Michigan II
Hello, my loves~♡ I hope that you all are doing well~♡ I am doing a lot better now that the heat wave is gone and my medications for my migraines are here.😂🤣 I never understood migraines until I was in high school.🤣😂 I just thought it was a really intense headache or an illness.😂🤣 My mom used to tell me I was too young to have headaches when I was in elementary school but there I was with a migraine every other day. My school thought I was pretending to be sick half the time because I'd be a little warm but not feverish.🤣😂 At least until one day when I went to the nurse feeling sick and she sent me back to class because I didn't have a fever. Sure enough, I threw up all over the textbook and my desk.😂🤣 I didn't even feel it coming until it was too late. They had to throw the textbook away and sent me home anyway, bitching at the nurse for sending me back to class.🤣😂 I went home that day and mom couldn't understand why I was sick but not fevered and neither could I until I was older.😂🤣 I've just been stuck with them since I was little. That's just one memory I have of a migraine attack when I was younger. Either way, those are the days I can't stand to look at my phone screen which is why I have to prepare chapters in advance for surprise migraines. Since I want to enter this work of fiction in the Watty Awards, I may mark it complete before all the chapters are released but I promise to keep releasing them until it truly is finished.:3 So for this chapter we have a very special surprise that I hope all of you will enjoy.❤️ I worked hard to make this as cute as possible.:3 So hopefully, this is to your liking, loves~♡ There isn't anything too triggering within this chapter but please remain advised when reading because we never know when that will change. My brain has a mind way different than what I wanted to happen sometimes.🤣😂 But without further ado, please enjoy this new installment~♡♡♡
The next morning, the two woke up well rested and ready to take on the day. Although Jungkook was still relishing the memories of the words spoken last night, hoping they would remain sincere even after sleeping. "Good morning, love," Jungkook greeted sweetly, kissing Taehyung's nose as the elder sat up hesitantly. "Do you want me to carry you, love?" Jungkook asked tenderly, noticing Taehyung trying to hide his pain. Taehyung flushed bright red at Jungkook's words, pushing himself to his feet. "No! I- I'm fine," Taehyung hastily yelled, almost falling forward until Jungkook caught him in his arms. "What was that, love?" Jungkook asked playfully as Taehyung mumbled embarrassedly under his breath, causing Jungkook to laugh. Jungkook helped Taehyung over to the couch in their room, sitting him down with a smile. "How about I make us some breakfast before we head out for the day?" Jungkook inquired pleasantly as Taehyung nodded softly, hoping to cook for Jungkook one day.
Once they were freshened up and done eating, Jungkook turned toward Taehyung with a pleasant smile. "Shall we go visit a lighthouse today? I think a lighthouse date would be rather fun," Jungkook announced happily, folding his hands behind his back playfully and leaning forward to kiss Taehyung. Taehyung pondered the thought for a moment before he nodded in agreement. "That does sound like it'd be fun. Let's go," Taehyung urged happily, grabbing Jungkook's hand. Although Jungkook pulled his hand from Taehyung's grip, earning a surprised look from Taehyung. "Wh- What's wrong?" Taehyung asked skeptically, afraid Jungkook was upset with him or going to break up with him. Although, he wouldn't have known what he'd done to warrant Jungkook breaking up with him.
When Jungkook smiled, Taehyung felt some of the tension leave his shoulders. "I have something to do before I join you at the lighthouse. I'll meet you there around noon for a picnic," Jungkook reassured Taehyung with a beaming smile as Taehyung pouted. "I want to spend the day with you, you know," Taehyung mumbled incoherently under his breath as he crossed his arms over his chest. Jungkook chuckled and pecked Taehyung's lips. "I promise I'll make it up to you," Jungkook insisted as Taehyung finally heaved a heavy sigh. "Fine. I'll meet you at the lighthouse at noon," Taehyung grumbled softly, leaving the room first as Jungkook turned to grab his wallet off the bedside table. He checked his funds to ensure he'd be able to afford the surprise he planned for Taehyung and sighed with relief when he still had a decent amount. With his anxiety quelled, Jungkook set out on his own little adventure to surprise Taehyung.
Taehyung leaned against the white brick wall of the lighthouse, patiently waiting for Jungkook. They still had ten minutes before the agreed upon time but Taehyung hated when people were stuck waiting on him. He always preferred to wait on the other party. Taehyung checked his watch to see what time it was before Jungkook came trotting up to him carrying a bag. "Sorry. Were you waiting long?" Jungkook inquired almost breathlessly, pausing to catch his breath. Taehyung glanced down at the bag and tilted his head. "What's in the bag?" Taehyung inquired before Jungkook smiled playfully, maneuvering the bag out of Taehyung's sight. "That's for you to find out," Jungkook teased before grabbing Taehyung's hand with his free hand and leading Taehyung inside the lighthouse.
There was an alcove by a bay window where Taehyung and Jungkook could sit. Jungkook perched himself on the right side, facing Taehyung's side as the elder took a seat on the left side. Jungkook placed the bag between them and pulled it open to reveal sushi inside. Taehyung's eyes lit up as Jungkook pulled container after container out of the bag before handing Taehyung a set of dark wood chopsticks. "You wanted to buy us chopsticks?" Taehyung asked curiously, inspecting the newly bought eating utensil. Jungkook shook his head playfully and smiled as he pointed to the design on the dark wood. "Not just any chopsticks. Couples chopsticks, love," Jungkook clarified before snapping open the containers of food. "Does this look like it'll be enough food?" Jungkook asked curiously, tilting his head as Taehyung nodded. "More than enough, love," Taehyung reassured Jungkook as the younger picked up his first piece of sushi. It was a spicy tuna piece Jungkook held out to Taehyung with a smile. Taehyung flushed with embarrassment but accepted the piece without complaint when Jungkook continued to urge it closer to him.
Taehyung carefully picked up a piece of the lobster roll before turning towards Jungkook and urging him to take the piece. They took turns feeding each other and talking about the dreams of their future travels. Jungkook couldn't help feeling special being included in Taehyung's future travel plans as well because that meant he wasn't intending on sending Jungkook home anytime too soon. When they were finished eating and cleaned up any mess they'd made, Jungkook turned his back to Taehyung's chest and cuddled into his arms. Jungkook felt his heart beating rapidly as he took a deep breath, his palms sweating at the surprise he was about to unleash on Taehyung. He had been apprehensive about picking out the perfect design to complement Taehyung's style and appearance. This was going to mean everything to them later on down the road, after all. "Hey, Tae," Jungkook called anxiously, his voice shaking unsteadily as Jungkook cleared his throat to regain control of his vocals. Taehyung acknowledged Jungkook with a soft hum before Jungkook continued, pulling away from Taehyung's embrace to look him directly in his eyes. "Do you remember what you said to me last night?" Jungkook asked softly, his nerves getting the best of him as Taehyung pondered Jungkook's question. There was silence for several moments before Taehyung's eyes widened with comprehension. Jungkook smiled when Taehyung's eyes widened, giggling at his reaction. "It seems you're aware then. Did you hear what I had to say as well, even though you were asleep?" Jungkook asked curiously, his gaze never once leaving Taehyung's gaze as the elder male shook his head.
Jungkook sighed softly, his smile dropping slightly before muttering a soft question instead. "Do you think it's too soon for us to be saying that to each other?" Jungkook asked softly, shifting his gaze out of embarrassment now. He'd spent a lot of money today and he'd loathe it if it really was too soon to be saying these things to each other. Although, Taehyung simply shook his head with a smile. "Jungkook, right now I'm dying. Nothing is ever too soon when you have a limited amount of time," Taehyung explained sincerely, laying his warm hand on top of Jungkook's own. Jungkook stared at Taehyung's hand for a moment before turning a bright smile on Taehyung. "Then I'll tell you what I had to say last night. I love you too and honestly, I can't see myself doing this with anybody else," Jungkook explained softly, smiling tenderly at Taehyung's hand enveloping his own as Taehyung's eyes widened with pleasant surprise. "You have been with me through some of my worst days and you remained loyal even when we weren't in the same location," Jungkook continued to explain, still staring down at their hands as Jungkook turned his to face Taehyung's own. So that they were holding hands now as Jungkook continued. "You worried for me when I attempted to kill myself... I- I just can't picture my life being so much fun without you. I'm glad you didn't take my words to heart from the first letter I sent you. Otherwise, my life would still be boring. I'd just be doing the same thing over and over- go to work, come home, do house chores, go to sleep, and wake up to do it all over again tomorrow... What kind of life is that?" Jungkook asked rhetorically, not waiting for an answer as he shifted his hand from Taehyung's grasp. Jungkook placed his hands behind his back and fiddled with his anxiety for a moment before revealing a small velvet box. "With all that being said, I couldn't imagine a more perfect person being by my side for the rest of my life. So, Kim Taehyung, will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man on Earth?" Jungkook inquired softly, meeting Taehyung's shocked gaze as he flipped open the velvet lid. Inside was a beautiful, platinum band with small diamonds encrusted along the outer rim. Still yet to be seen was the engraving of their initials with a heart between KTH and JJK.
Taehyung pulled his knees to his chest and buried his face in his knees before covering his face with his arms. Although, Jungkook could hear the distinct sound of Taehyung sniffling as his shoulders shook with emotion. "If you don't want to but don't want to hurt my feelings, you can tell me, Tae," Jungkook reassured softly, preparing for the worst when Taehyung shook his head. He hesitantly revealed his face, his watery gaze falling on Jungkook. "It's not that I don't want to marry you, Jungkook. I just never expected you to be ready to commit so soon... You don't have to do this just because it was on the bucket list," Taehyung explained softly through his sobs, gazing at the beautiful ring once more. "Does that mean you'll still marry me though?" Jungkook asked hesitantly, still holding the ring out towards Taehyung. Jungkook was about to retract his hand in disappointment when Taehyung nodded softly, still wiping his eyes. "Yes," Taehyung answered softly, sniffling and trying to calm down. Jungkook smiled tenderly at Taehyung's response, wrapping his arms delicately around Taehyung and allowing the elder to cry while he whispered sweet reassurances in his ear. "I promise you, love, I didn't ask you to marry me just because it's on your bucket list. I meant it when I said I love you and that I couldn't imagine my life without you. You bring a different kind of light into my otherwise dark little world," Jungkook whispered lovingly in Taehyung's ear, only causing the elder to cry harder as he buried his face in Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook simply ran his fingers through Taehyung's hair tenderly and waited for Taehyung to calm down.
Once Taehyung had finished crying, Jungkook tenderly took Taehyung's left hand in his own and slid the ring onto his left ring finger. Although, Taehyung's finger was thinner than Jungkook had anticipated. While it wasn't a snug fit, it still wasn't loose enough to fall off. "Now, you're my fiancé," Jungkook exclaimed happily, a beaming smile on his face as he threw his arms around Taehyung again. Taehyung smiled lovingly though his nose was still red and his eyes puffy from how much he'd cried and how hard. "You cried a lot, love," Jungkook commented softly, gently wiping his fingers under Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung smiled self-deprecating at the comment as he chuckled light-heartedly, despite the significant words he was about to drop on Jungkook. "You don't know what this means to me, Jungkook... I honestly never thought I would have the chance to get married or engaged... I have such a limited amount of time and I have spent most of that time traveling so I honestly felt I'd just written that on my bucket list in vain," Taehyung admitted softly, fiddling with the ring on his ring finger. "I have actually been holding onto something for you too... I bought it even before you joined me on my travels. I thought about sending it to you quite a few times, but I always chickened out because I wasn't sure how you'd react. Even when you joined me on my travels, I was still too chicken to give this to you. Since you've already asked though... I figure now will be a good time to give it to you as any," Taehyung admitted hesitantly, pulling a small velvet box from his pocket now. Jungkook stared at Taehyung's hand in surprise, his eyes wide as Taehyung opened the little box to reveal a small, white gold band with little diamonds encrusted along the band. Although, there was no engraving on the one Taehyung presented to Jungkook. "It seems we have similar taste in rings too. Although, if I had known you were the type to inscribe your love, I would have engraved our initials on this ring too," Taehyung announced softly, laughing as Jungkook delicately brushed his fingers over the band.
"You bought this before I joined you to travel?" Jungkook inquired hesitantly, meeting Taehyung's eyes with a sparkling smile. He never would have guessed Taehyung had been waiting for the perfect time to give this to him. He didn't even know Taehyung had this ring as he gently took it from the box and slid it on his own left ring finger. "It's beautiful. I only wish I'd have asked sooner then," Jungkook admitted shyly, smiling tenderly as Taehyung took Jungkook's hand and intertwined their fingers. Taehyung gently pulled Jungkook closer and placed a chaste kiss upon his lips. "Shall we head back to the hotel after buying some wine along the way to celebrate?" Taehyung inquired softly, waiting for Jungkook to answer. Jungkook began to clean up the empty containers with a smile. "Of course, that sounds lovely," Jungkook claimed pleasantly as Taehyung began helping Jungkook clean up their mess. They picked themselves up and the bag that Jungkook had arrived with before walking toward the beach, their hands clasped tightly and their fingers intertwined together.
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