Chapter 23
Roxy POV
"Here," I handed Bloom her bag and she thanks me, as we prepared to leave for food shopping.
Something that I had forgotten to mention to the girls was that Miss Faragonda had given me a small card to deal with problems I hadn't actually thought of.
"Take this," she had said, "I've been to Earth a few times to hide myself, and you don't realise some of the problems you come across. I don't want any of you to get a job for your own safety, so this will cover all expenses. Just scan it and you will be taken care of. Don't worry, it will not allow you to be tracked."
I never really questioned the Headmistress - we had spent a long time getting complex magical ideas explained to us in the office and I decided it was better to just accept whatever we were told instead of question it. It saved a lot of time.
Bloom and I got a bus, talking quietly along the way until we got off. We quickly made our way around the store and I used Miss F's "special card" to pay - again, I didn't question it.
"It's weird having the seven of us living in my house, huh? I wouldn't mind if there was enough space but it's cramped," she chuckles quietly.
"Yeah, I know what you mean. Seeing as it's been about two months I would say maybe we should split, but I think everyone's really paranoid," I say quietly as we take our bags and begin to walk out of the shop, "I don't really want to say, especially to Flora or Stella. Flora's probably been the most affected and wouldn't say no even if she really wanted to stay, and Stella would just refuse to leave."
Bloom laughs, "yeah, I suppose. I guess it is comforting to have everyone under the same roof, but we all need to start getting out more. With us being unable to work or basically do anything that would attract a lot of attention it can get really boring."
"Well I found a small job that any of us could take. There's an animal shelter not far away from your street that allows volunteers to come and help the animals, train them, walk them, things like that. It's a really quiet place," I suggest.
Bloom nods, "I know what one you're talking about, that's a great idea Roxy!"
As we continue down the street, a loud scream comes from somewhere to our right. Bloom and I instinctively rush towards the sound.
We rush down the street, and I spot a woman knelt down over what looks like - a dog?
"Hey? Is everything okay?" I call out to the woman who wipes a few tears from her face before looking up.
She explains to us quickly that her dog, who has had previous health problems, just collapsed in the middle of the street, and her phone has died so she can't call for help. Immediately, Bloom calls for help using her phone and I continue to talk to the woman about her dog, comforting her by telling her of my work with animals and that her dog, named Freddie, with be alright.
"Okay, help is on the way," Bloom comes back, and she smiles gratefully.
"Uh- give us a minute, we'll be right back," I pull Bloom gently by the arm away from the woman's hearing range.
"What's wrong?" Bloom frowns, sensing my tension.
"Bloom, I don't know for sure if that dog's going to be okay-"
"It's fine, Rox, help is on the way," she reassures me.
"No I mean-" I look around before lowering my voice, "I could help it."
Her face falls, "you don't mean- ?"
I nod, "I could use just the tiniest bit of magic to help that poor dog, Bloom!"
"Absolutely not!"
"Please! I know we were told not to but I'd feel really bad if something happened that I could prevent. It might not survive," I whispered, "we know nothing about it."
"Exactly," Bloom also whispers, "for all we know this could be a trap to get us to use magic and reveal ourselves."
She then looks back over to the dog owner, who was looking at us suspiciously due to our hushed conversation.
"Okay, fine, but I want to make sure it's okay," I say to Bloom and she finally nods, promising that we can make sure that "Freddie" recovers safely.
We do. We go all the way to the animal hospital.
It's not too long before we hear barking coming from behind the door in front of us - we waited on chairs outside of the room.
The owner smiles at us, "thank you so much for helping me out. If you don't mind me asking, why did you follow us all the way here?"
Bloom and I look at each other and I smile, "let's just say I have a strong connection to animals."
Opening the door to our "home" the girls spin round to face the door.
"Are you two alright? You're nearly two hours late! We were about to go out and search for you," Flora frowns.
We both quickly, and tiredly explain the situation. I quickly add, "but I didn't use any magic, promise."
"Well at least the dog is alright," Aisha sighs, "but that was close, Roxy."
"I know, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me!" I scratch the back of my neck nervously.
"Don't worry," Bloom slings her arm over my shoulder, "at least now we all know for the future if anything like that happens, to call each other or the proper authorities."
The rest of the girls nod in agreement, making me feel a little less guilty for nearly using my magic. I knew the other girls also really missed using magic, although none of us would actually do it. Well, or so I thought, but I am never doing that again and now no one else will.
"I guess I just missed my roots," I shrugged, "you know, connecting with animals and all. I miss Artu, too. Yeah, we have the pets, but for me it's not the same. Without magic we can't connect as well as we used to."
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