Arkansas IV
Hello, my loves~♡ I hope that you all are doing well on this fine evening~♡ I'm sorry for the delay on the chapter once more but I had a lot going on these past few weeks.😂🤣 I attempted to update last week around the same time but things did not work out well for me then.🤣😂 Mainly because I had all sorts of appointments going on last week, but I will still apologize for it being late.:3 I hope you all know that I love you and will do my best for all of you~♡ So please stay with me and have faith that I'll see this through to the end~♡ I love you all so much and appreciate every little comment and vote~♡ I also appreciate the ones that reach out to me when I randomly disappear. Most times, when I do disappear, I am dealing with things in my own way but I will never burden any of you with my problems.:3 Thank you all for putting up with me though~♡ Now, onto the trigger warnings for this chapter.:3 This chapter contains drugging a person and kidnapping. So please, my loves, be advised when reading~♡ Without further ado, please enjoy this new installment, my loves~♡ I'll be working on the next one now so that it is ready for next week~♡
Jungkook remained unconscious and limp in Taehyung's grasp, the elder struggling detrimentally to hold the younger up. Once Taehyung's arms gave out on him, Taehyung collapsed to the ground still holding tightly onto Jungkook. "Jungkook, please wake up," Taehyung panted out breathlessly, struggling to breathe properly from the impact and with Jungkook lying right on top of him. Taehyung didn't think it was possible to have the air slowly being forced out of him by the person he loved most but he was finding it harder and harder to breathe. Although, in Taehyung's mind, it wasn't like Jungkook was that heavy. His body was just that weak from all of the medications. "Kookie, please," Taehyung pleaded softly, between gasps of air before the staff came and helped Jungkook to his feet.
Jungkook looked around in a daze while Taehyung remained on the ground, gasping softly as he rolled onto his side. After several moments, Taehyung finally caught his breath while Jungkook watched with bated breath to see if he'd be okay. When Taehyung finally pushed himself off the ground and wasn't breathing heavily, Jungkook sighed with relief. "Oh, thank god," Jungkook released the breath he didn't realize he had been holding and threw his arms around Taehyung for a hug. "I thought I was going to be the person that killed you," Jungkook whispered solemnly, wiping the tears that had pricked his eyes as well. Taehyung smiled softly into Jungkook's firm yet gentle hug and tenderly patted his back. "No, I'm alright. I'll be fine now," Taehyung whispered lovingly in Jungkook's ear, kissing the younger's cheek before pulling away from the hug. After that incident, they changed back into their clothes and walked down the path toward town. They were going into town to visit the hospital now. It was soon going to be time for both of Taehyung's appointments. For all intents and purposes, they arrived early for his appointments, hoping that it wouldn't take all day. They still had to pack their things and tell their friends to do the same so that within the next day, they would be ready to fly. Taehyung was really hoping that they'd be done before dinner so that they got some time with their friends that night.
After Taehyung's appointments had finished, doing the dialysis and chemotherapy all in one sitting so that he wouldn't have to worry about it later. Although, Jungkook could tell that was taking even more of a toll on Taehyung's body because the elder looked utterly exhausted now. Like he might collapse in the middle of the street if they weren't careful. However, Taehyung insisted he was fine and that they still invite their friends out for dinner to discuss their next plan of action. Jungkook stared wearily at Taehyung but called Jimin and Hoseok, nonetheless, and invited them to meet up at a fine-dining sushi restaurant. When he got their answers, Jungkook turned toward Taehyung to see the elder barely puffing breathlessly, endeavoring to hide the fact that he was in any pain at the moment. Jungkook sighed softly at his insistence, biting the inside of his cheek once more before leading him into the establishment.
Jungkook approached the hostess with a smile and pleasant greeting, Taehyung watching as the woman instantly flushed. She stared at Jungkook intently, shyly brushing a piece of hair behind her ear while he talked with her about their party. Taehyung felt a pang of jealousy sweep through him as he continued to watch the girl boldly flirt with Jungkook. When she touched his hand over the counter, Taehyung decided to approach- only for Jungkook to shyly pull his hand away when he did. Taehyung didn't want to admit that that had bothered him but he was finding it harder to deny. When Jungkook turned back toward Taehyung, he could see the unreadable yet dark expression plainly on Taehyung's face. "Tae? Is everything okay?" Jungkook asked softly, watching as Taehyung chewed his lower lip. Jungkook couldn't tell that it was out of frustration that Taehyung chewed his lip. He thought that Taehyung was either thinking of something intently or embarrassed about something. However, the fire in Taehyung's eyes brought about a different thought for Jungkook as well while the elder remained silent. "Tae?" Jungkook addressed again, only for Taehyung's brooding gaze to fall on him. "It's nothing," Taehyung lied blatantly, his tone sounding aggressive while hating himself for feeling like this toward Jungkook. Although, he couldn't help the fact that he felt extremely undesirable after those appointments and that girl flirting with Jungkook didn't help his self-esteem either.
The girl walked around the counter and over toward them now, grabbing ahold of Jungkook's left arm. Taehyung watched as her delicate fingers grazed across the muscle of Jungkook's bicep, the action leaving goosebumps spreading across Jungkook's skin. To Taehyung's dismay, Jungkook smiled pleasantly at her. Taehyung felt like he was going to be sick from the ugly feelings of jealousy and disgust as she rubbed her thumb over his arm. Taehyung felt a throbbing pain in his chest like a deep chasm ripping open inside his heart as he continued to watch his husband play along with her flirtatious attitude. Taehyung turned his gaze toward their approaching friends, hastily wiping tears from his eyes. "Hey, guys," Taehyung greeted pleasantly, trying to control the tremors in his voice as Hoseok cocked an eyebrow. Before he could even ask what was wrong with Taehyung, Hoseok noticed the girl rubbing Jungkook's arm and chatting with him only. Hoseok rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arm hastily around Taehyung's neck and pulled him close. "Are we going to be sat anytime soon?" Hoseok asked respectfully, watching as the woman glared at him from behind her customer service smile. "Certainly. If you all will follow me this way," she announced hastily, grabbing menus before leading them to a table large enough for the seven of them.
Before Jungkook could sit down next to Taehyung, she bid for his attention once again by pulling him away from the table momentarily to talk. Taehyung felt heat rising to his face as his blood boiled while she continued to touch Jungkook. She smiled pleasantly and resumed talking to him, keeping his attention away from the group, even after their waiter came by and took their orders for drinks and appetizers. Taehyung sighed softly, resting his chin in the palm of his hand while he watched the hostess keep Jungkook's attention. Their conversation seemed quite animated and Taehyung felt his heart sink the more into the conversation Jungkook seemed to fall. With a brisk flick of his wrist to stare at his watch, Taehyung sighed once more. "Our flight leaves at seven-thirty tomorrow morning. Be packed and ready to leave," Taehyung mumbled bitterly, standing to his feet. He suddenly didn't feel hungry anymore and honestly, he wondered if Jungkook would even notice his absence at this point. "I'm going back to the room. I'm tired and not all that hungry anymore," Taehyung lied blatantly once again, hastily making his way toward the exit. He wiped tears from his eyes hastily as he rushed out of the restaurant and onto the street. He couldn't take being in that suffocating atmosphere any longer. Before any of his friends could catch up to him, Taehyung jogged lightly into a crowd of people, hoping he'd lose anyone that may have followed him. He didn't want their friends to see how much Jungkook flirting with someone else had hurt him. Taehyung huddled into himself, wrapping his arms tightly around himself before a quiet sob left his lips. Taehyung stumbled over a crack in the pavement, landing hard in someone else's arms. Taehyung glanced up at the unfamiliar face and smiled softly with tears in his eyes. "Thank you," he whispered bitterly, his voice trembling with emotion and unshed tears. "No problem, darlin'," the man stated pleasantly with a thick southern accent, his hold tightening under Taehyung's arms. "You're just the man I was looking for. I didn't think you'd be so beautiful though," the man added daringly, clapping a clothed hand over Taehyung's mouth and nose as he dragged him into the shadows of a nearby alley. As Taehyung flailed and attempted to escape this unknown man's clutches, he felt a needle prick the skin of his neck- the fluid injected burning underneath the surface of his skin.
Hoseok cleared his throat and stared at Jungkook with disdain because Taeheyung had left over twenty minutes ago and he hadn't even noticed yet. Before Hoseok could say anything though, Jimin stood to his feet and walked over to the two of them. While they were only talking about hobbies and interests, Jimin could see why this had hurt Taehyung's feelings. He was beginning to feel bad for Taehyung having to watch all that unfold. "Hey, Kookie. I think we should sit down and eat. Tae already left because he was tired of waiting on you," Jimin stated right in front of the girl, hoping this would dissuade her from flirting with him anymore. "What? He- He went back to the hotel? He didn't want to eat first?" Jungkook asked in confusion, only to realize that the ice in his friends' drinks had already melted. They were waiting that long for him? Jungkook hastily whipped out his phone and realized that he'd been talking with this girl for almost an hour. "Oh dear god, Tae! He's going to be so upset with me," Jungkook cried out hastily, grasping his hair as he panicked internally. "No shit, Sherlock," Jimin mumbled under his breath as Jungkook bolted from the restaurant in search of Taehyung.
Jungkook couldn't find any sign of Taehyung walking the streets and decided to call him to see where he was. Although, Jungkook's call went straight to voicemail and Jungkook couldn't blame Taehyung for being upset with him. Jungkook rushed to their hotel room, hoping to see Taehyung fast asleep in bed. That was his hope, at least. He'd rather Taehyung be asleep and ignoring his call rather than angry with him. However, when he entered the hotel room, Taehyung's limp body was sprawled out on the bed still fully clothed in his winter coat. Jungkook could hear the unfamiliar voices of two very distinct different men speaking in hushed voices near the bathroom. Jungkook silently shut the front door to their room, stepping to the side of it to make an effort to remain hidden within their hotel room. He didn't want these two men to realize he'd walked in on something he shouldn't have with Taehyung unconscious like that. However, one of the male's voices he did recognize as he listened closely to them.
"I don't care what it takes anymore. I want him on a flight back to Seoul with me. It's not kidnapping if he's my son," the voice stated blatantly, angry for some reason or another. "I hate seeing him like this. That man of his hasn't been taking good care of him. I know. I can tell by how thin and frail he is looking," the voice reprimanded Jungkook, disgusted with Jungkook as Jungkook scoffed quietly. He recognized that voice as none other than the CEO. He'd heard him angry plenty of times before to know who was speaking, although the other voice gave him pause. "I'll get him on that flight. I just want to confirm that he won't wake up and try to attack me or anything. You still goin' to hold true to your word once we get back to Seoul? He's a lot prettier than you let on," the other voice with a thick southern accent noted as the CEO scoffed loudly at the insinuations. "He has enough drugs in his system that even if he does wake up, he'll be too delirious and won't think anything of the sort. While you may be wary, my word is my bond. I don't like the man he married anyway, so once I get him to finalize his divorce, he's yours for the taking," the CEO reassured pleasantly as Jungkook gasped softly at that conversation. Taehyung was so frail that he was certain they'd overdosed Taehyung on whatever they'd given him. Jungkook watched Taehyung's limp, motionless body carefully, panicking internally. He didn't know how he was going to get Taehyung out of there and to a doctor without being spotted, but he was certain Taehyung was slowly fading away with each passing second that he hesitated. Without another moment of hesitation, Jungkook stepped out of the shadows of the room to grab one of the lamps off the front entrance table. He deliberately and silently rounded the corner, bashing one of the males in the back of the head with the lamp heavily. When it shattered, Jungkook used his fists to subdue the other male before rushing toward Taehyung. He lifted Taehyung's limp body carefully off the bed and against his own, realizing Taehyung's breathing was shallow, his skin was fairly cool to the touch, and blood trickled from his nose. "No, no! Don't you dare die on me," Jungkook cried hastily, lifting Taehyung's feet off the ground. Jungkook hastily rushed from the hotel room with Taehyung, informing the staff about the situation and how they'd need medical attention for Taehyung immediately before also noting that two strange men were still in their room. An ambulance arrived promptly with the police, the stranger, and the CEO being taken into custody for attempted kidnapping and distribution of an illicit substance. Taehyung was carted away in the ambulance with Jungkook following after them into the back of the ambulance. Only to realize he should have stayed behind and followed in a taxi instead. Shortly after being loaded into the ambulance and leaving the hotel grounds, Taehyung flatlined in front of Jungkook once more. Jungkook felt his heart drop into an empty abyss of overwhelming sorrow as he watched the EMTs work hard to resuscitate him.
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