Chapter 31
Flora POV
I woke up with a start. I looked around the pitch-black room, forgetting where I was for a moment.
Then I quickly remembered, shaking my head and squinting my eyes to see the time on a digital clock across the room. It was strange waking up in an unfamiliar room, and it was quite crowded seeing as we had shoved all of our beds, which were originally in different rooms, together so that we were practically sleeping next to each other.
I had to shuffle my way down the bed as two girls were on either side of me and my legs couldn't actually get on either side of my bed.
I felt ill.
I forced myself to the bathroom, slowly switching on the light and stopping when I hear a few of the girls stirring. I creep into the bathroom and slowly close the door behind me. It takes my tired eyes a few minutes to adjust to the bright lights and I groan internally.
I felt really ill.
Black spots appeared in my vision and I splashed water on my face. I decided it was better to just go back to bed and hopefully sleep it off. So, I fought my nausea and crawled back into bed, though when I lay down the whole room was still moving. The bed was rocking back and forth and I tried my best to fall asleep quickly.
I woke up again, this time with a mild headache, but the nausea was completely gone.
I sat up, and saw that the girls were going about their normal morning routine. They smiled at me, a few making joking comments about my tired state.
"Hey, sleep okay?" Musa asks, sitting on the edge of her bed.
"Yeah," I nod, deciding it was better to just say yes rather than explain everything. I felt better now anyway, so what was the point?
"You're going to be okay," she says with a sad tone, but her facial expression remains happy. My eyes actually had to take a moment to re-adjust.
"Huh?" My eyebrows scrunch in confusion. She yawns, stretching her arms and ignores my question. I shake my head, deciding to just ignore it. I quickly got dressed and brushed my teeth. I didn't actually feel hungry at all, but I was craving food anyway.
"Get the Nurse!" I hear Bloom's voice from outside the bathroom.
I quickly rush out, toothbrush still in hand, "what? What happened?"
The girls all stop what they're doing and look at me blankly.
"I heard Bloom say to get the Nurse! What happened?" I ask again.
"What are you talking about?" Bloom laughs, "I never said that."
"But-" I ran both hands through my hair, "first Musa- and- and then this!"
"Hey," Roxy grabs my shoulders, "it's alright. You've been under a lot of stress lately, Flora, we all have, sometimes it can take a toll on our health. If you need a day out, just say so, we won't judge."
I sigh, "I guess I have been stressed, but-"
"No buts!" Stella jumps in front of me, pointing a finger in my face, "you're going to relax today! We can go back to the gym and work on your little flower wall."
I giggle, "sounds good, Stell."
"I love Flora's little flower wall!" She smiles and I laugh again.
"You're going to be okay," Roxy smiles and I smile back appreciatively.
"Let's go down to the training area, that might make Flora feel better," Aisha announces, leading the way out of our room door.
"Easy for you to say," Musa laughs and a few of the other girls join.
"Well, technically it won't seeing as she won't be doing much, but it's a nice thought," Tecna shrugs.
"Yeah, well, I appreciate it," I laugh and Aisha smiles.
We made out way through the empty hallways, no one was around at all. It was maybe too early, or maybe the students were training elsewhere. It was strange- the walls in this area of the school were almost completely bare. I guessed that no one had time for anything like posters now.
We went down to the training area, and I sat down before the small plant I had used magic on the previous day (Saladin had told us it was okay to use a little magic in Red Fountain so long as it wasn't powerful enough to draw attention) and I sat down cross-legged in front of the large window. The wall of flowers seemed much brighter and more beautiful, it was exactly as I imagined it to be. It was my own little safe space.
After a long while of training, I accidentally, but maybe not so accidentally, listen in on a conversation between a few of the girls.
"Should we go and see Saladin again?"
"Stella, we've basically just met with him! Besides, Flora should be fine," Aisha replies.
I frowned. They were talking about me as if I was really ill, am I coming across as that stressed out? Maybe I am! I don't think I feel like my usual self- maybe everything has taken a major toll on me and I'm just not noticing!
It was strange- I felt like I wasn't even there.
The day just continued to get weirder.
It felt as though I was literally walking in circles, I was mainly sat in front of the small plant, staring out of the window. Except for the barrier, there was no one to be seen patrolling outside. It was very strange.
"I'm not really sure what do to, girls," a voice snaps me out of my daydream that I identify as Professor Saladin.
"Professor?" I ask, turning around, "what is going on?"
Ignoring my question, he and the other girls begin to talk in quiet murmurings that I couldn't hear from afar.
"Guys?" I call out to them, but they continue to talk as if I wasn't there.
"Hey!" I call, desperate for some sort of acknowledgement.
As I walk towards them, my vision becomes slightly cloudy. I pause to rub my eyes, but when I look up everyone is gone. Everything is gone.
I woke up with a start. I looked around the pitch-black room, forgetting where I was for a moment.
I sat up, and saw that the girls were going about their normal morning routine. They smiled at me, a few making joking comments about my tired state.
"Hey, sleep okay?" Musa asks, sitting on the edge of her bed.
I pause, feeling an overwhelming sense of deja-vu.
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