The Truth
Melody says, "Quackity pushed Zak because he's jealous of you and Zak's relationship."
I blink at her dumbfounded. I say, "Wh-"
She cuts me off by saying, "I'm not done yet. This whole thing started because due to how close you and Zak kept being after you and Quackity started dating, it made Quackity worried that you'll end up breaking up with him for Zak. That whole thing that happened between Zak and Quackity at the gathering? Quackity made it seem that he was the victim, when in reality, my brother didn't even lay a single finger on him the whole time. Quackity messed up his whole appearance and pinned the blame on Zak in an attempt to make everyone, but especially you, to distance themselves or end up disliking Zak. And guess what? Quackity only did it because Zak refused his request of avoiding you as much as possible he knows that it would be unfair on both of you. This somehow convinced Quackity that Zak is trying to get you two to break up so that you can date Zak. But that is not true because Zak doesn't want to ruin your happiness. I'm guessing that since you and Zak are still so close even after Quackity's attempt to keep you two apart, he was driven with anger and frustration to the point where he ended up pushing Zak onto the road. ...Your 'boyfriend' isn't as innocent as he seems."
I stare at her in silence for what feels like forever. I... never could've imagined that Quackity would be this cruel. And it seems like it was due to nothing more than his jealousy and insecurity. He hasn't been given a valid reason to do all of this, has he? Back at the gathering, I had a feeling that there was more to the story than Quackity let on. He was very vague about what he and Skeppy discussed that supposedly drove Skeppy to physically fight with Quackity. In the end, Skeppy didn't even lay a finger on Quackity. ...But, I will admit that a part of me wanted to keep believing that Skeppy really didn't do anything to Quackity.
Either way, I ended up ignoring that and my own hunch on Quackity because I just kept telling myself that they are both reasonable adults that are capable with dealing with any issues that they have with each other. ...Turns out that Quackity acted more immaturely than I thought, trying to blindly defend himself when there was no real threat to begin with. In the end, he just ended up hurting people around him.
Then something occurs to me. I think back to what Melody said, and a question starts to linger in my mind. I say, "I understand if Quackity is jealous, but why would he think that Skeppy would want to break us up so that he can date me? He's one of the multiple people who understand that the way that Skeppy and I interact is just how our friendship works."
Melody stares at me for a second, and I could've sworn that her facial features were about to mold into what one would call a 'bruh' face. She then quickly glances behind her to look at Skeppy, unconscious in the hospital bed. She then hesitantly looks back at me and mutters out, "I shouldn't really be saying this... but I guess it would be for the better since you two seem super oblivious, and you guys could use a little push in the right direction..."
She then goes back to a deadpanned expression on her face and says, "Quackity thinks that because- well... he was able to put the pieces together and figured out that Zak has feelings for you. Romantic feelings. That's what he's figured out, but I'm not sure if he exactly knows that Zak has indeed fallen for you."
I hear my heart skip a beat at that. What... Skeppy has- feelings, no- in love with me? I... had no idea- well, of course, I had no idea! Or else I wouldn't have even asked that question in the first place! Stupid thought. What I meant is that I would've never imagined that Skeppy actually fell for me... I subconsciously think out loud, "But... why would Quackity think that I would go and date Skeppy? Does he have no faith in me? I fell for him after all, I'm his boyfriend..."
"Is that really what you think, Darryl? Or are you also that oblivious to your own feelings?"
I blink at her in suprise. I subconsciously say, "What?"
Melody lets out a huff of frustration. She says, "I've seen that way you've looked at my brother. You look at him in a way that you don't do for anyone else, including Quackity! It was clear since the first time that I met you that you secretly have feelings for Zak. If Quackity pays as much attention to those details as I do, then no wonder he was so worried!"
"That-... is not possible. I'm dating Quackity after a-"
"That does not mean that you have fallen for Quackity. You started dating Quackity to give it a try to have a romantic relationship between the both of you and see how things work out. If you really have been oblivious to your own feelings this whole time, then I can see why you've been so chill with dating Quackity. But- if you really have fallen for Quackity, if he's really that important to you, then answer me this, which thought terrifies you the most, losing Quackity or losing Zak?"
I stare at her in shock, wondering if she really asked what I just heard. I stare at her face, which looks so calm and confident, even with how dead inside her eyes look. She's serious. She's expecting me to answer. ...I guess I don't really have a choice, do I? I think about the thought of losing Quackity, my boyfriend, and I feel a bit sad at the thought. Maybe it feels even a bit depressing at most. I then think about losing Skeppy, no longer being in contact with him, or him just dying, the thought of no longer being able to see him, hear him, cherish him, touch him... immediately makes my stomach drop, my heart ache, and my brain start stressing out.
I look over at Skeppy, unconscious with bandages, and patched up bruises. I'm quickly filled with worry. What if he never wakes up? A certain thought immediately goes through my head. I can't lose him. ...I know Skeppy is important to me, but is he really that important to me? Quickly, a voice in the back of my head tells me yes. ...Maybe I do have feelings for him. I then look back at Melody, who is quietly waiting for my answer. But I can tell from the way she looks at me that she already knows what I'm about to answer. I slowly say, "Losing... Sk- ...Zak. ...I can't bear the thought."
Melody crosses her arms in silent triumph. She looks at me as if saying, 'you see'? After a moment of silence, Melody goes to sit down in a chair beside Skeppy's bed again to give me time to think at this realization. After an awkward moment of silence, she says while staring at Skeppy, "So, what are you going to do now?"
I furrow my eyebrows a bit in thought. I then mutter out, "What I should've done a while ago."
I then turn around and start to head for the door to get out of the room. Melody quickly asks, "Where are you going?"
"To the house with my so-called boyfriend."
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