Chapter 29
Flora POV
"I didn't realise how far away Red Fountain was without flying or using the boys' bikes," Bloom lets out an exasperated sigh. We had been walking for an extremely long time.
"Well you should all be experts in walking by now!" Aisha laughs.
"Easy for you to say," I nudge her gently with my elbow and she scoffs.
"Uh, did you girls hear that?" Bloom asks frightfully.
"Oh Bloom, we're all a little scared of being alone in the woods, I'm sure it was nothing," I try to reassure her with a smile. This always happened- we would be somewhere creepy, usually on a mission, and we'd freak each other out with spooky stories or hearing noises.
"Yeah, it's probably just an animal," Roxy shrugs, "I wouldn't complain if it was."
"There it is again!" Bloom exclaims.
We all pause and listen for the noise, but hear nothing.
"Uh, Bloom, there is no noise," Musa frowns in confusion, "are you sure its not, I don't know, Stella or something?"
"Hey!" Stella gasps and Musa laughs.
"Come on, the faster we walk the quicker this will be over," Aisha suggests.
"Yes, we shouldn't be too far away now," Tecna brings up a screen on her computer.
"Hey, are you sure you can have that out without drawing attention to us? Since it's magical or whatever?" Stella asks.
"Yeah, Tecna," I nod, "isn't that a bit risky?"
"Not at all," she shakes her head, "this computer is secured. Miss Faragonda especially made sure it was seeing as I have so many important files. It cannot be hacked nor traced. Besides, I doubt the Wizards even know what a computer is."
We burst into laughter, but I pause, "hey, where's Bloom?"
The girls also look around, also noticing the red-haired fairy missing.
"Winx! Help!" A voice calls out.
We rush to the source and see the familiar red hair down a small hill and behind some plants, so we couldn't really see much else than her hair. She looks up and spots us, "you need to come down here! I'm stuck!"
"Oh, very funny Bloom," Stella crosses her arms, "you're just trying to scare us, aren't you?"
"No! I promise! I'm really stuck!"
"Why would she try and trick us, Stella?" I ask the Sun Fairy.
"I don't know, to scare us?"
"This isn't exactly the time for tricks, we should go down," Roxy concludes and we all agree, but Stella trails behind nervously.
We finally make our way to Bloom who has a panicked expression on her face, well, at least we know it's actually Bloom.
"Girls! You have to help, I went in the direction of that noise because I wanted to see what it was, and I fell. My leg is stuck in-" she pauses, tugging on her leg, "-whatever this is."
It looked like a strange lake, but it was mostly covered in fallen leaves or plants, so I couldn't really see into it.
"Bloom, don't panic," Tecna states before scanning the substance, "but you're standing in quicksand."
"What?" Her eyes widen and she tries to tug at her leg again.
"I said don't panic!" Tecna yells and she stops tugging on her leg.
"Don't worry, we'll get you out," Aisha says before grabbing both of her hands and trying to pull her out.
We all grab onto Bloom's arms, using all of our strength to pull her out of the quicksand. I felt a sharp pain in my lower back before remembering our previous fight with the Wizards. It seemed to have exhausted my body, and I could tell all the girls felt the same.
"Winx, it's getting further in!" Bloom cries and we all desperately tug on her arms which were starting to turn redder than usual.
We let out one final tug and Bloom comes flying towards us, out of the quicksand, knocking us all off of our feet. I let out a sigh and we all pause to catch our breath.
"Where did that come from?" I rub my head, "I never sensed anything like that in these woods at all! They're usually quite peaceful."
"I'm not sure, but I'm sure that I heard something. Or maybe not-" Bloom scrunches up her face for a moment before it returns to normal, "-either way, I'd love to get out of here as soon as possible."
"I agree," I raise my hand and the girls all laugh.
"Come on," Roxy grabs Bloom's wrist and leads her up the small hill. We all notice Bloom's leg slightly covered in quicksand and Roxy helps her brush most of it off.
"Let's go," Aisha says before leading the way.
Bloom doesn't follow.
"Bloom?" I call out to her before approaching her.
"Sorry," she rubs a hand through her hair, "I just got a little bit worried there. You just- think the worst, you know?"
I give her a quick hug, "don't worry, we're not letting you out of our sight again."
"Yeah," Stella nods before linking arms with Bloom, "see this? I'm not letting go of you until we get to Red Fountain."
I nod and take Bloom's other arm and she smiles gratefully at the two of us. The three of us link arms for a while as we all walk through the woods. We play some games of I spy and who can find the biggest sticks in the woods to use as pretend weapons. It was quite entertaining.
We continued to find little patches of quicksand in the ground, to the sides of us, but the main walking path seemed to be fine so long as we watched the ground. Tecna and Aisha led the way, Tecna using her computer to scan the ground for quicksand, or whatever else could have been lurking in the woods, and Aisha was just generally brave and wanted to take charge.
"Okay, we shouldn't be too far away now," Tecna informs us and we all let out a collective cheer.
"My feet are killing me," Musa groans.
Stella in particular nods in agreement, "tell me about it! I bet even Aisha's tired by now."
"You bet I am, Stella," Aisha giggles.
I am about to speak before we all stop at the edge of the forest.
Bloom gasps, "well, we're here I guess."
"Is this what Red Fountain always looks like?" Roxy looks up with wide eyes.
I shake my head, "definitely not."
Red Fountain had been completely transformed. Glowing barriers, people wearing helmets patrolling the borders. It really was like something out of a movie.
"Well, how are we going to get in?"
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