Hello, my loves! I hope that you all have been well this week!~♡ I had to replace my phone this week because it experienced a nasty fall and after that acted like it had zero service wherever I went. Nearly got chewed out by my mother, who had attempted to call me 14 times, and not one got through.🤣 I hated having to replace my phone, though, because I had almost paid it off.🤣 It was the worst feeling I'd experienced all week.🤣 It needed it, though:3 I couldn't even write my stories unless I was connected to wifi, which is very little throughout the week.🤣 How have you all been though? I can't wait to know.:3 As for the forewarning, there isn't anything too triggering, but I'd read as advised and with caution. You never know when I may decide to add something else to the story.🤣 Without further ado, please enjoy this new installment~♡♡♡
Early that next morning, Taehyung and Jungkook roused all their friends, keeping an eye on the time to ensure they weren't late for their flight. Once everyone was ready, Taehyung herded everyone toward the lobby to board their shuttle to the airport. Once they were at the airport, Jungkook then began to herd everyone toward the respective gate and their flight. The moment they boarded, Taehyung laid his head on Jungkook's shoulder and slept the entire duration of their plane ride once more.
When they landed in Louisiana, Jungkook woke Taehyung and continued to do all of the corralling toward the shuttle to their next hotel. While Taehyung was still fairly dazed, Jungkook went ahead to talk to the concierge in his stead. Jimin watched Taehyung carefully for Jungkook, while the younger watched Jungkook at the counter. To Taehyung's dismay, the concierge was a female this time, and it only served to open recent wounds that hadn't even had a chance to heal yet. Jimin hastily obscured Taehyung's view of Jungkook by grabbing his face and making him look at him. Staring at Jimin, the elder offered a nervous smile and laugh, attempting to keep Taehyung distracted from Jungkook talking to the female concierge. Taehyung was silent as Jimin smiled awkwardly at him before trying to speak over anything that may be said between Jungkook and the woman. "How are you feeling today, Taehyung?" Jimin asked rather loudly before Taehyung made a face of annoyance. "I'm fine," Taehyung answered shortly, pulling his face away from Jimin's grasp and glancing back over toward Jungkook.
Taehyung noticed this lady was definitely more professional as she handed Jungkook the key cards to everyone's rooms without so much as a finger caressing his skin or a bat of her lush eyelashes. Taehyung sighed with relief as Jungkook turned back toward them with a smile on his face. "Here we are," Jungkook announced with resplendence, passing out the room keys to everyone in a separate room. While Jungkook passed out everyone's key cards, he couldn't help but notice Taehyung's peculiar expression until Jimin leaned over to whisper in his ear. "I think he's still feeling really jealous," Jimin noted softly, straining to help the two understand each other better. Jungkook sighed softly before grabbing onto Taehyung's arm and leading him over towards the elevator to their room. "Are you still upset with me?" Jungkook asked softly, staring up at Taehyung slightly while he pulled their luggage along behind them. Taehyung simply sighed to himself and attempted to school his expression. "Look, I haven't completely forgiven you for flirting in front of me... But that doesn't mean I'm still upset or whatever," Taehyung fibbed slightly, averting his eyes from Jungkook. He hated lying to Jungkook, but he didn't want to keep hurting the younger with his insecurities right now either.
Although Taehyung worded it the way he did, Jungkook knew him better than that. He knew Taehyung wasn't telling him the whole truth and that bothered him more than the fact that Taehyung still hadn't forgiven him. "I know what I did hurt you, but honestly, all I had was you in mind. I wanted us to get through dinner quickly so you could have more time to sleep. Am I such a monster for that?" Jungkook asked softly, feeling an emotion akin to rage well within him. He didn't understand why he was being punished for straining to help Taehyung out, even if it involved using some insignificant girl. Taehyung was silent as he contemplated Jungkook's words, wishing the younger would stop belittling himself. Taehyung turned toward Jungkook with a fierce look of determination. "No one said you're a monster! Stop calling yourself these things! I'm not calling you a monster either! I'm just hurt...! Extremely fucking hurt... I feel inadequate enough as it is the worse I get and here you are... Flirting with a girl shortly after a session that makes me feel even worse about myself... And I can't stop the hatred and anger from bubbling over... If anything, Jungkook... I'm the monster, okay... And I'm turning you into one the longer you stay with me," Taehyung announced softly, turning his gaze toward the floor and slipping off his wedding ring. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something in retort, only for Taehyung to slip his arm free of Jungkook's grasp and gently place his ring in the palm of Jungkook's hand. "You should honestly find someone better for you," Taehyung whispered tenderly, the sorrow evident in his voice before he bolted from the hotel lobby.
Jungkook stared in open mouth horror for a moment before bolting off after Taehyung. First off, he couldn't believe what Taehyung had said about himself and second, this would be pushing his body far, far too hard. "Taehyung, wait," Jungkook called after the elder male, gaining on him despite the later start to chase. Jungkook couldn't see his face nor could he hear him from this distance but he knew the elder was crying yet again. Before Jungkook could lose Taehyung to the crowd, he hastily grasped his arm and yanked him into his arms. Taehyung immediately hid his face in Jungkook's chest, placing his hands on Jungkook's shoulders to block any profile view of his face as well. Taehyung's breathing was labored as he cried heavily into Jungkook's chest, his legs weak and giving out on him from running. Jungkook couldn't help but hear the anguish in Taehyung's sobs and felt tears prick his own eyes. "Tae... Why would you say that...?" Jungkook asked softly, his voice choked with emotion as he stared at Taehyung's wedding ring in his hand. "Wh- Why would you give this back to me?" Jungkook questioned tenderly, his voice straining against the tears he was struggling to hold back right now. "You deserve better," Taehyung whispered softly, his voice barely audible as his sobs wracked his body once more. "I- I've done nothing but allow you to berate yourself and assist in doing so these past few days... I don't deserve you," Taehyung choked out softly, his sobs cutting the sound his voice made.
Jungkook lifted Taehyung's legs off the ground, although the elder refused to look up from Jungkook's chest and sat down on a bench. He positioned Taehyung's legs over his lap while he set Taehyung down beside him, all the while Taehyung still refused to lift his head. "You don't want to be my husband anymore, Tae?" Jungkook asked softly, his voice almost inaudible now as he strived to remain calm enough to talk. "I never said that... You just deserve better and I can't give you that right now," Taehyung whispered tenderly, staring at his lap as Jungkook grasped his hand firmly in his own. He tenderly slid Taehyung's wedding ring back onto his ring finger with a sweet smile and teary eyes. "Tae, there's no one that can compare to you. Sure, we're having an off moment right now and sure, I'd love for you to forgive me over some dumb mistake but it doesn't make you a monster either... I got angry. I lashed out and I did berate myself but it's been the first time in a while, Tae. I don't want anyone else either. I need you to understand that no matter how bad you feel about yourself, you'll always be the love of my life. The most attractive man that has ever walked beside me and the most caring and loving man that has ever graced my love life. Why would I want to downgrade?" Jungkook inquired softly, attempting to lighten the mood with a joke. When he heard a small, stifled chuckle from Taehyung, he knew he'd succeeded before placing a fingertip under Taehyung's chin. Jungkook lifted the elder's chin so that they were staring in each other's eyes now. Both of them could see the anguish they'd caused the other buried deep beneath those wavering irises as they both fought back tears.
"So I'd love it if you'd continue wearing your ring. If you don't want to be with me anymore... Then you may leave it on the dresser tonight and I'll take the hint," Jungkook stated softly, noting the small quivering of Taehgung's lips. "I don't want to give it back," Taehyung choked out, his emotional walls breaking down as more tears slipped down his cheeks. Jungkook couldn't help but laugh softly at Taehyung's refusal to take the ring off again as he cupped the elder's sunken cheeks. Before Taehyung could wipe his eyes or say anything more, Jungkook kissed him tenderly. "I'm glad, my love because I wouldn't want anybody else but you," Jungkook reiterated tenderly, finally allowing his emotional dams to fail. Both were crying profusely and placing tender kisses upon each other's lips in an attempt to comfort one another.
Taehyung stood, held up by Jungkook, under the warm water with his back to Jungkook- the younger scrubbing his clothed back and shoulders with his hand. He had worn himself out running and before they could return to the hotel, Taehyung had collapsed on Jungkook. In order to warm him up, Jungkook had run a hot shower and held Taehyung under the water with him. When Taehyung stirred in Jungkook's arms, the younger breathed a sigh of relief. Taehyung glanced up at the hot water rushing over him before glancing back at Jungkook. "Was I out long?" Taehyung asked softly, already realizing what may have happened. Especially since they were both fully clothed and standing under the water. "I'm sorry," Taehyung mumbled softly, only for Jungkook to smile and laugh softly before pressing a loving kiss to the elder's cheek. "Don't apologize, Tae. I'm just glad you're awake again," Jungkook exhaled softly, brushing his dripping hair out of his eyes. Taehyung watched the action with hazed eyes, turning toward Jungkook and wrapping his arms around him. "I'm sorry I'm so terrible to you at times," Taehyung mumbled softly, hiding his face in Jungkook's shoulder. "I'm still attempting to control my emotions over things I can't control and I end up taking it out on you... When you've been nothing but loving and kind. I really don't deserve you," Taehyung muttered inaudibly but Jungkook had heard it. He smiled softly and wrapped his arms firmly around Taehyung, kissing his cheek once again with a smile. "I understand, my love. Although I'd appreciate it if you stopped taking your emotions out on me, I'm not too upset with you about it. I just don't want you to say you don't want to be with me anymore, Tae. That hurt worse than anything else you could have come up with and I didn't appreciate it. You deserve my love and so much more, Tae. I just wish you'd realize that," Jungkook stated softly, giggling when he felt Taehgung's arms tighten around him. "Yeah... I'm sorry about that too. I knew it would hurt you and I said it anyway," Taehyung mumbled incoherently as Jungkook shut off the water with a smile. "Let's get into some warm clothes now! Eat something good and climb into bed for the night for our haunted tour trip tomorrow," Jungkook announced happily, helping Taehyung out of the bathtub.
Taehyung and Jungkook shed their soaked clothes for warm and fuzzy night clothes, grabbing one of the plastic trash bags for their wet clothes. Jungkook placed the plastic bag onto the counter before scooping Taehyung up and carrying him toward the table. "What would you like to eat, my love?" Jungkook asked cheerfully, playfully swinging Taehyung to the side before gently placing him into one of the chairs. Taehyung laughed giddy, clinging to Jungkook even after he'd been placed in the chair with a tender smile. "Anything you make, my darling, would be loved," Taehyung finally answered, staring into Jungkook's eyes from the chair. Jungkook swallowed hard at that loving gaze before tearing his eyes away from the ethereal view that is Taehyung to make dinner for them. It didn't take him long to make dinner but it felt like an eternity with Taehyung's gaze glued to him. When dinner was made and he presented it to Taehyung, the elder beamed him with an effervescent smile of love and gratitude. "Thank you, love," Taehyung whispered tenderly, leaning forward and pecking Jungkook's lips. "It looks delicious," Taehyung added softly, eating what he could of the portion Jungkook had served him.
With their dinner gone and Jungkook done cleaning up the aftermath of his cooking, Taehyung stood to his feet. He tenderly wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist, his hands clasped together in front of Jungkook as he leaned closer and kissed the back of Jungkook's neck. "I love you so much, my dear," Taehyung whispered tenderly in the younger male's ear, a loving smile gracing his lips. "You are the epitome of perfection and you do so much for me. How can I ever repay you?" Taehyung asked softly, nestling his chin into the junction between Jungkook's shoulder and neck. Jungkook was frozen in Taehyung's arms, enjoying the way the elder embraced him from behind before he caressed Taehyung's cheek tenderly. "You don't have to repay me, Tae. You already do so much for me as well," Jungkook retorted softly, relishing the way Taehyung's breath against his neck caused goosebumps to spread across his skin. "Shall we go to bed for our day tomorrow?" Taehyung asked softly, wondering if Jungkook would say no or agree. Jungkook was silent for a moment, contemplating the meaning behind Taehyung's words before shaking his head. "We should go to sleep, my love. I know what you're trying to accomplish and you need your rest," Jungkook reprimanded sternly, stepping out from between Taehyung's grasp. Taehyung simply sighed and climbed into bed at Jungkook's resistance, kissing the younger male good night before falling into a deep sleep.
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