Chapter 32
Bloom POV
It was almost impossible for me to get up, I felt as though I was glued to my own bed. I had barely slept- with all the adrenaline of the previous day and sleeping somewhere new harming my sleeping pattern.
All the girls were awake except for Flora, which was to be expected seeing as she probably took it the hardest out of all of us. The girls and I agreed not to wake her until we were ready to leave, or hopefully she would wake up on her own with all the noise we were making.
"Hey, should we wake her up now?" Roxy whispers and I nod.
"Flora?" I shake her shoulder gently, hoping she would quickly awaken.
My heart speeding up slightly, I shook her again and again but she wouldn't wake up. I hurriedly called on the other girls who rushed over to us.
"She's not waking up!" Stella is the first to go into a full-on state of panic and I tried my best to stay calm.
Flora stirred slightly, and Musa frowned before telling her "you're going to be okay."
"What do we do?" Aisha asks.
"Get the Nurse!" I tell her and she nods before rushing out of the door.
"Uh, Bloom, does Red Fountain have a Nurse?" Stella frowns, "I've not seen one."
Her question is soon answered when a small woman wearing white enters the room. We explain the situation to her and she crouches over Flora's body.
"Well, she's breathing which is good, but I'm going to have to bring her down to my office," the Nurse waves her fingers and Flora's body begins to float.
"You're a fairy!" Roxy smiles.
"Of course," the Nurse nods and smiles, "it comes in handy."
Flora's body floats alongside us as we make our way to the "Nurse's Room" which was surprisingly below ground.
"I never even knew this place existed!" Tecna exclaims, "it doesn't show up on my map of Red Fountain."
The Nurse chuckles, "yes, it's an area where small amounts of magic cannot be detected, which is why your computer won't work with it. Seeing everything that's been going on we still wanted to be able to use magic to heal, and this is a good way to do it."
"But isn't that a spell in itself?" Musa asks.
"Don't worry about it," the Nurse laughs, "it's quite safe."
"Well, I think my computer might just prove it seeing as it couldn't detect this area," Tecna concludes. The Nurse gently lays Flora down on the table and we crowd around to watch.
"Okay, Flora, just lay really still for me," she gently speaks to Flora, who had a slightly pained expression as a needle slowly enters her upper arm.
"Oh dear," the Nurse simply states and we all look on worriedly.
"What is it?"
"Is she okay?"
"It's definitely some sort of spell," she has a look at a small tube in her hand, "there's traces of it all over her skin but I can't pinpoint exactly where it's coming from."
"The Wizards!" I scoff under my breath, "they've put some sort of dark spell on her."
"More like a curse," the Nurse sighs, "I need quite some time to study this upstairs with the Headmaster."
"Can Flora come with us? I really don't want her to be alone down here," Aisha asks and we all nod in agreement.
She agrees and gives us permission to use a little bit of magic to "float" Flora around with us for most of the day. We quickly visit the Professor, the Nurse tells him most of what he needs to know and he eventually dismisses us. After, we go back to our room, not really sure what else to do. We sit along the wall across from the one that Flora and Stella had transformed with a little bit of their magic. I gave a sad smile, the wall making me think even more of Flora.
"I love Flora's little flower wall!" Stella smiles and we all nod.
"It's as if she left it as a little gift for us," I say, resting my head on Stella's shoulder and she shrugs, hitting my jaw in the process. She quickly apologies and I rub my face, sitting back up again.
"You're going to be okay," Roxy turns towards Flora, patting her shoulder sympathetically.
"Well, what do we do now?" Musa asks.
"Let's go down to the training area, that might make Flora feel better," Aisha suggests and we all begin to stand up.
"Easy for you to say," Musa rolls her eyes jokingly and the rest of us laugh.
"Well, technically it won't since she won't be doing much, but it's a nice thought," Tecna shrugs.
"I'm sure she'll appreciate it," I nod.
We wander along the halls and find the once again empty training room. It was eerie, looking at all of the unused equipment which we had altered slightly using our magic. Just a little bit, though. I attempted to stretch for a little bit, easing my muscles which were still sore from our previous encounter with Ogron's crew.
Flora was lying down on a mat, and looking at her made me frown. I couldn't feel as though it was a little bit disrespectful to just have her laying around everywhere we went, but the other girls seemed to not be bothered by it so I brushed it off. I couldn't quite concentrate on my stretching, my gaze somehow always ended up back on Flora.
Without the others noticing, I scoot towards the Nature Fairy. I place my hands on either side of her head, using my Believix powers to feel her energy, and focusing my mind on making her thing of good things, allowing her mind and body to be in a more peaceful state.
"Should we go and see Saladin again?" Stella's voice appears from behind me, causing me to jump.
"Stella, we've basically just met with him! Besides, Flora should be fine," Aisha replies.
"I think we should, let's see if the Nurse has found anything," I nod and we call over the others.
"I'm not really sure what do to, girls," Saladin paces the floor slightly, Flora is lying on a medical bed in his office, "the Nurse has found traces of a curse, but that's really all she can find. I'm sure if I give her more time she could find out more, but I need your help too."
"Of course we'll help!" Roxy nods.
"Yeah, and Flora will be awake before we know it," I agree.
Something suddenly catches my eye.
A small, small, twinkle but I still notice it. On Flora's neck.
"What's that?" I wonder aloud, making my way over to Flora, lifting back her hair.
To find a small, black ring.
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