Surprise Visitor
(The only part of the song that feels relevant to the chapter and past to this book lore is 1:58-2:28.)
I open the door, and my eyes widen at the person in front of me. I haven't seen her in years. We have stayed in contact, texting or calling each other every so often these past years, but we haven't actually seen each other since she was 18 and I was 16. Once I see her, I immediately notice the wide smile on her face, bursting with excitement. She has hazel-like eyes that were blue at birth but started to look grey as she got older, which can sometimes have a greenish or blueish color under direct sunlight. She has brown wavy hair that is normally put in a braid and such pale skin, along with a few freckles. It's my half-sister, Melody.
(Here is my character, Melody! I described her how I look like in real life, and her actions/words in this book will similarly, not exactly accurately, be like what I would personally say/do. This is because this character will represent me, the author, as if I were in the story. Also, don't attack me for making myself be Skeppy's half-sister in this story, okay? This is just an au/story. Plus, I like the thought of being related to Skeppy since I really like Skeppy's personality and content in real life. 🤭 Because let's be for real, who here would like to be related to Skeppy? Or even Bad?)
Her smile gets giddily wider while looking at my shocked face. But the shock soon vanishes and is replaced with joy as the impact of what's happening right now truly settles in. I can't help but bring up my own bright smile upon realizing the weight of the thought that I just had- Melody is here- my sister is here! Upon seeing the excitement on my face, Melody can't hold the urge anymore of wrapping her arms around me in an embrace. She exclaims in such a cheerful tone, "Zak!"
My smile gets wider at that, and it feels like tears are threatening to form in my eyes. Oh, how I missed hearing her kind voice, seeing her beauty and excitement in person, and feeling the warmth and love that comes from all her affectionate gestures, like her comforting hugs. I immediately hug her back. She gives me a tight squeeze for a second, as if wanting to take the air out of my lungs, but I know that she does that when she's excited and wants to in some way shower me with her love. I reciprocate the action, giving her a tight squeeze back. She lets out a giggle from that, and I can't help but laugh along with her. I say in disbelief, "Oh my god- you're actually here!"
Melody giggles at that. She then asks, "Did you like the surprise?"
I bury my face in her shoulder and say, "Mhm. Why wouldn't I?"
This is perfect. This is just the kind of uplift I needed after what's been happening these past days. After a moment, we finally break the hug. But we still have smiles on our faces. Melody says, "Well, I'm glad that you're happy to see me. I thought it was about time we reunited in person again after years."
Then a realization occurs to me. I say, "Wait- now that you mention it, how did you manage to get here? I thought you left to college in order to be a doctor."
"Oh, don't worry, I just recently graduated from medical school. I just need to do my residency, and then I'm officially a doctor! And since it just recently became summer, and I basically don't have to study as often as before since I graduated medical school and just need to do some training in my residency, I thought that I should come visit you for a bit for the summer. I managed to find that text for when you told me that you moved out of our hometown and came to this one, as it came along with your address. I then thought that it might be nice to give you a surprise, and here I am!"
"Wow, really!? Congrats, sis! ...Wait- how long are you gonna be staying in town?"
"Mm... probably a few weeks- for as long as I can manage, honestly. It's not like I'm renting someplace or bought a house yet since I have to go back for when my residency starts. But I definitely plan to someday move here so that we can regularly see each other like before!"
"So are you like... staying at a hotel?"
"Oh- yeah! That is the plan. Honestly- I haven't even checked in yet. My luggage is still in my car. I was just so anxious and excited that I couldn't wait any longer to see my baby brother. So as soon as I arrived in town, I came straight to your house!"
I stay silent for a moment, processing this information. Then, an idea pops in my head. I hesitantly say, "Um... actually- Melody? You could actually stay here if you want to. I have a spare room."
Her eyebrows slightly raise at the suggestion. She asks, "Really? Are you sure you wouldn't mind? We're adults now, and I don't want you to feel like I'm prying into your life or something. I don't want to be a bother. ...Though I do like the thought of living with you again, just like back when we were kids."
"Of course I don't mind! I insist! You should stay, and that way you can stay in town for as long as you like without any pressure. I honestly kind of want you to stay here for the whole summer... it's been kind of lonely lately."
Melody gives me a warm smile and says, "Thank you, Zak."
I return the smile, and we stay staring at each other for a moment before Melody's expression shifts into something of an unsettling one, as if something just dawned on her. She looks at me in the eyes concerned and asks, "...What do you mean, lonely? I thought you had some of your youtuber friends living in this town with you? Wait- now that I remember correctly, didn't you say that you're roommates with that best friend of yours? What was his name... Darryl, right? His online name is Badboyhalo? Is he here? Did something happen?"
I stare at her blankly for a few moments. Should I tell her what's been going on? ...I mean, I haven't exactly come out and told anyone how I've been feeling lately... Maybe it would do me some good to let some of those feelings out. Plus, Melody has always had the right things to say to me while growing up. She can come off as a bit of a therapist in those moments, but actually, I think that she more gives off motherly vibes as she is always caring and has so much affection to give to her loved ones. It honestly makes sense why she wants to be a mom someday. She wants someone to fully care for and help guide in order to have a good future, and just have a source to give all that extra love in her to. I take a deep breath and say, "Alright, something has occurred lately... why don't you come inside and I'll tell you?"
I invited Melody over to the living room, and we sat down on the couch as I explained to her everything that had happened these past days, along with my worries of how Bad may end up getting distant with me, and I'll never be close to him again. I don't want to lose my best friend. Though, I didn't share about my crush on him. I don't want anyone knowing about that detail. Once I finish speaking, with a few tears on my face, Melody gives me a sympathetic smile and wipes the small tears away from my face. She says, "Oh Zak... your feelings are understandable in this situation. But if I'm being honest, I wouldn't be so worried if I were you."
I perk up at that. I give her a hesitant look and say, "Really...?"
"Of course! I've heard about this kind of thing before. If you ask me, I find it a bit normal if someone tends to spend more time with a lover and unconsciously ignore their other close relationships like friends or even family. I think this is because they just want to spend as much time as possible to get to know their new lover better and learn to get comfortable around them, and you know- generate that trust. I bet this is what is happening with Darryl. He's spending as much quality time with- Alex is Quackity's name, right? Well, he's spending quality time with Alex because he wants to get an idea of where their relationship will develop, get to set any boundaries if they need to, maybe develop a comfortable routine now that they're living together, and just ultimately get a clear idea if he made the right choice to start dating Alex. Once all of that is settled, and their little 'honeymoon' stage is over, I bet things will soon get back to normal."
I take a moment for this information to settle in. I then ask in a surprisingly tiny voice, "Do you really think so?"
Melody gives me an encouraging smile. She says, "Yup! Before you know it, you and Darryl will start talking and hanging out just like before! Or- well- not exactly as before since you know- you don't live together anymore. But you'll definitely be closer than when you two were just online best friends. If Darryl really values your friendship, which I think he does- then at some point, he'll find a way to spend some time with you. You'll know when he's attempting to do that the moment he reaches out to you first, and not you having to contact him first. It honestly may seem a bit weird at first, and you two may have to take things a bit slow in order to fall back into a regular, healthy routine to spend time together, but knowing how close you two have become over the years- I bet that won't be much of a problem!"
"...I- guess I'll trust you on that."
I glance around at the house, reminiscing at how I've been feeling so lonely lately. Hopefully, Melody is right. I think she has an idea of what I'm thinking, as she studies my face with a knowing look in her eye. She softly says, "If you're really feeling so lonely here, then I'll try my best to stay here as long as I can, most likely the whole summer until I have to go do my residency, so that you can have some company."
My eyes light up a bit a that. I give her a smile and say, "Thanks, sis."
She smiles sweetly at me and says, "Anything for you, my dear brother."
After a moment of silence, I cleared my throat as a sign of moving on to a different topic. I say, "Anyways- uh- do you want me to show you the room you'll be staying at? And then I can help you unpack your things?"
"Oh- yes! Thank you."
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