Startling News
Badboyhalo's Pov:
I'm currently scrolling through my phone in the living room on the couch, liking fanarts and other tweets on Twitter. Suddenly, I hear the front door open and close. I look up and see that Quackity came back home. I smile and say, "Hey, Quackity. How was it downtown? Did you get what you needed?"
Only now do I realize that Quackity looks startled, like if he's seen a ghost. He doesn't respond to me. I think he's fazed out. He starts walking back and forth in a hurry, lost in thought. This is starting to worry me now. I sit up properly and say a bit louder, "Quackity?"
Quackity snaps back into reality and looks at me with wide eyes. He says awkwardly, "Oh-! Um, hey Bad...! Sorry that you had to see that..."
"What's wrong? You look very startled. Did something happen downtown?"
Quackity looks hesitant for a moment but then lets his head droop a little as if he felt defeated. He then says, "I think... you should watch the news."
I raise an eyebrow in curiosity, but just do as he says. I grab the remote, turn on the TV, and put on the news channel. It quickly puts on the latest news. I try to stay calm as I listen and read to what has happened. Quackity just silently watches the TV. So far, it's saying that there has been an accident where someone has been run over by a car. Poor guy. But, is this really what has Quackity so worked up? It's saying that it happened downtown, but unfortunately, things like this happen almost, if not, every day. Did Quackity witness this? If he did, that would somewhat explain his behavior. I mean, it must be pretty traumatizing to see something like this happen before your very eyes-
Then the TV shows a picture of the person that was run over by the car, and it feels my heart stopped for a moment. My eyes widen as I realize... that's a picture of Skeppy. Skeppy was- hit and ran over by a car!? I put a hand over my mouth as tears threatened to spill out. No no no no... this can't be happening. I almost let out a desperate sigh of relief once I hear that Skeppy has been taken to a hospital and is currently being taken care of. That's... good, right? That must mean that he's still alive or has a chance of survival if he's in the hospital, right? He didn't immediately die, right? The TV shows the address of the hospital that Skeppy is in- wait... I recognize that address. I know where that hospital is! I abruptly get up and say, "I- I need to go to the hospital. I- need to make sure that Skeppy is okay- Quackity, are you coming?"
Quackity stares at me for a moment before embarrassedly looking away as he mutters out, "I... think it would be better if I didn't go... But you go ahead."
He must feel like it would be awkward after what happened between him and Skeppy. I just give him a nod of understanding. I grab my keys and open the front door. I quickly say to Quackity, "I'll be back soon!"
I then close the door behind me and head to my car. I need to know how Skeppy is doing right now.
Once I arrive at the hospital, I quickly get out of my car and head inside the hospital. I go up to the front desk and ask the lady there, "Has there been a patient checked in here named Zak Ahmed?"
The lady looks up at me, and once the name registers in her head, she looks at me with a pitiful look. She says, "Are you talking about... the one who got ran over?"
"Oh, well... Mr. Ahmed is still being treated right now. So we aren't currently accepting visitors for him. The only people who are allowed close to his room are family members."
"How is Sk- Zak? Do you know his condition right now?"
"As far as we know, Mr. Ahmed is alive but is still on the brink of death. You would have to wait a while until we know for certain what his condition is."
"Can I- stay here in the waiting room and wait until there is any other news?"
"If you want to, yes, you can gladly stay here and wait. I'll let you know when there is further news on him. And in case Mr. Ahmed does survive... would you like for me to add you to the visitor list? That way, you'll be able to see him the moment that he's able to have visitors."
"Yes- please..."
The lady turns to her computer and says, "Alright then, what is your name and relationship to the patient?"
"My name is Darryl Noveschosch. Noveschosch is spelled N O V E S C H O S C H. I am friends with the patient."
"Alrighty then, go ahead and take a seat, Mr. Noveschosch. I'll let you know when there's news."
I nod and thank the lady. I then go and take a seat at the waiting room to wait until they have anything to say about Skeppy.
It has been about an hour since I've been in this waiting room. The whole time, I've been watching other patients and visitors coming in and out of the hospital, or I just busy myself in my phone, trying to distract myself from the situation at hand, but I can't. But then finally, the lady at the front desk calls out to me, saying, "Mr. Noveschosch? Can you come over here, please?"
I immediately stand up and head over to the front desk. I ask, "W-what is it?"
She says, "Mr. Ahmed is currently in room 214, and they're accepting visitors. So you'll have to go to the second floor if you want to see him. I don't know Mr. Ahmed's exact condition, you'll need to ask the doctors for details, but as far as I know, he is alive but still unconscious and in a pretty bad condition."
"I- I see... thank you. ...So does that mean that I can...?"
"Yes, you can already go and visit his room."
I quickly go and make my way to the nearest elevator and press the number 2 button, indicating for the elevator to go on the second floor. Once the elevator arrives on the second floor, I quickly do my best to find room 214. Once I do, I pause for a moment to take a deep breath. I need to prepare myself for whatever I end up seeing behind this door. I gently grab the doorknob and open the door. I immediately hear the soft sounds of the heart monitor, indicating that Skeppy is alive. I walk inside the room and gently close the door behind me.
I am met with two sights. First is the most obvious one, which is Skeppy lying unconscious on a hospital bed. His head and legs are wrapped in bandages. Some other small bruises on his face are covered in band-aids or patches. It looks horrible. I hate the sight. It fills me with a gut-wrenching feeling. One of the things I hate most is seeing Skeppy so... vulnerable, so... defenseless and destroyed, whether it is physically or mentally. I hate it because Skeppy isn't these things. He doesn't deserve to be this way. He isn't this way. He is strong both mentally and physically, he's tough, and he's resilient. I know he is.
The next thing I see in the room is a young woman sitting in a chair beside the bed. It takes a moment for me to realize that this woman is actually Zak's older sister, Melody. And she looks... the complete opposite from how I remember her. The last time I saw her, she looked cheerful and happy yet could somehow be calm and serious at the same time. But right now, she basically looks dead inside with that empty look in her eye, and it looks like she's been pushed to the edge and could break at any moment from the look of her red puffy eyes.
Skeppy has told me once that she is surprisingly well at keeping her composure in most situations. It looks like she's trying to do that now, as she's not shedding a tear and sitting up straight with her hands in her lap. If you saw her from behind, you would think that nothing's wrong until you saw her face. Considering that, she's honestly doing quite well at keeping her composure even though she sees her brother in probably the worst condition that's he's ever been in. Melody is looking straight at Skeppy, but it looks like her gaze is lost into space.
She might be too deep in her thoughts right now. I've just been standing here like an idiot for a few seconds already. I wonder if Melody even knows that I'm here or if she's so deep in her thoughts that she hasn't even noticed my presence. She hasn't moved this whole time. Should I say something, or- Melody says out of nowhere, "He's in a coma."
I was kinda startled by the fact that Melody did indeed notice my presence that I it took me a moment to register her words. After a moment, I ask, "For- how long?"
"They don't know for sure, but they have high hopes that it won't be for too long. His body is surprisingly taking the injuries well, so they think that he'll make a good recovery. That must be because the car didn't hit any vital organs. It only mainly hit his head and legs. I did witness it after all. ...Once he wakes up, he won't walk for a while, but hopefully, he'll recover quickly."
I let the words sink in for a moment. But before my worries could fully set in, Melody asks, "How did you find out that he's here?"
It takes a moment before I respond. Melody's aura right now feels a bit off, after all. I say, "Well, Quackity told me to check out the news, and that's how I found out."
In a rather cold tone, Melody says, "Oh, did he now?"
I don't respond. I don't think I'm meant to. It felt like an automatic thought that she just happened to say out loud. After a moment of awkward silence, I ask, "...How did this all happen, if you don't mind me asking?"
The answer is immediate. Melody says, "Oh, I wouldn't mind telling you at all. But I don't think you'll quite like what I have to say. So, why don't you ask Quackity instead?"
I take a moment to process her words. I then furrow my eyebrows in confusion. I ask, "What does Quackity have to do with this?"
"He told you to check the news, didn't he? Where exactly do you think he found out about the news?"
I think back to Quackity's behavior back at the house. I hesitantly ask, "Did... Quackity witness it as well?"
"Hm, that's one way to put it. Why don't you ask him for the exact details? Then tell me what he says. I would love to know whether he tells the truth or if he's going to lie like a coward."
"...Why do you think that he'll lie?"
"If I tell you, you'd understand why, but you may not believe my word."
It's kind of unsettling how Melody has been talking this whole time without looking at me. After a thoughtful moment, I say, "Skeppy has told me that you basically helped raise him, and if that is true, then you both must have similar morals. And I know that Skeppy wouldn't lie about something so serious, so I am inclined to believe that it is the same for you."
"...So you really want me to tell you?"
"Alright then... I wonder how your little boyfriend will get himself out of this one."
"What do you-"
"It's Quackity's fault that Zak is like this."
I am stunned with shock for a moment. I don't know what to think right now. I whisper out, "...What?"
"Quackity pushed Zak onto the road, which led to the car running over Zak."
"But... why would Quackity do that?"
At last, Melody turns to look at me with that empty look in her eye. But now, it looks a bit cold. She asks, "Do you really want to know why? The truth that Quackity has tried to keep from you, which Zak has been too afraid to tell you?"
I open my mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. It's unsettling how Melody's eyes are turning cold to a nerving seriousness that is trying to hide its anger. She stands up and starts to slowly walk up to me. She asks, "I said, do you want to know the truth? Everything? Because in order for one thing to be answered, everything else needs to be explained."
After a nervewrecking moment, I say, "Yes."
"Are you sure? The information I have will make you realize that multiple things you've known to be true are false."
She stands right in front of me, looking me dead in the eyes. I then say, "...Yes, I'm sure."
"Alright then, here's the truth."
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