Chapter 38
Aisha POV
"So, all you need is something to absorb magic?" The Headmistress concludes.
"Please, Miss Faragonda, you must have something that can help us. What about the Magic Archive?" Bloom pleads.
"Of course there is something, but it would be difficult to use it to the extent that we intend," she sighs, "but I believe that if we use it properly, this amulet can help us."
We use our Enchantix keys to enter the "Hall of Enchantments" which held the entire history of the Magic Dimension. The Headmistress leads us through the halls. We stop a few times to gaze at a few interesting things but eventually end up at a gold stand with a large blue gem inside.
"Another weird necklace thing?" Stella asks.
"This time, it's not the gem that's the key," the older woman chuckles, "there is a powder inside that is mostly useless without the aid of fairies. I'm not sure how effective it would be seeing as everyone is sick but we can definitely try."
She continues, "it used to be used a long time ago when fairies or other magical beings abused their power, and the council would take it away from them. The powder is fair in that a lot of people have to do the spell for it to work. That way one person can't make the decision alone and take someone's magic. It would be done by a vote."
"So it has to be done by lots of people doing a spell?" I ask.
"And if we did it would take even more people because all of our magic is much lower than usual, and the wizards' is higher. It would tire us out, but if it worked then we would be safe," she explains.
"If? So you mean there's no guarantee that it'll work?" Musa asks and Miss Faragonda nods.
"So it's a bit of a gamble then, if it doesn't work out, we'd all be too tired to defend ourselves," Bloom concludes.
"Well, what do we have to lose?" I shrug.
"I think we should play it safe for now, girls," Miss Faragonda suggests, "I'd rather that plan be a last resort."
"Well, how did the meeting go? Did you figure anything out?" I ask.
The headmistress pauses for a moment before shaking her head, "they just want to fight, they don't see the point in anything else."
"But that's the same as giving in! No way can we beat them with magic alone! You even said yourself that we have to use our brains and not our wings," Bloom argues.
After a long while of pleading, Miss Faragonda eventually gives in and agrees to focus on our plan, "alright, I'll let the other teachers know of this idea, but we will need to figure out how exactly we will trap the wizards."
"You leave that up to us," Bloom nods, "you and the other teachers focus on gathering everyone for the spell."
Flora POV
My breath felt shaky. It felt as though I was fading in and out of consciousness, but I was still walking. Feet being pulled along, one in front of the other.
I didn't remember leaving. At all. I had only came to my senses in the middle of a dense forest.
Turn around. Go back to Red Fountain, my brain urged me, but my legs continued to force one foot in front of the other. Black dots were clouding my vision, and I knew I had no control of my body. I had to try and stay calm, breathe. Keep your head.
It felt as though I was continuously fainting, my eyes would become blurry and suddenly I was in a completely different place.
The Winx will find me. I know they will.
Miele POV
I eagerly watched as the Alfea Headmistress and some other teachers gathered all of the fairies and witches for the spell. The Winx were helping, too. They had decided to section off as big of an area as they could to do the spell on, to try and trap the wizards in. When they would be in this area, we could all activate the powder and take their magic.
It was a struggle due to our sickness, but eventually the powder was in place and the spell was ready. My own magic was quite weak, so I understood the struggle.
"Can we help? Can we help?"
"The spell's already been set, Pixies," I laugh.
"Please! We could be so helpful!" Tune begs.
"I'm not sure if-"
I sighed, looking over my shoulder at the Winx girls who were preoccupied chatting to Miss Faragonda, "oh, alright, but try and keep quiet about it to them," I motion with my head over to the girls and the pixies nod excitedly.
"But you can only help with the spell!" I add. Their smiles fall slightly, but they nod, knowing that would be all they would be allowed to do, anyway, "after, you will stay with the pets in the Magic Archive with the pets until the wizards are- no longer a threat."
"It's tomorrow they're supposed to come here, huh?" Lockette asks.
I nod, sighing, "well, that's what they're supposed to do but we don't know for sure. It could be some sort of trick, so fairies are taking turns as lookouts during the night to make sure there's no surprise attacks."
"That's a good idea," Digit praises.
"Hey everyone, I think it's about time we got some rest," Tecna draws our attention, "except for Aisha and Stella who are on first lookout shift with some others."
"Uh-" I raise my hand slightly and the girls look at me, "could I maybe go on lookout with you guys? I don't think I'll be able to sleep anyway."
"Of course!" Stella grabs my wrist and leads me away with Aisha.
"Do you think anything will happen tonight?" I nervously ask.
"Whatever happens, I promise we'll be fine," Aisha smiles slightly before looking out towards the sun setting in the sky, "we always have been and it's not about to change. We're going to get Flora back and take down those evil men."
I smirk slightly, holding out my pinky finger, "promise?"
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