Illinois V
Hello, my loves~♡♡♡ I hope that you all have been well~♡ I have been pretty good this past week, even though I had someone calling me a bitch because I didn't know who she was talking to and she thought I was ignoring her.😂🤣 But all is well either way.:3 It didn't bother me any because I still had a great day that day.🤣😂 I bought a show I used to watch a lot when I was a kid because I'm an impulsive person.😂🤣 I didn't need it but I wanted it so bad that I bought it without a second thought.🤣😂 It's the way I come up with ideas for stories too since I have an ending I already want to go with.😂🤣 I plan on releasing a new story here soon.:3 Specifically on Jimin's birthday since the story deals around him and Suga.:3 I'm excited about it but also because my birthday is on the 20th of October.:3 Just a week after Jimin's birthday.:3 But enough about all that.🤣😂 This chapter doesn't contain anything too triggering, although there is minor aggressive behavior. It's so minor though that it might as well be none existent.😂🤣 Either way, I hope that you all will enjoy this update~♡ I have been working hard to keep them regular but it did sort of slip my mind last week. I'll try to keep that from happening again.:3 Without further ado, I hope that you'll enjoy this next update~♡♡♡
When Jungkook woke up early the next morning, Taehyung was nowhere to be found. Jungkook smiled sadly when he realized that he must be at his chemotherapy session and sighed heavily before standing to his feet. He was feeling rather hungry and was eager to get some food on his stomach. Unfortunately, before he could sit down to his hearty helping of eggs and bacon, his phone rang with Taehyung's name flashing across the screen. Jungkook hastily answered it, his eggs and bacon completely forgotten for his love. "Tae? What's wrong? You normally don't call me unless it's an emergency," Jungkook answered nervously, staring at his phone when he got no response for several seconds.
"It is an emergency. Although, he can't talk right now. We need you to come pick him up. The medication he's having to take is too intense for him and he hasn't stopped vomiting since fifteen minutes into the session. We fear he won't be able to walk home in that condition," the nurse on the other side informed hastily, waiting for Jungkook to respond. Jungkook could hear someone retch in the background and other nurses yelling for clean-up and a bucket or trash can. "Yeah, I'm on my way now," Jungkook answered hastily, rushing to beg his aunt or uncle to allow him to use one of their vehicles.
Once he'd obtained his uncle's permission and the keys to his Kia, Jungkook hastily raced toward the closest infirmary to pick Taehyung up. The moment he entered the building, they directed him toward a room with only one patient. Taehyung sat on the bed with a large can in his lap, spilling more contents from his stomach as he remained hooked up to the bag injecting the medication into him. "How are you feeling, Tae?" Jungkook inquired to make light of the situation. Although the only answer he received was Taehyung retching once again. Jungkook waited patiently for Taehyung's therapy session to be over before a nurse entered the room and removed the IV. "How are we feeling?" The nurse asked softly, Taehyung glancing up at her with hazy eyes. Before he could answer her, his head hit the pillow and he was fast asleep. She giggled softly before turning to Jungkook to reassure him. "This happens when they up the dose of the chemicals. He'll be fine. He just needs sleep and some food on his stomach when he gets home. That will quell any nausea he may feel later on," she instructed firmly before handing Jungkook Taehyung's cell phone. "I'm glad you answered. He wouldn't have been able to leave without someone driving him home," she added softly, turning to leave the room.
Jungkook tenderly lifted Taehyung from the bed bridal style and carried him out to his uncle's car, strapping him in before shutting the door gently. He didn't want to wake Taehyung after such an intense experience with this session. He figured that Taehyung could use all the sleep he could get right now before climbing into the driver's side and heading back toward his aunt and uncle's home. When Jungkook arrived at their home, he delicately pulled Taehyung into his arms and carried him inside the house while Taehyung remained fast asleep, burying his face further into Jungkook's chest. Jungkook smiled sweetly as he hastily yet carefully carried Taehyung to the room he was given for the few weeks they'd be in Illinois.
Jungkook gently laid Taehyung on the bed, pulling the blankets up over him and smiling down at him sweetly before pressing a tender kiss to his forehead. Jungkook turned to walk away but before he could even take a step, he felt a rather weak grasp on the back of his shirt. Jungkook glanced down to see Taehyung's eyes barely open as the elder continued to grip the back of Jungkook's shirt. "Do you want me to stay?" Jungkook asked softly, watching as Taehyung nodded. Jungkook took a seat on the edge of Taehyung's bed, tenderly running his fingers through Taehyung's hair. Jungkook pulled his hand away when he realized that Taehyung's hair was falling out more than normal. "That's going to happen," Taehyung explained weakly, closing his eyes in despair before continuing. "Since they've intensified the chemical as well as the amount... That's bound to happen," Taehyung stated rather quietly, barely able to keep his eyes open as Jungkook lay beside him. Jungkook propped his elbow on Taehyung's pillow and rested his head in the palm of his hand as he pulled the sheets up to climb under with Taehyung. He rested his hand across Taehyung's waist and waited for the even breaths of Taehyung before cautiously climbing out of bed.
Jungkook left Taehyung to sleep peacefully as he walked over toward his aunt and uncle's room to confront his aunt about attempting to attack Taehyung. Although Jungkook found his uncle instead of his aunt. "Where's Auntie?" Jungkook asked hesitantly, anxious that he might know where she was already. His uncle shrugged nonchalantly as he turned the television off, ready to call it a night for himself. "I don't know. She was mad when you interrupted her with Taehyung last time. I haven't really seen much of her since then," he explained softly, vexed by the situation. He despised having to vie for his wife's attention, especially when the person he was struggling for her attention over is a man that's soon to be married to their nephew. Jungkook felt his heart leap into his throat as he ran back toward Taehyung's room. He knew Taehyung was sleeping but he also knew Taehyung wouldn't be strong enough to fight her off if he did wake up.
Jungkook burst into the room to see his aunt straddling Taehyung's waist and shoving his hands into the bed while she kissed him passionately. Jungkook could tell that Taehyung had been struggling with her for a while now as Jungkook hastily walked over toward the bed and shoved her off of Taehyung. Taehyung immediately rolled onto his side and huddled into a small ball out of humility as Jungkook stood over his aunt with an unreadable expression. He wanted to hurt her. He really did but she was also family. He held himself back as he grasped her arm hard and pulled her from the ground. "We need to talk, Auntie," Jungkook demanded with annoyance as he yanked her out of Taehyung's room.
Jungkook gently shut the door to Taehyung's room before reeling on his aunt, his expression saying everything about the situation. "I don't appreciate you trying to seduce my fiancé any time I'm not around," Jungkook started sternly, his grip around his aunt's arm tightening. She tried to yank it out of his grasp, only to see the anger and hatred whirling around in his eyes spilling over. "To ensure you never lay a hand on my fiancé again, we're leaving tonight. I don't care if our plane tickets are for tomorrow morning or a week from now, I'm not going to have you constantly making Taehyung feel uncomfortable here," Jungkook shouted angrily, finally releasing his aunt and stepping into Taehyung's room once more. Before she could say anything, Jungkook slammed the door in her face and hastily locked it. He hesitantly walked over to Taehyung and sat on the edge of his bed, while rubbing tender circles on his back. "I'm sorry that she's behaving this way toward you... I didn't think my aunt would act so desperate," Jungkook whispered tenderly, feeling guilty as Taehyung remained curled into a ball. Jungkook was starting to worry about Taehyung until he realized Taehyung peeking up at him through his hands. Although, when Jungkook noticed that, Taehyung covered his face completely again. He curled around himself just a little tighter and ducked his head more, trying to hide himself as Jungkook frowned. "Tae? What's wrong?" Jungkook inquired softly, tilting his head to try and peek at Taehyung.
The only answer he got was a soft sniffle from Taehyung as Jungkook noticed his engagement ring wasn't on his finger now. "Where's your ring? What's going on, Tae?" Jungkook now questioned anxiously, his expression hurt as he tried desperately to understand what was happening. "I don't deserve you," Taehyung whimpered out softly, his voice heavy with emotion as he sobbed softly once more. "I couldn't fight your aunt off and she managed to kiss me... You must be disgusted with me," Taehyung sobbed out once more, crying uncontrollably at this point. Jungkook sighed in relief when he realized it wasn't because Taehyung didn't want to be with him anymore after meeting some of his family. Jungkook smiled tenderly before grasping Taehyung's face in his hands and tugging it toward him, Taehyung dropping his hands from his face in shock. "You're so precious, love. I could never be disgusted with you over that. Plus, I know you're more vulnerable after your sessions, and with them upping the amount, I'm certain you feel even more weak, darling. Don't you ever think I'd be upset if your body is too tired to fight back, love," Jungkook reassured tenderly yet firmly before planting a chaste kiss upon Taehyung's lips. "Now put your ring back on. I thought you didn't want to be with me anymore because of my aunt," Jungkook explained softly, laughing lovingly as he slid Taehyung's ring back onto his finger for him.
Taehyung hesitantly sat up on the bed, drying his eyes as Jungkook continued to hold Taehyung's hand in reassurance. "Now, let's get a hotel. I'm tired of my aunt constantly making you feel uncomfortable but I'm mainly tired of her trying to seduce you," Jungkook grumbled under his breath, standing to his feet to grab Taehyung's suitcase. Taehyung didn't argue with Jungkook's suggestion, deliberately standing to his feet to help Jungkook pack. Although his legs felt as if they couldn't support him when he wobbled unsteadily, closing his eyes and expecting to hit the floor hard. Although what he hit didn't feel like the floor at all as he peeked up to see Jungkook holding him up with a soft smile. "Baby, you stay there. I'll pack your things," Jungkook reassured softly, still holding Taehyung against him as he directed him back toward the bed. Once Taehyung was seated on the edge of the bed once more, Jungkook began packing all of his things back up. Taehyung watched Jungkook pack everything with a hopeless expression, turning his head away at some point to keep Jungkook from asking questions. At this point, he felt he'd be more of a burden to Jungkook than a partner, and this revelation pained him deeply. When a distressed sigh left Taehyung's lips unwittingly, Jungkook stopped packing his things and walked over toward Taehyung. "Love? Is everything okay?" Jungkook inquired softly, standing in front of Taehyung he could see a dismal expression on his face and his eyes sparkling with unshed tears.
Jungkook knelt in front of Taehyung with an apprehensive expression as Taehyung scrambled to shift the back of his hand over his eyes. "Love, please don't feel bad about me packing your things again. I don't mind, I promise," Jungkook reassured tenderly, cupping Taehyung's face in his hands and urging the elder to gaze into his eyes. Taehyung could see the concern behind his eyes and forced a smile as Jungkook sighed softly in defiance. "I know that's not your real smile. It's not reaching your eyes like it normally does, Tae. Talk to me, please?" Jungkook urged firmly, tightening his grip around Taehyung's cheeks only slightly. Taehyung's smile dropped at Jungkook's words, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears once again as those dark thoughts clouded his mind. "I'm going to be nothing more than a burden to you soon," Taehyung whispered out, his voice trembling as a single tear slipped down his cheek. "I can barely stand on my own after today's session and I have to do this twice a week, every week now. I- I don't want you to resent me for not being able to do anything on my own," Taehyung blurted out softly, his voice still trembling as Jungkook offered a soft smile. "Tae, baby, I'm never going to resent you. You can't help that you're sick. I want to do everything I can to take care of you and keep you from getting any worse," Jungkook reassured tenderly, pressing a kiss against Taehyung's nose. "You'll never be a burden, Tae. You do so much for me that this is the only way I know how to repay you," Jungkook added tenderly, brushing his thumbs under Taehyung's eyes to catch any stray tears.
Taehyung nodded softly at Jungkook's words, finally offering a tender smile that wasn't coerced. Jungkook was eventually satisfied with Taehyung's reaction and stood to his feet to continue packing Taehyung's things. Once he was done packing Taehyung's belongings, Jungkook moved on to packing his own suitcase. Once everything was said and done, Jungkook thanked his uncle, glared at his aunt, and helped Taehyung to the taxi that was waiting to take them to a hotel near the airport. The closer to the airport they were, the easier it would be for Jungkook to help Taehyung there too.
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