Chapter 40 (II)
Bloom POV
"Now!" I yell at the girls, signalling them to transform.
"Magic Winx!"
Out of frustration, I threw spell after spell at them. Some directly hitting them, others hitting nearby in an attempt to make them lose their composure, but to no avail. Of course, they could absorb a lot of them. There was nothing else we could really do other than try and trap them, which would be very difficult.
"Haven't you learned anything, fairies?" Ogron laughs without humour, "big mistake. You had the chance to surrender, to save all of these pathetic children, but you're too prideful to admit defeat."
"Look who's talking," I mutter, half-dodging an attack from Gantlos. A few of us were hovering close to a certain spot, but with our luck it was almost as if they were avoiding it. Just one of you go in already!
It doesn't take very long for them to knock us all down. We were spread out, unfortunately none of us were in the "designated area" which was beginning to feel a lot smaller than it was, seeing as none of us could find our way into it.
"Destroy them all," Ogron orders, and then turns towards us, still laying on the ground, "you had your chance to surrender. Say goodbye, fairies."
They raise their hands into the air and a large, dark sphere slowly begins to form above the school- getting darker and darker as the spell progresses.
I-Is this it?
My vision was slightly blurry from impact to my head when I fell, and there was a ringing in my ears that was giving me a headache. All I could do was stare at my extended arm out to the wizards. There was nothing I could do, yet my body was screaming get up.
I tried to listen. I tried to push myself off of the ground, when a pair of hands grabbed my shoulders and forcefully flung me across the courtyard. I had been thrown around so much previously that it made me even more dizzy, to the point where I couldn't see clearly in front of me.
When I regain steady vision, I look up to see a familiar fairy with her hands on her hips.
"Well, well, look who's all powerful now," she teases, staring down at me.
"Flora, what's going on?" I ask. Her fairy form didn't look different, which was strange. Her clothes weren't any darker and neither was her hair, but her eyes looked different. Darker. It definitely wasn't a trick of the light.
"I am going to be independent for once. No Winx, no Wizards-"
On her little rant, my eyes wandered past her to the barrier that was growing darker, do they know she's here? Surely not, or they wouldn't be doing this. Flora will be going down with us.
So does that mean she will die too? If she does, they'll lose their power! But of course we wouldn't let them do that, but we know that they share the same fate as her.
She's evil, but she looks the same in fairy form from her head to her- feet! Her feet!
Flora was standing in the area that we had marked out with the spell. Or, at least, in my dizzy state it looked that way.
Channelling her-!
What if-?
I looked over my shoulder to the girls who could barely get up, and then to the wizards who had nearly finished their spell. I knew I had to act quick, and we had nothing to lose. If it was all true, then their powers were linked to Flora's in some way or another.
"Do the spell! Now!" I yell, and a few of the Winx lift their heads to give me confused looks.
"We don't have much time! All of you, do it now!" I yell again, my voice carrying through to all the other fairies and Miss Faragonda.
They seem to sense the panic in my tone of voice, and as quickly as they can raise their hands into the air and begin the spell. Flora, however, also senses the change in mood and attempts to fly away from her spot. Filled with adrenaline, I jump towards her and pull her down by her ankle. She comes crashing down and lands on her side with a thump.
"I'm sorry, Flo, but I have to do this," I sigh while attempting to hold her down, ignoring her protests and aggressive struggling.
"Get off of me!" A forceful kick to the stomach by Flora sends me tumbling onto my back, winded slightly. Before she can get out, a bright flash of light temporarily blinds me and I turn away.
The light fades to reveal Flora, no longer transformed, on her knees and her head bowed down. I immediately rush over to her, my stomach still a little sore from her kick but I ignored it- she wasn't herself, "are you alright?"
I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Miele, "I'll make sure she's okay, you lot need to take care of them," she motions towards where I knew Ogron and his men where.
"Their magic won't be gone, but it'll definitely be weaker," Tecna adds, and I only then realise that the Winx are on their feet now.
"Convergence spell on my mark," I tell them, loud enough so they could hear me but quiet enough so the wizards couldn't.
Their barrier - or whatever it was - had disappeared, and it seemed the men were recovering from the shock of Flora's magic being taken, I knew it, they were linked! Well, Tecna new it.
"Miss Faragonda!" I yell at our Headmistress who also notices the weaker than usual wizards.
"You really think getting rid of her magic would get rid of ours?" I hear a laugh come from Ogron.
Converging our magic, we fire our magic with as much strength as we can. Miss Faragonda, the other headteachers and even the other fairies help with the spell.
The spell creates a blast that sends us staggering backwards.
"Quickly girls!" Miss Faragonda appears out of nowhere and hands us all-too-familiar magic restraining handcuffs and we race over to the wizards to cuff them.
"This should refrain them from using magic until we figure out what to do with them," Headmistress Griffin pats my shoulder lightly and I smile, knowing the teachers would take care of them.
The ice that encased all of the Red Fountain students had, well, melted and the teachers ordered all of the students to go inside. They stagger indoors, weak and exhausted, but alive.
"Oh don't you worry, we have just the place for these guys," a voice speaks from behind us, "and this time, they won't get out."
The teachers seemed to recognise the woman that the voice belonged to, and began to shake her hand and hug her. There were a few others behind her that they greeted, too. The girls and I exchanged confused glances, but could tell from the increased chatter that we wouldn't be getting an explanation anytime soon.
"Hey, they did it!"
"Sky?" I gasp, rushing over to my boyfriend and tackling him in a hug, "you're okay!"
"Of course," he chuckles, "we always turn out okay, don't we?"
"What happened? Where were you?" I ask frantically, "how did you get here?"
Sky opens his mouth to speak, but Stella grabs my arm, a blushing Brandon behind her, "we can catch up later! Shouldn't we check up on Flora first?"
"Right," I nod.
She was still kneeling, but her head was raised slightly and it seemed Miele was coaxing her into awareness.
"Girls!" She smiles weakly upon noticing us.
"How are you feeling?" I ask. She looks up and away, seemingly not hearing my question. The wizards were blindfolded and handcuffed, being held down by some important looking people.
"D-Did we really do it this time? For real?" She asks.
I nod, patting her shoulder, "yeah, Flora, we did it."
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