Indiana IV
Hello, all you beautiful people~♡ I hope the day finds you well~♡ I am in a surprisingly good mood because my medication finally arrived~♡ I'm hoping it will really help reduce the number of migraines I have a month.:3 Although, one of them comes in the form of a shot.😂🤣 I really can't give myself a shot because I'm terrified of needles so I've asked my mom to help me with that.🤣😂 I know I still act like a child sometimes but I am grown, I promise.😂🤣 I just traumatized myself with needles trying to give my grandmother her insulin shot when I was 7 or 8.🤣😂 Never been the same around a needle since.😂🤣 Enough about my reminiscing though, it's time to introduce the chapter!~♡ This chapter doesn't have anything too particularly triggering, although there's some dialogue pertaining to the bomb dropped by the CEO from the last chapter.🤣😂 So please remain advised when reading~♡ So I hope you'll find it cute or sweet but I found it really precious while writing it so there's a really sweet surprise towards the end.:3 I hope that you'll enjoy the chapter and have a beautiful rest of your day, loves~♡
Jungkook stared between Taehyung and the CEO, both their faces unreadable as Taehyung moved to back away from the CEO once again. "If you were any kind of father you wouldn't have treated me like I was a stranger at work just so you can justify flirting with me and trying to sleep with me," Taehyung answered calmly, turning his head away from the CEO now. "Now... If you don't mind, I have some explaining to do to Jungkook because of your outburst. So if you'll leave, that would be greatly appreciated," Taehyung murmured softly in defeat, a heavy sigh hanging in the air between them. Without another word, the CEO turned on his heel and left with a look of anger and hurt. He stopped in the doorway to glance back at Taehyung's shrinking form before sighing heavily and continuing on without saying what he had wanted.
Taehyung let the breath he was holding out as he grasped the edge of his bed for support now. Jungkook was still shocked by the news as he stared at Taehyung expectantly. "Wh- What did he mean by father?" Jungkook asked softly, completely confused as Taehyung hesitantly climbed back into his bed. Now that the CEO was gone, the pain was far more intense and not as easily dismissed. "The CEO is my father," Taehyung answered honestly, avoiding Jungkook's eyes as Jungkook asked the question Taehyung was dreading. "B- But he was obsessed with you... To the point that he was willing to ruin your reputation just so you'd have to come work for him again... Wh- Why is he so obsessed with his own son?!" Jungkook asked incredulously, earning a soft groan from Taehyung as he chewed the inside of his lower lip.
Taehyung hesitantly met Jungkook's intense gaze, sighing softly as he continued to chew the inside of his lower lip. Taehyung averted his eyes towards Abigail and her mother before sighing once again and finally opening his mouth to answer. "I- It's kind of complicated as to how he became obsessed with me... Although, it started when my mother left my father for another man. Since she committed infidelity, I, along with other assets, was left in his care by a court-appointed judge... I- I don't know when it happened or why, but he started saying I looked a lot more like my mom than him. He continued to say things like that as I grew up and tried to get me into things like art and interior design. Things she did in her free time or for fun. I didn't realize what he was doing until I was older. I honestly think he was trying to turn me into my mother or replace her with me... I don't want to think about what would have transpired if I hadn't wised up," Taehyung explained softly, chewing his lower lip once again.
"He acted like we were strangers when I came to work for him. That's when all those rumors started spreading about me spending the nights at his house or going drinking with him. The flirting part was true but only because it got me my way... It made the CEO happy which, in turn, gave me what made me happy- an easy occupation. I never intended to lead him on like that, especially with him being my father but he wouldn't stop, even after I left," Taehyung added softly, sighing heavily at the mess he'd gotten himself into over the years. Jungkook was silent as Taehyung explained everything to him, trying to understand why things were the way they were now. Although, he couldn't wrap his head around it as easily as he'd thought. "Did he really pay for all your traveling so far?" Jungkook asked skeptically, trying to remain level-headed but that green-eyed monster was rearing its ugly head in the worst way.
Taehyung finally chuckled softly before shaking his head. "No, I just told him that to piss him off and get him to leave. Although he did put quite a bit of money in my account to help pay for expenses, it hasn't been touched yet. What I've been using was the money I saved while working under the CEO. I wasn't his secretary like everyone thought. I was his understudy. Preparing to take on his role one day," Taehyung clarified nonchalantly as Jungkook nodded his head in understanding now. "Okay, that's all I wanted to know," Jungkook started happily, finally calming down as Taehyung chuckled once more before turning his gaze back towards Abigail and her mother. "I'm sorry you two had to see that. I hope you have a great rest of your day but if you don't mind, I'd like to get some rest now," Taehyung stated softly, smiling tenderly as Abigail handed him a single flower. "I was going to hand this to you earlier," she stated shyly, blushing when Taehyung tenderly pat her head.
"Thank you," Taehyung offered his gratitude with an encouraging smile as Abigail grabbed her mother's hand and rushed out of the room with her heart racing. Taehyung chuckled at Abigail's shyness before turning towards Jungkook. "You were getting jealous," Taehyung teased playfully, poking Jungkook's arm. Jungkook glanced down at Taehyung with an unreadable expression before dipping close to Taehyung's ear. "So what if I was?" Jungkook whispered sensually yet roughly in Taehyung's ear, causing the elder to shudder with delight. "That's not fair," Taehyung whined softly, earning a side glance from Jungkook before the latter pulled away from his face only slightly. Jungkook stared at Taehyung hard, their lips inches apart as Taehyung struggled to breathe properly with the way Jungkook was seductively staring him down. Taehyung swallowed hard before leaning back on his hand and gripping his blanket closer to his chest. He felt as though Jungkook could see right through his clothes and he suddenly felt embarrassed by that fact. Although before Taehyung could lean back too far, Jungkook's arm snaked its way around Taehyung's back and pulled the elder closer to him- planting a heated and passionate kiss upon his lips.
Jungkook leaned his free hand over Taehyung, caging the elder between the bed and his body as he pinned his leg between Taehyung's legs. Before Taehyung could get too invested in the kiss, Jungkook pulled away with a sly smirk. Taehyung pouted as Jungkook smiled pleasantly, repeating Taehyung's words back to him. "You need to rest, love. We have to be out of the hotel in two days, which means you'll have to be discharged by tomorrow if you want to get any packing done," Jungkook teased playfully, knowing well enough he would do this for Taehyung while he slept tonight. Taehyung huffed with his pout, crossing his arms over his chest before sinking into his pillow more. Jungkook only offered a pleasing smile and a quick peck on Taehyung's lips before sitting down in the chair next to Taehyung's bed. Once Taehyung drifted back off to sleep, Jungkook left for their hotel to pack all their things up.
After a day of surveillance and making sure his kidney was still healing properly, the hospital released Taehyung at his insistence. He wanted to pack his stuff before their flight left tomorrow afternoon, not realizing Jungkook had already done all that for him. Taehyung was on his way out the door in a hurry before he crashed into Jungkook, the younger wrapping his arms tightly around Taehyung's back before he could fall. Taehyung flushed slightly as he clung to Jungkook, trying to keep himself from dipping any further. "Well, hello, my love. I didn't expect to run into you this soon," Jungkook teased playfully, pulling Taehyung into an upright position once again. Once Taehyung was securely standing on both feet, Jungkook released Taehyung from his grasp.
Taehyung chuckled softly at Jungkook's play of words, shaking his head as they stepped outside. "I insisted they release me so that I can pack my stuff for tomorrow," Taehyung stated nonchalantly, smiling as he moved to walk towards their hotel. Jungkook put his arm out in front of Taehyung's chest, halting the elder in his tracks. "I already packed your things the night before but I really don't think you should be on your feet that long anyway," Jungkook chastized lovingly, moving his arm from blocking Taehyung's chest. Taehyung raised an eyebrow at Jungkook's reprimand but before he could open his mouth to say anything more, Jungkook turned his back towards him and squatted down in front of him. "Hop on my back," Jungkook instructed unabashed as Taehyung flushed bright red. "What? Do you expect me to allow you to carry me all the way to the hotel on your back?" Taehyung inquired hastily, turning his head away and crossing his arms over his chest in embarrassment.
Jungkook glanced back with a radiant smile, remaining in the same position. "That's the plan. Now, hop on," Jungkook reiterated in a tone that left no room for argument. Taehyung's head snapped back to face Jungkook at his tone, staring at the back of his head before mumbling under his breath. "What was that, love? I couldn't quite hear you," Jungkook retorted sternly, another tone that left no room for argument as Taehyung clamped his mouth shut. Jungkook glanced back with a cutting glare as if to say that the position was hurting him, leaving Taehyung with little to no option. Taehyung chewed the inside of his lower lip as he lowered himself onto Jungkook's back, straddling the younger male's sturdy frame. Jungkook hooked his arms under Taehyung's thighs as he lifted him up, Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck and buried his face in Jungkook's shoulder out of humility. His face felt like it was on fire as Jungkook carried him down the street with such ease. Taehyung peeked up from Jungkook's shoulder to see people staring at them as Jungkook walked forward, either blissfully unaware or ignoring the stares. Taehyung couldn't tell which one it was but he certainly couldn't ignore the stares as heat flared across his cheeks once more. Although Jungkook wasn't going to allow Taehyung to walk the distance to their hotel, of that Taehyung was certain.
Once they arrived at the hotel, Taehyung made the motion to hop down, only for Jungkook to tighten his grip around Taehyung's thighs. "Nobody said you could get down yet," Jungkook announced sternly, tossing a glance over his shoulder at Taehyung. Taehyung's chin sunk into Jungkook's shoulder once again as if in defeat, allowing Jungkook to carry him all the way to their room. Even in the room, Jungkook refused to let Taehyung down until he was hovering over the bed. Only then, did Jungkook deliberately lower Taehyung off his back and onto the bed. When Jungkook stood up straight and turned toward Taehyung, the elder was already staring up at him. They locked eyes for several seconds before Taehyung spoke. "I- I can massage your back for you... I know I'm heavy and that extra weight couldn't have felt pleasant on your back," Taehyung mumbled softly, moving to stand to his feet. Although Jungkook tenderly eased Taehyung back onto the mattress, shaking his head sternly. "My back is fine, love. I'm stronger than you think and you're not as heavy as you think you are," Jungkook reassured Taehyung, smiling as he crouched down in front of Taehyung. "Honestly, I was more worried about you walking that distance with what happened a few nights ago. You have no idea how terrified I was about your health when you started spewing blood... I- I only felt the need to protect you more after that," Jungkook admitted softly, ashamed he'd left Taehyung on his own that day.
Taehyung smiled lovingly as he tenderly caressed Jungkook's cheek, pulling the younger closer to him with his free hand. "I'm not that fragile, darling," Taehyung reassured tenderly before placing a chaste kiss upon Jungkook's lips. Jungkook smiled softly at that reassurance, although he wasn't going to forgive himself that easily. Jungkook silently vowed to himself that he'd protect Taehyung from whatever may disrupt his health or anything else. Jungkook felt it was his responsibility now that he was so emotionally invested in Taehyung. He couldn't just allow something to happen to the one person he's ever loved. "I know you're not fragile... I just want you to remain by my side for as long as possible," Jungkook clarified tenderly, playfully pushing Taehyung's shoulder lightly. Taehyung chuckled and pulled Jungkook onto the bed with him, rolling them both over until Jungkook was trapped in his arms. "I'll be by your side for as long as you need me," Taehyung whispered in Jungkook's ear, kissing the shell of his ear before nuzzling into his neck. Before Jungkook could protest about Taehyung eating dinner to stay healthy, he could hear the soft, even breaths of Taehyung's sleep. Jungkook chuckled lightly before pulling the blankets up over them and snuggling deeper into Taehyung's grasp- sleep taking hold of him shortly after getting comfortable.
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