Chapter 35
Bloom POV
"What has happened?" Miss Faragonda sounds slightly alarmed through the video call, she can clearly see the panic on our faces.
We frantically explain the situation, stressing that it is an emergency and we have to act now.
"Yes, well, I'm afraid that something terrible has also happened here, but I think it would be better for you all to come and see for yourselves. I have decided to relocate Alfea back to it's original position, please come here and you will see why."
So, with the aid of the Red Fountain ships, we quickly make our way over to the fairy school. The palms of my hands were uncontrollably sweaty, a feeling I was all too familiar with.
Miss Faragonda greets us at the entrance, "come along quickly, girls, and try not to look too worried. I'm trying to keep the girls as calm as possible, I think it would be best to leave telling them until the last moment possible."
She leads us to, of course, her office, and we stand anxiously in front of her desk. The Headmistress sighs, her eyebrows were slightly furrowed and her lips pursed into a tight line. She finally spoke, "I received this message early this morning."
A dark cloud formed a circle to Miss Faragonda's right, appearing to be a screen to display the message. Ogron's distorted face appears and we all gasp, but otherwise remain silent.
"Good day to all fairies, witches, etcetera, however many of you there are left," he addresses loudly, "I assume I do not need to introduce myself, my wizards and I have become somewhat popular within the dimension," he laughs without humour.
"In our custody we have your entire council of "leaders" and those who attempted to oppose us. The nature fairy will soon be joining us, and when she does, I will not hesitate to come for you. We will be the most powerful beings in the entire dimension. We can destroy you all in the blink of an eye," he threatens.
"However, Winx, I know you're watching as you obviously have nothing better to do," he leans in, "if you publicly surrender to the Wizards of the Black Circle in three days time and declare that we are indeed, the most powerful, we will spare the lives of all the innocent little fairies and whatever else is down there with you."
"Remember, we will soon have Flora," he adds, "I don't believe you have much choice in the matter."
The screen suddenly disappears, and we are all stunned into silence for a moment.
I shake my head, "even if we did do that, there's no chance he'd let all these people go."
"That's why I'm concerned," Miss Faragonda nods, "either way we will lose."
"What about the Specialists? He didn't mention them," Stella frowns.
"Maybe that's a good thing. They won't be paying much attention to them," Aisha suggests.
I nod, "I guess, yeah."
"Alright girls, that's all for now. Feel free to try and come up with some ideas that could help us. I will contact Headmaster Saladin and Headmistress Griffin," we are dismissed out of the office.
Miss Faragonda POV
"What if we brought all of the students here? It would make sense for us all to be together at such a time," Saladin suggested, "strength in numbers."
"I agree," I nod, "but it would be terribly crowded. Where would everyone stay?"
"The boys could always move their ships here and sleep overnight."
"Are you sure, Saladin?" I ask.
"Of course," he nods, "they're trained to handle such conditions, after all."
"And I could just use a spell to move Cloud Tower near here. We could, also, sleep there and be on Alfea grounds during the day. I would honestly be surprised if Ogron stuck to his promise about three days time," Headmistress Griffin shakes her head disapprovingly.
"Yes," I agree, "it's unlikely, which is why we must be completely prepared at least in two days, but preferably sooner."
"We're ready to fight if needs be," Saladin adds.
"No," I lean forward in my chair, "we are not going to fight."
"But- what else are we going to do? Give in?" Griffin folds her arms, "absolutely not."
"No," I repeat, "our best tool of survival is our brain, and I suggest that we find a way to outsmart the Wizards of the Black Circle."
Stella POV
We rush into the extremely crowded assembly hall- three schools were squished inside. It was amazing how we had all managed to fit in (with some standing) and the hall was very loud. Yet somehow, with the clap of her hands, Miss Faragonda had managed to silence us all within seconds.
This tension in here is so thick you could cut it with a knife, or I could stamp on it with these beautiful shoes, or-
"For those of you who have not yet been informed, we will soon be under attack by the wizards," the Headmistress paces slightly, "they demand that we, more specifically the Winx, surrender to them or else they will destroy us all."
The murmuring begins, and a few people glance towards us.
"However," she holds up her hand, signalling silence once again, "I have requested that our three schools join forces for the time being. We are working on a plan to trick the Wizards."
"Working on? So they don't actually have one yet?"
"I have a bad feeling about this."
"Those Wizards are far too strong! Three teachers can't take them down!"
"Enough!" It is Griffin this time who silences the assembly, "time and time again we have taken these men down and we will do it again. The three of us and all of our fellow teachers plan to hold a meeting shortly to discuss the plans. Have faith. We suggest that in the meantime you all work on your strength- if the situation arises where we must fight, so be it. Be ready, all of you."
With that, all students are dismissed.
"Girls," I begin once everyone else around us is gone, "what if this is it? I mean, I can't think of any possible loophole to this situation!"
"Don't say that Stella!" Bloom scolds, "there's always a way."
"Even if we all ran, tried to escape, where would we go? Ogron has all the power he needs to make the Magic Dimension a miserable place, he doesn't need to take us down first, he just wants to humiliate us," Musa rolls her eyes.
"Correct," Tecna nods, "I hate to admit it, but Stella has a point. If we surrender, we lose. If we try to fight, we not only lose but they will make us pay."
"Well I'm not giving up!" Aisha clenches her fists, "if the teachers don't come up with a plan, I will! It's our job to save the Magic Dimension."
"Flora wouldn't want us to give up," Bloom says solemnly.
I sigh and shake my head, "and we won't."
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