Helllllooooooo, everyone that reads this fiction~♡ I hope that you are well and happy~♡ Because you deserve happiness every single day~♡ Please don't ever forget that~♡ As far as the story goes, there is sexual content mentioned so please be advised when reading~♡ It's not much, but still.😂🤣 I hope that you all will enjoy this chapter~♡ I love you all~♡
Taehyung heard the sound of water moving as he inclined his head to try and decipher what that sound really was. "A- are you in the bathroom?" Taehyung asked softly, wondering if he'd called at a bad time. He bit his lip nervously as he heard more splashing of water. "I- I'm in th- the bathtub," Jungkook stammered nervously, biting his lip at Taehyung's question. He wondered if this would be the day for them to be naughty towards each other as he shifted his chin down into the water in embarrassment. He heard a soft, light-hearted chuckle on the other end of the line and his heart froze momentarily as the urge to be sinful towards Taehyung surged. "You're not being fair, you know that? You have this deep, sensual voice and laughs like that sound like you're already thinking mischievous things," Jungkook defended, his cheeks feeling as if they were on fire right now.
"Oh? Maybe I am," Taehyung quipped back quickly, shutting Jungkook's mouth without realizing it. "Maybe I would like to join you for this bath," Taehyung added sensually, earning a soft groan from Jungkook. "Do you really have to talk like that right now?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung grew silent for the moment, thinking he'd annoyed Jungkook with his teasing. That wasn't how Jungkook wanted that to go, but his embarrassment grew with what he was going to add onto that to fix the awkward silence. "Y- You're m- making me h- hard a- already," Jungkook stammered out, his face heating up even more at the fact that it wasn't a lie.
He heard a soft groan from Taehyung that sent a tingling sensation straight down and Jungkook bit his lip, hard. "And you really can't be telling me things like that," Taehyung finally spoke up again. "It really makes me want to talk even worse towards you," Taehyung admitted honestly, throwing his head back onto his mattress. "You're wicked," Taehyung divulged, glancing down at his own erection. He hadn't known Jungkook that long and he wondered if things would become awkward if he did try to press things further, especially after hearing that Jungkook was just as excited as he was right now.
He bit his lip, wondering if he should do something or whether he should change the subject. He chose to do the latter out of anxiety. "How was your day today?" Taehyung asked, trying to change the subject. He heard a soft sigh from the other line before he heard a small whimper. "Jungkook? Is everything okay?" Taehyung asked, wondering if Jungkook had hurt himself.
"Taehyung, why did you have to change the subject? I was feeling that last topic pretty hard and it was kind of difficult to keep my hands to myself," Jungkook announced unabashed, another soft whimper escaping his lips. Taehyung was suddenly very aware of what Jungkook meant now as his own erection throbbed painfully within his pants. "K- Kookie, I- I don't know if we should do something like this just yet... Wh- What if you don't want to talk to me anymore because th- things get too awkward?" Taehyung asked anxiously, afraid that Jungkook wouldn't talk to him anymore at all. Although it was getting harder to fight his own urges with Jungkook's soft moans and gasps filling his ears.
"I really wish you were here, Tae," Jungkook whispered in a sensually raspy voice and Taehyung shuddered violently with desire. "I wish that you were the one touching me," Jungkook added with that same sensual voice that Taehyung choked softly at the words. He let out a breathy response to Jungkook's words before he pushed his night pants off of his hips. "Are you thinking about me as you touch yourself? Cause I'm going to be thinking about you and the beautiful sounds you're making right now," Taehyung whispered boldly, gripping his own throbbing length. Jungkook moaned in response to Taehyung's words, a delicate gasp echoing through the receiver. "T- Tae," Jungkook whimpered out, earning a guttural groan from Taehyung as he commenced stroking his own length slowly at first.
"Yes, baby?" Taehyung asked, answering in a sensually deep, breathy voice. "Wh- When we meet, I- I want you to b- bend me over and take me wh- where- wherever you want," Jungkook confided as Taehyung's pace picked up slightly. "Wherever I want? What if I just take you in the middle of the street then?" Taehyung asked with that same breathy voice, hearing the whimpers of Jungkook in response. "I j- just want you to be inside me," Jungkook confided once more, moaning out the last part. "I- I think about th- that every time I'm m- masturbating now," Jungkook added, his own pace picking up. "O- Or h- how it would feel t- to be inside of you," Jungkook moaned softly, feeling the tension building within him.
"O- Oh, K- Kookie," Taehyung whimpered out himself, picking up his pace even more. "Y- You're a switch? I love that," Taehyung confided this time, moaning loudly into the phone without realizing it. Jungkook heard Taehyung's breath hitch loudly, wondering if he had experienced an orgasm already, but Jungkook could still hear Taehyung stroking his length. "I- I c- can't t- talk m- much more," Taehyung stammered out, moans following after his words and Jungkook could tell that Taehyung was close to that edge now.
Jungkook focused on getting to the same point that Taehyung was at, feeling the tension building even more within him. The breathy gasps and moans coming from the receiver were definitely helping as Jungkook's own breath hitched. "Oh, f- fuck, T- Tae," Jungkook whimpered out softly, feeling that tension break as he lifted his hips slightly. He grabbed the washcloth he'd been using to wash himself and covered the tip of his cock as he released white, hot ropes into the damp washcloth. He exhaled in relief as he tried to catch his breath now, still listening to Taehyung finally reach his climax.
"L- Like th- that, K- Kookie," Taehyung cried out in his deep, breathy voice as Jungkook shuddered once again. He could almost hear the tension leaving Taehyung's body with that release as Taehyung moaned loudly once again into the receiver. He wasn't intending to be so noisy, but it was hard to be so silent when he hadn't done anything like this in a while. After a moment of silence, Jungkook finally spoke. "D- did it feel that good?" Jungkook asked, trying to break any awkwardness now before they hung up.
Taehyung cleared his throat before answering, embarrassed of how loud he'd been. "S- sorry. I- It's been a while," Taehyung whispered as Jungkook chuckled softly. "Don't apologize for that. I find it endearing and honestly, it keeps the sensitivity on high," Jungkook stated, tossing his washcloth in the dirty hamper not far from his bathtub. "I like that. Makes things far more fun when I'm teasing you then," Jungkook added, laughing as Taehyung huffed. "See? I don't understand why you thought I'd let things get awkward between us to where we wouldn't talk. Because I honestly want you to do those things to me," Jungkook continued, earning a soft sigh from Taehyung.
"Don't tease me right now. I don't want to be overly sensitive because I jacked off a second time," Taehyung declared, earning a chuckle from Jungkook. "Okay, okay, I'll stop for now. Did you send your letter off already?" Jungkook asked, finally draining the water and standing from his tub. "Yes, I sent the letter off already," Taehyung answered softly, cleaning himself up so that he could get dressed for the day. "It should be arriving any day now," Taehyung added as he began to change clothes. "I plan to go out and take more pictures, so I'll have to call you back later, okay?" Taehyung asked, throwing on a fluffy red sweater.
Jungkook frowned at his phone as he stepped onto the towel he'd laid down and wrapped another towel around his waist. "I'll miss you while you're out," Jungkook stated boldly as Taehyung blinked a few times in surprise. "I'll miss you too, Kookie. Have a good night's sleep," Taehyung added softly, hanging up the phone. Jungkook placed his phone on the charger as he sat down on his bed, his mind reeling about what he'd just done over the phone. He was so nervous about doing that before but boldly dominated the whole event, even dragging Taehyung into masturbating with him.
He couldn't understand why he'd suddenly decided to be so bold with Taehyung, but he was so glad that he did. Otherwise, he wouldn't have heard the beautiful sounds that Taehyung could create with his deep voice. He shuddered just thinking back to them before throwing on his nightclothes and curling up in his bed. He stared at the pictures of Taehyung that littered his wall now and wondered what it would feel like to have Taehyung actually touching him before drifting off to sleep.
The dreams that Jungkook had that night were erotic and far too realistic to be considered dreams. Especially since he'd woke up to his bedsheets being sticky from his wet dream. He groaned in annoyance, thinking he was far too old to still be having wet dreams. He threw his blankets off of him and collected them into a pile that he threw into the dirty hamper.
He trudged over toward his kitchen to make himself something to eat before he had to go to work. Jungkook grabbed a bowl and a box of cereal from his pantry, pouring the cereal into the bowl. He closed the box and placed it back into his pantry as he walked over towards the refrigerator to obtain the milk. To his dismal surprise, he was out of milk already and groaned as he shut the refrigerator door.
He sat down with the bowl of dry cereal and picked pieces out of the bowl that he was certain he'd eat without milk. He sighed heavily, realizing that he would have to go grocery shopping later tonight if he wanted to have dinner. He normally didn't mind performing mundane tasks like this throughout life, but now that he realized how single he was after talking to Taehyung, those things seemed like more of a drag now. He sighed heavily yet again, dropping his chin into the palm of his hand as he picked through his cereal more. He found himself not really all that hungry anymore as he pushed the bowl away from him with another dismal sigh.
He stood up and walked towards the bathroom, removing his clothes to take a quick shower since he woke up feeling filthy. He tossed his dirty clothes into the hamper and turned the hot water on, feeling even lonelier now than he had when Taehyung and he had first started communicating. He hopped into the shower, rinsing his body with the hot water before scrubbing his skin with a mesh body sponge and Snow Kissed Mint body wash. It had a sweet yet sultry mint aroma to it that made Jungkook feel like he was wearing it for somebody. Hoping that one day he would have somebody to wear if for as he completely rinsed himself off and jumped out of the shower.
He rushed to get some clothes on to keep the cold from creeping up his freshly washed body. He pulled his white button-up dress shirt on and quickly fastened the buttons. He pulled his black slacks on over his hips, tucking the white shirt into them before fastening his pants button. He pulled on low cut black socks and freshly shined black dress shoes before throwing a red tie around his neck. He quickly fastened the tie into a knot, lifting his collar to hide the loop of his tie, and glanced in the mirror to proceed to fix his hair. Once he felt that he looked decent enough for work, he grabbed his briefcase and walked towards the door with a heavy sigh.
He shut off all the lights in his apartment and checked his mailbox before leaving for work. With no new letter from Taehyung in the mailbox yet, he cast his gaze to the ground in grim disappointment before shutting his mailbox. Feeling an empty hole in his heart, he continued on his way towards work.
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