Hello, every one of you beautiful souls that read this~♡♡♡ I am so so very sorry that this is two weeks late. I had every intention of updating sooner, but work kept getting in the way. I have worked every day for the past month now and my mental stability is definitely suffering because of that.🥺😔 I even had a mental breakdown at work and cried for 90% of that shift until they found someone to relieve me. I didn't expect to almost work a double on my one day off. I hate that I accept every little time one of my managers asks me to cover a shift.😂🤣 I think I'm going to take some time for myself from now on.😂🤣 At least one day to myself.😂🤣 Hopefully, you all have been well though~♡♡♡ If not, let me know how you've been and maybe I can help.:3 Anyway, enough rambling from me!😂🤣 There isn't anything too triggering in this chapter, although there is some minor sexual content so please be advised when reading~♡ Without further ado, I hope that you enjoy this next installment~♡♡♡
Jungkook slept soundly, with dreams of what Taehyung had said they'd do together when they met but the sounds from the next room made their way into his dreams as he rolled onto his side and hugged Jimin's body pillow for dear life. He wrapped his legs around it tightly as well, burying his face in the pillow as his dreams finally hit something far more erotic.
Jungkook whimpered softly into the pillow as he pressed his face further into it, snuggling into the pillow as if it were Taehyung. The more Jungkook dreamed the pillow being Taehyung, the tighter his grip around the pillow cultivated. The longer he dreamed he was with Taehyung, the more those soft sounds made it to the surface of his lips.
Jungkook snuggled further into Taehyung, smiling up at him sheepishly as they both settled into the couch for a movie. Taehyung propped one of his legs over one of Jungkook's legs, the younger patting Taehyung's thigh playfully. His fingers slipping closer to Taehyung's upper inner thigh. His fingertips ever so tenderly caressed Taehyung's inner thigh, slowly moving higher up Taehyung's thigh until his fingers were brushing against a very sensitive area.
He could feel Taehyung's muscles contract around his stomach each time his fingers brushed against that area. It only made Jungkook more bold as his fingertips caressed the now hardened bulge between Taehyung's legs. The moment Jungkook looked up at Taehyung, their eyes were locked in a heated gaze until Jungkook pressed his lips against Taehyung's own. Jungkook felt Taehyung's arms tighten around his waist as his hand moved to cup Taehyung's jawline, their kiss intensifying that much more.
Jungkook moaned softly into the kiss, turning into Taehyung's body more now as he timidly straddled Taehyung's thigh. He felt Taehyung pull him closer, their chests pressed tightly against one another as Jungkook let out another soft moan. He wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck, allowing his erection to brush up against Taehyung's thigh. Jungkook heard himself moan softly from the friction against Taehyung's thigh, continually grinding against him for a much desired release...
What Jungkook didn't realize was the fact that he was mercilessly grinding against Jimin's body pillow, desperate for any kind of friction. He moaned softly in his sleep once again, burying his face into the pillow and biting it hard as he continued to grind against it. When he felt that tension build, he opened his eyes to the darkness of having his face shoved in a pillow before sighing heavily.
He pushed the body pillow away from himself to realize what was actually going on. He rolled over onto his back, still able to hear Jimin and Hyunjin's muffled sounds through the wall. He huffed softly under his breath, annoyed that they were the reason why his dream seemed so erotic and vivid. He glanced down at his throbbing erection and covered his face with his hands. "You have got to be kidding me," Jungkook whined at his own body's reactions.
He rolled over onto his side again and pulled the body pillow close once more as he buried it between his thighs. "I guess this is what I get for teasing Taehyungie like that earlier," Jungkook grumbled under his breath, burying his face in the pillow once again. Before long, he was passed out once more with his arms wrapped tightly around the pillow. This time, however, he did not dream. He only remembered black emptiness and hollow images of nothingness. Something he was more used to dreaming.
Hoseok's demotion was felt all throughout their department and although nobody knew why he'd been demoted, everyone remained quiet about the event. Although, not everyone was aware of what was going on behind closed office doors either and he really wasn't about to sell his friend out the way the CEO wanted. He wasn't that type of person and he never would be, but the person that took over his position certainly wouldn't mind selling Taehyung out like that. Why should she care anyway? It wasn't like she was personally close to Taehyung. Even if she wanted to screw him a couple of times as well.
Nobody stopped to think of Taehyung as a person. They only viewed him as weak, someone that they could control because of his kindness. Others saw nothing more than someone to physically conquer like he was some kind of prize or just another attractive unintellectual. None of their coworkers thought of him as a human being with feelings and emotions.
The way the CEO treated and disrespected Taehyung disgusted Hoseok. He couldn't understand how someone could be so selfish and cold towards another human being. Especially if that human being happened to be someone you liked or lusted after. Hoseok couldn't be positive if he'd ever acted like that towards Taehyung before or not, but he'd never done it on purpose if he had acted that selfish.
With a heavy sigh, Hoseok sat across from Jungkook and Jimin with an exhausted plop as Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook eyed him cautiously. They knew that he was even more stressed since he'd been demoted to his previous position. Jungkook gently pushed his food aside as he watched Hoseok prop his chin in his hand and stare off into space with his elbow resting on the table. It wasn't like Hoseok to be so spaced out or down like this and it worried Jungkook.
"Hey, Hobi," Jungkook greeted softly, watching the elder's expression as Hoseok acknowledged Jungkook. "How are you holding up?" Jungkook asked softly, curious but not wanting to bother Hoseok or open fresh wounds. Hoseok groaned softly at Jungkook's question as he lifted his arm away from the table and his chin away from his hand. He finally popped open the container for his lunch box as he took a minuscule bite of his sandwich to evade answering Jungkook's question because things were not going well for him so far. He had been and continued to worry about Taehyung and his reputation being tarnished because of the CEO's vile plan and attitude.
Jungkook tilted his head at Hoseok as he placed his sandwich down with a miserable plop and a diminutive sigh at the thought that popped into his mind. "Jungkook, do you think you could warn Taehyung of something for me?" Hoseok asked softly as Jungkook stared at Hoseok with all attention on him.
"Sure. What do you need me to tell him?" Jungkook asked, more than willing to relay the message since Hoseok did call it a warning. Hoseok nodded as he leaned closer to Jungkook and lowered his voice so that nobody close to the CEO would overhear him. "I need you to tell Tae that the CEO is planning on forcing his reinstatement as an employee here. It will ruin his reputation for any other forms of employment and it'll trap him with the CEO as well," Hoseok warned, Jungkook glimpsing the desperation in Hoseok's eyes and tone.
Jungkook was silent for a moment before his face twisted with resentment and jealousy. "Who does he think he is?!" Jungkook cried as Hoseok slapped his hands over Jungkook's mouth with a pleading look. He pulled one hand away from Jungkook's mouth to place a sole finger to his lips, signifying that Jungkook should remain as quiet as possible, but it was a gesture that completely silenced Jungkook once again instead. "Please, you have to be as quiet about this as possible. If the wrong people hear, I could be completely terminated. I was already demoted because I refused to do that to Tae," Hoseok spoke softly, his gaze shifting towards the table as Yoongi's and Jimin's eyes narrowed in anger now.
"You can't be terminated for that," Yoongi whispered harshly, glaring at the one person that dared glance in his direction. "That's wrongful termination at that point and you could sue him for everything he's got," Yoongi continued, heated due to the fact that his roommate and love interest was being targeted for refusing to be a dick to one of his friends. "I'd like to see him try," Yoongi enticed, harshly curling his fingertips into his sandwich and slowly ripping it apart while Jimin nodded in agreement to everything Yoongi was saying. "This sandwich will be luckier than him if he tries anything towards you, Hoseok," Yoongi added, aggressively biting into his sandwich to try and calm his anger.
Jungkook couldn't help but laugh, even though Yoongi was clearly pissed off. Yoongi being angry like this only reminded him of a moody kitten that had fallen into a bathtub full of water. Although he kept that comment to himself as he turned his attention back towards Hoseok. "I'll let him know, but he may not be able to do anything from where he's at right now. If he can't do anything to protect himself, we should definitely try to come up with a plan to help him out," Jungkook suggested as Hoseok mulled the thought over in his head. He'd already tried coming up with a solution to Taehyung's problem, but he'd always heard that two heads were better than one, and with Yoongi's and Jimin's help included in that, it would be twice as much thought. Maybe they could come up with a solution to help Taehyung together?
Hoseok finally nodded at Jungkook's suggestion, picking his sandwich back up and taking another bite. He chewed it several times before swallowing and smiling. "Yeah, if we all try to come up with a solution together, I'm sure we could definitely help Taehyung out. Either way though, I'd like you to warn him," Hoseok added as Jungkook smiled back at Hoseok and nodded. "Yeah, I got you," Jungkook noted as they silently ate the rest of their lunch before their break was over.
Taehyung peeked his eyes open at the pink and vivid purple that dusted the horizon of the setting sun. He glanced around his room a little bit before closing his eye once again, too drained to get out of bed today. Although, he knew he had things to do today as he forced his eyes open once more.
With a low groan, he sat up in bed and stretched his body out before standing to his feet. He slowly trudged over towards his dresser to get dressed in presentable clothes for the public once again. He quickly changed his clothes and put on his shoes, grabbing his backpack full of items off of the table and sluggishly making his way towards his door. He stretched one more time, hoping to shake any fatigue off as he opened his door and made his way down to the lobby.
With the straps of his bag in hand and pulled taut, he made his way towards the front desk to ask for a shuttle to take him to his destination. This destination, however, was one that he normally didn't visit by himself, but he figured he'd treat himself for attending his chemo sessions regularly. After talking with the concierge, with a smile, he walked towards the entrance of the hotel to wait outside for his shuttle. He was excited for the day since he was treating himself to a tour of the Coca-Cola factory before going to the Six Flags amusement park.
He was looking forward to the rides because it wasn't often that he got to do things like this when he was younger. If he wasn't working to help his family, he was sick or in and out of hospitals trying to determine what was wrong with him. Now that he was aware of what was wrong with him, he decided that he was going to live for himself from now on. Especially if he couldn't get the transplant in time. With a soft sigh, he pulled out his repeatedly crumpled bucket list once again. He had added some things to it, some things that he thought he might want to do if his life were to end.
Q̶u̶i̶t̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶j̶o̶b̶
Use the money I saved wisely
Travel the world
Go deep-sea diving
Swim with the dolphins
Take a cruise
F̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶l̶o̶v̶e̶
Ride a Ferris wheel (hopefully with the person I love)
Make friends with strangers
Visit those friends
Buy a ring
Get married (Also hopefully to the person I love)
Have a child with said someone
Go to an amusement park
Meet Jungkook
Live with Jungkook for as long as possible
Have my first kiss with Jungkook in the rain (or snow)
Go sky diving or bungee jumping
Go to an amusement park with Jungkook
Cook one meal for Jungkook
Taehyung took one final glance at his bucket list as he folded it with a heavy sigh and slipped it into his back pocket. Although he dare not speak the words out loud, he was petrified that he wouldn't be able to finish most of his list because it involved Jungkook. The tiny voice in the back of his mind screamed negativity towards him, reminding him that he was living on borrowed time. Borrowed time that wouldn't see the opportunity for Jungkook and Tae to do things together.
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