Arkansas V
Hello, my loves! I know it has been a very long time since I last updated. I don't know how I'll make that up to any of you who waited patiently for this update. I can officially say that I have righted whatever was wrong with me. I don't feel so all over the place or like someone is out to get me at all hours of the day or like I'm constantly being watched. I didn't realize how bad it was until I couldn't bring myself to write anymore. So I am terribly sorry that it has taken this long for me to finally get back to finishing this story.:3 I have an idea of where I want to take the story now and how I want to finish it.:3 You guys are actually in for a treat~♡ I don't know how many chapters this story is going to be quite yet but I'm already in the process of making them~♡ I will also continue whatever other stories I have in my drafts and have them out to you guys as soon as possible! I love you all so much! I hope that you will enjoy this chapter, even if it does feel a little rushed.🥺 I just didn't want them to keep fighting all the time either.😂 So hopefully you all enjoy this new installment and look forward to the next ones, my loves~♡♡♡♡
Taehyung opened his bleary eyes to bleak white walls and a throbbing headache. Although his stomach ached more painfully as he slowly pushed himself into a sitting position. "Tae! Oh, thank god," he heard Hoseok's voice clearly, glancing over towards the male walking up to him hastily. Hoseok wrapped Taehyung up in a desperate and tight hug, burying his eyes in Taehyung's shoulder. "You shouldn't have left that night," Hoseok mentioned softly, his voice trembling with emotion. Taehyung hugged Hoseok back tenderly, wondering why Jungkook wasn't the one here holding onto him this desperately. "Is Jungkook still flirting with that woman?" Taehyung spat bitterly, grinding his teeth before Hoseok shook his head. "No. He actually regrets neglecting you that night... He still hasn't forgiven himself. He- He won't see you because he says he doesn't deserve to see you," Hoseok mentioned softly, knowing those words cut Taehyung deeply. "Oh... Why do you keep saying that night?" Taehyung asked softly, attempting to clear the fogginess in his brain while Hoseok chewed the inside of his cheek. "Well, you see... That incident occurred four days ago, Tae. You've been out for quite a while... You even flatlined again due to the overdose but they were able to resuscitate you fairly quickly this time," Hoseok explained softly, watching the dark emotions swirl in Taehyung's eyes. "I might as well have died that night... Jungkook is more interested in that woman than me. She's more appealing than me too... I- I-" Taehyung stammered out, tears suddenly cascading down his cheeks as Hoseok hastily cut him off from saying anything more by grabbing his face. "Don't you ever say that again," Hoseok spat venomously, the anger rising in his voice as he stared down at Taehyung.
Taehyung swallowed hard and remained silent as a struggling Yoongi pulled Jungkook through the threshold of the door to Taehyung's room. "God damn it, he's your husband! Get your fucking ass in here," Yoongi spat through grit teeth before finally yanking Jungkook completely over toward Taehyung's bed. Taehyung wondered how Yoongi had such good timing but realized Hoseok must have messaged him the moment Taehyung began to stir.
Taehyung met Jungkook's eyes briefly before crossing his arms over his chest and hastily turning away from Jungkook. Jungkook felt an intense twinge of guilt and pain in his heart as he began to strain and explain himself. "Tae... My love," Jungkook began softly before Taehyung whipped his head toward him hastily and cut him off. "Don't call me that," Taehyung spat angrily before turning away once again as Jungkook stared at him with wide eyes. "I- I'm sorry..." Jungkook stammered out, barely above a whisper while Taehyung still refused to meet his gaze. "I- I just got caught up talking about things I like to do," Jungkook explained timidly, earning a scoff from Taehyung as he finally turned toward Jungkook. "Oh? Like her?" Taehyung mumbled bitterly, venomous words stinging both of them as Jungkook shook his head. "No, Tae. Not her. Things I like to do with you," Jungkook snapped back, his eyes narrowing at Taehyung while the elder stared Jungkook down hard. "Didn't seem like that's what you were talking about. All the touching she did toward you. I'm surprised you didn't take her up on her offer to go back to her place and fuck," Taehyung spat venomously, hurting Jungkook further. "You heard that? Of course, you did... She wasn't being very subtle," Jungkook mentioned softly, his rage dying quickly at the hurt displayed across Taehyung's face momentarily. Before his anger swiftly took hold again and he glared at Jungkook. "Of course, I heard! You weren't being very subtle either! You were flirting too," Taehyung cried out, his tears finally falling as Hoseok and Yoongi stepped out of the room to allow them privacy. They needed to get the air clear between them for their relationship to stand and they knew that needed to be done in private.
Jungkook felt despair grip him tightly as he watched Taehyung's anger dissipate into anguish. He pulled his knees to his chest sobbing heavily, burying his face into his knees. "You should have just let me die," Taehyung sobbed out softly, gripping his chest from the pain of his heart breaking. "At least then I wouldn't have to face the fact that you do want somebody else," Taehyung cried out softly, his sobbing wretching feelings of anguish from Jungkook. "I didn't want her, Tae! I only ever want you," Jungkook cried out hastily, tears now dripping from his chin. He loathed making Taehyung cry and the fact that he'd looked so destroyed before hiding his face broke Jungkook even more. "I love you, Tae... I didn't want her and never will. I'll admit that I was shamelessly flirting a bit but I was only doing so to get a table faster so that you could eat something and go to bed early. I was only ever thinking of you and your well-being, Tae," Jungkook explained softly, coaxing himself to try and step closer. He wanted to comfort Taehyung and his own broken heart. He didn't realize he'd hurt Taehyung this deeply as loud, uncontrollable sobs wracked the elder's frail body.
Jungkook hesitantly placed a hand on Taehyung's head, only for the elder to smack the comfort away. "Don't touch me right now. I- I just need to be alone," Taehyung mumbled through his sobs, still hiding his eyes as Jungkook's tears became uncontrollable now. He certainly didn't realize he'd fucked up that bad as he covered his eyes and bolted from the room. Taehyung's head shot up and while he was still hurt, he didn't want to inflict the same feelings of anguish on Jungkook that he'd suffered four nights ago. Taehyung hastily slipped out of the bed, bolting out of the room after Jungkook. Hoseok hastily stood to his feet and ran after Taehyung out of concern. "Stop running! You're going to overexert yourself," Hoseok cried after Taehyung, realizing that his feelings for Jungkook were what was pushing him. Hoseok was quite amazed because Taehyung was losing Hoseok and it wasn't like Hoseok was out of shape.
When Taehyung finally caught Jungkook, he immediately pulled him into a firm yet loving hug. Jungkook cried in Taehyung's grasp, his eyes still covered as Jungkook slowly lowered a limp Taehyung to the ground carefully with him. He realized he'd made Taehyung overexert himself as the elder's breathing was labored and yet, he still held on tightly to Jungkook. "Don't- Don't ever leave m- me again," Taehyung stammered out breathlessly, his nails digging into the cloth of Jungkook's shirt while medical personnel rushed towards Taehyung and Jungkook. Taehyung refused to let go of Jungkook, even after the elder had passed out on Jungkook, prompting him to carry Taehyung back to his room for the staff. No one said anything about how they'd just been shouting at each other moments before Jungkook came dashing through crying but they comprehended that certain things needed to be talked out.
Even after Jungkook laid Taehyung back in his bed, his hands refused to let go of Jungkook. Jungkook sobbed softly at how pure Taehyung's feelings were in those last few moments he was conscious before climbing into the bed with Taehyung. He wrapped his arms firmly yet tenderly around Taehyung and snuggled in close, grateful the elder decided to forgive him in those previous moments. He'd be glad when Taehyung woke up beside him for the first time in several days.
When Taehyung blinked his bleary eyes open once again, Jungkook lay snuggled up beside him. Jungkook cast his large doe eyes up at Taehyung, hoping that they'd worked out the problem now. Taehyung smiled softly before running his fingers through Jungkook's hair. "I'm still upset with you... Although, I feel like it's no longer justifiable..." Taehyung noted softly, sighing at himself as he met Jungkook's large, watery doe eyes. "What do I have to do to make you forgive me? Whatever it is, I'll do it. I already changed our flight to the end of this week instead... What else can I do?" Jungkook asked softly, eager to have Taehyung forgive him completely. He just wanted things to go back to the way they were before that stupid hostess incident.
Taehyung shook his head, smiling bitterly at himself. "There's nothing else you need to do... I need to work on myself or this is going to keep happening... Especially since I look like a hot dumpster fire right now," Taehyung whispered bitterly, earning a glare from Jungkook. Jungkook raised to a sitting position beside Taehyung before turning an angry glare toward him. "I don't ever want to hear you call yourself that again," Jungkook spat viciously, grasping Taehyung's face in his hands to glare directly into Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung felt heat rise to his cheeks at the intensity of that stare before nodding meekly in agreement. "I- I'm sorry, my love," Taehyung stammered out anxiously, swallowing hard at the intensity. Finally, Jungkook's face relaxed slightly as he pulled away from Taehyung's face now. "May I call you that once more now?" Jungkook asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper out of fear of being rejected. Taehyung smiled tenderly at the fact Jungkook had to ask or even thought he was serious about that. He must have sounded angrier and uglier than he thought as he laughed softly. "Of course, you can keep calling me that. I'd be more upset if you didn't," Taehyung reasoned tenderly, laughing lovingly at Jungkook's innocence.
After a few days of being monitored and questioned by police, they released Taehyung's father at his request. Jungkook didn't understand why Taehyung didn't just have his father locked away or file a restraining order against him but it wasn't his place to say. Later though, Jungkook would realize the importance of Taehyung's decision to allow his father's freedom.
While Taehyung packed his things for their flight the next day. With everyone aware of the time they'd be boarding their flight, everyone except Taehyung and Jungkook had already fallen asleep. Taehyung sighed softly at all the huddled bodies on their floor and couches while he continued to pack. Although, he realized that they must have already checked out of their room thinking they were going to be leaving nearly a week ago. Taehyung sighed softly because that stunt his father pulled had set him back a week and if he didn't have that much longer, he hated that this wasted his precious time.
Taehyung glanced over at Jungkook while the younger packed his belongings as well. Taehyung thought he would have already been packed but figured he must have been in and out of the hospital waiting for Taehyung to wake up. Even though he'd said he didn't deserve to see him, something told Taehyung that Jungkook's anxiety would have eventually gotten the best of him and he would have come to see Taehyung even if Yoongi hadn't forced him. "Jungkook?" Taehyung asked softly, starting a conversation among the dead silence and sleeping people. Jungkook glanced up at Taehyung's singular word, his eyes searching for what he would say next. "Yes?" Jungkook answered softly, watching while Taehyung continued to pack his things. "What did you first think when two strange men were in our room and I was passed out on the bed?" Taehyung asked softly, wondering if Jungkook thought he'd sought immediate revenge in a different way. Jungkook paled immediately at the question, shaking his head. "Tae... I- I really didn't have a clear thought... I was just worried you'd overexerted yourself running from my mistake and they had been kind enough to bring you back to the hotel you were staying. Although, I immediately recognized the CEO's voice and knew something was fishy," Jungkook explained softly, packing the last of his belongings. "I never once doubted that you had cheated on me," Jungkook reassured with a tender smile, earning a soft chuckle from Taehyung while he packed the last of his belongings as well. He closed his suitcase and pressed it right against the wall before climbing into bed. "Good, I'm glad. I didn't know what I'd even say to begin to explain if you'd thought otherwise," Taehyung teased playfully, holding the blankets up for Jungkook to crawl under. Once they were both snuggled up under the duvet, Taehyung kissed Jungkook good night and they drifted off to sleep- comfortable with facing each other in the other's arms.
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