Chapter 4
Bloom POV
"Yes, I had a feeling Ninfea would know," Miss Faragonda nods, "I really don't see any other explanation."
"But- but how could the leaders and guardians of the Magic Dimension be so irresponsible?" I ask.
"I'm really not sure," the Headmistress shakes her head, "they often keep to themselves."
"Aren't you included, though, Miss Faragonda?" Stella asks.
"Well, yes, but those who didn't take a "break" aren't really included in it all. I've tried to contact some of my friends that I know were involved but no one seems to be responding. I know that after a few months they returned, last week or the week before, but I haven't heard a thing," she shrugs, "I suppose they're just getting back into the swing of things."
We explain what the leader of Pixie Village advised us to do and Miss Faragonda agrees, "you may all stay here in your room for as long as you wish. It would be a pleasure to have you all staying here again."
Helia POV
I sat down on the bench and sighed, I wonder what Flora's doing right now.
The guys and I returned to Red Fountain a few days ago when the girls left for Alfea. We decided to spend our time wisely since clearly the girls were called back to Alfea for some sort of reason. Knowing Miss Faragonda, it was likely not good.
I watched the other Specialists training. I never used to train very much, but I've actually began to find it peaceful. Exercise in general seems to relieve stress for me, as I had been told many times but didn't realise until recently. Professor Saladin was keeping a close eye on the guys and I. When we arrived, we talked to him for a while and figured out a training plan. We trained daily, it wasn't needed but it was better to be safe and we all enjoyed it. I preferred to train in the morning in my own company, though. Peaceful.
My hand brushed against my drawing pad which I hadn't noticed was sat next to me. Flora was the one that had encouraged me to get back into it. I had almost forgotten how much I loved art. She dedicated a whole room in our new house to my hobby, a surprise for my most recent birthday. Flora had hung up some of her "favourite pieces" and bought me an easel. Needless to say, I spent the majority of my alone time in that room. Now that we returned to Red Fountain and shared a room with the guys, I didn't want to bring anything too precious with me. Not only was there not enough space for it but I just didn't have the time anymore. So, I brought my drawing pad and a few other small things to keep me creative.
Strangely, I hadn't spoken to Flora much since the move to our schools. Of course, it wouldn't be permanent, but it wasn't exactly planned very well and it was confusing. Soon after the girls were called back Riven had the idea that we should return here to train properly.
Sometimes, before work in the mornings, we would go down to the beach when no one was there and train. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't the same and we all knew it. We loved Red Fountain, just as the girls loved Alfea.
I never expected to be here so long, but before we knew it Professor Saladin was escorting us to our rooms and we were back into the swing of things. We used the ship to travel back and forth, we went back to Gardenia to let Rick know about our plans and make sure our homes were locked up.
Flora had called me to tell me that the girls were going to be staying at Alfea and I told her about us, but that was really all. I probably should call to check up on her. It's only been a few days but she might be worried. They're probably busy, I guess.
"If you would follow me, I have something that I must discuss with you," Saladin catches our attention, he takes us inside and leads us through the halls of the school.
He begins to speak as we walk, "you may know but many fairies, witches and other magical beings have been extremely weakened lately-"
"They have?" Riven asks.
"Yeah, I've not heard anything about this," Brandon shakes his head.
"You haven't?" The Professor asks and we all shake our heads.
"Well, it's been happening. The Winx probably didn't feel much of the effect seeing their powerful status, and they've likely not use magic a lot recently. But many magical beings have had their powers weakened and Miss Faragonda contacted me while you boys were training," he opens the door to one of the classrooms, "we must talk in here, come in quickly."
"Why in here?" Sky asks but the teacher simply ushers us all inside.
"I don't want anyone to hear us in the halls. Classes aren't in session now so no one is around. I must explain to you what Miss Faragonda told me," he sighs.
"The Winx went to the Tree of Life-" he begins to explain everything that the Winx has discovered through Pixie Village.
"So the leaders of the Magic Dimension illegally took a break?" Riven laughs, "and that's making fairies sick?"
"Not illegally, just irresponsibly," Saladin shakes head, "and if I didn't know any better I'd agree."
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Miss Faragonda also agreed with me, but there's a possibility that a dark force is at work here-"
"The Wizards?" Brandon immediately asks, which causes us all to talk at the same time, trying to find out what our teacher meant by a "dark force".
"Now, now we mustn't panic! It is a possibility, yes, but their cell was one of the most highly guarded and magic-infused cells ever made, so that possibility is very small. No, I think it is a dark force but likely not them. But you mustn't tell the Winx," he tells us.
"Why not? Shouldn't they deserve to know?" I ask, "after all, they were the most involved."
"Exactly. We don't want them to panic in unnecessarily," he says, looking us all in the eye, "we will deal with this quickly and quietly, do you understand?"
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