Indiana II
Hello, my loves~♡ I hope that you all are well~♡ I will finally be put on medications for my migraines once again.:3 That makes me happy since the past 3 weeks have been miserable because I've had one everyday.😂🤣 I did learn that they are Basilar migraine which you'd probably have to look that up because it's difficult to explain. Although, it deals with my brainstem, auras, and that it's a more rare type of migraine. Although, I'm just happy to be getting medications for them again~♡ But enough about that.:3 This chapter isn't anything too triggering, although there is mention of blood. So please be advised when reading because you never know when that will change.😏 Without further delay, please enjoy the newest installment~♡♡♡
After walking around for a while and finishing their bagels and coffee, Jungkook was starting to feel sluggish. He had a full stomach and the sun shined down on them intensely. Although, Taehyung seemed perfectly fine at this moment and it made Jungkook feel weak compared to him. Taehyung turned back to see Jungkook lagging a bit and slowed his pace, offering a tender smile before grasping Jungkook's hand. "If you're tired love, let me know. I don't want to burn you out before we even see what I have planned for tonight," Taehyung expressed tenderly, kissing Jungkook's temple. Jungkook was curious now what Taehyung had planned as he stared at the elder before offering a gracious smile. "Whatever it is, I'll make sure I save stamina so that I can enjoy it," Jungkook reassured Taehyung, resting his head on Taehyung's shoulder. Jungkook clasped his free hand around Taehyung's bicep as they walked, glancing up at the elder and admiring him more so than the attractions they visited.
The way the sunlight illuminated Taehyung's already handsome features had Jungkook drooling. His dark hair had a silky shine to it that most light couldn't capture, his honey skin glistening under the intensity of the sun's rays, and his chocolate brown eyes warmer than the sun's heat. No wonder people were staring at him as they passed by them. Taehyung was exuding a confidence that Jungkook could never accomplish as he continued to stare at Taehyung in admiration.
When the sun had set and the evening moon was slowly ascending into the night sky, Taehyung navigated them towards a taxi. Jungkook had been left in the dark about what these plans were until they arrived at their destination. When they arrived, their destination looked like all the other buildings around. Nothing seemed special about it until they walked up to the door. Inside the normal, every day looking building was a small foyer blocked with soundproof glass doors leading into what looked like a hallway. Jungkook tilted his head and wondered if it was a movie theatre as Taehyung purchased two tickets.
With the tickets in hand, Taehyung opened the door for Jungkook, and loud, unfamiliar sounds reverberated within the small foyer. When Jungkook stepped through the threshold of the establishment, his eyes widened as he accepted the view. The lights around the large wooden floor in the center of the room were all out to illuminate the colorful lights over the wooden area. Neon flashes of blue, green, yellow, orange and pink filled his vision as Taehyung directed him towards a counter. Taehyung handed the tickets to the person behind the counter, took his shoes off, and told them his shoe size. In his excitement, Jungkook hastily followed suit before being handed a pair of worn skates with two wheels on either side.
Jungkook beamed with excitement as Taehyung took a seat next to him and they began lacing up their skates. With his skates laced up and tied tight, Jungkook sprung from his seat and whirled around towards Taehyung. "This is so exciting! Almost ready?" Jungkook asked with stars in his eyes as he watched the skaters circling the rink. Jungkook was eager to join them since he hadn't been skating in a while. Taehyung smiled at how excited Jungkook was but was wary of his own skills. Although he brought them here to have fun, not sit there and watch others.
Taehyung hesitantly stood to his feet once his skates were tied tight and wobbled unsteadily. Jungkook hastily caught Taehyung in his arms to keep him from falling forward as they stared at each other for a moment. "S- Sorry," Taehyung apologized softly, holding onto Jungkook's arms to steady himself. Although, Jungkook didn't mind at all as he offered Taehyung a tender smile. "No need to apologize. Have you never been skating before though?" Jungkook asked when Taehyung let go of him and wobbled once again. Jungkook hastily wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist once more out of anxiety of him falling. Taehyung smiled sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head in an effort to comfort himself. "No... But I thought it would be fun to try with you," Taehyung admitted bashfully as Jungkook chuckled softly. "Then hold onto me and I'll teach you how to skate, love," Jungkook offered lovingly, wrapping one arm around Taehyung's waist and guiding him towards the rink.
Taehyung wrapped his arm around Jungkook's neck as the younger guided him, deliberately teaching Taehyung how to operate the skates. Although that was easier said than done when Jungkook let go of Taehyung and the elder wobbled harshly. Jungkook caught Taehyung in his arms before he could fall backward onto the unforgiving hardwood. Taehyung tilted his head back into Jungkook's chest and offered a wry smile. "S- Sorry," Taehyung apologized for the umpteenth time out of embarrassment as Jungkook merely giggled. "It's perfectly fine, love. I actually like the fact that I'm protecting you right now," Jungkook admitted playfully, watching as Taehyung's face flushed bright red under the neon lights. Jungkook didn't realize that would warrant Taehyung struggling out of his grasp to try and skate on his own without falling. Although, again, that was easier said than done. Taehyung was hesitant and slow with moving his skates, trying to stay balanced on his own two skates so that Jungkook wouldn't have to sacrifice his fun to protect Taehyung.
Taehyung glanced over at Jungkook, who was keeping perfect stride with his hesitant skating. Out of embarrassment, Taehyung whipped his head back towards the front to watch where he was going and felt his head reel drastically. Taehyung wobbled slightly and Jungkook hastily held his arms out for Taehyung just in case. Taehyung bit his lip in guilt when he landed safely in Jungkook's arms, his head falling straight into Jungkook's chest. "Are you okay, love? Y- You didn't look too hot there for a moment," Jungkook stated out of concern, earning a bashful smile from Taehyung. "Yeah, I'm fine," Taehyung lied softly, steadying himself using Jungkook's arms once again. "I just lost my balance is all. Although, I really don't want you to feel like you have to keep going at the same pace as me. If I fall, I'll live, you know but I want you to have fun. Skate at the speed you're most comfortable with," Taehyung urged quietly, staring up at Jungkook with tender eyes.
Jungkook chewed his lower lip in thought. He didn't want to leave Taehyung behind but he also didn't want Taehyung thinking he was hindering his fun either. "I'll skate beside you for a little longer first. Let you get the hang of things more and then I'll skate at a faster pace," Jungkook reasoned thoughtfully before skating backward so that he could face Taehyung. Taehyung wasn't jealous of that ability as he wobbled unsteadily once again. Jungkook chuckled as he caught Taehyung in his arms and navigated his movements at a pace that Taehyung was comfortable with. "You can just hold onto me, love, and I'll skate for us. All you have to do is follow along," Jungkook instructed as Taehyung continued to grip onto Jungkook's biceps, feeling just how toned the younger's arms truly are. Taehyung hadn't noticed that previously, his head reeling once again as his left leg gave out on him and the brake of his skate dragged across the floor. He immediately let go of Jungkook, thinking he was going to drag him down with him. Although Jungkook remained steadfast, even after refusing to let go of Taehyung's waist. "I've got you, love. I'm better at this than you realize," Jungkook admitted softly in Taehyung's ear, making Taehyung feel worse about dragging Jungkook's fun through the mud. Although, what Taehyung failed to realize was that Jungkook was having more fun than those other times because he was skating with Taehyung.
Jungkook held onto Taehyung's waist tightly and helped him regain his composure before directing them toward the outer circle. Mainly so that they could skate at their own pace and not be bothered by the other people speed skating. Jungkook was perfectly content with skating at a slower speed as long as he had Taehyung beside him. Taehyung glanced up at him with anxious eyes when Jungkook pulled Taehyung closer toward his body. Jungkook trusted his own skills enough not to mess up Taehyung's learning process, even with their bodies pressed flush against each other. Taehyung hesitantly pushed his skates between Jungkook's own, following the leader as Jungkook smiled pleasantly. "There you go, love," Jungkook whispered huskily in Taehyung's ear, causing the elder to shiver with delight. "You're getting the hang of it," Jungkook cheered softly, directly in Taehyung's ear as Taehyung melted in Jungkook's arms from the sensation. It sent shivers down his spine and lower regions as Taehyung fought to control that part of himself. "Are you getting excited, love?" Jungkook asked teasingly, earning a flushed glare from Taehyung as the elder tried to push Jungkook away from him.
"Don't be like that, love. It was just a joke," Jungkook reassured playfully as he gripped Taehyung closer, keeping the elder from falling when he tried to shove Jungkook. Jungkook continued to skate backward slowly, making sure they were at a comfortable pace for Taehyung as the elder hesitantly gripped Jungkook's shoulders in an effort to steady himself. Jungkook smiled when Taehyung showed improvement in his skating, wobbling every so often but remaining on his feet. When Jungkook thought Taehyung had his balance well enough on skates, he let go of Taehyung to see what would happen. Taehyung wobbled but inched forward slowly as Jungkook chuckled before grabbing Taehyung's hands and pulling him along at a slightly faster speed. Taehyung gripped Jungkook's hands with anxiety at the new pace, wobbling more once again. Although, Jungkook ensured Taehyung stayed upright and never once allowed him to fall.
Jungkook smiled lovingly as Taehyung continued to grip his hands for support. Taehyung finally let go of Jungkook's hands, only wobbling slightly as he offered a reassuring smile to the younger male. Jungkook stayed at his current pace though, protecting Taehyung even though he'd let go to allow Jungkook to choose his own pace. Jungkook could tell Taehyung had already improved in the hour they'd spent skating at the same velocity, although Jungkook still felt uneasy leaving Taehyung to skate by himself. Jungkook continued to keep an eye on Taehyung as he skated only slightly ahead of Taehyung since the elder had insisted once again. The moment he noticed Taehyung wobble he would slow down drastically to ensure he'd catch Taehyung if he fell. Although, the elder male always regained his composure before Jungkook could fret too much over his safety. Taehyung had picked up his velocity slowly, gaining more confidence the longer he skated by himself. Jungkook smiled lovingly to himself as Taehyung skated pleasantly towards him, everyone else fading into the background. All he could focus on was the stunning smile of exhilaration plastered on Taehyung's face as time seemed to freeze for them. Jungkook felt his heart swell with more love for the elder male as Taehyung's laughter echoed in his ears over the cacophony of the background noise and music.
Taehyung was enjoying himself so much and was caught up in Jungkook's attention focused solely on him that he didn't realize a young girl had lost control of her own path, slicing sharply into Taehyung's pathway. The two collided harshly, throwing Taehyung off balance as a severe and heavy thud echoed loudly through the wooden rink. Jungkook stopped in his tracks and rushed over towards Taehyung as the elder rolled onto the side that didn't hurt, gripping the side that was in agonizing pain. Before Jungkook could ask if Taehyung was okay or help him up, Taehyung dry heaved before expelling the contents of his stomach onto the floor while still gripping that side. "Taehyung! What's wrong? What hurts?" Jungkook inquired hastily, dropping to his knees beside Taehyung as the teenager's mother rushed out to check on her daughter. Before she could blame Taehyung for the incident, he wretched again, spilling more bile- this time mixed with blood as tears collected in his eyes.
"Tae," Jungkook cried out in a panic, trying to help Taehyung into a sitting position. Although, Taehyung was too weak to even stand now as he continued to wretch up blood and bile. "Is this part of your cancer? Is it your liver? Or your kidneys?" Jungkook asked in a panic as the teenager's mother gasped softly at the questions Jungkook was throwing out, hastily motioning for the DJ to stop all activity. Everyone was coerced to leave the floor to allow Taehyung space, only for the elder to collapse weakly into Jungkook's arms, prompting the establishment in calling for an ambulance.
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