jungkook from hurting himself severely. Taehyung groaned softly from the pain as he sat up from the ground, shaking Jungkook slightly to try and rouse him. Taehyung didn't see Jungkook waking up anytime soon and hastily grasped the younger male's legs before lifting him off his feet and climbing to his own feet with the help of the nearby rock that they'd sat upon.
Taehyung sighed softly at Jungkook's refusal to head back earlier when Taehyung knew something was wrong. He sighed at himself for not listening to his gut feeling as well while Taehyung carried Jungkook down the trail. Taehyung was perfectly fine until a sharp pain shot up Taehyung's left side once again. He stumbled drastically but managed to hold onto Jungkook and maintain his stance on his feet. Taehyung grit his teeth as searing hot pain continued to run up his left side. Although, Taehyung wasn't about to stay the night in nature without a tent. So he continued down the trail with Jungkook held tight against him.
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