New Friends??
Snapping out of your fantasy of reuniting with your mama, you turn your attention back to the large door leading to Jack Horner's office, you were about to make plans to break in when you heard what sounded like the smashing of a roof and the shattering of glass.
Panic spread through you as that could either mean Jack Horner tripped, knocked a bunch of stuff over and fell out the window which seemed unlikely, or someone else had just done a horrible attempt at stealth to try and steal the map, which seemed more likely. Stuck on what to do for a moment you pressed your ear to the door hoping to get an idea of what was happening and plan a moment to strike.
"Would you stop talking about bloomen pies, Focus!" You heard what sounded like a female British voice and the smashing of a bottle "Or i'll punch holes in the lot of ya"
"Oh bums" You heard another female British voice say before you heard what sounded like a shelf full of glass bottles. Or as you know from the very few times you've worked with Jack Horner. Magic bottles hit the floor.
Next thing you know the door is flung open, your trying not to get trampled by Jack Horner, and then your on a flying carpet, with what appeared a ginger tom cat with a black cavalier hat with a yellow feather (I looked it up, it says that's the name of the hat Puss wears) and a beard and black boots. Strangely he looks familiar somehow. And another cat, a female tuxedo with a mask covering her face and what appeared to be a dagger at her belt. The ginger cat took notice of you pretty quickly.
Ginger cat: "Hey w-who are you?" He said causing the tuxedo cat to turn and see you.
Y/n: "I'm asking you gatos the same" You say before your all knocked off the carpet by a flying trident, courtesy of Senor Horner.
You all land on a convayer belt with Horner's guards coming towards you. The ginger cat quickly takes off with the map
Tuxedo cat: "What, get back here!"
She says running after him. You meanwhile quickly take a different path.
Ginger cat: "The best thief has won"
He says before he realizes he's holding one of his boots instead of the map.
Y/n: "Your right he has"
You say from a different convayer belt, holding the map, looking at the dumbfounded ginger cat as he tries to put his boot back on.
Ginger cat: "Oh come on!"
You jump off the convayer belt and land on a railing with more of Horner's guards coming towards you. You quickly kick one in the face, before drawing your knife and slashing their beards scaring some off. Then pouncing on the last one and clawing him.
You were about to make your escape when you noticed you didn't have the map anymore. Quickly looking around you spot the tuxedo cat standing next to several wheels... with the map.
Tuxedo cat: "Thank you for the help senor, nice fighting by the way"
She then stabs her knife into the wheel behind her taking her up and leaving you staring after her.
Tuxedo cat: "Nice catching up with you Puss, gotta go"
You heard her call after the ginger cat, as she jumped up the wheels. Snapping out of your stupider, you rushed towards the wheel and stab your knife into the wheel taking you up after the tuxedo cat, you continued climbing until she stopped on a window and was looking back and not down at you. Seizing the opportunity you grabbed onto her leg causing her to yelp out in surprise. But before either of you could do anything. The ginger cat whose name was Puss crashed into her causing all three of you to crash through the window, and somehow all three of you getting your paws on the map.
You tore through the covering of a wagon, while you and the tuxedo cat landed on your feet, Puss landed on his head.
???: "Hey Puss"
You look up to see a dog wearing.. a sock?
Dog: "I found a sandwich in here, I think it's tuna- Drive Perro!"
Puss cut him off while knocking the sandwich out of his paws. The dog quickly grabbed the reins and the wagon took off. With several guards in pursuit. Literally as they shot flaming arrows at all of you.
Dog: "Oh cool more members of the team"
He said while the three of you were fighting over the map and somehow not ripping it.
Cats: "We are not a team"
Puss: "Eyes on the road!"
Tuxedo cat: "Who are you you two anyway"
Y/n: "Y/n but that's not important"
Dog: "I'm Puss's best friend"
Puss: "No, he isn't"
Dog: "And his therapy dog"
Puss: "Definitely, not!"
Tuxedo cat: "Finally, you need therapy"
Y/n: "Agreed, from what I've seen your mad senor"
This further irritates Puss.
The guards continue to chase the wagon while firing flaming arrows.
Puss: "Give me the map, trust me"
Tuxedo cat: "Trust you? Like I did in Santa Coloma!"
Puss: "Really, Santa Coloma"
Tuxedo cat: "Si Santa Coloma!"
It wasn't hard to pick up a bad past between these two.
Y/n: "How about you give me the map"
Both: "NO!"
The three of you continue to argue over the map, when one of the guard's arrows misses you and skims the top of it setting it on fire that is quickly extinguished by the three of you.
Taking notice of the guards chasing them for perhaps the first time, Puss kicks several sacks off the wagon... that are conveniently filled with gold, attracting a mob of citizens into the middle of the road and blocking the guards.
Puss: "Good people, accept the golden gift, from Puss in Boots!"
So that's why he looked familiar, he was the legendary Puss in Boots. You'd heard of him during your travels around Spain and even seen him a few times, but never interacted with him until now.
For a moment he stared back into the crowd.
Puss: "Speed up go go!"
He said quickly turning to the dog, whose name you are assuming is Perro kicks the wagon into speed and out of the city, carrying you and your new... friends??
(Finally met up with team friendship, what adventures will lay ahead for the four of you I wonder?)
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